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AgriLife North Region Ag's Podcast

Educational focus where presenters will provide research based information to producers and ranchers on issues related to livestock, crops, economics, policy, and any other issues producers face.

info_outline Beef Nutrition and Supplementation Decisions with Dr. Jason Smith 12/30/2024
info_outline Property Tax Facts to Know with Dr. Blake Bennett 12/30/2024
info_outline What about Sheep or Goats? Dr. Jake Thorn with Andy Hart and Mark Carroll 12/06/2024
info_outline Cotton Harvest 2024 Recap with Dr. Ken Lege, Brant Baugh, and Caitlin Frederick 12/04/2024
info_outline Beef Nutrition with Dr. Jason Smith (Everything Hay and Cow Protein and Energy Requirements 11/20/2024
info_outline Cotton Early Harvest Update with Catlin, Brant, and Dr. Lege 10/28/2024
info_outline Harvest Decision Budget Analyzer with Caitlin, Brant, and Dr. Andrew Wright 10/14/2024
info_outline Harvest Aide Decisions in Cotton with Caitlin, Brant, and Dr. Lege 10/07/2024
info_outline Late Season Cotton and Harvest Aide Decisions with Dr. Ken Lege, Brant Baugh, and Caitlin Frederick 08/22/2024
info_outline Important discussions related to setting up lease agreements with Dr. Lashmet and Mark Carroll 06/29/2024
info_outline Post Emergence Control Options and Current Weed Conditions with Dr. Peter Dotray 06/14/2024
info_outline Utilizing Plant Growth Regulators with Dr. Ken Lege 06/14/2024
info_outline Grazing Management discussion related to sheep, goats, and cattle with Dr. Morgan Treadwell 05/23/2024
info_outline Cotton Weed Discussion at planting with CEA's Caitlin Frederick and Brant Baugh along with Megan Mills 05/23/2024
info_outline Early season pests in cotton with Kerry Siders and Dr. Ken Lege 05/13/2024
info_outline Minerals utilized in Beef Herds with Dr. Jason Smith 05/01/2024
info_outline Discussion on enhancing the value of your calf crop with Dr. Jason Smith 03/26/2024
info_outline Pneumonia (AIP/BRD) discussion with Dr. Jenna Funk, Mark Carroll, and Andy Hart 02/29/2024
info_outline Corn and Sorghum Hybrid Comparisons and How Production Decisions impact yield by Dr. Jourdan Bell and Dr. Kevin Heflin 01/31/2024
info_outline Tools and Resources available for control and management of weeds and Brush with Dr. Morgan Treadwell 01/22/2024
info_outline Challenges and Successes with Weed Management - Dr. Peter Dotray 01/01/2024
info_outline Using Ionophores as a nutritional management Tool with Dr. Jason Smith 10/20/2023
info_outline More than a Wildfire Meeting with Marcus Preuninger and Andy Holloway 10/16/2023
info_outline Be informed about hunting with Caitlin and Malory 10/12/2023
info_outline Forage Testing with Rock River Labs with Andy Hart and Mark Carroll 09/28/2023
info_outline Parasite Resistance with Dr. Hairgrove and Mark Carroll 09/10/2023
info_outline Texas A&M AgriLife Ranch to Retail Podcast 07/27/2023
info_outline Texas A&M AgriLife Ranch to Retail Podcast 07/25/2023
info_outline Texas A&M AgriLife Ranch to Retail Podcast 07/24/2023
info_outline Texas A&M AgriLife Ranch to Retail Podcast 06/17/2023