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The American Legal History Podcast

This podcast will trace the history and evolution of American law from its most ancient roots, through the birth of the common law in medieval England, early colonial and revolutionary American, through the early days of the supreme court, the civil war, through the tumultuous twentieth century and on to the present day. Although legal theory and philosophy will be discussed this is a not a podcast on jurisprudence. The entire podcast will have about 60 installments, each one about thirty minutes in length.

info_outline Episode Twenty- Nine: Crime & Punishment from the Early Colonial Period to the Present Day, Part II 01/31/2025
info_outline Episode Twenty Eight: Crime & Punishment from the Early Colonial Period to the Present Day, Part I 12/30/2024
info_outline Episode Twenty Seven: Legal Education and the Legal Profession between the Revolution and the Civil War 11/14/2024
info_outline Episode Twenty Six: Race and the Supreme Court 08/24/2024
info_outline Episode Twenty Five: Justice Deferred Race and the Supreme Court 02/25/2024
info_outline Episode Twenty Four: Law in Antebellum America 11/16/2023
info_outline Episode Twenty Three: The Codification Movement of the Nineteenth Century 09/10/2023
info_outline Episode Twenty-Two: The Early Supreme Court and the Legacy of John Marshall, Part II 06/01/2023
info_outline Episode Twenty-One: The Early Supreme Court and the Legacy of John Marshall, Part I 04/11/2023
info_outline Episode Twenty: The Constitution Part VI The Bill of Rights 02/16/2023
info_outline Episode Nineteen: The Constitution, Part V Ratification 12/27/2022
info_outline Episode Eighteen: Part IV The Constitutional Convention 10/31/2022
info_outline Episode Seventeen: Federal Indian Law Part II 08/13/2022
info_outline Episode Sixteen: Federal Indian Law Part I 05/29/2022
info_outline Episode Fifteen: The Constitution, Part III, Welcome to Philadelphia 02/07/2022
info_outline Episode Fourteen: The Constitution, Part II, The Road to Philadelphia 12/12/2021
info_outline Episode Thirteen: The Constitution, Part I, The Articles of Confederation, the Confederation Congress, and America in 1787. 06/28/2021
info_outline Episode Twelve: Revolution and Independence 03/21/2021
info_outline Episode Eleven: The Legal Foundations of the American Revolution 12/25/2020
info_outline Episode Ten: Amerindians and the Law, Part II 11/01/2020
info_outline Episode Nine: Amerindians and the Law, Part I 07/26/2020
info_outline Episode Eight: Law in Early Colonial America, Part II 06/20/2020
info_outline Episode Seven: Law in Early Colonial America, Part I 05/23/2020
info_outline Episode Six: Medieval England and the Birth of the Common Law, Part II 04/04/2020
info_outline Episode Five: Medieval England and the Birth of the Common Law Part I 03/02/2020
info_outline Episode Four: The Great Legal Bridge to Antiquity: The Corpus Juris Civilis, the Rise of the Medieval University, and the Spread of a Common Legal Culture the ius commune across Europe. 02/06/2020
info_outline Episode Three: The Spartan Legal System, the Enduring Legacy of Roman Law, and the Practice of Law in Classical Athens and Republican Rome. 01/02/2020
info_outline Episode Two: A Note on Time, Moses and the Laws of the Bible, the Athenian Legal System and Greek Theater, Philosophy and Legal Codes 11/27/2019
info_outline Episode One: The Science of Human Equality, the Ancient Roots of the Law, and the Code of Hammurabi 11/15/2019
info_outline Introduction: The American Legal History Podcast 11/11/2019