ANTIC The Atari 8-bit Podcast
Retrocomputing podcast about the Atari 8-bit line of personal computers
ANTIC Interview 454 - Steve Kranish, Parker Brothers Frogger
ANTIC Interview 454 - Steve Kranish, Parker Brothers Frogger
Steve Kranish, Parker Brothers Frogger Steve Kranish is the creator of the Atari 8-bit and Atari 5200 versions of Frogger, the versions published by Parker Brothers. Parker Brothers had the rights to publish cartridge versions of Frogger. Sierra On-Line had already published versions of Frogger on floppy disk and cassette, so Parker Brothers bought the rights to use that version as the basis for its cartridge version. But there were a few problems: for one, the 13K cassette game would need to be shrunk to fit on an 8K cartridge. Another: the source code was lost. Steve also worked on an Atari 8-bit version of the board game Risk, and a game called Baker’s Dozen, both of which were unfinished. He also worked on Project Zelda, Parker Brothers investigation into distributing Atari VCS games via cable television. This interview took place on March 2, 2025. In 2016, I interviewed John Harris, who programmed the Sierra Online version of Frogger (as well as Jawbreaker and Mouskattack). Check the show notes for the link to that.
ANTIC Interview 453 - Giann Velasquez, Atariteca
ANTIC Interview 453 - Giann Velasquez, Atariteca
ANTIC Interview 453 - Giann Velasquez, Atariteca Hello, and welcome to this interview-only episode of ANTIC, The Atari 8-bit computer podcast. I’m Randy Kindig, your host for this episode. Giann Velasquez is the owner and curator of the popular, Spanish-language, Atari 8-bit news site, Atariteca. Giann is a consummate Atari 8-bit fan and lives in Lima, Peru. This interview took place on June 30, 2024. Links Atariteca - Blog about Atari 8-bit computers. News, guides and analysis on emulators, games and programs for Atari XL/XE series computers.
ANTIC Episode 114 - Andy Diller Returns!
ANTIC Episode 114 - Andy Diller Returns!
ANTIC Episode 114 - Andy Diller Returns! In this episode of ANTIC The Atari 8-Bit Computer Podcast… we have special guest Andy Diller for a FujiNet update and to let us know about all the great things he’s working on… READY! Recurring Links Interview index: Links for Items Mentioned in Show: What we’ve been up to Kay’s 2024 wrapped - Lee Pappas ANALOG disks treasure hunt: S.T.A.R. newsletter - Rogul game: YouTube video - Installing Altirra on ARM Macs - News TNFS GUI for OSX & Windows (nwah) - FujiNet Virtual Printer Output Examples (Thom Cherryhomes) - FujiNet and GitHub (Thom Cherryhomes) - FujiNet NOS By Example (Thom Cherryhomes) - Atari 65XE in laptop form on Hackaday - New season 2025 of the High Score Club: Replacement Case for 800XL Coming to Kickstarter Q2 2025 - joeventura - from Atariteca: Inufuto releases «Mieyen» for Atari 8-bit and 60 other retro systems: Article at Atariteca - YouTube - (Atari 8 Bits For Ever) A8E - Atari 800 Emulator - A JavaScript emulator built using A8E - BW-DOS 1.5 update - Upcoming Shows Vintage Computer Festival SoCal - February 15-17, 2025 - Hotel Fera Events Center, Orange, CA - Midwest Gaming Classic - April 4-6 - Baird Center, Milwaukee, WI - VCF East - April 4-6, 2025 - Wall, NJ - Indy Classic Computer and Video Game Expo - April 12-13 - Crowne Plaza Airport Hotel, Indianapolis, IN - VCF Europe - May 3-4 - Munich, Germany - Vancouver Retro Gaming Expo - June 14 - New Westminster, BC, Canada - VCF Southwest - June 20-22, 2025 - Davidson-Gundy Alumni Center at UT Dallas - Southern Fried Gaming Expo and VCF Southeast - June 20-22, 2025 - Atlanta, GA - Silly Venture SE (Summer Edition) - July 31-Aug. 3 - Gdansk, Poland - Fujiama - August 11-17 - Lengenfeld, Germany - VCF Midwest - September 13-14, 2025 - Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center in Schaumburg, IL - Portland Retro Gaming Expo - October 17-19 - Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR - YouTube Videos Using Atari with FujiNet to build source from Github Part 2: The Princess and the Frog - Thom Cherryhomes - Atari 8-bit Vs. Commodore 64 TV commercial - DashRetroTV - I Won Atari 8-Bit eBay Auction for $71.00 : Was It Worth It? - Into the Vertical Blank - How to implement a Hopfield network in BASIC on the ATARI 800 - BASIC Hacking - 11 - Jean Michael Sellier - ATARI Party! - Retro Repair Roundup Episode #71 - Retro Repair Roundup - Atari 8-bit computer 400/800: The first gaming PC? - Stay Forever Podcast (German) - Commercial Feedback Closing Andy Diller’s site -
ANTIC Interview 452 - Dean Garraghty, DGS Software
ANTIC Interview 452 - Dean Garraghty, DGS Software
ANTIC Interview 452 - Dean Garraghty Hello, and welcome to this interview-only episode of ANTIC, The Atari 8-bit computer podcast. I’m Randy Kindig, your host for this episode. Dean Garraghty is the proprietor of DGS Software, which sold, and continues to sell, software for the Atari 8-bit computers since the 80’s. This is a very low cost, 191-disk set that includes an entire utility pack, games, issues of a disk-based newsletter, a sound and music package, an interesting programming language called Quick, and more. Dean has been an Atari enthusiast since the 80’s and has an interesting story to tell concerning his journey with the Atari 8-bit. This interview took place on April 6, 2024. Links DGS Website - DGS post on AtariAge - YouTube channel -
ANTIC Episode 113 - Feeling Fancy!
ANTIC Episode 113 - Feeling Fancy!
ANTIC Episode 113 - Feeling Fancy! In this episode of ANTIC The Atari 8-Bit Computer Podcast… The clear case Kickstarter doesn’t make it, lots of FujiNet news, and we end the year 2024 with a bang by bringing you all the rest of the Atari news; all while Kay is feeling fancy… READY! Recurring Links Interview index: Links for Items Mentioned in Show: What we’ve been up to FASTBASIC on Mac - () 10-liner option of FASTBASIC - Finished archiving Lee Pappas’ disks!! - Eaten by a Grue is back - Kay TODO - Keeping Up With Atari: Neoliberal Expectations in Early Electronics Advertising - keyboard to replace domes on 130XE - News Clearcase Kickstarter update - SpartaDOS 4.50 update - RM800XL update (from Philsan) with images: Philsan post - RM 800XL site - FujiNet news: FujiNet RAPID 13 (2024 wrap-up) and RAPID 12 by Andy Diller - FujiNet news substack by Brian Cox - Video by The VintNerd and Brian Cox on FujiNet - Atari FujiNet User's and Programmer's Guide (First Draft) - Thomas Cherryhomes - Atari Party East 2024 update from Andy Diller (Photos): Atari 1200XL-1MB, Solder-Less 1088K SRAM-Based Memory Replacement Board by MyTek - The Joy of Sticks article in ROMchip Journal Altirra V4.30 - ABBUC Magazine 159 - Bubble-Bobble for the Atari 8-bit released - Via Bill Lange on bluesky: “Playing "Kaiser", a pretty version of "Hammurabi" or "Kingdom" on the Atari 8-bit. I translated most of the German to English here” - “Archer Maclean’s DropZone returns with 40th Anniversary Edition landing this December” - Upcoming Shows Vintage Computer Festival SoCal - February 15-17, 2025 - Hotel Fera Events Center, Orange, CA - Midwest Gaming Classic - April 4-6 - Baird Center, Milwaukee, WI - VCF East - April 4-6, 2024 - Wall, NJ - Indy Classic Computer and Video Game Expo - April 12-13 - Crowne Plaza Airport Hotel, Indianapolis, IN - SFGE / VCFSE - June 20-22 Atlanta, GA - Fujiama - August 11-17 - Lengenfeld, Germany - Event page on Floppy Days Website - YouTube Videos How Atari 8-Bit Computers Work - The 8-Bit Guy - Bubble Bobble: Saberman RetroNews - Atari 8-bits Forever - CCA - Atari 8Bit Demoscene - 48k to 128k - The 400 Mini - Exploring Demos - CoffeeCupArcade - Seven Amazing New Atari 8-Bit Games including Bubble Bobble & Time Wizard Deluxe Edition! - ZeroPage Homebrews - Silly Trip Demo for the Atari XL/XE PAL, 64kb and single POKEY by Desire - Heaven6502 - The Best *#@! Christmas Ever: An Atari 8-bit Journey Into The Vertical Blank - Into the Vertical Blank - Atari 2024 Recap video - Al Alcorn presents "Early Days of Atari" Lecture @ Museum of American Heritage (August 22) - 6502 coding on Atari - Ellyse - New at
ANTIC Interview 451 - Daniel Serpell, FastBasic
ANTIC Interview 451 - Daniel Serpell, FastBasic
Daniel Serpell (dmsc), Creator of FastBasic Daniel Serpell (dmsc) is the creator of FastBasic, a modern implementation of the BASIC programming language for the Atari 8-bit computers. He released the first version to the public in 2017. Today, the GPL-licensed language is up to version 4.6, and is a favorite of 10-line BASIC game contest entrants and anyone who wants a speedy, modern take on Atari programming. I'm going to crib from AtariWiki's description of FastBasic: "It is a complete re-implementation of the BASIC system, using a built-in bytecode compiler rather than a tokenizing interpreter. Typical BASICs use an interpreter that examines every line of code as the program runs. ... FastBasic works on an entirely different principle. When a line is parsed in FastBasic, it (essentially) compiles the entire line into tokens and then leaves them in memory. This way the line does not have to be repeatedly parsed, even from the simplified token format, which makes it much faster to run." FastBasic has other enhancements, including new commands for player-missiles and communicating with FujiNet, an option to only use faster integer math instead of floating point, and structured programming instead of line numbers. This interview took place on December 21, 2024.
ANTIC Interview 450 - Robert Leyland: AtariArtist, KoalaPainter, MicroIllustrator
ANTIC Interview 450 - Robert Leyland: AtariArtist, KoalaPainter, MicroIllustrator
Robert Leyland: AtariArtist, KoalaPainter, MicroIllustrator Robert Leyland programmed AtariArtist, KoalaPainter, and MicroIllustrator (along with Steve Dompier) - the graphics applications that worked with KoalaPad, Atari Touch Tablet, and Chalk Board PowerPad drawing tablets. Prior to that, he programmed The Dragon's Eye (published by Automated Simulations/EPYX), Murder on the Zinderneuf (published by Electronic Arts) and, with Jaron Lanier, the Atari version of Alien Garden for Automated Simulations. This interview took place on January 21, 2023.
ANTIC Interview 449 - Tim Boehlert, Atari's WCI Labs Division
ANTIC Interview 449 - Tim Boehlert, Atari's WCI Labs Division
Tim Boehlert, Atari's WCI Labs Division Tim Boehlert began at Atari in 1982. He worked at WCI Labs, the New York Atari subsidiary, where he worked on the broadboard of the 600XL, robotics projects, and mass storage devices. This interview took place on June 4, 2022.
ANTIC Interview 448 - Frank Foster, Hybrid Arts
ANTIC Interview 448 - Frank Foster, Hybrid Arts
Frank Foster, Hybrid Arts Frank Foster was one of the founders of Hybrid Arts, the company that made MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) hardware and software for Atari 8-bit and Atari ST computers. Frank was in charge of marketing for the company. After Hybrid Arts, Frank headed the music division at Atari, where he build marketing partnerships with Tangerine Dream, Fleetwood Mac, Peter Gabriel, and other musicians. I talked with two of the other Hybrid Arts founders, Robert Moore and Paul Rother, in . This interview took place on February 20, 2024.
ANTIC Interview 447 - Robert Moore and Paul Rother, Hybrid Arts MIDIMate
ANTIC Interview 447 - Robert Moore and Paul Rother, Hybrid Arts MIDIMate
Robert Moore and Paul Rother, Hybrid Arts MIDIMate Robert Moore and Paul Rother were two of the founders of Hybrid Arts, along with Frank Foster and Alan Hart. Hybrid Arts created the MIDIMate, hardware that added Musical Instrument Digital Interface capability to the the Atari 8-bit computers; and various software for it including MIDITrack. Hybrid Arts continued on to make a wide variety of MIDI and music software for the Atari ST (which has built-in MIDI) including EZ-Track. Paul was the programmer, Robert the music and sales person, and Frank Foster was the marketing person. Frank couldn't make it to this interview due to scheduling issues, but he'll be in my next interview. This interview took place on January 18, 2024. (starts at 8 minutes)
ANTIC Interview 446 - Mary Eisenhart, MicroTimes magazine
ANTIC Interview 446 - Mary Eisenhart, MicroTimes magazine
Mary Eisenhart, MicroTimes magazine Mary Eisenhart was editor of MicroTimes magazine, a free, advertising-supported magazine that was distributed in California. The first issue was May 1984, and Mary remained at the magazine until 1998, producing more than 180 issues. MicroTimes provided interviews, computer industry news, rumors, and columns, and - of course - advertising. For most of its run, there were two editions of each issue: Northern California and Southern California. When she left MicroTimes, Mary took with her a copy or two of every issue, which years later were scanned by Internet Archive. The almost-complete collection is now online, full-text searchable, where they can be read online or downloaded. As a young teenager growing up in Southern California, I read MicroTimes whenever I could find it, usually in record stores. It was a great computer magazine, with the huge bonus that it was free. When I graduated college in Northern California, I wrote for MicroTimes as often as possible (Mary was my editor.) The $200 per article paychecks were the start of my freelance writing career. Mary and I didn't talk too much about Atari in this interview, but rest assured there was plenty of material of interest to Atari lovers in MicroTimes. For instance, issue 1 has Mary's interview with Jon Freeman and Anne Westfall, creators of Archon. A 1985 cover article features "The People Behind 'The Print Shop'" — and there was a long-running Atari ST column written by Helmi Kobler. This interview took place on November 25, 2024. [NEEDED for scanning: Volume 2 Number 12, most of Volume 3]
ANTIC Episode 112 - Keeping Warm with Sweaters and Hot Sauce
ANTIC Episode 112 - Keeping Warm with Sweaters and Hot Sauce
ANTIC Episode 112 In this episode of ANTIC The Atari 8-Bit Computer Podcast… we have several Christmas ideas for you, we tell you about projects that would allow creating a new reproduction Atari 800XL, and we wet our appetites for the current Atari’s hot sauce while wearing their ugly Christmas sweater … READY! Recurring Links Interview index: Links for Items Mentioned in Show: What we’ve been up to Vox ex Machina: A Cultural History of Talking Machines by Sarah A. Bell - Intellivision: How a Videogame System Battled Atari and Almost Bankrupted Barbie by Tom Boellstorff and Braxton Soderman - MIT Press: Open Access Materials - A Treasure Chest of Ampex Tapes Saves Early Computer History - Atari 400/800 Reference Card (Atari BASIC and Microsoft BASIC) by Nanos Systems Corp. - Best of Creative Computing (Volumes I & III): Cassette repair - Stray Pointers podcast with the ANTIC crew - Jim Lawless - Recent Interview Shows News Ugly Christmas sweaters - Atari Hot Sauce - Christmas Critters: And at AtariAge - he just released an “engine prototype demo” - And Saberman has already done a quick video on it - Revive Machines is working on the injection molds of RM 800XL, the modern FPGA recreation of the Atari 800XL - Philsan69: Clear Case Kickstarter for 800XL has begun (Nov. 1) - Brian Reifsnyder Designs an "Advanced Remake" of Atari's 800XL Mainboard - AtariBASICs November newsletter - John Zielke - Atari Addict Collector’s Magazine - Atari Programmers Society Newsletter: v1n6 1983 - Cartridge extender card for the Atari 1200XL - ReifsnyderB - Improved Keyboard on an XE - Vintage Computer Center starting back up (Gavin Haubelt) - FastBASIC install/debugger - Eric Carr 400 mini it is available from Amazon Germany for $54 plus shipping. - Upcoming Shows REMAINING IN 2024 Silly Venture WE (Winter Edition) - Dec. 5-8 - Gdansk, Poland - Atari Party 2024 - Dec. 7 (noon - 4p.m.) - , Quakertown, PA - 2025 Vintage Computer Festival SoCal - February 15-17, 2025 - Hotel Fera Events Center, Orange, CA - Midwest Gaming Classic - April 4-6 - Baird Center, Milwaukee, WI - VCF East - April 4-6, 2024 - Wall, NJ - Indy Classic Computer and Video Game Expo - April 12-13 - Crowne Plaza Airport Hotel, Indianapolis, IN - Fujiama - August 11-17 - Lengenfeld, Germany - YouTube Videos The Atari 1200xl - Atari's 8-bit red-headed stepchild - Power of Vintage - Atari XE memory extension (512 KB) in 2 easy ways - RetroKernal - Atari 65 XE vs Commodore 64 | 70s 80s Computer System Competition TV Commercial - VideoGames Replay - Atari Computers Sales, Marketing Strategy 80's TV Commercial - VideoGames Replay - Atari 800 Game: Scram (1980 Atari) - Old Classic Retro Gaming - CHM: Oral History of Nolan Bushnell - New at “The Dirty Book”: Referenced by - A Word From Our Sponsor New at GitHub
ANTIC Interview 445 - Vince Cate, The Critical Connection
ANTIC Interview 445 - Vince Cate, The Critical Connection
Vince Cate, The Critical Connection In , I talked with the creator of SIO2PC, which let Atari users use a DOS computer as its disk drive and printer. This interview is with the creator a product which - six years earlier - let Atari users use a CP/M computer as its disk drive and printer (and keyboard.) Vince Cate owned a company called USS Enterprises, with just one product: The Critical Connection. Critical Connection was a combination of a specialized cable and software for connecting an Atari 8-bit to a computer running CP/M. The long cable had an SIO plug on one end and a 25-pin serial plug on the other, and some chips in the middle, allowing the Atari and CP/M box to communicate at 19,200 bps. The Critical Connection was released in 1983, six years before SIO2PC. They shared many similar features: with it you could: use an entire CP/M floppy disk as an emulated 600K Atari disk drive, create 92KB CP/M disk files which emulated Atari 90KB disks, and print from the Atari to the CP/M computer's printer. The CP/M machine even acted as a print spooler. You could also use the CP/M machine's keyboard to type on the Atari. Vince needed to create a file format to store virtual floppy disks on the CP/M machine: the filename extension was .ATR. I don't know positively, but I'm pretty sure it's a different file format from the well-known .ATR format that Nick Kennedy created for SIO2PC six years later... just similar functionality given similar names. Nick Kennedy told me that he had never heard of The Critical Connection. Here's what Jerry Pournelle wrote about Critical Connection in the September 1983 issue of Byte magazine: "Vincent Cate continues to improve his Critical Connection. This gadget makes an Atari think a CP/M computer system is a set of disks. The only requirement is that your CP/M system have an RS-232C serial port operating at 19,200 bps. Given that, you needn't buy disks for an Atari; by using The Critical Connection, you can make the Atari believe you have four disks. The really nice part is that you can use 8-inch as well as 5 1/4 -inch disks. Cate's new software package has automatic installation for a number of CP/M systems, including Kaypro, North Star, Sanyo, CCS, Heath/Zenith, and Morrow. ... Cate's documentation is improved, but it's not what I'd call good. Still, you can puzzle it out, and if you don't want to invest a lot in an Atari system but still want to use disks with it, Cate's Critical Connection is the way to go." This interview took place on November 20, 2024.
ANTIC Interview 444 - Nick Kennedy, SIO2PC and ATR
ANTIC Interview 444 - Nick Kennedy, SIO2PC and ATR
Nick Kennedy, SIO2PC and the ATR File Format Nick Kennedy is the creator of SIO2PC, the hardware and software combination that allowed Atari 8-bit computer users to use a PC as a peripheral. In 1989, this was unprecedented, a new way to connect the little Atari to the bigger world, to the (relatively) massive storage and speed of a computer running PC-DOS. For the first time, Ataris could use a PC as storage, RAM disk, and printer. Nick also created the .ATR file format, which quickly became the standard for using virtual floppy disks on Atari emulators. Nick also created 10502PC, a cable that let you connect an Atari floppy drive directly to a PC; and AtariCOM, a less well-known utility that allowed two Atari 8-Bit computers to communicate using the SIO and joystick ports. And, he created Atari-based amateur radio tools: a terminal program for packet radio, and Morse code keyer software, which he and I talked about in detail in our previous interview. This interview took place on November 1, 2024. Previous interview with Nick about ham radio:
ANTIC Interview 443 - Rick Reaser, Current Notes Magazine
ANTIC Interview 443 - Rick Reaser, Current Notes Magazine
Rick Reaser, Current Notes Magazine's 8-bit Editor Rick Reaser was the 8-bit Editor of Current Notes Magazine, a popular magazine dedicated to the Atari computers. He began in 1992, and wrote a column called 8-Bit Tidbits. Rick used his Atari 8-bit computer exclusively through his college years and for programming for grad school. He was also president of P3ACE - Pikes Peak Poke Atari Computer Enthusiasts - a user group serving the Colorado Springs area. This interview took place on February 11, 2023.
ANTIC Interview 442 - Bob Stein, Atari Research
ANTIC Interview 442 - Bob Stein, Atari Research
Bob Stein, Atari’s Encyclopedia Project Bob Stein worked at Atari Research for 18 months beginning in 1981. He was hired by Alan Kay. He worked almost exclusively on an encyclopedia project, a potential collaboration between Atari and Encyclopaedia Britannica that never went anywhere. I learned about Bob after he uploaded an item called The Atari Drawings to Internet Archive. It's a collection of nine colorful pencil drawings, drawn in 1982 by Disney animator Glen Keane. The drawings depict futuristic scenarios where people use a computerized encyclopedia to get information: for instance, "An earthquake wakes a couple in the middle of the night. The Intelligent Encyclopedia, connected to an online service, informs them of the severity of the earthquake and makes safety tips readily available." and "A mother and her children looking into a tidepool in Laguna ask the Intelligent Encyclopedia about the plants and animals that they see." Bob described the collection of art in his introduction to the document: "In 1982 executives from Warner, Inc., Atari's parent company, were scheduled to visit the Research Lab where the Encyclopedia Project was located. Brenda Laurel and I came up with these scenarios to give the execs a sense of what we were working toward. The drawings were made by Disney animator, Glen Keane. When you look at these, remember they were made 16 years before Google and 12 years before Yahoo, even 8 years before the earliest web-based search engines. That said, one of the most interesting things about these scenarios as seen today, is that with the exception of the image of the architect and the teacher none of them indicated any inkling that the most important element of the web to come was that it would bring people into contact with each other. What we see here is almost entirely people accessing content from a central server, no sense that we would be communicating with each other or uploading our own contributions to the collective culture. My own explanation for this lapse focuses on the print-era mentality that saw readers purely as consumers of content." Bob saved and scanned a large number of materials from his time at Atari, and uploaded them to Internet Archive. In addition to the scans of Keane's Atari Drawings, the documents include memos about the encyclopedia project and a transcript of a 1982 seminar for Atari Research featuring Charles Van Doren. Check the show notes for those links. After Atari, Bob was co-founder of The Criterion Collection, which restores and distributes important classic films; and co-founder of The Voyager Company, the first commercial multimedia CD-ROM publisher. In 2004, he co-founded The Institute for the Future of the Book, a think tank "investigating the evolution of discourse as it shifts from printed pages to networked screens." This interview took place December 16, 2023.
ANTIC Episode 111 - Is Kay Really Funny, or is it Just a Courtesy Snicker?
ANTIC Episode 111 - Is Kay Really Funny, or is it Just a Courtesy Snicker?
ANTIC Episode 111 - “Is Kay Really Funny, or is it Just a Courtesy Snicker?” In this episode of ANTIC The Atari 8-Bit Computer Podcast… We go over the ABBUC Software Contest winners, we cover PRGE, Kay accelerates his interview publishing schedule, and we ask the question: Is Kay really funny, or are Randy’s snickers simply courtesy? You decide … READY! Recurring Links Interview index: What we’ve been up to PRGE - Priming the Pump: How TRS-80 Enthusiasts Helped Spark the PC Revolution by David and Theresa Welsh - (sponsored link) Recent Interviews News ABBUC 2024 Software Contest: ABBUC Magazines - Pre-Launch for Clear Case for 800XL has begun: Bouncy World Server Available - Replacement cartridge slot - Screaming at the Radio - Mastertronic Collectors Archive - Atari (8-Bit) Mastertronic Checklist - Upcoming Shows Retro Computer Festival 2024 - November 9-10 - Centre for Computing History, Cambridge, England - Silly Venture WE (Winter Edition) - Dec. 5-8 - Gdansk, Poland - Event page on Floppy Days Website - YouTube Videos Atari XL/XE -=Go! Tony Go!=- - Saberman RetroNews - LIVE from PRGE 2024 Day 1: AtariAge New Releases & WIP - ZeroPage Homebrew - Videos of the ABBUC winners, such as: Atari XL/XE -=Eat Me!=- ABBUC Software Contest 2024 - Saberman RetroNews - 1K Rainbox - Saberman RetroNews - My Atari 800 prints out the news and weather every morning! - Sascha Segan - New at Github
ANTIC Interview 441 - Nick Kennedy, Atari Morse Code Keyer
ANTIC Interview 441 - Nick Kennedy, Atari Morse Code Keyer
Nick Kennedy, Atari Morse Code Keyer I was adding a batch of ham radio newsletters to the Internet Archive's Digital Library of Amateur Radio And Communications, and I noticed the word "Atari" on one of the pages. In the September 2019 issue of Solid Copy, the newsletter of The CW Operators Club, Nick Kennedy had written: "Few hams who are both CW [morse code] enthusiasts and programmers of microcontrollers have been able to resist trying their hand at a keyer or two. I’ve done several in the past 30+ years, starting with one for the 6502 in an Atari 800 and on through PICs, AVRs and now...the Arduino." So I contacted Nick, amateur radio call sign WA5BDU, to find out what his Atari project was all about. First, a tiny bit of ham radio background: Morse code, that language of dots and dashes, can be sent over the radio waves using a Morse code key. Even if you know nothing about ham radio, I bet you picture a basic Morse code key: when tap the little lever, it makes an electrical connection that makes a sound. That's called a straight key. Avid Morse code enthusiasts may prefer a fancier "paddle" key: with two levers, one for short beeps and one for longer ones. A keyer is a device that is connected between the paddle key and the radio: it allows the sender to control timing of the transmitted signals, and other factors. Nick's software, WA5BDU Computer Keyer, turned his Atari computer into a keyer. He wired his Morse code paddle and his ham radio to joystick port 2. As he sent a message using his paddle, the Atari interpreted the signal, adjusted it as necessary, displayed the outgoing message on the screen, and sent the signal to the radio. Or, Nick could simply type on the Atari's keyboard to send Morse code messages, skipping the paddle key altogether. Nick sent me the keyer program and source code — as well as a packet radio terminal program that he wrote, and a tank game written by his brother. Check the show notes for links to all of those. Our interview took place on January 21, 2023.
ANTIC Interview 440 - Ed Sabo, UltraBASIC
ANTIC Interview 440 - Ed Sabo, UltraBASIC
Ed Sabo, UltraBASIC Ed Sabo, with the help of his dad, founded UltraBASIC, a company that produced software for Atari 8-bit computers. UltraBASIC's software for the Atari 8-bits, which was all programmed by Ed, were: Tank Math: "a tutored math exercise plus a bonus roman numeral quiz" FunSpeller: "use your own words or the fifteen word-sets included" SuperFrogs: "the 7 game arcade with over 10,000 variations” … and Track Stack: a program launcher, "stack up to 15 machine language programs on the track stack disk" Ed also created some unpublished software, including a bulletin board system and RC Total, a program to track results of radio controlled car races. The company also operated a commercial coin op route, with video games, pinball machines, jukeboxes, and so on. Ed's UltraBASIC company still exists. Today, the company specializes in transmission rebuilds, custom headers, and other repairs for classic and custom cars. This interview took place on August 8, 2023. Video version of this interview (youtube): Tank Math: Super Frogs: Funspeller: Track Stack: Ultrabasic, Inc.: M.U.L.E. Online: FujiNet: Support Kay's interviews on Patreon:
ANTIC Interview 439 - Making Modern Atari Hardware
ANTIC Interview 439 - Making Modern Atari Hardware
Two Interviews about Making Modern Atari Hardware In this interview episode, there are interviews with two people creating today's Atari hardware: the Atari 400 Mini and other modern reboots of retro consoles such as the Atari 7800+. First, an interview with Matthew Burnett, Vice President of Strategic Operations at Atari — the guy in charge of Atari's new hardware. We discuss how the Atari 400 Mini came to market. Then, I interview Ben Jones, Commercial Director for Plaion, a manufacturing and distribution company that was involved with the creation of the 400 Mini and 7800 Plus as well as other retro computing hardware like the C64 Mini and the A500 (Amiga) Mini. These interviews took place on September 27 2024 at Portland Retro Gaming Expo. Atari 400 Mini: Atari 7800+:
ANTIC Episode 110 - Are the Grandkids Listening!?
ANTIC Episode 110 - Are the Grandkids Listening!?
ANTIC Episode 110 - Are the Grandkids Listening!? In this episode of ANTIC The Atari 8-Bit Computer Podcast… Kay makes TI users unhappy, VCFMW recap, we drool over an Atari Home Computer Demonstration Center display, we bid farewell to an Atari podcast, and Randy uses a word he wouldn’t want his grandkids to hear… READY! Recurring Links Interview index: Links for Items Mentioned in Show: What we’ve been up to TI Fest West 2017 - Kay as Radio Survivor podcast guest about Famous Computer Cafe - ComputerLand radio commercials: VCFMW - Indus GT drive 10502PC cable - 6502 Software Gourmet Guide & Cookbook by Robert Findley - FujiNet-PC and Fujitzee - Recent Interviews ANTIC Interview 438 - John Carlsen, Atari Summer Employee - News FujiNet update (RAPID 11) Atari Calculator/Colleen Calculator information NotebookLM Inverse ATASCII update and final episode SE8EB1 - Best of/Worst of - SE8EB2 - Into the Vertical Blank (from Philsan) RM 800XL project by continues. Trademark is now registered and Revive Machines is working on injection molds: Revive Machines - Trademark - Atari Basics newsletter - XCF12 - “F-16 Falcon Strike” - Mention of Atari computer in “It's no longer as simple as hitting the print button” (Bluefield, WV) - NUC plus4 - Upcoming Shows Portland Retro Gaming Expo - September 27-29 - Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR - Tandy Assembly - September 27-29 - Courtyard by Marriott Springfield - Springfield, OH - Retro Computer Festival 2024 - November 9-10 - Centre for Computing History, Cambridge, England - Silly Venture WE (Winter Edition) - Dec. 5-8 - Gdansk, Poland - Event page on Floppy Days Website - YouTube Videos Carol Shaw's Road To River Raid - Revealing Gaming's History - Game Informer - 90 Minutes With Atari CEO Wade Rosen | All Things Nintendo - Decent USB Host: USB, Wifi and Bluetooth on Atari 8-bit computers - Screaming at the Radio! - Santosp Atari XE Remake Motherboard Build Part 1 - flashjazzcat - Atari 8-Bit Series: Part 7: 410 Program Recorder - 8 Bit Milli - 1090XL Video With New Cards - reifsnyderb - Capt. Grace Hopper on Future Possibilities: Data, Hardware, Software, and People - New at Computer studio catalog at SDH Feniks - Warsaw - Github
ANTIC Interview 438 - John Carlsen, Atari Summer Employee
ANTIC Interview 438 - John Carlsen, Atari Summer Employee
ANTIC Interview 438 - John Carlsen - Atari Summer Employee Hello, and welcome to this interview-only episode of ANTIC, The Atari 8-bit computer podcast. I’m Randy Kindig, your host for this episode. John Carlsen worked at Atari only briefly, as a summer job for 6 weeks in 1987, between his final years of high school. Later, in 1988-1989, he worked for its founding president, Nolan Bushnell when he signed on to Nolan’s latest startup, called Bots, Inc. They made pizza delivery robots (and a related customer-facing order entry system) for Little Caesars Pizza. John then worked for Axlon, which was created by former Atari employees to manufacture add-on products for the Atari computer, followed by Aapps Corp., which spun out of Nolan's offices. In 1990-1991, John also worked for Mediagenic (Activision, Infocom, etc.) until a week after its hostile takeover. This interview took place on March 6, 2024. Links
ANTIC Episode 109 - Host Wars
ANTIC Episode 109 - Host Wars
ANTIC Episode 109 - Host Wars In this episode of ANTIC The Atari 8-Bit Computer Podcast… Brad and Randy cover VCFSE, Kay finishes archiving the Famous Computer Cafe and gets some great material from Dan Kramer and Larry Summers, and the hosts trade barbs… READY! Links for Items Mentioned in Show: What we’ve been up to Larry Summers: Excalibur - Superboots business plan - Dan Kramer: Famous Computer Cafe - Book “Best of SoftSide - Atari Edition” - News Atari Insights newsletter V1#1 - John Zielke - Atari Opens Enrollment for its 2024 Summer Camp Program: New drop-in replacement mechanical keyboard for the Atari 800 - Article on how to repair the split collars on an Atari 800 - AtariProjects - - Jason Moore Inverse ATASCII Podcast - - Wade Ripkowski The content presented at the Atari Last Party 2024 (the oldest demo party in Poland) has been added to the Fujinet server ABBUC #157 magazine - German edition - A8Pico to win from ABBUC: Send the answer to the question: "What is the chorus in the Atari song?" You can find the answer on Wolfgang's YouTube channel: ( ) Send answer by e-mail to Enhanced 600XL PCB by kveldulfur - Atari FastBASIC - Upcoming Shows Atari Expo 2024 in Santiago Chile— Aug 3rd&4th.— Vintage Computer Festival West - August 2-3 - Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA - Silly Venture SE (Summer Edition) - Aug. 15-18 - Gdansk, Poland - VCF Midwest - September 7-8 - Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center in Schaumburg, IL - VCF Europe - September 7-8 - Munich, Germany - World of Retrocomputing 2024 Expo - September 14-15 - Kitchener, ON, Canada - Portland Retro Gaming Expo - September 27-29 - Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR - Retro Computer Festival 2024 - November 9-10 - Centre for Computing History, Cambridge, England - Silly Venture WE (Winter Edition) - Dec. 5-8 - Gdansk, Poland - YouTube Videos FlashJazzCat SIDE3 Video - Lotharek SIDE3 Video - MAC/65 Assembler Editor and Atari 8-bit Machine Language Programming - Part 1 - David Arlington - MAC/65 Assembler Editor and Atari 8-bit Machine Language Programming - Part 2 - David Arlington - The Atari 2024 Expo Preview - CmosGames (in Spanish) - Rewind 2 - a demo for Atari XL/XE by New Generation, Zelax & Radiance - VoyAtari - Now there's a Decent keyboard for each Atari 8-bit computer - Screaming at the Radio - New at Bluegrass Region Atari Computer Enthusiasts newsletters
ANTIC Episode 108 - Randys Eyes Are Bleeding!
ANTIC Episode 108 - Randys Eyes Are Bleeding!
ANTIC Episode 108 - Randy’s Eyes Are Bleeding! In this episode of ANTIC The Atari 8-Bit Computer Podcast… Kay visits VCFSW and the National Videogame Museum, tapes from the famous Computer Cafe are found, Atari acquires Intellivision, and Randy’s eyes start bleeding from watching YouTube videos 24x7… READY! Recurring Links Interview index: Links for Items Mentioned in Show: What we’ve been up to VCF SW, National Videogame Museum - Titan - Development disk for Tom Hudson's "Adventure at Vendenberg A.F.B." - Sunday Driver - Famous Computer Cafe - Steve Roberts - A8PICO by Electrotrains - USB-C power supply adapter from Mozzwald - Atari photo shoot at IVCC - Recent Interviews ANTIC Interview 437 - Dr. Kristina Hooper Woolsey, Atari Research Labs and Apple Multimedia Lab - News FujiNet RAPID 7& 8 - Andy Diller - video on using CONFIG-NG the alternative CONFIG for Atari - video by Andy Diller - How Google's Rampant Sunnyvale Expansion Is Erasing Atari's History - - Atari watch faces for smart watches AtariAge thread on the RetroScaler from AliExpress - Revive RM 800XL box design! X - Facebook - Mastodon - Atari acquires Intellivision! - Living Computer Museum is dead: New game “Shift” - Atari 50 Update - Wireless tape player interface from Piotr Bugaj: Thanks to @TheTime, Tandy Trower's Character Set Editor published by APX is finally available after all these years: Kay’s 2015 interview- 1050 mini. Brand new floppy drive for Atari XL by Piotr Bugaj: New 576NUC+ 4-in-1 Expansion Module - The NUCplus4 - Upcoming Shows KansasFest, the largest and longest running annual Apple II conference - July 16-21 (in-person), July 27-28 (virtual) - University of Illinois in Springfield, IL - Southern Fried Gaming Expo and VCF Southeast - July 19-21, 2024 - Atlanta, GA - Nottingham Video Game Expo - July 20-21 - The Belgrave Rooms, Nottingham, U.K. - Fujiama - July 23-28 - Lengenfeld, Germany - Vintage Computer Festival West - August 2-3 - Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA - Silly Venture SE (Summer Edition) - Aug. 15-18 - Gdansk, Poland - VCF Midwest - September 7-8 - Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center in Schaumburg, IL - VCF Europe - September 7-8 - Munich, Germany - Portland Retro Gaming Expo - September 27-29 - Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR - Retro Computer Festival 2024 - November 9-10 - Centre for Computing History, Cambridge, England - Silly Venture WE (Winter Edition) - Dec. 5-8 - Gdansk, Poland - YouTube Videos Atari 800XL with GTIAdigitizer and RGB2HDMI - FlashJazzCat - Atari 810 drives with issues - Adrian’s Digital Basement - A8PicoCart for the Atari 8-bit machines - Building and testing - Arctic Retro - Soldering-Up an A8PicoCart for your Atari - The VintNerd - Atari 400 Mini cartridges and disk drive - GameRoomOfThrones - Atari 8-Bit: Mikie (Final), Missile Command Arcade w/ Trak-Ball (Final), Shift (Exclusive Final) - ZeroPage HomeBrew - New at Atari Technische Informatie NR 12 Printer-Problemen - James Copland on the Computer Cafe - Jersey Atari Computer Group Newsletter, July, 1985 - JACG newsletters scanned spreadsheet - Scene World podcast Ep. #189 - THE400 Mini with Darren Melbourne - AtariUser Magazine Summer (July) 1992 - Feedback 8 Bit Workshop website -
ANTIC Interview 437 - Kristina Hooper Woolsey, Atari Research Labs and Apple Multimedia Labs
ANTIC Interview 437 - Kristina Hooper Woolsey, Atari Research Labs and Apple Multimedia Labs
ANTIC Interview 437 - Dr. Kristina Hooper Woolsey, Atari Research Labs and Apple Multimedia Lab Hello, and welcome to this interview-only episode of ANTIC, The Atari 8-bit computer podcast. I’m Randy Kindig, your host for this episode. Dr. Kristina Hooper Woolsey is an American scholar and cognitive scientist known as the "mother of multimedia" for her pioneering work at the Apple Multimedia Lab and Atari Research Labs, which she directed. Woolsey was a founding member of the Apple Human Interface Group. She was named a Distinguished Scientist by Apple Computer in acknowledgment of her pioneering work in multimedia in education. She was the executive producer of a range of multimedia titles in learning --- Life Story, the Visual Almanac, Animal Pathfinders, Disappearing Ducks, Countdown, Planetary Taxi and others --- that were produced when she was Director of the Apple Computer Multimedia Lab. There is discussion during the interview about Cynthia Solomon and Brian Silverman, who were interviewed in a previous episode about their time at Atari Research Labs. This interview took place on Feb. 6, 2024. Links Dr. Woolsey’s book about her time at Apple - Interview with Cynthia Solomon and Brian Silverman -
ANTIC Episode 107 - 4 Times!
ANTIC Episode 107 - 4 Times!
ANTIC Episode 107 - 4 Times! In this episode of ANTIC The Atari 8-Bit Computer Podcast…we realize there are 4 times as many interview episodes as regular episodes and what that might say, Kay visits the Strong Museum, Randy attends the Indy Classic Expo, and Brad drools over a keyboard for the 400 Mini… READY! Recurring Links Interview index: Links for Items Mentioned in Show: What we’ve been up to Strong Museum - Atari BASIC Tutorial book - Indy Classic Expo, April 16 & 17 - 80-column card for 1090XL - Brian Reifsnyder - Disk archiving setup, using FujiNet - new project by Randy at Jason Moore’s Atari Projects - News Andy Diller’s tnfs server for FujiNet - or Other FujiNet goodness from Andy - Tim Lapetino Interview - BASIC 10-Liner Contest winners announced! - Vitoco has bundled Atari 8 Bit computer games competing in the BASIC 10 Liners Contest 2024 into a single disk - New Game! Missile Command Arcade (VBXE) - VCF East update by Thom Cherryhomes - FujiNet RAPID #6 from Andy Diller - Atari XF 351 floppy drive clone - Atari 8-bit machines comparison table - MrFish - keyboard for the 400Mini - ScreamingAtTheRadio - RastaConverter - Jakub "Ilmenit" Dębski: PAS 6502 - added Atari 8-bit support - Upcoming Shows VCF Southwest - June 14-16, 2024 - Davidson-Gundy Alumni Center at UT Dallas - Boatfest Retro Computer Expo - June 14-16 - Hurricane, WV - Southern Fried Gaming Expo and VCF Southeast - July 19-21, 2024 - Atlanta, GA - KansasFest, the largest and longest running annual Apple II conference - July 16-21 (in-person), July 27-28 (virtual) - University of Illinois in Springfield, IL - Fujiama - July 23-28 - Lengenfeld, Germany - Vintage Computer Festival West - August 2-3 - Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA - Silly Venture SE (Summer Edition) - Aug. 15-18 - Gdansk, Poland - VCF Midwest - September 7-8 - Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center in Schaumburg, IL - Portland Retro Gaming Expo - September 27-29, 2024 - Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR - Silly Venture WE (Winter Edition) - Dec. 5-8 - Gdansk, Poland - YouTube Videos Let's install a monitor jack and upgrade the RAM on a US Atari 600XL - FlashJazzCat - Simius Sophia 2 : Atari 800XL Install - Vintage Gaming Memories: ATARI XL / XE += GUNNER =+ BASIC 10LINER CONTEST 2024 - Atari 8 Bits For Ever - Atari XL/XE -=Tetris=- BASIC 10 Liner Contest 2024 - Saberman RetroNews - Every Atari 8-Bit Game in the BASIC 10 Liner Contest 2024 - ZeroPage Homebrew - New at
ANTIC Episode 106 - Thom, Do you ever sleep?
ANTIC Episode 106 - Thom, Do you ever sleep?
ANTIC Episode 106 - Thom, do you ever sleep!? In this episode of ANTIC The Atari 8-Bit Computer Podcast… we cover all the recent contests involving new Atari software development, bring you all the other Atari news we could find, and marvel at the stamina of Thom Cherryhomes… READY! Recurring Links Interview index: Links for Items Mentioned in Show: What we’ve been up to Atari’s 1986 prospectus and form S-1 - Titan game - 2.4A power supply for XL/XE from - (affiliate link) 80-column card for 1090XL - Brian Reifsnyder - News Custom floppy disk envelopes - Atari 400 mini started shipping! (3/28) - BASIC 10-Liner Contest - Vitoco has bundled Atari 8 Bit computer games competing in the BASIC 10 Liners Contest 2024 into a single disk - 6th Annual Atari Homebrew Awards - Atari in a suitcase - Anode chat - you can use Anode chat and talk on the Fujinet discord to the anode channel - TNFS:// and search in it for "chat" - you'll need to register with the anode server first Including ACTION! code from GitHub - Thom Cherryhomes: FujiNet Patreon - ABBUC Software Competition 2024 opened: You can find all the rules here - ABBUC hardware contest 2024 starts now: You can find the rules here - YAIL (Yet Another Image Loader) - YouTube video by Thom Cherryhomes - Best Old School Tech Super Bowl Commercials, Ranked (Gizmodo) - Atari computer commercial (Atari: Get Started, 1984, with Alan Alda) #7 on the list - Upcoming Shows Midwest Gaming Classic - April 5-7 - Wisconsin Center, Milwaukee, WI - VCF East - April 12-14, 2024 - Wall, NJ - Indy Classic Computer and Video Game Expo - April 13-14 - Crowne Plaza Airport Hotel, Indianapolis, IN - VCF Europa - April 27-28, 2024 - Munich, Germany - VCF Southwest - June 14-16, 2024 - Davidson-Gundy Alumni Center at UT Dallas - Boatfest Retro Computer Expo - June 14-16 - Hurricane, WV - Southern Fried Gaming Expo and VCF Southeast - July 19-21, 2024 - Atlanta, GA - KansasFest, the largest and longest running annual Apple II conference - July 16-21 - University of Illinois in Springfield, IL - Fujiama - July 23-28 - Lengenfeld, Germany - Silly Venture SE (Summer Edition) - Aug. 15-18 - Gdansk, Poland - VCF Midwest - September 7-8 - Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center in Schaumburg, IL - Portland Retro Gaming Expo - September 27-29, 2024 - Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR - Silly Venture WE (Winter Edition) - Dec. 5-8 - Gdansk, Poland - YouTube Videos The end of the road for the Atari 800XL - FlashJazzCat - Saving Archer Maclean's Atari 8-bit Arcade Experiments - Games That Weren’t - FujiNet: Demoing the atari 8-bit Compuserve VIDTEX Terminal Emulator - Thom Cherryhomes - More about Videotex here - A version of the demo server is here on GitHub - A bootable copy of the Atari Compuserve VIDTEX 4.0 terminal is here via TNFS and HTTPS - Writing the FujiNet User's Guide for ATARI 8-bit Users - Thom Cherryhomes - A look at my new Encrypt Decrypt Basic Program for The Hardball Game on Atari 8 Bit - Red Rock Video Productions - New at Allan: Portland Atari Club newsletters - Lending: Github (French) Feedback Peter Dell - installer which makes the installation of his WUDSN IDE for the Atari 8-bits () just two clicks on Windows, macOS and Linux. Peter Dell interview on ANTIC (2015) - Chris Lorenzo - Mozzwald's Atari USB-C Power Adapter - Video - Mozzwald’s USB-C Adapter -
ANTIC Episode 105 - Secret Club Meeting with Andy Diller
ANTIC Episode 105 - Secret Club Meeting with Andy Diller
ANTIC Episode 105 - Secret Club Meeting with Andy Diller In this episode of ANTIC The Atari 8-Bit Computer Podcast… we pull together our secret club of Atari hackers, including special guest Andy Diller, and talk FujiNet, archiving disks, VCF SoCal, VCF East, listener feedback and more in an extra-long episode. READY! Recurring Links Interview index: Links for Items Mentioned in Show: What we’ve been up to FujiNet Updates FujiNet has a cheatsheet- on the wiki - a wealth of info Wiki: FujiNet GPT: Virtual FujiNet in a File - virtual machine created for virtual box or vmware FujiNet board for 1090XL Atari Classroom at VCF East 2024 in April SWAG: FujiNet, Signed BREAKOUT, VCF bag, Classroom T Shirt Classes: FujiNet, ACTION!, BASIC, Assembly - info on NOS updates- help and binary saves, read from SD card, XEP80 support FujiNet on 2600 - JeffP is actively working on this Al_Nafuur on discord playing with a 2600 version of 5 Card Stud? - 1090XL expansion unit and 320K RAM board - reifsnyderb Discussion - Purchase - Jersey Atari Computer Group newsletter and PD library archiving: JACG newsletter and PD disks discussion - Some archived PD disks - VCF SoCal - Jason Moore - Rob Sherman - AtariBBS - The VintNerd - Thom Cherryhomes - FujiNet - Steve & Jeff Fulton - (2021 interview) Lee Pappas Interview - (2015) News Atari 400 Mini!!! - Other “Company that calls itself Atari” shenanigans — AtariAge High Score Club - therealbountybob - CHIP-8 interpreter updates: BASIC 10-Liner Contest on! - Nancy Taitt has died: (2020 interview) Making new 1020 plotter pens - FieroDoug5 and RetroHax: Discussion on AtariAge - 6th Annual Atari Homebrew Awards: Awards Show - Thorn EMI's Wargames "inspired" Computer War is now HighScoreEnabled - Full list at Linejewels 0.5 (public beta) - cross platform basic game (c64,atarixl,ms-dos(gw), amstrad, micro bbc) - la1n - KARAI - Atari 8 Bit USB-C Power Adapter - Mozzwald - next Texas Atari 8-bit Computer Owners (T.A.C.O.) meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 9th at the National Videogame Museum - RM 800XL - Upcoming Shows Interim Computer Festival SPRING - March 23rd and 24th, 2024 - Intraspace, Seattle, WA - Midwest Gaming Classic - April 5-7 - Wisconsin Center, Milwaukee, WI - VCF East - April 12-14, 2024 - Wall, NJ - Indy Classic Computer and Video Game Expo - April 13-14 - Crowne Plaza Airport Hotel, Indianapolis, IN - VCF Europa - April 27-28, 2024 - Munich, Germany - VCF Southwest - June 14-16, 2024 - Davidson-Gundy Alumni Center at UT Dallas - Boatfest Retro Computer Expo - June 14-16 - Hurricane, WV - Southern Fried Gaming Expo and VCF Southeast - July 19-21, 2024 - Atlanta, GA - Fujiama - July 23-28 - Lengenfeld, Germany - Silly Venture SE (Summer Edition) - Aug. 15-28 - Gdansk, Poland - VCF Midwest - September 7-8 - NEW VENUE TBD - Portland Retro Gaming Expo - September 27-29, 2024 - Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR - Silly Venture WE (Winter Edition) - Dec. 5-8 - Gdansk, Poland - Event page created by Chicago Classic Computing - Event page created by Floppy Days - YouTube Videos 25 FPS and 3D Action Games to Rock Your Atari400 Mini and Atari8bit - Into the Vertical Blank (the Fulton brothers) - All *25* Atari 400 Mini Games!!! Hidden Gems and Classics!!! - Greg’s Game Room - Let's install $800 of upgrades into an Atari 800XL - FlashJazzCat - Upgraded Atari 800XL comes back butchered - FlashJazzCat - Yorky Memory Expansion - Atari 800XL - RetroAndGaming - New at Allen: Neponset NiteLite Atari BBS Listing 1985 Feedback Chris LaBuda - "That Atari Show 63: "Frantic For ANTIC!" ( w/ Special Guest, Bally Alley), Newsline & Kay Savetz" today - Atari Wiki -
ANTIC Episode 104 - You’re Gonna Label Me a Failure
ANTIC Episode 104 - You’re Gonna Label Me a Failure
ANTIC Episode 104 - You’re Gonna Label Me a Failure In this episode of ANTIC The Atari 8-Bit Computer Podcast…Kay plays with Pokey the AI chatbot some more, Kay’s cat tries to smack Randy in the head, we discuss what happens if we don’t meet our interview goals (hint: Randy will be labeled a failure), and we bring you all the Atari 8-bit news from the last month of 2023 READY! Recurring Links Interview index: Links for Items Mentioned in Show: What we’ve been up to The genealogy program Max Derhak mentioned when he was in 2014 was just found - Antic Magazine v1n3, v1n4 and v1n5 (Aug, Oct and Nov 1982) software - Space War source - Wade’s podcast link - Kay’s 2023 Wrapped - Kay’s Juiced.GS articles - Recent Interviews News Digital Eclipse announces Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story - VCF East 2024: Dean Notarnicola - It’s Alive! - RM800XL - Archer Maclean A8 Defender and Stargate: Altirra 4.20 released - Homemade 300 baud modem - JohnPolka AKA Mark - 2023 Advanced PCB Remake For the 800XL -- Revision 1.1 - reifsynderb - Forgotten Gems: Lucasfilm's Rescue on Fractalus! At IGN: New FujiNet HighScoreEnabled Games! - Tom Cherryhomes - Pokey - Tenebra 2 ported to Atari 8-bit (tip of the hat to Philsan): Video: Download: Enjoy 2024 New Years Disk - Jerry White's Poker Solitaire 2024: Upcoming Shows Vintage Computer Festival SoCal - February 17-18, 2024 - Hotel Fera Events Center, Orange, CA - Interim Computer Festival SPRING - March 23rd and 24th, 2024 - Intraspace, Seattle, WA - Midwest Gaming Classic - April 5-7 - Wisconsin Center, Milwaukee, WI - VCF East - April 12-14, 2024 - Wall, NJ - Indy Classic Computer and Video Game Expo - April 13-14 - Crowne Plaza Airport Hotel, Indianapolis, IN - VCF Europa - April 27-28, 2024 - Munich, Germany - VCF Southwest - June 14-16, 2024 - Davidson-Gundy Alumni Center at UT Dallas - Boatfest Retro Computer Expo - June 14-16 - Hurricane, WV - Southern Fried Gaming Expo and VCF Southeast - July 19-21, 2024 - Atlanta, GA - Fujiama - July 23-28 - Lengenfeld, Germany - Silly Venture SE (Summer Edition) - Aug. 15-28 - Gdansk, Poland - VCF Midwest - September 7-8 - NEW VENUE TBD - Portland Retro Gaming Expo - September 27-29, 2024 - Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR - Silly Venture WE (Winter Edition) - Dec. 5-8 - Gdansk, Poland - Event page created by Chicago Classic Computing - Event page created by Floppy Days - YouTube Videos From Bill Kendrick: Peter Dell (JAC! / WUDSN guy) recent demo videos - Lumacode Easy HDMI for Retro Computers - YARC Yet Another Retro Channel - Making of Time Wizard - a game for Atari 8-bit computer - amarok - its development. The ATARI Christmas Massacre - Rebuilding an 810 from shattered pieces - Retro is the new black - SWP ATR8000 : The most expandable, versatile disk interface available for the Atari! - Vintage Gaming Memories - The story of the Atari 800XE, why did Atari release this model? - GeSpy Builds Stuff - The Granddaddy of Atari Computing - the Atari 800 - the power of vintage - New at New at GitHub Feedback Book -
ANTIC Interview 436 - Rodrigo Castro, Atari in Chile
ANTIC Interview 436 - Rodrigo Castro, Atari in Chile
Rodrigo Castro, Atari in Chile Rodrigo Castro was one of the organizers of an Atari Expo that took place July 22, 2023 in Santiago, Chile. He told me it was probably the largest Atari show in that country to date, with an estimated 300 attendees. Panelists included Robert Jaeger, creator of Montezuma's Revenge, who attended via videoconference. Rod and I talked about that event, as well as Atari's popularity in Chile, in this interview that took place on December 15, 2023.