Agent Marketing Syndicate Podcast
Ryan Fletcher. Welcome to the Agent Marketing Syndicate Podcast. It’s an unfortunate truth, but “The Guru Party,” made up of the trainers, brokers & endless supply of coaches—and what they teach—are the architects responsible for bankrupting the real estate industry of trust. Because of them. The term “real estate agent,” in the eyes of society, has become a stain on your reputation. This podcast is the solution. As you know, I’ve been blessed. I’ve had so many wonderful things happen to me. And I’ve made wonderful things happen by virtue of the opportunities available to me, and by “seeing” the clearing through the fog. The Guru Party’s message, though, is that you must hunt and beg and demean yourself in a variety of “standard” ways to be successful in real estate. Like, “Prospecting is your job.” I reject that. The spirit of the Entrepreneur knows no limits. It would be shameful to waste it on prospecting. An activity of such low-status. To rise to new heights, though, you must understand the truths that enable you to defy “the gravity” that others tell you cannot be escaped. They are wrong. Their ‘lack of skills’ and ‘limited ambition’ blinds them to what is possible. This podcast, undoubtedly, will infuriate The Guru Party. They will reject it. That’s Ok. By the majority of low-information agents too, it will be rejected. Again, that's OK… because in time, after enough pain is experienced and suffered, enough struggle is endured, enough frustration is dealt with—they will come around. They will smarten up. They will wise up. They will realize The Guru's Party's approach has failed them for fundamental reasons. And they will stop trying to deny or outflank the reality of the truths presented on this podcast. They are, after all, undeniable…truths.