Audacious Leaders Podcast
The mission of the Audacious Leaders Podcast is to bring proven strategies to leaders who “want it all” -- to show up and lead authentically, to increase profitability by leveraging strengths, and to enjoy health, satisfaction and quality relationships. Our audience is comprised of business leaders and professionals in leadership roles looking for strategies to create success and satisfaction in life, health and business. This podcast uses our “Deep Dive in Nine” format. It gives the guest nine minutes to answer seven laser-focused questions. You can go to for written show notes and to learn more about my guests.
How to Get Stuff Done With Less Stress and More Ease with Louise Miller
How to Get Stuff Done With Less Stress and More Ease with Louise Miller
Are you frustrated that there’s never enough time to get everything done in your business? If you love your work but feel frustrated that there’s never enough time to get everything done, Louise Miller can help you uncover your innate productivity ninja so you can relax and switch off at the end of each day, knowing you’re making progress. In this episode, Louise shares how she helps business owners get stuff done with less stress and more ease, not so they can cram more and more ‘doing’ into their days, but so to create space for the things they love. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: “Hone in one goal in particular, rather than trying to think about it all. What's one thing that you want to do something big and scary, pick that one goal and then just get really granular with it..” – Louise Miller “The minute they [clients] come up against something that's slightly outside of their comfort zone that feels a little bit sticky and tricky. They give up and move on. They'll want to move on to something else that feels like more fun because those pieces are not in their flow.”– Louise Miller “Think what is the first smallest, tiniest step you can do to move forward. ” – Louise Miller Valuable Free Resource (VFR): A Powerful Planning Workbook for Small Business Owners with Big Ambition Visit: Ways to Contact Louise Miller: Website: Linkedin:
Go Beyond Boundaries with Nozomi Morgan
Go Beyond Boundaries with Nozomi Morgan
How do you resolve cultural conflict and cultural barriers in an organization? Different norms and value systems come into play when people from diverse cultural backgrounds interact leading to team misunderstandings. Oftentimes, what is happening is they're blaming the other person across the table. What it looks like is they are working really hard under extreme stress, but they didn't feel like anything's getting done. Nozomi Morgan is a leadership coach and the CEO of Michiki Morgan Worldwide. Her passion is to develop global leaders who are courageous, kind, and who want to do good in this world. Her diverse international background — having lived in Asia, Europe, and North America — gives her a wealth of experience and knowledge as a trusted partner to organizations going through complex situations such as restructuring or mergers and acquisitions. In this episode, Nozomi shares how to overcome the tension and frustration that can naturally arise from cultural differences especially with multinational teams within global corporations. She shares valuable actions to improve and enhance communication and cultivate trust. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: "When you have each person showing up powerfully then that leads the team showing up powerfully. Then it leads the organization going beyond their boundaries and showing up powerfully to the society, to their customers, to the ecosystem at their in." –Nozomi Morgan "The most powerful answers are in the simplest of questions and the simplest actions. Think what you really want in your life and I truly invite you to not judge yourself." –Nozomi Morgan "Oftentimes, what is happening is they're [multicultural teams] blaming the other person across the table. So what it looks like is you're working really hard under extreme stress, but they didn’t feel like anything’s getting done. They could never catch up, they could never accomplish anything they could never get along. So which then leads to feeling unmotivated, even though they want to. " –Nozomi Morgan Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Stay In Touch and Get Updates from Nazomi Morgan Visit: Ways to Contact Nozomi Morgan: Website: Linkedin: Twitter:
Networking is Relationship Building: I Need To Know You with Kymberli Speight
Networking is Relationship Building: I Need To Know You with Kymberli Speight
What if the next person crossing your path today is the exact person you need to know tomorrow? A lot of times what people do is they calculate the ROI before they decide whether or not they want to get to know someone. Try not to look at a relationship and say, 'If I form a relationship with you, what am I going to get out of it?'. Kymberli Speight is a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy, a prior military officer, and a speaker and executive coach. She wrote the book ',' which is about her journey to meet 100 people in 100 days. In this episode, you will learn the fundamentals of growing your network at any time, the keys to networking and relationship building, and the techniques for having exceptional and memorable conversations that uncover the possibility of opportunities. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: "We tend to focus on what we want, versus what maybe the other person either wants or needs." –Kymberli Speight "A lot of times, what I see people do is they calculate the ROI before they decide whether or not they want to get to know someone. But I say you never know how you might be able to help someone or how somebody might be able to help you. So try not to look at a relationship and say, 'If I form a relationship with you, what am I going to get out of it?" –Kymberli Speight "Notice the opportunities that come across your path all the time. We have an opportunity to either let people just go past us, we could just say, 'Hello, how are you doing?' and let it in there. Or we could choose to have a meaningful conversation with someone. " –Kymberli Speight Valuable Free Resource (VFR): You will find many useful articles here from Kymberli Speight. She is offering her advice and expertise in networking, including how to build solid relationships and how to build your personal brand. Subscribe for Updates: Ways to Contact Kymberli Speight: Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter:
Go from Ordinary to Extraordinary with Dana Corey
Go from Ordinary to Extraordinary with Dana Corey
Are you wondering if it’s time to get support or if you’re ready to keep growing? Do you feel it is time for you to go from ordinary to extraordinary and partner with someone who will walk and guide you in amplifying your business? Dana Corey is a business strategist and leadership coach. She combines nuts-and-bolts strategy, internal operating system neuro-rewiring, and walk-beside-you partnership to move established entrepreneurs past a plateau -- revenue or otherwise. She has mentored hundreds to success including entrepreneurs, small business owners, and C-suite executives -- giving her a unique context for what a variety of businesses need. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: "If you have a quick win, you're more likely to be willing to do some more hard work because you know that on the other side of it, there's some other reward." – Dana Corey "Oftentimes we say, how we are, how we do things, how we work, but the truth is that we don't see ourselves clearly at all. And we have patterns or neuro wiring and has reacted to the way our world is and how it has us interpret what's happening to us. But we don't have a vision or perspective of the decisions that we're making or the thoughts that we're having are not real, right? They don't correspond to what's actually happening, because their everything is colored by our own point of view." – Dana Corey "The more you work from a strategic point of view, and the less hours business owners actually spend doing what they call 'work' the more money they make in less time. " – Dana Corey "I would tell my younger self is to remember to breathe through whatever ups and downs come your way. Consistently driving your life and your business is not always in your best interest. But to take a breath every now and then. And just allow yourself to experience what's happening without judging yourself." – Dana Corey Valuable Free Resource (VFR): IS YOUR BUSINESS ON TRACK TO EXPAND? Are you wondering if it's time to get support or if you're ready to keep growing? Take this FREE Business Growth Expansion Assessment to find out... Take the Quiz Here: Ways to Contact Dana Corey: Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter:
3 Word Rebellion with Michelle Mazur
3 Word Rebellion with Michelle Mazur
In today’s world, the only way to help people is to be heard. Michelle Mazur, Ph.D. is a Messaging & Communication Consultant for rebellious entrepreneurs and thought leaders. She delivers audacious breakthroughs for business owners and speakers who want to stand out, be the best-in-class in their field, and position themselves in a category of one. She is the CEO of and the author of and . In this episode, Michelle talks about the importance of speaking about what you do in a clear and captivating way as it is the key to reaching the people you could help the most and bringing more money in your business. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: "What you are standing against is the starting place to finding your message." – Michelle Mazur "You are too close to your own message. You cannot figure this [messaging problem] out on your own." – Michelle Mazur "People who are really innovating their industry and creating tremendous results need to create a message that is intriguing, captivating, and gets people's attention. " – Michelle Mazur Valuable Free Resource (VFR): A MESSAGE THAT YOUR CLIENTS CAN’T STOP THINKING ABOUT The 3 Word Rebellion is a captivating message that makes everything you do in your business more powerful. Ready for that? Get Started Now: Ways to Contact Michelle Mazur: Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter:
The Crazy Simple Sweet Spot to Reach Your Goals with Jen McFarland
The Crazy Simple Sweet Spot to Reach Your Goals with Jen McFarland
Once you know what your goals are, how do you go about achieving them? It's important to recognize that sense of overwhelm. Maybe you're solving the wrong problem, says our guest this week, Jen McFarland - a professional problem-solver with the unique ability to help business owners look at issues from the 10,000-foot level and then zero-in on the tiniest of details. Jen sees tremendous value in what she calls the “Crazy Simple Sweet Spot to Reach Your Goals”. Sometimes it's around clarifying the goals with consistency, knowing your capacity, aiming for legacy, and staying on track to make sure that everything is going according to plan to achieving the sweet spot of success. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: "Believe in yourself even when you think that you can't do it or you don't deserve it, just believe." – Jen McFarland "'Will achieving this goal or project contribute to the legacy or impact that I want to leave behind?' Because that is really the biggest question, especially if you're spending all day surfing the web or things like that. These tasks tend to erode our time. And we tend to forget whether or not that's actually leading us down the path that we're looking for - to achieve the goals every day." – Jen McFarland "It's important to recognize that sense of overwhelm. Maybe you have some fuzzy goals, or you're solving the wrong problem. " – Jen McFarland Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Guides, Checklists & Templates To Accelerate Your Business Growth The Crazy Simple Sweet Spot to Reach Your Goals: Download this resource as Jen has distilled the secrets to reaching your goals. Visit: Ways to Contact Jen McFarland: Website: Linkedin: Twitter: Podcast:
Attract Clients Now with Adam Kipnes
Attract Clients Now with Adam Kipnes
Every business has money just waiting for it. It’s just a matter of understanding and implementing the correct marketing methods. Many times we get so caught up in what we can do and how we can help people that we fail to understand how we help them. It’s not what we deliver, and it’s what they receive. Adam Kipnes is recognized as a top marketing strategist and business breakthrough specialist who can show ANY business owner… in less than 45 minutes… how to triple their current number of leads, double their sales and increase their annual revenue by $30 to $50 thousand dollars or more and WITHOUT spending a cent on marketing or advertising. In this episode, Adam shares how to attract clients now and get an abundance of new clients without spending a ton of money, He gives his insights on the things that every small business owner MUST address in order to attract new clients and generate more revenue. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: “Do we want high paying clients? We want more clients that maybe not as high paying, but may allow us to serve more people, we figure that out. Once we know who it is, the value that they receive from us, and the type of person that we’re looking for, and what we want, now we can go find them. So we go find them where they are.” – Adam Kipnes “The more we can understand the exact person that we want to help the exact person who needs our help, the more we’ll see them everywhere.” – Adam Kipnes “Many times we get so caught up in what we can do and how we can help people that we fail to understand how they are helped by us. It’s not what we deliver, it’s what they receive.” – Adam Kipnes “It’s not doing what’s hot. It’s doing what you’re great at. Because you will find clients that respond to what you’re great at. So do it that way.” – Adam Kipnes Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Learn the Strategies, Secrets, and Tools For an Abundance of New Clients… Without Spending One New Cent On Advertising! How to Make More Money in Your Business: 8 Strategies You Better Start Using Today. FREE ACTION GUIDE: How to Find an Additional $10,000+ in Revenue Right Now (Even if You are Just Getting Started!) Visit: Ways to Contact Adam Kipnes: Website: Linkedin: Facebook:
Go From the Best-Kept Secret to the Go-To Expert with Michael Neeley
Go From the Best-Kept Secret to the Go-To Expert with Michael Neeley
How would your life be different if you became known as the go-to expert in your field? As the ‘face’ of your business, you can up your value to your organization–and yourself–by becoming an expert in the subject of your choice. Michael Neeley is a mentor and business strategist for visionary solopreneurs. He is a former professional actor and medieval knight, an author, and speaker, and he hosts the podcasts , Something to Wine About, and . In this episode, Michael shares how heart-centered entrepreneurs can grow their voice, revitalize their current position, find their tribe and begin an exciting journey toward becoming a go-to expert through the power of podcasting. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: “As heart-centered entrepreneurs, we want to serve the world and we put that in an offer. We want to change the world, we want to have a positive impact on the planet, and we put that up really high on our list. But the challenge is, in order to do that, you need to have reached an audience and build a tribe. And to do that you need to know some marketing elements. And so, without those other pieces in it, it’s going to be a struggle.” – Michael Neeley “If you really want to be able to get out there and serve the planet, you got to be able to scale.” – Michael Neeley “I think podcasting is great, and part of why I think it’s so great is because the barrier to entry is so low. It doesn’t cost a lot of money, it doesn’t require a ton of skill, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist or brain surgeon, it’s really pretty simple to get the podcast up and running. And I consider that then the tip of the spear because it’s also one of those things that you want to kind of like planting a seed and then let it grow over time.” – Michael Neeley “I recommend to my clients, plant that seed, get your podcast up and running. And then let’s focus on how to grow it, how to do other elements of your business as your podcast grows, and continue to really get your message out there..” – Michael Neeley Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Seriously…You’re not podcasting yet? Get Michael Neeley’s FREE guide to launch your podcast with ease and speed! The Simple 5-Step Process to LAUNCH a Rockin’ Podcast in Just 14 Days Visit: Ways to Contact Michael Neeley: Website: Facebook: Linkedin: Twitter:
Being All In with Darleen Santore
Being All In with Darleen Santore
Are you gambling your legacy and leaving it to chance instead of intentionally pursuing excellence to achieve greatness? Do you feel like it is time to level up your life and be all in to reach your full potential? Its time to have more confidence as a leader and level up your life. Darleen Santore, known to many as “Coach Dar ” is a life, leadership and mental coach, board-certified occupational therapist, business executive, author, and speaker. As an occupational therapist for the past 23 years, Coach Dar has been able to combine her knowledge of science, psychology, and leadership to elevate one’s mindset to new levels. In this episode, Coach Dar shares her insights on how she serves the people that are wanting to reach another level – those that might doubt themselves, that are trying to reach greatness, wanting to go from maybe a VP-level to a C-level, they might want to go from C-level to a board-level – anyone who's trying to reach their peak potential and even grow from that to break through barriers to achieve their goals. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: "Don't just get to the top just by getting there, you get it because you're building the endurance and you're doing it consistently well." – Darleen Santore "There is no other person exactly like you. And the original is always more expensive than the copy. You're an original, don't ever forget it and don't try to copy anyone else. Be you, be truly you and be the best version of you. We don't want the half version; we want the full best version." – Darleen Santore "Identify the vision where you want to go. What is it the level you want to attain? What is it that you're trying to go to? Set a vision because when there is no vision, the people will perish. You even need to have your own mission statement, your own vision of what it is you want to attain. Because without that, and without connecting emotion to it, what do you get up and get excited about every day? You just show up? You need to be moved by the vision of what's ahead. And then you need to put that into your morning routine." – Darleen Santore Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Be Well. Live Well. Serve Well. Free Ebook. A download of 101 Coaching tips from Coach Dar Visit: Ways to Contact Darleen Santore: Website: Facebook: Linkedin: Twitter: Instagram:
How to Move From a Victim State to A Freedom State with Alison Donaghey
How to Move From a Victim State to A Freedom State with Alison Donaghey
Are you tired of feeling like other people are more in control of your life than you are? Worthiness is the foundation to every single thing you do, say, think or feel, it is the foundation that everything else is built upon. One of the worst things is how we are “triggered” by feeling we are the ‘victim’, that poor-me attitude and being allergic to taking responsibility for our actions. Typically portraying ‘unfortunates’ who demand to be rescued. Alison Donaghey is a cause and effect strategist, an international best-selling author, entrepreneur, and podcast host. Known for challenging people to reflect on new points of view, Alison has a natural gift to be able to hold space for both sides of a conversation without bias, judgment or opinions. She ignites curiosity in people to think about the mental constructs they have built within their lives but have not yet stopped to question. In this episode, Alsion helps us understand how being in the victim state makes you a prisoner of your own making, and shows what life is like if you change your relationship with your worthiness moved towards a fulfilling life in freedom state. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: “People are embracing this idea that they don't have worth and that puts us in a situation where we don't understand that we co-create our life. We end up pointing our finger saying if only they would do it this way, if only they loved me more, if only they cared more, if only they would just do this. And we start getting into this very dangerous victim state.”– Alison Donaghey “Empathy like everything else is a double-edged sword. Sometimes it is a really helpful empowering tool, and other times it's a way of just keeping people down or being held down. And so, we have to be careful knowing what kind of empathy we're getting.”– Alison Donaghey “It's practicing this new normal for yourself — understanding your worth. All of a sudden, you’ll start seeing it everywhere, you’ll start seeing it in other people. And it really is an awareness thing for sure.”– Alison Donaghey Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Learn How to Harness Your Worth And Step Into True Empowerment So That Freedom State Can Be Your New Normal Understanding how our relationship to our worthiness impacts EVERY single choice we make Access Here: Ways to Contact Alison Donaghey: Website: Facebook: Linkedin: Twitter: Instagram:
9 Ways to Remain Productive in Uncertain Times with Matt East
9 Ways to Remain Productive in Uncertain Times with Matt East
Business is never going to be the same again. We're at a critical time and every business is at risk unless we make the shifts and pivots necessary to serve clients in new ways. It's a new time and you must evolve, remain productive and be agile. Matt East is one of the world's leading experts on productivity and high-performance. His books, podcasts, and coaching teach how to plan your day so you can spend more time on the projects, activities, and relationships that are most important and meaningful to you. In this episode, we recognize the magnitude of the global coronavirus pandemic 9 we’re all experiencing. Matt shares his ideas and insights with the intent to encourage, support, and challenge everyone with actionable leadership tips for staying focused, calm, and rational that will help business owners remain productive in uncertain times. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: “Try hard to just get clear on your top few items. It's kind of getting back to the basics.”– Matt East “Influence your mindset by controlling what you do first thing in the morning.”– Matt East “Set the emotional tone for your family, friends, and colleagues. The energy that you're projecting to your family, friends, and colleagues is getting picked up by them. And it is impacting those around you.”– Matt East “If you're struggling with procrastination, or if you're struggling with finding clarity and focus throughout the day, or if you just have a feeling in your gut that you need to regain and reclaim control of your time, I think typically who seeks me out is people who are already high performers, but they just feel like they could be spending their time a little more intentionally.”– Matt East Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Matt East’s Guide for Staying Productive During Uncertain Times 9 Tips For Staying Focused, Calm, and Rational During Uncertain Times Access Here: Ways to Contact Matt East: Website: Linkedin: Twitter: Instagram:
The Power of Pause with Lolita Walker
The Power of Pause with Lolita Walker
When was the last time you challenged yourself to PRESS PAUSE? Are you gifting yourself the space to pause, reflect, and renew? Intentional interruption gives you permission to step back, reflect, and reset with new strategies of leadership, goal-setting, and execution. Lolita Walker is the Change Champion. She is a life and executive coach committed to helping women understand that it is okay to stop, pause, and live guilt-free doing it. In this episode, Lolita shares how she motivates diverse audiences to shift their mindsets to increased clarity, commitment, and accountability with renewed results. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: “I want you to feel ownership because that's when you're accountable. That's when you're going to drive results. That's when you're going to celebrate your wins.”– Lolita Walker “Complacency--we have no time to sit in that. We're here for a limited time and we're going to make the best of every single moment that we have.”– Lolita Walker “Keep full speed ahead on what your goal is upfront. That is where we move distractions out of the way. That's when we do our best work. That's when we allow all of the blessings to be poured into us when we're pausing.”– Lolita Walker Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Lolita Walker's TEDxYoungstown Talk: How Disruption of a Life Change Can Lead to Personal Power: Full Video Here: Ways to Contact Lolita Walker: Website: Linkedin: Youtube: Instagram:
Common Denominators between Organizations and People with Nada Lena
Common Denominators between Organizations and People with Nada Lena
Being a leader is no small feat. There are many layers to building a driving and successful company that produces results. Nada Lena is the founder and CEO of , a company that fosters personal and professional growth amongst individuals and companies. She is an Executive Leadership and Career Confidence Coach, Post-Secondary Educator, and a TEDx Speaker. In this episode, Nada shares how she helps enhance company culture and people development. Through teaching soft skills aka human skills — the only way you can become the best version of yourself, whether it’s a company looking to produce better results and up-level their performance or an individual looking to build a life that they are proud of. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: “We can gain a lot of information within a matter of seconds. But when it comes to our behavioral patterns and people skills, it takes time.”– Nada Lena “In order to become your best self, whether it’s for your family, or for your company, or for the community, you really have to start with yourself first.”– Nada Lena “Empathy is not limited to what you think empathy is. Empathy is about others, it’s not about you..”– Nada Lena Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Becoming Your Best Self Start-Up Kit The 6 Pillars to a Prosperous Life : Your Free Copy Here: Ways to Contact Nada Lena: Website: Linkedin:
Become the Confident, Inspiring Speaker You Have Always Wanted To Be with Odette Peek
Become the Confident, Inspiring Speaker You Have Always Wanted To Be with Odette Peek
Your Soul Story is the very centre of who you are. It is your inner sense of meaning and purpose. When you follow your Soul Story, you follow your inner sense, and your life fills with meaning and purpose. After building a seven-figure business, Odette Peek suffered a personal crisis that risked it all. By getting on stage and sharing her story, she regained her momentum and created massive success. She shares this expertise to help entrepreneurs become speakers and build high-impact, lucrative businesses. In this episode, Odette shares how she helps clients identify and amplify their soul stories, heal past wounds and develop the mindset necessary to live lives of power and purpose—without guilt or apology. Also she tackles the benefits of sharing your Soul Story, and the true ripple impact it brings to someone else’s life, your own and to your business. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: “The basic of entrepreneurship is you've got to get clients make money, have a profit, get your message out in the world. And that seems to be one of the biggest problems is that how do they leverage the amount of time that they have in order to create the growth that they want in their business.”– Odette Peek “You can tell the difference between a trained speaker and an untrained speaker. The art and science is to creating a talk and learning how to deliver a talk that makes the difference whether your audience is listening to you and whether or not they're going to take action with you or because of you.”– Odette Peek “You need to really learn how to speak. Just because you have a story and you know how to talk; doesn't mean you're going to be able to get the message out in a way that has your audience hearing you. .”– Odette Peek Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Grab Odette Peek's Template to Start Uncovering What Your Soul Story is : Visit to learn more. Ways to Contact Odette Peek: Website: Linkedin: Twitter: Instagram:
From Father To King: How Men With Kids Can Lead With Confidence, Purpose, and Heart with Matthew Bivens
From Father To King: How Men With Kids Can Lead With Confidence, Purpose, and Heart with Matthew Bivens
As a business owner and parent, we know the demands that both roles place on a person. The idea of maintaining any sort of “balance” seems laughable 99% of the time, especially when either of your babies is going through a transition or milestone. Matthew Bivens is a Balance Lifestyle Coach, Podcaster and Papapreneur. As a Balance Lifestyle Coach, he supports fathers with young kids to become the confident, powerful, balanced leaders that they truly desire to be (but don’t know how to become). He is passionate about awakening the King in every man and believes that when fathers are supported, confident and purposeful, they can change the world in a truly empowering way. In this episode, Matthew will deep dive into how he helps ‘papapreneurs’ to confidently live their life. And to step into their life and connect with purpose, to be balanced, so that they can show up as the powerful men and the powerful leaders that they truly want to be. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: “A lot of these entrepreneur fathers, they’re juggling a lot of different roles and with those roles comes a lot of weight. A lot of energetic weight that they just carry with them throughout the day. ”– Matthew Bivens “Men believe that if they simply work harder, they’re going to break through this feeling of being stuck or this feeling of not having all the answers.” – Matthew Bivens “So, what I do is I look at ART forms, ART. What are your Actions–what habits do you have? What are your Relationships?– how are you feeling about different things? And Thoughts?– what are the thought processes that you’re going through? What internal conversations are you having? Are your thoughts coming from a space of abundance or coming from a space of scarcity? Are they coming from a space of possibility or from a space of fear?”– Matthew Bivens Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Download Matthew’s The Abundant Loving Life Quiz: Visit Ways to Contact Matthew Bivens Website: Twitter: Instagram:
5 Key Strategies To Build A Strong, Scalable, and Sustainable Business with Hiroo Chothia
5 Key Strategies To Build A Strong, Scalable, and Sustainable Business with Hiroo Chothia
Do you wish to double the growth of your business and create financial freedom? Are you concerned that your business has become all-consuming and not living up to your dreams? Many business owners start their business life with the excitement of a product or service idea, however, quite a few ends up disillusioned falling into the trap of failing to run a business versus simply being self-employed or worse still heading for burnout, resulting in losing their business. If you are looking for a proven professional who can guide you to determine the best ways to focus time and resources to welcome the highest impact, you have come to the right place. Hiroo Chothia is a Business Strategist, Coach, Author & Speaker - challenging individuals & businesses to realize their vision, alleviate overwhelm & create real and lasting financial freedom. In this episode, Hiroo will deep dive into the 5 key strategies to build a strong, scalable and sustainable business to assist you to grow your business successfully and fast. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: “Every action that you take in your business should be contributing toward your bigger vision. ”– Hiroo Chothia “ If you've not set yourself up right in the business, no matter what you do those either small gains or sometimes even some good gains will shatter.” – Hiroo Chothia “People tend to buy out of a sense of urgency in their business. They're attracted by it because they're feeling nervous or anxious. And they think that this just could be that $60 -million-dollar answer.” – Hiroo Chothia “Build a structured approach to the business so that we can get sustained growth.” – Hiroo Chothia Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Download Hiroo Chothia's The 7-minute Checklist For Entrepreneurs To Get You On The Road To Financial Freedom!: Visit Ways to Contact Hiroo Chothia Website: LinkedIn: Twitter: Facebook:
High-Performance Team Building with Richard Kasperowski
High-Performance Team Building with Richard Kasperowski
Do you want to know how to make your team can 10X better? Have you imagined your professional team can accomplish 10x more work, do it with 10x more quality, 10x faster, or with 10x fewer resources? Your family can be 10x happier. Your school can be 10x more effective at helping people learn. Your community group can be 10x better at making life better for the people it serves. Even you yourself can be 10x more effective at getting what you want. In other words, you can be great. Your team can be great. Richard Kasperowski is an author, teacher, speaker, and coach focused on team building and high-performance teams. He is the author of two books: and , as well as the forthcoming book High-Performance Teams: Core Protocols for Psychological Safety and Emotional Intelligence. He leads clients in building and maintaining high-performance teams that get great results using the Core Protocols, Agile, and Open Space Technology. Richard created and teaches the course Agile Software Development at Harvard University. In this episode, Richard shares free valuable actions to take in order to enter a state of shared vision with a team and stay there, create trust on a team, and move quickly and with high quality towards creating a high-performance team. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: “Positive bias – We look at what’s going well and amplify it versus what’s going wrong and talk about it more. When you point out what people are doing wrong, it reinforces what they’re doing wrong and they’re more likely to do more of it. But if you talk about what they’re doing right, it reinforces what they’re doing right. ”– Richard Kasperowski “Tell your team what’s going well, and give them new ways to do things more and better together.” – Richard Kasperowski Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Get Richard Kasperowski’s a Practical Worksheet to Help You and Your Teammates Discover the Best in Each Other and Put it Into Action: Visit Ways to Contact with Richard Kasperowski Website: LinkedIn: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram:
Linkedin for Executives with Deb Krier
Linkedin for Executives with Deb Krier
As an executive, is your profile optimized and helping you elevate your personal brand profile, cultivate your professional network, and establishes your online authority? Does your Linkedin profile help you in strengthening your professional reputation and showcasing your unique promise of value? For more than 10 years, Deb Krier has worked with professionals to optimize their use of LinkedIn. Deb developed “LinkedIn for C-Suite” to provide the assistance busy executives require. By spending a minimal amount of time, professionals work with [their] Strategists to create and optimize their LinkedIn Profiles. In this episode, Deb as a Linkedin expert shares how she helps executives become established rock-solid leaders by helping them tell their stories and promote their point of view, values and vision. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: “Go in and really start filling your Linkedin profile out. You want people to get to know you just by reading your profile, and then want to know you even better. And possibly work with you and refer clients to you.”– Deb Krier “Go look at your own LinkedIn profile. When was the last time you updated it? Does it even have your current job listing there? I always tell people when they say, ‘Oh, what can I do?’, I tell them, “More, more!” We need more, we need more in your every single section, we need more about you.” – Deb Krier Download Deb Krier's Linkedin Architect E-book for Free: Visit Ways to Contact with Deb Krier Website: LinkedIn: Twitter: Facebook:
How to Automate Your Business to Build a Life That You Love
How to Automate Your Business to Build a Life That You Love
Most small businesses can’t survive for more than a week without the owner. You started your business because you have a passion for the service or product and you’re damn good at it. And then within a few short months, that passion started to fade and reality set in. All of the noisy “stuff” gets in the way…figuring out Quickbooks, putting out fires, trying to collect on past due invoices, answering the phone, managing employees, cleaning up their messes, organizing the office and the list goes on and on. None of it fun while you work more and make less than ever before. BUT, it doesn’t have to be that way! Paul Maskill is a business coach and owner focused on helping ambitious business owners automate their business so they can leverage their business to build a life that they love. Paul’s focus is on building businesses that can thrive without the owners so they can uncover the income and freedom they know is possible. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: “We only got one shot at it so why waste it doing things we don’t want to do, that’s why I left my corporate job.”– Paul Maskill “If you look at the definition of automation, or automate, it just means it happens automatically.” – Paul Maskill “What is your ideal life look like? What kind of business do you need to build in order to achieve that? And if you do those two things, you’re ahead of like 99% of business owners. And then it comes down to putting a plan in place to actually get there. So, then you can evaluate every single activity that you do, and put it through those two things. Is this going to be closer or further away from where I really want to go?” – Paul Maskill Ways to Contact with Paul Maskill Check-out Paul Maskill’s ULTIMATE FREEDOM MASTERMIND: Apply Now: Website: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook:
Becoming a More Thoughtful Leader with Mindy Gibbins-Klein
Becoming a More Thoughtful Leader with Mindy Gibbins-Klein
Is it time for leaders to think more deeply and more effectively? Tired of people throwing the term ‘thought leadership’ around and using it to label unexceptional people and mediocre content, Mindy Gibbins-Klein sets out to define and introduce a new paradigm and a new standard of idea generation and sharing. Thoughtful leaders exhibit exceptional thinking as well as consideration for others. It is the thoughtful leader who will introduce a new era – a more thoughtful era. Mindy Gibbins-Klein is an international speaker, multi-award-winning entrepreneur and thought leadership strategist. She has authored and co-authored 9 books and hundreds of articles on thought leadership. Her flagship book 24 Carat Bold was endorsed by Seth Godin and her latest book The Thoughtful Leader proposes a new approach for leaders to be more considerate – of ideas and people. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: “The solution that we provide here at real thought leaders is thoughtful leadership. It’s thought leadership with more thought that goes into it. We’re purposely bringing a new term into the discussion, aiming to change the conversation, because thought leadership has become too commoditized, misused, abused, and misunderstood.”– Mindy Gibbins-Klein “You really can be yourself, but it being yourself means being true to yourself, being the person that you were, and remembering that you have a lot of aspects that were really great.” – Mindy Gibbins-Klein “Make sure that you’re carving out time to slow down. And to put that all-important thought into the things that you’re working on – the relationships you’re trying to build, and the goals that you’re going for.” – Mindy Gibbins-Klein Ways to Contact with Mindy Gibbins-Klein Sometimes You Need to Change Yourself to Be Yourself | Mindy Gibbins-Klein | TEDxHolyhead: Website: LinkedIn: Twitter: Youtube:
Gaining Respect as a Leader through Accountability with Liz Wiltsie
Gaining Respect as a Leader through Accountability with Liz Wiltsie
Why is accountability such an important leadership principle? When you make people accountable for their actions, you're effectively teaching them to value their work. When done right, accountability can increase your team members' skills and confidence-- an instant respect generator as stated by Liz,our guest. Liz Wiltsie is a professional business consultant and coach with diverse industry experience, ranging from documentary filmmaking, small business technology, and education administration. She has been mentoring and coaching Millennials and Gen Z for 13 years and brings a unique perspective because of her time in business, tech, and education. Her super-power is breaking complex topics down into actionable insight. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: “If you are willing to say, ‘here's what I did, here's what went wrong. Here's how it impacted people, here's my actual apology to the people I impacted.’ Then, you have those people at the top starting to really model that behavior. And so the people below them learn that the world doesn't end if they make a mistake.” – Liz Wiltsie “The idea that like having someone who's in any sort of position of power, apologize. It's an absolute sort of overnight respect generator.” – Liz Wiltsie “If they're willing to be accountable, then folks who are working for them are like, ‘Oh, I'm valuable. I'm valuable in this situation because this person apologized for something having gone wrong to me.”– Liz Wiltsie Ways to contact Liz Wiltsie Cheat Sheet with 4 Keys to Modeling Accountability: LinkedIn: Twitter: :
Stop Working and Start Delegating with Thembi Bheka
Stop Working and Start Delegating with Thembi Bheka
What’s holding you back from delegating? One of the hardest things for us business owners is delegation. Because we think that we can do it all and that as if we are saving money by being our own one-man team. But in order to grow your business, you have to be able to let go of some things and delegate them to the trusted staff so you can focus on the income-generating part of the business – your zone of genius. Thembi Bheka is the founder of and helps entrepreneurs scale faster by working on nothing but their zone of genius. She is heavily involved in empowering women in Africa. As a result, she trains African women to work online as virtual assistants. Thembi also believes in helping women reignite their passion, gain more clarity and reconnect with their purpose. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: “I've lost a lot of money, just because I thought I was saving money by doing it on my own. There are some things that you can outsource. And it doesn't have to be just tech.” – Thembi Bheka “A lot of people have a big, important message they're keeping to themselves because they're just so scared of the tech, and so scared of what's the next step. And if we can get rid of that problem- that technology problem and let people launch faster, share their message faster, this world will be a better place for sure.” – Thembi Bheka “There's so many times I stopped and waited because I was scared. I just didn't believe in myself and took some other people believing in me to realize that I had potential. And the message I wish I had told myself is - I'm enough. I don't need anything else. I'm enough, and I should just go for it.” – Thembi Bheka Ways to contact Thembi Bheka How to professionally work with a Virtual Assistant: A simple step by step guide to grow your business using VA services. Website: LinkedIn : Twitter:
Let's Be Clear with Ed Eppley
Let's Be Clear with Ed Eppley
Are you ready to take your leadership to the next level? From the small business owner to Fortune 200 CEOs, the highly skilled and accomplished manager understands and practices what Ed Eppley calls professional management. And like any other professional — athlete, musician, physician — mastering the skills required to be a professional manager takes continuous practice, fine-tuning, and commitment. Ed Eppley is a leading global expert in professional management, sales strategy, and performance management. Over a professional career spanning more than 40 years, Ed has honed a skill for identifying talent, understanding executive challenges, and spotting and improving problematic management. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: “I think a common challenge is that they really don’t think of their business in the context of an ecosystem that exists. .” – Ed Eppley “I think what I’m really good at doing is helping the leaders of the organization hold up a mirror for them to look at both the performance of the organization relative to what it could be and their own behavior relative to what it needs to be. .” – Ed Eppley “The first challenge for most of these organizations who are trying to advance is to really get a grasp of what is reality, what are the real problems rather than addressing what typically are going to be symptoms.” – Ed Eppley Ways to contact Ed Eppley Free Assessment: Find out how you measure up. Ed Eppley will show you where you can focus on improving your skills: Website: LinkedIn : Twitter:
Don’t Just Be Great at What You Do, Be Great at Selling It Too! with James Nathan
Don’t Just Be Great at What You Do, Be Great at Selling It Too! with James Nathan
Starting a conversation with someone who’s never heard of you or isn’t actively looking to solve a relevant challenge is tough. It’s easy to sell to prospects who are already interested in your product. But the best salespeople are distinguished from the average ones when it comes to strangers or uninterested prospects. James Nathan is a passionate speaker, author, and results-driven business development coach. He is the founder of the James Nathan Experience, a business and personal development training academy, designed to unlock and grow the natural potential of people in professional roles. In this episode of Audacious Leaders Podcast, James shares how he helps clients become ‘Rain Makers’, build great relationships whilst marketing and selling themselves and their services in a soft yet highly effective way. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: “Nobody likes to be sold to, but we all like to buy. And we understand that if it’s something that we really want, then we’re happy to accept it. And more importantly, if we like the person selling to us, it makes the whole thing really easy.” – James Nathan “Telling people who you are and what you do and all the big ‘I am’ stuff, nobody cares. Nobody cares what you do. They care what you can do for them. We need to get that message right now – of how do I help, and who do I help, under what circumstances and then take that out to the market.” – James Nathan “Stop and say to yourself, how would I introduce myself to a stranger? When they ask me what do you do? You stop and think, how do I tell this person in a way which they actually understand when I could help them, and in what circumstances, in a way that they could tell a friend?”– James Nathan Ways to contact James Nathan Sign Up to receive James Nathan’s Blogs and Updates: Webiste: LinkedIn : Facebook: Twitter: Youtube:
Creating Your Stage Authority: Increase Your Credibility to Grow Your Business with Dr. Cynthia Boccara
Creating Your Stage Authority: Increase Your Credibility to Grow Your Business with Dr. Cynthia Boccara
As an entrepreneur, do you struggle with fully becoming the inspired leader you are meant to be? Most business development focuses on things like irresistible messaging, ideal client avatars, processes, sales, and marketing...all very important things, but that is the old way. The new way is to first focus on you, the Inspired Messenger, that is here to change the world in your own unique way. Dr. Cynthia Boccara has helped thousands of people all over the world to project confidence, credibility, and authority on stage. She has worked with Olympic athletes, film and music personalities, and companies such as SoCal Edison, Dell Software and Pacific Life. In this episode of Audacious Leaders Podcast, Cynthia shares how she helps speakers and entrepreneurs embody their message, expand their business capacity, and engage with their audience by using speaking as one of their platforms. She also shared why it is important to build up your authority and esteem as a speaker from foundation up. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: People will buy from you if they know, like, and trust you. And they have to respect you. And they have to look at you like somebody who knows enough to take them from where they are to where they're going to be. .” – Dr. Cynthia Boccara “Visual primacy– what we see in front of us has more weight than what we hear. People believe what your body is telling them much more than they believe the words coming out of your mouth.” – Dr. Cynthia Boccara “If you don't hold yourself in stature and esteem, no one else is going to hold you in esteem.”– Dr. Cynthia Boccara “The most important thing that we can do is to literally hold ourselves in alignment, which means your head over your shoulders, over your hips, and your ankles, not have the head forward, not have your shoulders forward, because it immediately diminishes my credibility. “– Dr. Cynthia Boccara Ways to contact Dr. Cynthia Boccara Here is what YOU need to create your Powerful Signature Talk! Get your Signature Talk Outline Here: Webiste: LinkedIn : Facebook: Twitter:
Podcasting For Business Growth with Chi Odogwu
Podcasting For Business Growth with Chi Odogwu
Chi Odogwu is an Advisor, Author, Speaker, Consultant, Producer, and Host of . As a corporate podcast consultant, he helps companies share their message and engage with their ideal clients using podcasts. He also helps corporations, executives, and thought leaders generate high-quality inbound leads, close more deals and command premium prices for their products and services using podcast marketing. Oftentimes, just when we thought we have connected well with our clients, things don’t seem to be what we perceive it. Connecting with clients on a deeper and meaningful manner is just the way to do it. And one way to do so is through podcasting. Getting them on your own show and talking with them and getting bits and pieces of what they are struggling within their everyday lives and what help they want is one sure thing. But the problem lies in the fact that you don’t even know how to begin and get started. Most times, it’s the fear that’s preventing you from getting past it. And this is where Chi is a big help. In this episode, Chi discusses bit by bit the strategies to get past that fear of getting started. For someone new to podcasting and someone who doesn’t even have the faintest idea of how to get started in it, this is a value-packed episode for you. If you are concerned about how to put your content out there in such a way that it connects you to your ideal audience, he will discuss how to match your message with the right medium and the vibe or energy of the audience that you are engaging in. Because as he said that every platform you put your message out on requires crafting it specifically for that. “One size fits all’ doesn’t fit at all. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways “Fear is not real. Once you start fighting back fear, it dissipates and you start getting on the path to creating your own life. Take the plunge and don't be afraid to fail. If you fail, it is just a stepping stone to get you successful.” - Chi Odogwu “You can only directly solve a problem when you know how the client or the patient speaks about that problem. Then you can talk to that problem specifically.” - Chi Odogwu “The biggest mistake is using a one-size-fits-all. Having to try and address your customer or your client the same way doesn’t work.”- Chi Odogwu Ways to contact Chi Odogwu Learn how to grow your sales by using guerilla B2B Sales strategies and tactics that are helping our speakers achieve double-digit growth on a monthly basis: Website: Linkedin:
The Science of Influence with Brian Trzaskos
The Science of Influence with Brian Trzaskos
Brian Trzaskos, PT LMT CSCS CMP MI-C is a human wellness and behavior expert as well as co-creator of Sensation-Based Mindset coaching. He believes that regardless of any current circumstances, everyone has the potential to live a deeply meaningful and successful life. Brian trains CEOs, leaders, and coaches in the most cutting-edge science of human behavior. His experience as a rehabilitation expert and teacher of Eastern healing arts gives him the knowledge base to go deeper than the intellect, deeper than the emotions, to the raw data of the human experience (the sensations) and how that raw data is processed in our nervous system. In this episode, Brian shares how his sensation-based mindset coaching made a difference in his health and life after 27 years of being in a dilemma. If we want new results, it's our choice. And tuning to our sensation is a way of changing thought patterns for better results. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways “Make a different pre-decision on what everything is going to mean before it shows up and when you can do that, you can so quickly change whatever experience you're having right now and make it into whatever it is that you want to just through choice.” - Brian Trzaskos “Taking inspired, aligned actions is really critical in the life that we live with modern business and modern organizations.” - Brian Trzaskos “Really, just become aware of what you're experiencing in your physical sensations before you take action.” - Brian Trzaskos Ways to contact Brian Trzaskos Website: Facebook : LinkedIn:
Working With Difficult People with Amy Cooper Hakim
Working With Difficult People with Amy Cooper Hakim
Amy Cooper Hakim, Ph.D., is an industrial-organizational psychology practitioner and workplace expert. She is a speaker, author, and executive consultant and founder of The Cooper Strategic Group. She helps employees and employers to get along better and coaches leaders and employees to improve productivity, morale, satisfaction, and overall work-life balance. In this episode of Audacious Leaders Podcast, Amy Cooper Hakim discusses how communication breakdown that happens, almost always in a difficult workplace relationship. She explains about the mistakes people make along the way going through this problem, and why this is not the way that it should be. And along with this conversation, she gives clear strategies to effectively address the issue. What areas might be stopping you from being your best, most natural leader? Check-out the 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: visit Key Takeaways: “Learning how to better relate to people and how to get your message across so that it is received as we hope it to be is critical in the whole process of any relationship.” - Amy Cooper Hakim “While we definitely are humans and we definitely have emotions, we have to learn to separate the way that we respond and react to difficult workplace situations. Because if we're able to actually remove the emotional component and think more in a logical or tactical manner, then we're able to better get the results that we need and then use that emotional energy where it's really needed.” - Amy Cooper Hakim “It's so important when possible to even more closely remember that we need to try our best to separate the workplace from our personal life.” - Amy Cooper Hakim Ways to contact Amy Cooper Hakim Website: LinkedIn : Facebook : Twitter : YouTube :
Welcome to Audacious Leaders Podcast
Welcome to Audacious Leaders Podcast
Hello everyone, welcome to Audacious Leaders Podcast! — a podcast for leaders who want it all — a vibrant life, quality relationships, and a thriving business. I’m Dr. Nancy Jonker your host. Each week Audacious Leaders Podcast brings you proven strategies from a wide range of experts so that you can show up and lead authentically, increase your profitability and impact, communicate effectively, AND enjoy health, satisfaction and fulfilling relationships. The podcast’s goal is to do a “Deep Dive in Nine” - giving you quality insights in the time of a short commute or quick coffee break... One of my favorite questions that Guests answer is What’s one valuable FREE Action that someone can take to address … whatever it is we’re talking about — whether its fear of speaking in public, or knowing how to communicate effectively with difficult people. They’re giving us not just valuable insights but action steps we can take the very day we hear it. My other favorite question, which comes right at the end of the interview is, What would you tell your younger self, knowing what you know today? Friends, there are some gems in those answers - so be sure to stay tuned to the end so you can hear their nuggets of wisdom. You can go to for written show notes and to learn more about my guests.