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America The Rewrite's Podcast

Episodes 1 & 2-- For Your Consideration AMERICA THE REWRITE revisits the seminal moments of the last century armed with new and essential information garnered from millions of declassified documents. Using files from the enormous Freedom Of Information Act databases, as well as other previously unavailable sources, each season deconstructs a seminal historical event and then reconstructs it with formerly Top Secret information. Everything from the C.I.A.’s meddling in foreign elections to the assassination of President Kennedy is revised using factual data released in the years since their histories were codified. SEASON 1 chronicles the unbelievable story of the original Zapruder film, which was not viewed on television until 15 years after the assassination, when late night talk show host Geraldo Rivera aired the film in 1975, causing an uproar that rippled all the way to the White House.

info_outline America The Rewrite Trailer 01/18/2022
info_outline America The Rewrite - Episode 1 01/18/2022
info_outline America The Rewrite - Episode 2 01/18/2022