Exploring Terrain Medicine
Exploring Terrain Medicine
Did you ever gaze at the clouds in the sky when you were young and wish we could do that more often as adults? Being playful and being out in nature is so beneficial to our health and well being according to my guest, Dr. Maya Shetreat. Join us as we delve deep into a new age of medicine to support the health of our mind, body and spirit. Dr. Maya Shetreat, MD is a neurologist, herbalist, urban farmer, and author of The Dirt Cure. She has been featured in the New York Times, The Telegraph, NPR, Sky News, The Dr. Oz Show and more. Dr. Maya is the founder of the Terrain Institute, where she teaches Terrain Medicine™, earth-based programs for transformational healing. She works and studies with indigenous communities and healers from around the world, and is a lifelong student of ethnobotany, plant healing, and the sacred. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: * How health and wellness is about relationships. It's about being in a good relationship with yourself, being in good relations with those around you, being in good relations with the land. * People who hold grief in their bodies can manifest real physical illness. * How important it is to listen to your inner voice. It can transform your view in life. * To learn more, visit her website at and her instagram @drmayashetreet