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Apply Topically

On Apply Topically hosts Elliott Ingersoll and Stacey Litam, both from Cleveland State University, take listeners on a fun-filled tour of topics of the day and what they mean to counselors and the human condition.

info_outline AT022 - All about massage therapy 08/22/2022
info_outline AT021 - Pedagogy, Andragogy and all things in between . . . 05/15/2022
info_outline AT020 - So, you want to be a talk therapist? 10/03/2021
info_outline AT019 – Pride Month Episode: Let’s Talk Disco! 07/25/2021
info_outline AT018 - The Monster's Journey: From Trauma to Connection 11/07/2020
info_outline AT017 - Technology and Counseling: “Techspertise” with Dr. Marty Jencius 10/02/2020
info_outline AT016 - Transformative Coaching & Counseling 08/23/2020
info_outline AT015 - Ibogaine and Psychospiritual Healing 06/12/2020
info_outline AT014 - Counselor Education and COVID-19 03/28/2020
info_outline AT013 - Physician-Assisted Death: Perspectives for Counselors 03/24/2020
info_outline AT012 - The Power of UFGLI! The Importance of Under-Represented, First-Generation, Low-Income Students 02/05/2020
info_outline AT011 - Psychedelics and Counseling 12/12/2019
info_outline AT010 - Who Wants to get Happy? Exploring Happiness from Ancient Philosophers to Modern Psychology 11/24/2019
info_outline AT009 - Presenters and Places Encountered at ACES: The Seattle Conference 11/02/2019
info_outline AT008 - Lives Worth Living: A View from Space 10/04/2019
info_outline AT007: For-Profit, Private or Public: Which University is for you? 08/26/2019
info_outline AT006 - Research Rewind: Welcome to Baby Island! 08/12/2019
info_outline AT005 - Research Spotlight on Dr. Stacey Litam 06/24/2019
info_outline AT004 - Things that go Bump in Your Mind 06/02/2019
info_outline AT003 - Micro-aggressions with Dr. Stephanie Drcar 04/08/2019
info_outline AT002 - Beware the Wendigo! Is what you're eating, eating you? 03/27/2019
info_outline AT001 - Born Liars? 03/10/2019