Andy Frasco's World Saving Podcast
Celebrities, Music, Comedy, Life, and Love.
EP 310: Live from Jam Cruise w/ Snarky Puppy, Marc Brownstein (Disco Biscuits) & Mike Dillon
EP 310: Live from Jam Cruise w/ Snarky Puppy, Marc Brownstein (Disco Biscuits) & Mike Dillon
Holy COW a live podcast episode recorded on JAM CRUISE, featuring The U.N. as backing band and an insane lineup of interviews? Huge thanks to everyone involved in this incredible Interview Hour: We got longtime friend of the pod and fellow psychopath of course, he brought his bad-to-the-bone mom too. We got of the Disco Biscuits back on the mic. Will Frasco own up to loving his band finally? AND GET THIS cuz we also got , bassist for Snarky Puppy! Nick falls in love. What are you doing right now, get your head back in the game and listen to this episode already! Generally speaking, we are psyched to partner up with our buddies at ! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us who you think the essential American rock band is today: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Produced by , , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis
EP 309: Moon Hooch & Honeycomb
EP 309: Moon Hooch & Honeycomb
Andy & Nick bid bon voyage to this year's Jam Cruise and we pray they remembered to hit record on the podcast machine whilst interviewing a star-studded lineup of artists aboard the boat. Please, for the love of god, always record. Plus! Tour is upon us. Check in on now! And on the Interview Hour, we got a double dose of dulcet delights with Michael from and insanely talented live-looper/beatboxer, ! Is this Andy and Nick's best interview to date? Sources say: oh hell yes. And guess what... now you can see a cool dog by the name of Denzel should you choose to watch this episode *exclusively* on Generally speaking, we are psyched to partner up with our buddies at ! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us who you think the essential American rock band is today: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Produced by , , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis Shawn Eckels
EP 308: The War and Treaty
EP 308: The War and Treaty
While Andy & Nick trip the light fantastic on the epic party boat that is Jam Cruise (hopefully not tripping so hard they fall over board, am I right?), we got a new episode with updates from the boys! Is there any news on the upcoming tour? Or the new album?? And what of Jam Cruise's buffet??? But most importantly, on the Interview Hour, we welcome the singer-songwriter/performance powerhouse couple that is Michael Trotter Jr. and Tanya Trotter, otherwise known as ! Andy and Nick fall in love with Michael & Tanya's relationship and we think you will too. Drink water and don't be ashamed to wear them life preservers boys! Call, leave a message, and tell us who you think the essential American rock band is today: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Produced by , , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis
EP 307: Nick & Andy
EP 307: Nick & Andy
Andy and Nick are joined by the Cocuzza bros and we’re talking about the biggest event in America. No, not the election, not even THE SUPER BOWL, but in fact, the pinacle of Denver Debauchery: . That magical night in which nitrous flows like the tears of so many Kansas City Chief fans. But that’s not all! We’re diving deep into the Disco Biscuits—cuz why watch Kendrick Lamar hammering in the final nail of Drake's coffin when you can watch people melt into the floor instead? And will Andy still be allowed back to The Mission Ballroom after burning down the house? (Legal says we can’t comment.) Strap in, tune up, and get ready for another ride on the chaos train. Lest we forget: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our boy, Andy! Let’s goooooooooo Call, leave a message, and tell us who you think the essential American rock band is today: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Produced by , , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis Jon Barber Matt & Chad Cocuzza
EP 306: Nick & Andy
EP 306: Nick & Andy
Another installment of half-baked wisdom from your two fully-baked hosts, Andy Frasco & Nick Gerlach. This week we offer you a full spectrum strain of podcast that is equal parts life advice AND bad decisions. Will there be hot takes? Absolutely. Will at least one of them regret something they say? No doubt. Will this episode somehow still change your life? Look, anything’s possible. So buckle up kiddos, and tell your mom we said hi... *wink* Call, leave a message, and tell us how you lost your virginity: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Produced by , , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis Shawn Eckels Andee "Beats" Avila
EP 305: Kendall Street Company
EP 305: Kendall Street Company
As Frasco finishes up road doggin with JJ Grey, Nick takes the mic to fill everyone in on exactly what he reaaaally thinks about Andy Frasco (spoiler: he thinks he's a great guy). And on the Interview Hour, we welcome the boys from hyper-prolific modern-day jam band, ! This is a band that starts with a plan and finishes off with a touch of chaos. You know I was thinking- if Kendall Street Company was a meal, it’d be a buffet where you start with breakfast, accidentally hit a taco station, and in a psychedelic stupor, end the night by eating fondue off a former NFL cheerleader's six pack. You know the kind of night I'm talking about, right? WILD. Call, leave a message, and tell us how you lost your virginity: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Produced by , , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis
EP 304: James Fadiman PhD & Jordan Gruber JD (Psychedelic Specialists)
EP 304: James Fadiman PhD & Jordan Gruber JD (Psychedelic Specialists)
Good tidings to you on this totally normal, prosaic Tuesday morning. PSYCHE. Today's anything but; cuz Andy's sharing with you a new song called "" from his band- The U.N. And on the Interview Hour we have two masters in the field of psychedelic research, and ! These guys have all the answers to questions you didn't even know you had. Why not learn a little something about yourself? And in the words of the inimitable Bill Hicks: "SQUEEGEE YOUR THIRD EYE" Call, leave a message, and tell us a mushroom story: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Produced by , , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis The U.N.
EP 303: Andy & Nick Give Out Some Money
EP 303: Andy & Nick Give Out Some Money
The voicemail saga continues... In which our intrepid hosts debate on who the lucky winner of our $300 cash giveaway should be. Listen in to hear the boys lean on the classic, tried and true method of winning friends and influencing people: by buying their love with COLD HARD CASH. And while the prize money may be spent on someone more fortunate than you, dear listener; never forget: that we keep our phone lines open 24/7, year round to any and all fans of the pod who want to hear their voice on an episode (or at least to get in touch with their baby daddy) Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think that one of our hosts may be the father to your child: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Produced by , , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis You!
EP 302: Nick & Andy
EP 302: Nick & Andy
Who wants $300? Hint: it's not us. Andy and Nick are back with an hour of that sweet, sweet artisinal chaos brewed up hot & steamy for ya. The fellas tackle one of life’s big questions: Who deserves 300 bucks, and why is it not Dolav?? Andy and Nick weigh the pros and cons of playing philanthropists while managing to offend at least three demographics along the way. Find out if $300 can really save the world (or at least buy you a good time?) And wait! There's still time, so call the voicemail and tell us why YOU should get it. Make it spicey, will ya? We want a voicemail as unpredictable as Andy’s sobriety streak. Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think that YOU deserve to get a 300th episode prize: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Produced by , , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis
BONUS EP: Who Wants 300 Dollars?
BONUS EP: Who Wants 300 Dollars?
We put out a call and you, dear listeners, have responded. Happy New Year, stay safe out there, don't drive drunk (or fished out), and call us to voice your opinion on who should be awarded the $300 prize! See ya in 2025, we love you. Call, leave a message, and tell us who you think deserves to get the 300th episode prize: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Produced by , , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis You!
EP 301: 2024 World Saving Award Ceremony
EP 301: 2024 World Saving Award Ceremony
It's that special time of year again, in which our esteemed hosts, Andrew Mitchell Frasco & Nicholas Cornelius Gerlach III, present to you our dear listeners: The 3rd Annual, 2024 World Saving Award Ceremony! An awards show to END all inferior award shows... A truly star-studded event with special guests and startling revelations to make your head spin. Presented to you in stereophonic sound AND technicolor visuals, only viewable at ! RIP Quincy Jones Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think that YOU deserve to get a 300th episode prize: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Produced by , , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis
EP 300: Jakob Nowell (Sublime)
EP 300: Jakob Nowell (Sublime)
There are no butts left upon these podcast boys, nay... these podcast, MEN. Butt-less as they may be, after 300 PITCH PERFECT EPISODES, these guys are sitting pretty: both as fully-actualized adults and as increasingly recognizable media personalities. Congrats and happy 300th episode, you self-indulgent maniacs. And what better way to celebrate this momentous occasion than to have the new lead singer of (and son of Bradley) join us on the Interview Hour: Listen in to find out what it takes to grasp the mic in a legendary band... And don't forget to call and leave us a voicemail that'll stop us dead in our tracks; leaving us no choice but to chuck a lump sum of cash at ya. Inquire within. We're psyched to partner up with our buddies at ! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think that YOU deserve to get a 300th episode prize: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Produced by , , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis
EP 299: Travis Book & Anders Beck (Infamous Stringdusters & Greensky Bluegrass)
EP 299: Travis Book & Anders Beck (Infamous Stringdusters & Greensky Bluegrass)
A very special visit from two very special people as we open the show today with your daily dose of nonsense jabberjawing, brought to you by Nick & Andy! And stay tuned for an exciting opportunity for one of our dear listeners to get awarded CASH-MONEY ($$$) in honor of next week's 300th episode of our vapid little show ~ Make sure to call the number below after listening. Lots to discuss on the opening, but even more to discuss on the Interview hour as we welcome (Infamous Stringdusters) and (Greensky Bluegrass) to the podcast! Travis and Anders got a bit of a "reverse engineered supergroup" going on called The Broke Mountain Bluegrass Band and they'd like to share their story with you now... We're psyched to partner up with our buddies at ! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think that YOU deserve to get a 300th episode prize: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Produced by , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis Beau Matt
EP 298: Nick & Andy
EP 298: Nick & Andy
Andy unpacks his trip to Italy and alleviates worries about a potential move back to his hometown of Los Angeles. Andy may soon help Nick see the magic in the chaotic mess of L.A., but Nick still has something to show Andy about the quiet elegance of a green room couch. (Denver is FULL UP on green room couches fyi) Listen closely as Nick’s meticulousness and Andy’s free spirit blossoms into a deep, loving friendship, full of late-night texts and shared passions. In the end, this pod has become more than just banter about drugs, sports, and jam band stars— no. It is now the story of two souls who found love and laughter in each other, both on and off the mic. This is, La Dolce Mic. Coming soon to a theatre near you... We're psyched to partner up with our buddies at ! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think one can get addicted to mushrooms: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Produced by , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis Dolav Cohen Chad Coccuza
EP 297: Mark Wystrach (Midland)
EP 297: Mark Wystrach (Midland)
Take heed! Friend to all and perspicacious sage of the jam band scene, advises: NEVER on a Sunday. Andy and Chad Cocuzza (of ) talk about their friendship honeymoon whilst vacationing in Italy. Did Andy achieve the respite they so desperately needed? Did him and the honeymoon boys find love? And what of that one girl, known only as TROUBLE from a few years back... But then, on the Interview Hour, we got guitarist/songwriter and sometimes actor Mark Wystrach, of one of the biggest and baddest bands to come out of Texas: ! Mark calls from a beautiful Bay Area redwood sabbatical in Mill Valley while he gets his head together. Andy and Nick learn what it takes to be a MAN. Inquire within for lessons on masculinity... We're psyched to partner up with our buddies at ! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think one can get addicted to mushrooms: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Produced by , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis
EP 296: Cameron Winter (Geese)
EP 296: Cameron Winter (Geese)
One question: Where the haters at?? And how does regional passive aggressiveness present itself? Plus: wise words of wisdom from Nick in which he alleviates Andy's autocritical tendencies. Don't forget- Eggy rules. Lawrence rules. Music is GOOD right now, you guys. And you know who's REALLY good? Our guest on the Interview Hour this week as we welcome frontman/leadsinger of the killer New York City rock band, : Cameron Winter! Cameron's got a solo album coming out soon and you can right now. Don't miss out. We're psyched to partner up with our buddies at ! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think one can get addicted to mushrooms: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Produced by , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis
EP 295: David Shaw Round 2 (The Revivalists)
EP 295: David Shaw Round 2 (The Revivalists)
A new warrior has entered the arena cuz we got DOLAV COHEN back to talk truth about the inequities apparent in the jam band sports fantasy league (VERY real & REAL important). Nick & Andy talk about health tests, fiber, and vegetables. Yall should eat those. Have you tried broccoli with hummus? It's EXCELLENT. And on the Interview Hour we're welcoming back show favorite and legendary podcast guest, of the Revivalists! He's so good. Don't miss this one, y'all. We got things to tell y'all... We're psyched to partner up with our buddies at ! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think one can get addicted to mushrooms: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Produced by , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis Dolav Cohen
EP 294: The Heavy Heavy
EP 294: The Heavy Heavy
Music, blue comedy, and hotel beds: The boys discuss the trials and tribulations of being on the road together again, this time in Hobart, Indiana with none other than Umphrey's McGee's own, ! He and Andy (and Nick too) are on the road together and just finished a 3-show run of their "No Refunds" Tour. Listen in to hear about how it all went down. And on the Interview Hour we welcome 60's era vintage-tinted brit rockers, ! Andy picks their brains the way these long-haired, peace loving rockers pick their guitars. Don't miss this episode, ESPECIALLY if you should find yourself awash with anxiety, adrift in a sea of reverb emanating from a Fender Deluxe Amp over the outcome of whatever this random Tuesday may bring ya... We're psyched to partner up with our buddies at ! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think one can get addicted to mushrooms: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Check out our good friends that help us unwind and sleep easy while on the road and at home: Produced by , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis
EP 293: Nick & Andy
EP 293: Nick & Andy
would like to remind Andy Frasco that he MUST listen to Richie and The Rebels. Have you?? Andy & Nick discuss many things ranging from this to that. But don't take my word for it- sit yourself down, pour yourself a tasty beverage, and listen to the fellas hash out their feelings in real time! Maybe even a special guest will phone in... On this, another exciting episode of The Ding Dong Olympics (TM Floyd Kellogg) We're psyched to partner up with our buddies at ! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think one can get addicted to mushrooms: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Check out our good friends that help us unwind and sleep easy while on the road and at home: Produced by , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis Brendan Bayliss
EP 292: Evan Honer & Hayley Jane
EP 292: Evan Honer & Hayley Jane
Show Bard Shawn opens the show with a rousing tune in celebration of Andy's . Thereafter, we learn what the deal is with Berklee College of Music thru the eyes of phenomenal singer/songwriter and magic woman (i.e. good witch), ! Does she know what's up with all the extraterrestrials in Vermont? And on the Interview Hour, we welcome genre-blending, indie songsmith, ! Evan may not know a thing about cars, but the man sure can DIVE off the high board of LIFE. Listen in and find out how this multi-faceted human approaches music on his own terms... We're psyched to partner up with our buddies at ! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think one can get addicted to mushrooms: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Check out our good friends that help us unwind and sleep easy while on the road and at home: Produced by , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis Shawn Eckels
EP 291: Lisa Loeb
EP 291: Lisa Loeb
On this week's episode, we present to you A Tale of Two Andys; as Frasco sits down with our good pal, Andy "Clark" Westby to open the show! Shout out to Baby Ricky. And a new baby for someone in the band... And on the Interview Hour, we're bringing ya back to an historical figure in the annals of recorded music as we sit down with the one and only, ! In case you missed the 90's, Lisa had the first ever Billboard number one single for an artist without a recording contract. Insane! Did she help set the stage for the modern age of recorded music? Survery says: oh, you betcha. Don't miss out on Andy's interview with this sparkly voiced shiny human! We're psyched to partner up with our buddies at ! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think one can get addicted to mushrooms: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Check out our good friends that help us unwind and sleep easy while on the road and at home: Produced by , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis Shawn Eckels Vince Herman
EP 290: JJ Grey
EP 290: JJ Grey
Friends, wooks, florida men... lend us your ears; cuz show bard Shawn admonishes us in an opening song that begs the question: why so serious? Andy & Nick. Nick & Andy. We haven't done this in a while, have we? And what's more! We got 's own (and our good friend), Ben Holst! We got a loooooong, long relationship on our hands with this guy who already feels like family. And as they say: DNA don't play. And if you don't know this week's Interview Hour guest, then WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, cuz we got ourselves a real life Florida Man: ! This guy's been around, has seen it all, and has some serious wisdom to spill. Check it (and Andy's new ) out! We're psyched to partner up with our buddies at ! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think one can get addicted to mushrooms: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Check out our good friends that help us unwind and sleep easy while on the road and at home: Produced by , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis Shawn Eckels
EP 289: Pokey LaFarge
EP 289: Pokey LaFarge
Watch out Los Angeles, Andy Frasco is BACK. Listen in as he breaks down the psychedelic weekend he had at a friend's wedding (Mazel tov, Rachael & Hunter!), and what's more: we're treated to the gift of fan-favorite and Andy's hetero life partner (plus recently married man) Dolav Cohen! You know him from his highly opinionated sports yelling, but now you get to hear a softer, sweeter side to this marvelous human being. And on the Interview Hour, find out who's been ripping off our guest: the legend AND Artist, ! He's a true gent with nary a foul thing to utter toward another human soul. We should all be so lucky to witness this fine fellow ushering in new music and maybe even a handful of little baby Pokey's to walk the Earth someday soon. We're psyched to partner up with our buddies at ! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think one can get addicted to mushrooms: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Check out our good friends that help us unwind and sleep easy while on the road and at home: Produced by , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis Dolav Cohen
EP 288: Nick & Andy
EP 288: Nick & Andy
If ever you were in doubt as to the deep love that can be shared between two middle-class dudes, then look no futher than this: another exciting installment of Nick & Andy talking at each other for an hour. Join the love fest, won't you? But wait. What's all this about Nick buying a guitar?? We're psyched to partner up with our buddies at ! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think one can get addicted to mushrooms: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Check out our good friends that help us unwind and sleep easy while on the road and at home: Produced by , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis
EP 287: Paul Hoffman (Greensky Bluegrass)
EP 287: Paul Hoffman (Greensky Bluegrass)
Scandal & Corruption Erupts! Late night on the tour bus, an unsuspecting and uninitiated sweet baby angel boy tastes the bitter wrath of interminable whiskey shots as he tries to match Frasco's intemperance. Why are we always so tired after tour again? And on the Interview Hour we get a deep dive into the beautiful mind of a killer songwriter and dear friend from , Mr Paul Hoffman! Andy & Paul talk about their upcoming show Sep 14th and debate the number of chimpanzees to enlist for the event. We're psyched to partner up with our buddies at ! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think one can get addicted to mushrooms: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Check out our good friends that help us unwind and sleep easy while on the road and at home: Produced by , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Shawn Eckels Travis Gray Mara Davis
EP 286: Aron Magner (Disco Biscuits)
EP 286: Aron Magner (Disco Biscuits)
Andy is joined by long time friend and bassist for an IN DEPTH discussion on The Hippy who lives in all of us. How did he get in there? What does he even WANT... and how to hold on tight for dear life whilst on the road with the Frasco band. But! On the Interview Hour, we got the keyboardist and founding member for the LEGENDS who are the Aron Magner! Is Aron the greatest of them all? Methinks he may hold dark secrets that thou wouldst like to know... We're psyched to partner up with our buddies at ! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think one can get addicted to mushrooms: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Check out our good friends that help us unwind and sleep easy while on the road and at home: Produced by , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Shawn Eckels Travis Gray Mara Davis
EP 285: Nick and Andy PreTour Catch Up
EP 285: Nick and Andy PreTour Catch Up
Nick Only Knows (What Andy Would Do) (To the tune of "God Only Knows" by The Beach Boys) [Verse 1] They play with the heat, it’s more than just fun, When Nick hits a note, Andy comes undone, If ever they part, they’d still feel the pull, Nick only knows when Andy gets full. [Chorus] Nick only knows what Andy would do, When they’re together, oh girl you'll feel it too, If you , you’d feel it too, Nick only knows what Andy would do. [Bridge] (Saxophone melody) (Musical interlude with vocal harmonies) [Outro] Nick only knows, Nick only knows, Nick only knows what Andy would do. {written by our cumputer overlords at chatgpt} We're psyched to partner up with our buddies at ! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think one can get addicted to mushrooms: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Check out our good friends that help us unwind and sleep easy while on the road and at home: Produced by , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Arno Bakker
Ep 284: Lindsay Lou
Ep 284: Lindsay Lou
Big shows coming up! Catch the boys on the road with and as they come into a town near you (you read that right). Plus: a tribute to opening bands around the world. And huge congrats to our boy, Dolav Cohen as he gets married... to someone other than Andy?! He's all growned up and we're happy as heck for our brother. And support our boys in as they throw their legendary festival, ?! But the real juice in this episode is on the Interview Hour this week, cuz we're delighted to have on the talking block! guess what... you might see a cool dog by the name of Denzel should you choose to watch this episode *exclusively* on Generally speaking, we are psyched to partner up with our buddies at ! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think one can get addicted to mushrooms: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Check out our good friends that help us unwind and sleep easy while on the road and at home: Produced by , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Arno Bakker Shawn Eckels Andee Avila
EP 283: Round 2 w/ G Love
EP 283: Round 2 w/ G Love
We open with a special love song devoted to one, Mr Floyd Kellogg. Then, jump on into the Man Stew with us as we get steamy with a touring band's worth of naked men. Plus: a very special motivational message from our beloved mustachioed merch maniac, Logan. (Does he not remind you of Donnie from The Wild Thornberrys?) And on the Interview Hour, we're welcoming back the one & only, ! Andy tries to remember if he's written anything with G Love, only for Nick to rightfully ask: how do you not recall if you've ever written a song with G Love?? Remember kids: marijuana affects the memory. And guess what... now you can see a cool dog by the name of Denzel should you choose to watch this episode *exclusively* on Generally speaking, we are psyched to partner up with our buddies at ! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think one can get addicted to mushrooms: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Check out our good friends that help us unwind and sleep easy while on the road and at home: Produced by , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Arno Bakker Shawn Eckels
EP 282: Nick, Marty, & Andy (Flood City Music Festival Recap)
EP 282: Nick, Marty, & Andy (Flood City Music Festival Recap)
Expect the usual lunacy one finds in an episode devoted to Nick & Andy talking at each other for an hour straight on such topics you've come to love: which sport features the largest of hogs and whether Andy should talk about his new comedian girlfriend on the podcast... but now sprinkle in a healthy dose of Marty and you got yourself a helluva morning cocktail for your drive to work! Friendly reminder: there's NO need to ever compliment Andrew Jackson (that fools got small hog energy) And guess what... now you can see a cool dog by the name of Denzel should you choose to watch this episode *exclusively* on Generally speaking, we are psyched to partner up with our buddies at ! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us if you think one can get addicted to mushrooms: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, on all platforms Follow us on Instagram For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: Check out our good friends that help us unwind and sleep easy while on the road and at home: Produced by , Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Arno Bakker