05. Financial Planning with Levi Swenson
05. Financial Planning with Levi Swenson
For today’s episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Levi Swenson from Swenson financial. We discussed financial habits, as well as designing a life that you want to live and planning out and doing the things that are required to reach those objectives. We also discussed financial education for our children and the importance of continuing to expand your knowledge base in order to enhance your wealth. We also discussed how to diversify your portfolio using various investment strategies. To find out more about this, tune in to this episode! “You're either green and growing, or you're ripe and rotting. So, whatever you're doing, continue to learn and educate yourself. In other kinds of fields, don't get stagnant, because when you get stagnant, that's when you start getting into trouble.” What does financial advisor truly mean? Habits in your financial life How to diversify your portfolio To know more about Levi and the services he offers, you can find him through these accounts! Company name: Email: Learn more about Greenlight: Connect with me: Instagram: Facebook: Website: