A Man and His Unicorn
In this podiobook: Vern was an ordinary college instructor and looking forward to spring break. But on the last day of classes and dreaming about a gorgeous gal, he woke up in a white washed world with nothing there! ... That included his clothes (oops). He found himself on the other side of the mirrors and could look out of any mirror. With a few false starts (didn't that woman ever hear of someone asking for directions), he got himself out and back into the real world and his own home ... He then wished he stayed put.A wizard from a race of humanoid toads wanted Vern to come to his world to aid in defending the toads from two different races. Vern's talents were hidden - he was a special bachelor (did that mean "easy to get rid of"?). He would be a powerful though inexperienced wizard in the other world. "Please come, the situation is desperate", pleaded the toad. Vern, of course, refused. Then after some persuading (and turning Vern's world even more upside down), Vern said he'd think about it.Sunday morning, Vern found himself in another world. "I said I'd THINK about it!" snapped Vern. But he was now committed. After meeting a few individuals who wanted to slice, dice, or otherwise harm him, Vern got into the quest. Then he met a beautiful Red unicorn stallion with magical powers. The unicorn took immediately to Vern. Vern was thrilled - then he remembered why unicorns took to certain people ... Vern didn't have too much success in dating (he swore he was a good kisser). Hopefully, he'll have more success in staying alive.