Angel Two: a feminist Star Trek podcast
In each episode, we discuss an aspect of Star Trek from a feminist perspective; specific episodes, characters, themes and the implied messages about humanity and equality in the future as well as in the last 50 years. Don't worry. We're card-carrying humourless feminists, so we'll never, ever wander off topic or make terrible Trek jokes or devolve into one-upwomanship over who knows more about Trek. It's clearly Fiona who obviously isn't writing this in the hated third person. Oh yes, indeedy.
Angel Two: A Feminist Deadloch Podcast
Angel Two: A Feminist Deadloch Podcast
nuqneH, friends! We ate'nt dead, despite what PocketCasts tells me when I open our show page. This has been a long time in the works, mostly because editing caused me literal pain for several months. It's a short story, but quite dull. Herniated spinal disc; lots of opiates, yet still much lying on the floor wishing for the pain to end. At least SAD thought better of showing up, so small mercies and all that. Anyway. I've just finished editing the episode and just now realised that I should have written down everything that I said I would link in the show notes. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Cucumbers In Space by Dennis McCarthy: Deep Space Nine Theme, with more guitars also by Dennis McCarthy: Captain of the Mount by Fall On Your Sword The Spotify version is quite different for legal reasons iirc, so it contains zero Shat. Why am I saying that like it's a bad thing? Eh. For me though, it works best as the unhinged ramblings of someone who thinks he has artistic vision, but I'm not going to deny the folks who made the track the opportunity to earn 0.002p from a listen. But srsly, Bill? Where no man has gone before?? It's El Capitan - pure hunners have been there before! Even women! sigh Data & Picard by that flaming heap of shite - I've linked to a video that uses the visuals that match the sampled lines from the show . Content warning - he's a raging bigot and uses disablism to try to cover it. The slurs are bleeped, but brace yourself. There's a lot of bleeping. Of Romulus: and Warp 11 (are they super-evolved salamanders?): and The Vulcan Freedom Fighters: (where this all began for me, though a newer remix) and if you want to try for a spit-take, . Here's their page, too! Saving the best? for last: . In about 1990, my brother performed the Spock role in our local Scout and Guide Gang Show. I have no evidence, sadly. It doesn't seem to be on Spotify, sadly. The Firm, not by brother or the Gang Show from 35 years ago. There is maybe a weird kids' cover but I'm not messing up my algorithmic recommendations with that. I want to find new music I might enjoy, not torment my nephew with! I've likely missed a bunch of stuff, but if you join our (it's free! But you can give us some money if you really want to) you can ask me there. Our Facebook page is something like I think the twitter account still exists, but I deleted my personal account as soon as I was able to download my data and there's nothing that can induce me to go back to that hellsite, sorry. We are, however, on and while swapping between accounts is still a bit cumbersome, there are significantly fewer neo-Nazis, which is nice. P.S. Watch Deadloch! It's nothing even remotely like Star Trek, but it's hilarious and brilliant. If you're not used to Australian humour, stick with it past episode one - it's so worth the tiny effort. It's on Amazon Prime (at least, here it is) and probably the high seas if you understandably don't want to fund the corporate behemoth that will probably destroy us all. Even if they do have Picard without putting it behind the extra Paramount+ subscription.
Angel Two: The Next Generation
Angel Two: The Next Generation
We're back! No, this time we mean it! Really! Really really! In this episode, we mostly chat about why the last return didn't really happen and what we're envisioning for the future of the show. And, because it's us, also The Littlest Hobo because sure, why not? If you want to get in touch with us... Email: Sadly, not 10 minutes after we finished recording, Ari's order was cancelled, and she did not get her taco.
Due to technical issues recording, there are some unavoidable weird-sounding bits. Hopefully they're not too bad, and the next time we're recording they won't happen again. That's also why there's such a lag between recording and publishing. It's 2022 and we're in the Golden Age of Trek, so here's us chatting about stuff. And, sometimes, also Star Trek. I've listened to this at least 3 times to edit it and aside from LGBTQIA+ representation and uniform design, I couldn't tell you what else we discuss, though I do somehow remember that I said I'd link to in the show notes (it's the Game of Thrones ratings video) and that I kept calling The Outcast The Offspring. I was sleepy and my parents are very much on my mind just now. We have the usual social media pages; search for Angel Two podcast and that should be us. Or the Mirror Universe versions of us.
Angel Two (2021)
Angel Two (2021)
Surprise, we're out of stasis! Has much happened since the last episode? After a long hiatus, here's AB and Fiona to talk about Trek and definitely never deviate from the topic of Trek, not even once. *cough* The new(ish) microphone picked up E V E R Y T H I N G, so sorry about all the odd background noises. I've edited out as much as possible, but you might still hear my clock at times. Next time, we'll try to reduce that as much as possible (and AB isn't going to be allowed to so much as think about eating, I swear)! Email: [email protected]
Why Do We Climb The Mountain?
Why Do We Climb The Mountain?
This is part two of our Hallowe'en bonanza! Wagon train to the stars? Apologies for the creakiest chair in Scotland and the occasionally weird edits; it's cough season and I didn't want to hurt your poor ears. Again. - the publishers of Queering The Map: Glasgow, an anthology that will include some of Sophie's work. The book is out November 24th 2018! Episodes discussed in this episode: The Assignment (DS9); Macrocosm, The Haunting of Deck 12 and The Thaw (VOY); Impulse and Doctor's Orders (ENT) ----- Email us: Tweet us: Like us on Facebook:
Credits to Navy Beans
Credits to Navy Beans
Boo! As it's the season for surprises and jump scares, we decided to appear from nowhere to talk about seasonally-appropriate Trek episodes. This is part one of two because we ended up choosing lots of episodes (and yet still not covering them all) so watch your feed for the rest of the discussion. Spoilers for: Catspaw (TOS); Genesis, Frame of Mind, Schisms, Night Terrors and Sub Rosa (TNG); and The Assignment (DS9) If you would prefer 3+ hour long podcasts in future, you can reach us through the interweb tubes (no half-spider Barclays involved! ... web? geddit? It's funny.) ----- Email (via an ad company that has probably doomed us all): Social Media corporation that has probably doomed us all, and won't get rid of Nazis: Social Media corportation that has probably doomed us all in the pursuit of ad revenues:
Disco Inferno
Disco Inferno
Content warning: near the end of the show, when we are discussing our favourite and not-so-favourite things/characters in Discovery, Fiona makes reference to PTSD and sexualised violence. Please keep this in mind if these are difficult topics for you. ----- Is that your threat ganglia showing or are you just surprised to see us in your podcast subscriptions feed? We are back, from outer space. You opened up your podcast app, with a sad look upon your face. You love our stupid show, our wit and humour are the key, and without any warning, we're back to bother thee... In this episode we talk Chapter 1 of Star Trek: Discovery. I'm not sure how else to describe it. We have mixed feelings, and we discuss them as we generally do. There are spoilers for the first half of season 1 of Discovery, because it would be quite difficult to talk about it for an hour and not spoil anything. Links: (sorry that there isn't a viral tweet to preceed that link) Does anyone read show notes? I feel like my best work is in here. Ah well. or or . Post a photo of you revelling in the show notes and tag us on the social media and I'll send you a badge!
Pin Fight!
Pin Fight!
Our What We Left Behind backer pins arrived, listen to us duke it out as only we can to decide who gets who! Also there's some discussion of Discovery (dunno if you'll have heard of it, there's not been much publicity or anything.)
But Is It Though?
But Is It Though?
Lookie loo, guess who? Yes, we're back. Winter's pretty much a write-off for us, so consider this a new season of Angel Two? Due to technical problems and possibly the worst bad mental health period I've had since the last one the time I went to hospital, this is fully a month after we recorded. And the editing is minimal. Sorry that I couldn't do a better job, but there's Women At Warp if you want something more professional sounding! I also have no idea what's in this episode, so tweet me or if there's anything you think I've missed.
For the love of...
For the love of...
Thanks for sticking with us, folks! A couple of months ago, Adam Nimoy's documentary was released and as Sophie had contributed to the Kickstarter, she graciously waited until we were all together before watching it. Patience of a saint, that woman. We discuss said film and our thoughts on it and then, as we do, meander off topic a bit. AB and Fiona even disagree on something! Phasers (set to stun, we don't hate each other that much) at dawn! To watch For the Love of Spock yourself, going to will get you started. #LLAP
Beyond Expectations
Beyond Expectations
SPOILERS for Star Trek Beyond contained herein! Don't say we didn't warn you! MJ, Sophie and Fiona took a trip to see Star Trek Beyond in the cinema and were quite surprised. When AB finally sees it, she may well kick herself, but not hard because it's still not ST:VI. Better than ST:V and Into Drekness, to damn it with faint praise. Does anyone even read the show notes? If you do, gonnae tweet me with the Vulcan salute emoji ? Or post it on ? Ta muchly. I'll away and see if I can find some pilfered Scotch now, invented by a little old lady in Russia...
Dude, Have You Even Watched Star Trek?
Dude, Have You Even Watched Star Trek?
Over a Google Hangout, AB, Sophie and Fiona talk a bunch of Trek news. Okay, it was news at the time, but true to form I'm glacial in my editing speed and then technology intervened and ate the edited episode then refused to upload it... Anyway. It's here! Because of the Hangout, the audio quality isn't great. Sophie is oddly quiet. And I left my window open. Again. It's gonzo podcasting, 'kay? It's a stylistic choice. Honest. We cover the initial tease for Star Trek Discovery; Agents of Yesterday in Star Trek Online; MAC x Star Trek cosmetics and quite a few more things that I've already forgotten because it's 4.10am and I can't remember my own name right now. Oh! We have a Patreon! Please think about donating? Thank you muchly. We love you. I sleep nao. *puts on ST:TMP*
Introducing MJ: Part 2
Introducing MJ: Part 2
Yes, I'm aware that revenge is a dish best served cold, so will be wary of any ice cream-based treats Sophie offers me. MJ watched more DS9 with us (Sophie and Fiona this time; AB was unable to join us - she said something about a cellular peptide cake, with mint frosting?) Past Tense Pt. 2 (we ended up watching part one the previous week after recording) and In the Pale Moonlight, with TNG's Half a Life in between. As ever, it's taken a while to get this episode out to your ears (apologies!) so when we mention Anton Yelchin it was at least a month before his untimely passing. Please don't think us insensitive or ignorant. Please get in touch! - - - for the love of Worf, please get in touch? What's your favourite ice cream flavour? Does Earl Grey ice cream exist? How does one make ice cream with tea, I wonder..?
Introducing MJ (Part 1)
Introducing MJ (Part 1)
<Insert heartfelt apology for being so quiet for so long> In this episode, we introduce MJ as both a new member of the Angel Two crew and to Star Trek - yes, we found someone we know and like who hasn't seen Star Trek and are taking steps to fix that terrible situation. Don't worry, she's completely down with it! Also: MJ's mum - sorry about the swearing. MJ's introduction begins with , and . If you want to get in touch, say to ask us to record more often, you can do so via twitter: facebook: email us at [email protected] And MJ's brilliant comic strip can be found at:
The Human Adventure Is... zzzZZZzz
The Human Adventure Is... zzzZZZzz
Hello friends!
Nice Guys™ of the 24th Century
Nice Guys™ of the 24th Century
In the future, we have achieved equality (amongst other things) but when it comes to affairs of the heart... (who else has a weird version of Faith Of The Heart in their heads now? Sorrynotsorry) the men of Trek are often shown to behave in a very retro way.
The Majestic MBR
The Majestic MBR
Firstly, our most sincere apologies for the delays in getting this episode out; hopefully it will be worth the wait!
Starfleet Is EVIL.
Starfleet Is EVIL.
In this episode, we struggle to stay on the topic we meant to talk about; Season 3 TNG's 'The Offspring' (SPOILERS: Data becomes a daddy for about 42 minutes) and Season 5 DS9's 'The Begotten'. Totally not the same story, why would you say that? Odo not only becomes a quasi-parent, he also resolves his daddy issues. Totes not the same.
Q Ex Machina
Q Ex Machina
Another lengthy episode! We have a lot to say about everybody's favourite Trek (TNG onwards, anyway) scoundrel - Q. And a few other things, which brings us to a very important show note: there's swearing in this one. A lot of swearing. If this is something you don't care to listen to, that's okay - skip the bit between 1hr 39mins and 1hr 47mins (and about 30 seconds).
In the Ready Room, with trivia and tea.
In the Ready Room, with trivia and tea.
Life is happening and getting in the way of important Star Trek feminism discussions. Forgive us? (You can show your forgiveness and understanding by interacting with us digitally. Details in the show!)
Episode 2
Episode 2
The obvious place for us to go to is Angel One. Spoiler: it SUCKS.
Angel Two: a feminist Star Trek podcast
Angel Two: a feminist Star Trek podcast
Settle in with your cup of Earl Grey (hot), raktajino, Saurian brandy, or... well, it's green?