Just Keep Swimming
Just Keep Swimming
In this, the final English language episode of Season One, we meet Adam Galchus, currently studying for a Master's Degree in Special Education. Prior to commencing these studies, he obtained a Bachelor of Science in Music, with a concentration in Jazz and Commercial Music. He is also the composer of Aging Wisely: The Podcast theme music. Adam was born with a disability. Notwithstanding that, he and his parents found his gifts in the arts, specifically music. From the age of eight, his gift was cultivated and he began his journey to musicianship when he took up the drums and, later, the trombone (and some piano). Due to his own life experiences and interactions with disabled children, he decided to pursue a degree in Special Education. He hopes to incorporate his musical training and education, in the work he does with high school students. He's also hoping to continue and pursue a career as a musician, composer and producer. Adam is an example of not only perseverance and recognizing your talent, but also of how the support of a "village" can impact and change the trajectory of a child's life. If you'd like to learn more or connect with Adam, please go to: