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Good Day Ascension podcasts

Inspiring stories from around our health ministry

info_outline Meeting community needs to improve patient and family health outcomes 04/28/2023
info_outline Spiritual care is also healthcare 02/09/2023
info_outline Bringing food knowledge to the table 11/02/2022
info_outline Stories of impact from the emergency room 09/02/2022
info_outline Exploring inclusive care in patient journeys 07/27/2022
info_outline Advancing a culture of health equity 04/20/2022
info_outline Creating a difference for our communities and associates by the way we care for the environment 01/11/2022
info_outline Holistic Nursing that's designed for caregiver wellness 10/11/2021
info_outline Serving the homeless population in creative ways 08/09/2021
info_outline Changing lives through medicine assistance options 07/01/2021
info_outline Supporting front-line caregivers that protect our communities 06/16/2021
info_outline Protecting the community through mass vaccination clinics 05/26/2021
info_outline Leading the charge in vaccine efforts 03/30/2021
info_outline Uplifting communities with the Shot Of Hope 03/03/2021
info_outline How young burn survivors tackle physical wounds and pursue personal healing 01/19/2021
info_outline Grounding yourself in gratitude 01/11/2021
info_outline The grief, joy and challenges of the organ transfer journey 12/22/2020
info_outline Driving change through a senior health benefits program 11/11/2020
info_outline Creative approaches to new technologies that are enhancing patient care in a virtually evolving healthcare industry 10/19/2020
info_outline Refreshing personal balance through transformational breathing practices 10/06/2020
info_outline Nutrition education and support programs have a real impact 09/23/2020
info_outline Traveling nurses take compassion beyond their home communities 09/08/2020
info_outline Taking a break helps; there's no shortcut to overcoming stress 08/13/2020
info_outline Nurse coaching helps this associate find joy 08/04/2020
info_outline Experiencing the other side: from Ascension associate to patient 07/23/2020
info_outline Creative approaches alleviate logistical challenges to secure PPE 07/02/2020
info_outline Primary care vs. virtual care in the new healthcare arena 07/01/2020
info_outline Coming together for a virtual choir is music to the ears 06/19/2020
info_outline Emerging stronger as an integrated health ministry 06/15/2020
info_outline Car parades and thank-you signs honor healthcare heroes 06/12/2020