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A FLY ON THE WALL: What Men Really Say About Women

Online radio: Two opposite guys, married and single, compare notes on women, relationships, love, romance, dating, fashion, and sex.

info_outline Episode 022 (Rebroadcast): Relationships for eternity? Work-a-holics. Cat Ladies. Wedding rings 01/10/2018
info_outline Episode 021 (Rebroadcast): Plastic surgery. Guys love women in clothes. Does porn help relationships? 01/10/2018
info_outline Episode 019 (Rebroadcast): Guest Zach answers- What makes men run from women and relationships? 07/29/2017
info_outline Episode 018 (Rebroadcast): What do men want women to know about relationships? What do men like about women? 07/29/2017
info_outline Episode 017 (ReBroadcast): Are relationships doomed when conversation doesn’t flow? 06/06/2017
info_outline Episode 016 (ReBroadcast): Is Marriage Really the Holy Grail of Relationships? With special guest Jack McGee 06/06/2017
info_outline Episode 015 (Re-Broadcast): Love at the barbershop. Or not. What do men talk about to women who cut their hair? 05/31/2017
info_outline Episode 014 - (Re-Broadcast): Mike Does Dallas, city of beauty queens. When does flirting cross the line and ruin a relationship? 05/02/2017
info_outline Episode 013 (Re-Broadcast): Is there such a thing as a perfect mate, or is it a fantasy? Special guest, Evan Marc Katz, a dating and relationship coach, joins the guys to reveal the secret to finding true love. 04/29/2017
info_outline Episode 012 (Re-Broadcast) Lucia, a dating and relationship expert, joins the guys to reveal the life of a Cougar… a woman over forty who dates very young men. 04/29/2017
info_outline Episode 011 (Re-Broadcast): Women mothering guys. Dating a 1-armed Pamela Anderson. Relationships with little people. 03/30/2017
info_outline Episode 010 (Re-Broadcast): The Fashion Show – Fetish or Faux Pas? The Guys as Fashion Critics. Wardrobe and Relationships. 03/30/2017
info_outline Episode 009 (Re-Broadcast): Can women’s flaws be a turn-on? Mud Wrestling explained. Quirky women at the L.A. Court house. 03/30/2017
info_outline Episode 008 (Rebroadcast): A real girl in the studio! Men and Women at the office. Do guys like tattoos? 02/04/2017
info_outline Episode 007 (Rebroadcast): The gayest thing Kirk has ever done. The shame of threesomes. Dating single moms? 01/20/2017
info_outline Episode 006 (Rebroadcast): Real men don’t need strip clubs, bachelor parties. Meet the parents. 01/20/2017
info_outline Episode 005(Rebroadcast): Personal Hygiene Nightmare. Trouble with 1-night stands. Bad kissing 01/12/2017
info_outline Episode 004 (Rebroadcast): Kirk gets a surprise. All Mike’s breakups. Email spying. 12/07/2016
info_outline Episode 003 – Mike is away. Kirk writes a steamy poem for his wife. 12/07/2016
info_outline Episode 002 (Rebroadcast): What’s up with artificial breasts? Dating two sisters at once. Sarcasm in relationships. Nympho high school girls 12/07/2016
info_outline Episode 001 (Rebroadcast): Meet Mike and Kirk, a single and married guy comparing notes on women. Did Mike turn his girlfriend gay? What haircut do guys like on women? 12/07/2016
info_outline Episode 041_ Sexy Santas, Boys in kilts, cat calling, creepy Craigslist, Book fetish, and insane serial monogamy theory 07/07/2015
info_outline Episode 040_ Girls in Trench coats. Is sex better with single or married women. What if one person radically changes during a monogamous relationship 06/03/2014
info_outline Episode 039: Rejected by a woman. A guy's perspective of a hooker experience. Women who control the relationship progress 11/21/2013
info_outline Episode 038: The big breakup! Mike bares his naked soul after his girlfriend cheated. Also, special Guest Daniel Johnson on greeting women 10/17/2013
info_outline Episode 037: Women and astrology. Relationship astrologist Austin sits in as guest host. The Tarot cards reveal all 10/16/2013
info_outline Episode 035: Relationships with women who rate a 4. Can dead celebrities still be sexy. A woman’s teeth. 01/11/2012
info_outline Episode 034: Actor Jack McGee (from The Fighter with Christian Bale) reveals the secrets of creating a perfect marriage 02/27/2011
info_outline Episode 033: Does the man or woman have the sexual power in a relationship? Do real guys visit Hooters? 01/13/2011
info_outline Episode 032: Special female guest tells what is it like to be a secret mistress to married men. Paying for the girlfriend experience. 12/12/2010