#30: Depression: Just pull your socks up?
#30: Depression: Just pull your socks up?
February is considered by many to be one of the most depressing months of the year. Personally, I love winter and loathe summer, but research shows that the dark winter months often bring out the ‘winter blues’ and in some more severe cases, people can experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD) a form of that affects around 6percent of the UK population, typically during December, January, February, and March So today we are looking at depression. It’s a heavy subject, a serious subject and one that can’t be solved in a 60 minute episode. So we’re not even attempting to do that today. However, I finally decided to try and tackle this beast of a topic as some of our students who attend our 7-Day Mastery Program have been diagnosed with depression, or have experienced a form of depression in the past. Joining me today is Minnie Lane, she has over a decade’s experience in helping men to become more attractive by essentially embracing their true selves. Her coaching combines awareness of the mind, body and human behaviour. She has spent most of her adult life working hard to understand the best methods to eliminate the root causes of mental and emotional blocks that prevent us from being our natural, confident and attractive selves. Minnie has received incredible feedback from our 7-Day Mastery students specifically the ones who struggle with crippling low confidence and traumatic emotional baggage. You can work with Minnie and the rest of the team on our Bootcamps and 7-Day Mastery Program. FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE 7-DAY MASTERY PROGRAM: HERE () IMPORTANT NOTE: If you or someone you are concerned about are experiencing sucidial thoughtsI Take the first step and talk to someone you trust. like a family member, friend, or teacher or your GP If you don’t feel like you can speak to anyone you know, there are confidential helplines, like the Samaritans, where you can get support from trained people who care and want you to feel better.