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KEYS with Kelly

Each K.E.Y.S (Keeping Everyone Year-round Successful) post will share quick tidbits from AGC Maine Executive Director, Kelly Flagg (and sometimes with a special guest) to help you keep your operation and team running smoothly and successfully.

info_outline Workplace Wellness 03/07/2024
info_outline The KEY to Workforce 01/29/2024
info_outline It’s Not Just Safety, It’s Your Brand 01/03/2024
info_outline From the Ground Up 12/06/2023
info_outline Apprenticeship 11/10/2023
info_outline Tools of the Trade - A Conversation with Priscilla Hansen Mahoney 10/19/2023
info_outline Leadership & Stewardship 10/09/2023
info_outline Emerging Leaders 09/06/2023
info_outline Leadership & Safety 07/27/2023