Audible Bleeding
Audible Bleeding is a resource for trainees and practicing vascular surgeons, focusing on interviews with leaders in the field, board preparation, and dissemination of best clinical practices and high impact innovations in vascular surgery.
JVS Author Spotlight - Roy, Csore, and Rahimi
JVS Author Spotlight - Roy, Csore, and Rahimi
Audible Bleeding editor Wen () is joined by 3rd year medical student Nishi (), JVS editor Dr. Forbes (), and JVS-CIT associate editor Dr. Jimenez to discuss some of our favorite articles in the JVS family of journals. This episode hosts Dr. Trisha Roy (), Dr. Judit Csore (), and Dr. Maham Rahimi, the authors of the following papers. Articles: Show Guests Dr. Trisha Roy- Assistant professor of cardiovascular surgery at the Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center. Background of Material engineering, vascular imaging, research interest in peripheral vascular disease. Dr. Judit Csore-Radiologist and assistant lecturer at the Heart and Vascular Center of Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary. Her primary focus is on cardiovascular imaging and vascular MRI. She recently spent two years in the United States at Houston Methodist Hospital, where she had been collaborating with Dr. Trisha Roy since 2022 as a postdoctoral fellow, specializing in peripheral arterial disease imaging. Dr. Maham Rahimi-Associate professor in the department of cardiovascular surgery at Houston Methodist Hospital, His research interests include nanotechnology and Biomedical Engineering Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our .
JVS CIT Editorials and Abstracts - Dec 2024/Jan 2025
JVS CIT Editorials and Abstracts - Dec 2024/Jan 2025
In this episode, we spotlight editorials and abstracts from the Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases, Innovations, and Techniques (). Editorials and Abstracts are read by members of the . Guests: Dr. Gregory Magee, MD () Dr. Eric Pillado, MD () Dr. Ben Li, MD () Dr. Donald Baril, MD () Dr. Michael Malinowski, MD Hosts: John Culhane () Nishi Vootukuru () Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our . *Gore is a financial sponsor of this podcast, which has been independently developed by the presenters and does not constitute medical advice from Gore. Always consult the Instructions for Use (IFU) prior to using any medical device.
JVS Author Spotlight - Schermerhorn, Sanders, Cox and Tsukagoshi
JVS Author Spotlight - Schermerhorn, Sanders, Cox and Tsukagoshi
Audible Bleeding editor Wen () is joined by 3rd year medical student Nishi (), JVS editor Dr. Forbes ), and JVS social media liaison Dr. Haurani to discuss some of our favorite articles in the JVS family of journals. This episode hosts Dr. Marc Schermerhorn, Dr. Andrew Sanders, Dr. Mitchell Cox and Dr. Junji Tsukagoshi, the authors of the following papers. Articles: Show Guests Dr. Marc Schermerhorn: Chief of vascular and endovascular surgery at Beth Israel Deaconess and professor of surgery, Harvard Medical School Dr. Andrew Sanders: PGY4 general surgery resident at Beth Israel Deaconess Dr. Mitchell Cox: Division chief of vascular surgery and endovascular therapy, program director of the vascular surgery residency program at the University of Texas Medical Branch. Dr. Junji Tsukagoshi: Fourth year vascular surgery resident at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston Texas. Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our .
Holding Pressure: AV Fistula/Graft Complications Part 1
Holding Pressure: AV Fistula/Graft Complications Part 1
Guest: Dr. Christian de Virgilio is the Chair of the Department of Surgery at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. He is also Co-Chair of the College of Applied Anatomy and a Professor of Surgery at UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine. He completed his undergraduate degree in Biology at Loyola Marymount University and earned his medical degree from UCLA. He then completed his residency in General Surgery at UCLA-Harbor Medical Center followed by a fellowship in Vascular Surgery at the Mayo Clinic. Resources: Rutherford Chapters (10th ed.): 174, 175, 177, 178 Prior Holding Pressure episode on AV access creation: The Society for Vascular Surgery: Clinical practice guidelines for the surgical placement and maintenance of arteriovenous hemodialysis access: KDOQI Clinical Practice Guideline for Vascular Access: 2019 Update: Outline: Steal Syndrome Definition & Etiology Steal syndrome is an important complication of AV access creation, since access creation diverts arterial blood flow from the hand. Steal can be caused by multiple factors—arterial occlusive disease proximal or distal to the AV anastomosis, high flow through the fistula at the expense of distal arterial perfusion, and failure of the distal arterial networks to adapt to this decreased blood flow. Incidence and Risk Factors The frequency of steal syndrome is 1.6-9%1,2, depending on the vessels and conduit choice Steal syndrome is more common with brachial and axillary artery-based accesses and nonautogenous conduits. Other risk factors for steal syndrome are peripheral vascular disease, coronary artery disease, diabetes, advanced age, female sex, larger outflow conduit, multiple prior permanent access procedures, and prior episodes of steal.3,4 Long-standing insulin-dependent diabetes causes both medial calcinosis and peripheral neuropathy, which limits arteries’ ability to vasodilate and adjust to decreased blood flow. Patient Presentation, Symptoms, Grading Steal syndrome is diagnosed clinically. Symptoms after AVG creation occurs within the first few days, since flow in prosthetic grafts tend to reach a maximum value very early after creation. Native AVFs take time to mature and flow will slowly increase overtime, leading to more insidious onset of symptoms that can take months or years. The patient should have a unilateral complaint in the extremity with the AV access. Symptoms of steal syndrome, in order of increasing severity, include nail changes, occasional tingling, extremity coolness, numbness in fingertips and hands, muscle weakness, rest pain, sensory and motor deficits, fingertip ulcerations, and tissue loss. There could be a weakened radial pulse or weak Doppler signal on the affected side, and these will become stronger after compression of the AV outflow. Symptoms are graded on a scale specified by Society of Vascular Surgery (SVS) reporting standards:5 Workup Duplex ultrasound can be used to analyze flow volumes. A high flow volume (in autogenous accesses greater than 800 mL/min, in nonautogenous accesses greater than 1200 mL/min) signifies an outflow issue. The vein or graft is acting as a pressure sink and stealing blood from the distal artery. A low flow volume signifies an inflow issue, meaning that there is a proximal arterial lesion preventing blood from reaching the distal artery. Upper extremity angiogram can identify proximal arterial lesions. Prevention Create the AV access as distal as possible, in order to preserve arterial inflow to the hand and reduce the anastomosis size and outflow diameter. SVS guidelines recommend a 4-6mm arteriotomy diameter to balance the need for sufficient access flow with the risk of steal. If a graft is necessary, tapered prosthetic grafts are sometimes used in patients with steal risk factors, using the smaller end of the graft placed at the arterial anastomosis, although this has not yet been proven to reduce the incidence of steal. Indications for Treatment Intervention is recommended in lifestyle-limiting cases of Grade II and all Grade III steal cases. If left untreated, the natural history of steal syndrome can result in chronic limb ischemia, causing gangrene with loss of digits or limbs. Treatment Options Conservative management relies on observation and monitoring, as mild cases of steal syndrome may resolve spontaneously. Inflow stenosis can be treated with endovascular intervention (angioplasty with or without stent) Ligation is the simplest surgical treatment, and it results in loss of the AV access. This is preferred in patients with repetitive failed salvage attempts, venous hypertension, and poor prognoses. Flow limiting procedures can address high volumes through the AV access. Banding can be performed with surgical cutdown and placement of polypropylene sutures or a Dacron patch around the vein or graft. The Minimally Invasive Limited Ligation Endoluminal-Assisted Revision (MILLER) technique employs a percutaneous endoluminal balloon inflated at the AVF to ensure consistency in diameter while banding Plication is when a side-biting running stitch is used to narrow lumen of the vein near the anastomosis. A downside of flow-limiting procedures is that it is often difficult to determine how much to narrow the AV access, as these procedures carry a risk of outflow thrombosis. There are also surgical treatments focused on reroute arterial inflow. The distal revascularization and interval ligation (DRIL) procedure involves creation of a new bypass connecting arterial segments proximal and distal to the AV anastomosis, with ligation of the native artery between the AV anastomosis and the distal anastomosis of the bypass. Reversed saphenous vein with a diameter greater than 3mm is the preferred conduit. Arm vein or prosthetic grafts can be used if needed, but prosthetic material carries higher risk of thrombosis. The new arterial bypass creates a low resistance pathway that increases flow to distal arterial beds, and interval arterial ligation eliminates retrograde flow through the distal artery. The major risk of this procedure is bypass thrombosis, which results in loss of native arterial flow and hand ischemia. Other drawbacks of DRIL include procedural difficulty with smaller arterial anastomoses, sacrifice of saphenous or arm veins, and decreased fistula flow. Another possible revision surgery is revision using distal inflow (RUDI). This procedure involves ligation of the fistula at the anastomosis and use of a conduit to connect the outflow vein to a distal artery. The selected distal artery can be the proximal radial or ulnar artery, depending on the preoperative duplex. The more dominant vessel should be spared, allowing for distal arterial beds to have uninterrupted antegrade perfusion. The nondominant vessel is used as distal inflow for the AV access. RUDI increases access length and decreases access diameter, resulting in increased resistance and lower flow volume through the fistula. Unlike DRIL, RUDI preserves native arterial flow. Thrombosis of the conduit would put the fistula at risk, rather than the native artery. The last surgical revision procedure for steal is proximalization of arterial inflow (PAI). In this procedure, the vein is ligated distal to the original anastomosis site and flow is re-established through the fistula with a PTFE interposition graft anastomosed end-to-side with the more proximal axillary artery and end-to-end with the distal vein. Similar to RUDI, PAI increases the length and decreases the diameter of the outflow conduit. Since the axillary artery has a larger diameter than the brachial artery, there is a less significant pressure drop across the arterial anastomosis site and less steal. PAI allows for preservation of native artery’s continuity and does not require vein harvest. Difficulties with PAI arise when deciding the length of the interposition graft to balance AV flow with distal arterial flow. 2. Ischemic Monomelic Neuropathy Definition Ischemic monomelic neuropathy (IMN) is a rare but serious form of steal that involves nerve ischemia. Severe sensorimotor dysfunction is experienced immediately after AV access creation. Etiology IMN affects blood flow to the nerves, but not the skin or muscles because peripheral nerve fibers are more vulnerable to ischemia. Incidence and Risk Factors IMN is very rare; it has an estimated incidence of 0.1-0.5% of AV access creations.6 IMN has only been reported in brachial artery-based accesses, since the brachial artery is the sole arterial inflow for distal arteries feeding all forearm nerves. IMN is associated with diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, and preexisting peripheral neuropathy that is associated with either of the conditions. Patient Presentation Symptoms usually present rapidly, within minutes to hours after AV access creation. The most common presenting symptom is severe, constant, and deep burning pain of the distal forearm and hand. Patients also report impairment of all sensation, weakness, and hand paralysis. Diagnosis of IMN can be delayed due to misattribution of symptoms to anesthetic blockade, postoperative pain, preexisting neuropathy, a heavily bandaged arm precluding neurologic examination. Treatment Treatment is immediate ligation of the AV access. Delay in treatment will quickly result in permanent sensorimotor loss. 3. Perigraft Seroma Definition A perigraft seroma is a sterile fluid collection surrounding a vascular prosthesis and is enclosed within a pseudomembrane. Etiology and Incidence Possible etiologies include: transudative movement of fluid through the graft material, serous fluid collection from traumatized connective tissues (especially the from higher adipose tissue content in the upper arm), inhibition of fibroblast growth with associated failure of the tissue to incorporate the graft, graft “wetting” or kinking during initial operation, increased flow rates, decreased hematocrit causing oncotic pressure difference, or allergy to graft material. Seromas most commonly form at anastomosis sites in the early postoperative period. Overall seroma incidence rates after AV graft placement range from 1.7–4% and are more common in grafts placed in the upper arm (compared to the forearm) and Dacron grafts (compared to PTFE grafts).7-9 Patient Presentation and Workup Physical exam can show a subcutaneous raised palpable fluid mass Seromas can be seen with ultrasound, but it is difficult to differentiate between the types of fluid around the graft (seroma vs. hematoma vs. abscess) Indications for Treatment Seromas can lead to wound dehiscence, pressure necrosis and erosion through skin, and loss of available puncture area for hemodialysis Persistent seromas can also serve as a nidus for infection. The Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) guidelines10 recommend a tailored approach to seroma management, with more aggressive surgical interventions being necessary for persistent, infected-appearing, or late-developing seromas. Treatment The majority of early postoperative seromas are self-limited and tend to resolve on their own Persistent seromas have been treated using a variety of methods-- incision and evacuation of seroma, complete excision and replacement of the entire graft, and primary bypass of the involved graft segment only. Graft replacement with new material and rerouting through a different tissue plane has a higher reported cure rate and lower rate of infection than aspiration alone.9 4. Infection Incidence and Etiology The reported incidence of infection ranges 4-20% in AVG, which is significantly higher than the rate of infection of 0.56-5% in AVF.11 Infection can occur at the time of access creation (earliest presentation), after cannulation for dialysis (later infection), or secondary to another infectious source. Infection can also further complicate a pre-existing access site issue such as infection of a hematoma, thrombosed pseudoaneurysm, or seroma. Skin flora from frequent dialysis cannulations result in common pathogens being Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, or polymicrobial species. Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas are highly virulent and likely to cause anastomotic disruption. Patient Presentation and Workup Physical exam will reveal warmth, pain, swelling, erythema, induration, drainage, or pus. Occasionally, patients have nonspecific manifestations of fever or leukocytosis. Ultrasound can be used to screen for and determine the extent of graft involvement by the infection. Treatments In AV fistulas: Localized infection can usually be managed with broad spectrum antibiotics. If there are bleeding concerns or infection is seen near the anastomosis site, the fistula should be ligated and re-created in a clean field. In AV grafts: If infection is localized, partial graft excision is acceptable. Total graft excision is recommended if the infection is present throughout the entire graft, involves the anastomoses, occludes the access, or contains particularly virulent organisms Total graft excision may also be indicated if a patient develops recurrent bacteremia with no other infectious source identified. For graft excision, the venous end of the graft is removed and the vein is oversewn or ligated. If the arterial anastomosis is intact, a small cuff of the graft can be left behind and oversewn. If the arterial anastomosis is involved, the arterial wall must be debrided and ligation, reconstruction with autogenous patch angioplasty, or arterial bypass can be pursued. References 1. Morsy AH, Kulbaski M, Chen C, Isiklar H, Lumsden AB. Incidence and Characteristics of Patients with Hand Ischemia after a Hemodialysis Access Procedure. J Surg Res. 1998;74(1):8-10. doi:10.1006/jsre.1997.5206 2. Ballard JL, Bunt TJ, Malone JM. Major complications of angioaccess surgery. Am J Surg. 1992;164(3):229-232. doi:10.1016/S0002-9610(05)81076-1 3. Valentine RJ, Bouch CW, Scott DJ, et al. Do preoperative finger pressures predict early arterial steal in hemodialysis access patients? A prospective analysis. J Vasc Surg. 2002;36(2):351-356. doi:10.1067/mva.2002.125848 4. Malik J, Tuka V, Kasalova Z, et al. Understanding the Dialysis access Steal Syndrome. A Review of the Etiologies, Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment Strategies. J Vasc Access. 2008;9(3):155-166. doi:10.1177/112972980800900301 5. Sidawy AN, Gray R, Besarab A, et al. Recommended standards for reports dealing with arteriovenous hemodialysis accesses. J Vasc Surg. 2002;35(3):603-610. doi:10.1067/mva.2002.122025 6. Thermann F, Kornhuber M. Ischemic Monomelic Neuropathy: A Rare but Important Complication after Hemodialysis Access Placement - a Review. J Vasc Access. 2011;12(2):113-119. doi:10.5301/JVA.2011.6365 7. Dauria DM, Dyk P, Garvin P. Incidence and Management of Seroma after Arteriovenous Graft Placement. J Am Coll Surg. 2006;203(4):506-511. doi:10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2006.06.002 8. Gargiulo NJ, Veith FJ, Scher LA, Lipsitz EC, Suggs WD, Benros RM. Experience with covered stents for the management of hemodialysis polytetrafluoroethylene graft seromas. J Vasc Surg. 2008;48(1):216-217. doi:10.1016/j.jvs.2008.01.046 9. Blumenberg RM, Gelfand ML, Dale WA. Perigraft seromas complicating arterial grafts. Surgery. 1985;97(2):194-204. 10. Lok CE, Huber TS, Lee T, et al. KDOQI Clinical Practice Guideline for Vascular Access: 2019 Update. Am J Kidney Dis. 2020;75(4):S1-S164. doi:10.1053/j.ajkd.2019.12.001 11. Padberg FT, Calligaro KD, Sidawy AN. Complications of arteriovenous hemodialysis access: Recognition and management. J Vasc Surg. 2008;48(5):S55-S80. doi:10.1016/j.jvs.2008.08.067
The Art and Science of Leadership - An Introduction to the SVS Leadership Development Program
The Art and Science of Leadership - An Introduction to the SVS Leadership Development Program
In this special series, core faculty members of the , Dr. Manuel Garcia-Toca, Dr. Kenneth Slaw, and Steve Robischon, discuss the program origins, research regarding good leadership, and how to join. Manuel Garcia-Toca, MD completed his MD at the Universidad Anahuac in Mexico (1999) and MS in Health Policy at Stanford University (2020). Dr. Garcia-Toca completed his residency in General Surgery at Brown University (2008) and a fellowship in Vascular Surgery at Northwestern University (2010). He will serve within the Department of Surgery in the Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy and the Division of Emory Surgery at Grady based primarily at Grady Memorial Hospital. Kenneth Slaw, PhD is the executive director of the Society for Vascular Surgeons. Dr. Slaw received his master's and doctoral degrees in educational psychology from the University of Illinois. He has over 35 years of executive leadership experience in the medical society and philanthropic communities, having served in numerous previous roles, including as president of the American Association of Medical Society Executives, as chairman of the board of Make A Wish Illinois, and as senior staff member at the Academy of Pediatrics, where he assisted in efforts with the Pediatric Leadership Alliance Program, which has provided leadership skill building sessions for approximately 3, 000 physicians. Steve Robischon, PA-C is a Physician Assistant with the Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and is also a member of the PA Section Steering Committee. More about the More about the Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our . *Gore is a financial sponsor of this podcast, which has been independently developed by the presenters and does not constitute medical advice from Gore. Always consult the Instructions for Use (IFU) prior to using any medical device.
JVS CIT Editorials and Abstracts - Oct/Nov 2024
JVS CIT Editorials and Abstracts - Oct/Nov 2024
In this episode, we spotlight editorials and abstracts from the Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases, Innovates, and Techniques (). Editorials and Abstracts are read by members of the . Readers: Nick Schaper (@schapernj) Nabeeha Khan (@Nabeeha_Khan_) Hosts: John Culhane (@JohnCulhaneMD) Nishi Vootukuru (@Nishi_Vootukuru) Reference Articles: Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our . *Gore is a financial sponsor of this podcast, which has been independently developed by the presenters and does not constitute medical advice from Gore. Always consult the Instructions for Use (IFU) prior to using any medical device.
JVS Author Spotlight - Mota, Liang and Weinkauf
JVS Author Spotlight - Mota, Liang and Weinkauf
Audible Bleeding editor Wen () is joined by 4th-year general surgery resident Sasank Kalipatnapu () from UMass Chan Medical School, JVS editor Dr. Forbes ), JVS-VS associate editor Dr. John Curci () to discuss some of our favorite articles in the JVS family of journals. This episode hosts Dr. Mota, Dr. Liang and Dr. Weinkauf, authors of the following papers. Articles: Show Guests: Dr. Lucas Mota- third-year general surgery resident at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Dr. Patrick Liang- assistant professor at Harvard medical school and a practicing vascular surgeon at the Beth Israel Deaconess medical center. Dr. Weinkauf - assistant professor with the Department of Surgery Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at the University of Arizona College of Medicine Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our .
Get a Pulse on PAD Campaign
Get a Pulse on PAD Campaign
Nishi Vootukuru () and Dr. Ezra Schwartz () interview Dr. and Dr. () to discuss the Get a Pulse on PAD Campaign. The initiative (#PulseonPAD), launched in February, 2024, is a patient education and advocacy campaign designed to increase the understanding of peripheral artery disease's risk factors and potential symptoms. Dr. Shutze is a vascular surgeon with Texas Vascular Associates in Dallas, Texas and the Secretary of the SVS. Dr. Shutze completed his medical studies at Baylor University after completing general surgery residency at University of Alabama in Birmingham. Dr. Shutze returned to Baylor to complete his vascular fellowship. Dr. Shutze is one of the Get a Pulse on PAD initiative’s chairs and a leading expert in PAD. He has actively published in the field with over 100 abstracts and articles, with his most recent work focusing on prosthetics, and advocating for successful prosthetic referral after amputation. Dr. Dua is a vascular surgeon at Mass General Hospital and associate professor at Harvard Medical School. At Mass General, she is the director of the Vascular Lab, co-director of the Peripheral Artery Disease Center and Limb Evaluation and Amputation Program (LEAPP), associate director of the Wound Care Center, director of the Lymphedema Center and director of clinical research for the division of vascular surgery. She serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Vascular Surgery-Vascular Insights. Dr. Dua completed her undergraduate medical studies at the Aberdeen University School of Medicine in Aberdeen, Scotland. She then completed her general surgery residency at the Medical College of Wisconsin and vascular fellowship at Stanford University Hospital. She holds multiple master’s degrees including degrees in trauma sciences and business administration in healthcare management. She also completed certificate programs at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in health economics and outcomes research as well as in drug and device development. Dr. Dua is a prolific researcher, researcher, and advocate, with much of her work centered on PAD. She furthers patient care not only through research but through her political work as Founder of the and member of the Steering Committee. Special thank you to Jacob Soucey () Resources: Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our vey.
SCVS Rising Seniors / Incoming Fellows Program
SCVS Rising Seniors / Incoming Fellows Program
In this episode of Audible Bleeding, editor Dr. Imani McElroy () is joined by General Surgery PGY-4 Sasank Kalipatnapu() along with Dr.David Rigberg, MD (), and Dr. Guillermo Escobar, MD () to discuss the Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery (SCVS) Rising Seniors / Incoming Fellows Program. This episode brings out a conversation exploring the history behind the development of the program, the current state of the program, and the overwhelming importance of the program in the current day. The episode also provides a broad overview of the content presented in the program and the reasoning behind the talks. Guests: Dr. David Rigberg - Professor of Surgery, Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Gonda Vascular Center, Program Director for the Vascular fellowship and integrated vascular surgery residency at the David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA, Los Angeles, California Dr. Guillermo Escobar- Associate Professor, Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy, Program Director for the Vascular Surgery Fellowship and Residency at Emory University School of Medicine Relevant links: To apply for the Rising Seniors / Incoming Fellows Program, go to Audible Bleeding team: Dr. Imani McElroy is 1st year vascular surgery fellow at USC/LA and editor at Audible Bleeding Dr. Sasank Kalipatnapu, PGY-4 general surgery resident, Dept of Surgery, UMass Chan Medical School, Worcester, MA Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our . *Gore is a financial sponsor of this podcast, which has been independently developed by the presenters and does not constitute medical advice from Gore. Always consult the Instructions for Use (IFU) prior to using any medical device.
JVS Author Spotlight - Straus, Schermerhorn, and Etkin
JVS Author Spotlight - Straus, Schermerhorn, and Etkin
Audible Bleeding contributor and first year vascular surgery fellow Richa Kalsi () is joined by vascular fellow Donna Bahroloomi (), fourth year general surgery resident, Sasank Kalipatnapu (), JVS editor-in-chief, Dr. Thomas Forbes (), and JVS-CIT editor Dr. Matt Smeds () to discuss two great articles in the JVS family of journals. The first article analyzes seven years worth of VQI data on TCAR, CEA, and TF-CAS to elucidate modern management of carotid disease. The second article provides a simple but powerful method of assessing adequacy of revascularization in the management of hemodialysis access-induced distal ischemia. This episode hosts Dr. Marc Schermerhorn (), Sabrina Straus MS3 (), and Dr. Yana Etkin (), authors of these papers. Articles: Part 1: “” by Sabrina Straus, Dr. Schermerhorn, and colleagues. Part 2: “” by Dr. Etkin and colleagues. Show Guests: Sabrina Straus BS, 3rd year medical student at UCSD Dr. Marc Schermerhorn, George H.A. Clowes, Jr. Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School and Chief of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, BIDMC Dr. Yana Etkin- Associate Professor of Surgery at the Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/ Northwell, Program Director for the Vascular Surgery Fellowship and Integrated Vascular Surgery Residency and Associate Chief of Vascular Surgery Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our . Gore is a financial sponsor of this podcast, which has been independently developed by the presenters and does not constitute medical advice from Gore. Always consult the Instructions for Use (IFU) prior to using any medical device.
JVS Author Spotlight - Felsted, Scali, and Jayaraj
JVS Author Spotlight - Felsted, Scali, and Jayaraj
Audible Bleeding editor Wen () is joined by 1st year vascular surgery fellow Richa Kalsi (), 3rd year medical student Nishi (), 4th-year general surgery resident Sasank Kalipatnapu () from UMass Chan Medical School, JVS editor Dr. Forbes (), JVS-VLD associate editor Dr. Arjun Jayaraj and JVS social media liaison Dr. Haurani to discuss some of our favorite articles in the JVS family of journals. This episode hosts Dr. Amy Felsted, Dr. Salvatore Scali, and Dr. Arjun Jayaraj, the authors of the following papers. Dr. Arjun Jayaraj and Dr. Haurani will also spend time discussing a virtual special issue, centered around iliofemoral venous stenting published in the Journal of Vascular Surgery, Venous and Lymphatic Disorders that includes six articles published between August 2023 and May 2024. Articles: Part 1: by Dr. Felsted, Dr. Scali and colleagues. Part 2: Show Guests Dr. Amy Felsted (): Completed fellowship at Dartmouth-Hitchcock, Currently an assistant professor of surgery at Boston University School of Medicine and practicing vascular surgeon at the VA in Boston Dr. Salvatore Scali: Professor of Surgery at University of Florida Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy, program director of the vascular fellowship at University of Florida. Dr. Arjun Jayaraj: Vascular surgeon at the RANE Center in Jackson, Mississippi with a focus on the management of venous and lymphatic diseases, Associate Editor of JVS-VL. Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our
JVS CIT Editorial and Abstracts - August 2024
JVS CIT Editorial and Abstracts - August 2024
In this episode, we spotlight editorials and abstracts from the Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases, Innovates, and Techniques (). Editorials and Abstracts are read by members of the . Readers: David Ebertz () Kori Snider () Nabeeha Khan () Hosts: John Culhane () Nishi Vootukuru () Reference Articles: Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our . *Gore is a financial sponsor of this podcast, which has been independently developed by the presenters and does not constitute medical advice from Gore. Always consult the Instructions for Use (IFU) prior to using any medical device.
2024 EVS Research
2024 EVS Research
The Audible Bleeding team ( and Anh Dang) is here at the annual in Charleston, SC. We wanted to highlight some of the research being presented at the conference by medical students and residents.
SVS Step Challenge
SVS Step Challenge
In this episode, Sasank Kalipatnapu () and Leana Dogbe () sit down with Dr.Joseph Mills(), Dr. Douglas Jones and Dr. Premchand Gupta () to discuss the origin of the SVS Step Challenge. This episode features a conversation about the history behind the SVS Step challenge and the role of walking in treating peripheral artery disease (PAD). It also covers the origin of “Walkathon”, the Indian equivalent of SVS Step Challenge. Dr. Joseph Mills is Professor and Chief of the Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy at Michael E DeBakey Department of Surgery at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. He is also the John W. Reid and Josephine L. Reid Endowed Professorship in Surgery and is currently the chair of the SVS Foundation. Dr. Douglas Jones is an associate professor of Vascular Surgery at UMass Chan Medical School, Worcester, MA. He currently leads the Limb Preservation Center at UMass Memorial Health. Dr. PC Gupta is the clinical director of vascular and endovascular surgery and vascular interventional radiology at the Care Hospitals in Hyderabad, India. He is President of the Vascular Society of India and now President of the World Federation of Vascular Societies. Relevant links: - Link to look up the details of the Step Challenge - Link to sign up for the Step Challenge 2024 Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our .
2024 EVS Day 1
2024 EVS Day 1
The Audible Bleeding team is here at the annual EVS meeting in Charleston, SC. We wanted to share with you some of the attendees' experiences in their own words!
Diagnosis and Management of Infected Aortic Endografts
Diagnosis and Management of Infected Aortic Endografts
In this episode, we discuss the challenges of explanting aortic grafts, the diagnosis and management of infected aortic grafts, as well as tips and tricks for once we're in the operating room. Interviewers/Editors: Mark Basilious, MD Candidate () Eva Urrechaga, MD () Sharif Ellozy, MD () Guests: Dr. Francis Caputo () is an Associate Professor of Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, Vascular Surgery Director of the Aorta Center, and Program Director of the Vascular Surgery Training Programs. His clinical interests include complex open and endovascular repair of thoracic, thoracoabdominal, and abdominal aortic aneurysms, management of thoracic dissection, and endovascular and open repair of failed endograft. Dr. Caputo earned his medical degree from the University of Medicine and Dentistry New Jersey, Newark, NJ, where he also served his surgical residency and two years as a National Institutes of Health research fellow. He completed his fellowship in vascular surgery at Barnes-Jewish Hospital of Washington University, St. Louis, MO and joined the Cleveland Clinic medical staff in 2018. Dr. Peter Rossi () is a Professor of Surgery, Radiology, and Orthopedic Surgery, and Chief of the Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at the Medical College of Wisconsin. His primary research and clinical interests are in complex “re-do” and revision surgery, including for thoracoabdominal and abdominal aortic aneurysms, carotid artery surgery, and renal and mesenteric arterial disease, as well as vascular reconstruction for complicated soft tissue sarcomas. Dr. Rossi completed medical school at the University of Illinois College of Medicine before completing his general surgery training at the University of Chicago and his vascular surgery training at the Medical College of Wisconsin, where he has been a member of the faculty since 2009. Dr. Xavier Berard () is a French vascular surgeon who has been a Consultant in the Department of Vascular Surgery and Professor of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery in Bordeaux University Hospital in Bordeaux, France since 2010 and a full Professor of Vascular Surgery at the University of Bordeaux since 2016. He has also completed a PhD in Vascular Biomaterials and in 2010 worked as a research fellow at Lausanne University Hospital in Switzerland. He has been board certified by the French College of Vascular and Endovascular Surgeons since 2008 and by the European Society for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery since 2010. He has served as an examiner for the FEBVS exam since 2014 and as a reviewer for the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery since 2016. Additionally, he is a member of the ESVS guidelines writing group for vascular graft infection and AAA. His personal surgical interests include open surgery of (thoraco)abdominal aneurysms, redo aortic surgery, infections in vascular surgery, EVAR explantation, and biomaterials. He works closely with Institut Bergonié Bordeaux Cancer Center for sarcomas. You can see educational videos and learn more about Dr. Xavier Berard . Helpful links and resources: of explantation of infected chimney EVAR with duodenal fistula (courtesy of Dr. Berard) of reimplanting the IMA after explanting an infected graft of explantation of infected graft with suprarenal fixation Videos of using the syringe technique to remove an aortic stent graft and (courtesy of Dr. Berard) References Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our .
Robotic Vascular Surgery Part 2
Robotic Vascular Surgery Part 2
We are excited to bring back part two of our discussion on Robotic Vascular Surgery. Yasong (@yasongyumd) and Eva (@urrechisme) are joined by Dr. Lumsden and Dr. Bavare from Houston Methodist Hospital Show Guests: Alan Lumsden: Chair of Cardiovascular Surgery at Houston Methodist and DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center Charu Bavare: Vascular Surgeon at Houston Methodist and Debakey Heart and Vascular Center Hosts: Eva Urrechaga - Vascular fellow at University of Pennsylvania Yasong Yu - Vascular fellow at University of Chicago with Dr. Judith Lin and Dr. Petr Stadler Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our .
JVS Author Spotlight - Kempe and Navi
JVS Author Spotlight - Kempe and Navi
Audible Bleeding contributor and vascular surgery fellow Richa Kalsi () is joined by vascular fellow Eva Urrechaga (), fourth year medical student Leona Dogbe (), JVS Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Thomas Forbes ), and JVS-VS editor Dr. John Curci () to discuss two great articles in the JVS family of journals. The first article analyzes amputation trends over 12 years in Oklahoma, and identifies risk factors that can be used to target intervention strategies. The second article explores the role of toll-like receptor 4 in skeletal muscle damage caused by chronic limb-threatening ischemia. This episode hosts Dr. Kelly Kempe () and Dr. Ali Navi (), authors of these two papers. Articles: Part 1: by Drs. Kempe, Nelson, and colleagues. Part 2: “” by Drs. Navi, Tsui, and colleagues. Show Guests: Dr. Kelly Kempe: Associate Professor and Vascular Surgery Program Director at the University of Oklahoma in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dr. Ali Navi: Consultant Vascular Surgeon at Cambridge University Hospitals, UK. Follow us: Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our . Gore is a financial sponsor of this podcast, which has been independently developed by the presenters and does not constitute medical advice from Gore. Always consult the Instructions for Use (IFU) prior to using any medical device.
Holding Pressure Case Prep - Fem Pop Bypass
Holding Pressure Case Prep - Fem Pop Bypass
Authors: Sebouh Bazikian - PGY1 at Emory School of Medicine Integrated Vascular Surgery Program Miguel F. Manzure - vascular surgery attending the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine involved in complex limb preservation Core Resources: Rutherford Chapters: 107, 108, 109 (Includes further information on anatomy), 112 Additional Resources: Relevant trials BEST CLI: BASIL 2: Relevant Audible Bleeding episodes Audible Bleeding Endovascular Basics: Audible Bleeding eBook, CLTI Chapter: Anything else useful WIFI: GLASS: Monophasic, Biphasic, Triphasic Waveforms: Underlying disease featured in episode - peripheral arterial disease Pathophysiology/etiology narrowing of peripheral arteries caused by atherosclerotic plaques causing arterial insufficiency distal to the point of occlusion. This reduces oxygen supply to the muscles. When oxygen demand increases but cannot be met, it leads to an imbalance such as pain and poor wound healing. Risks: smoking, diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and older age Equal prevalence in men and women, peak incidence age 60-80 Coexists with CAD, DM, stroke, Afib, and renal disease Patient Presentation 20-50% asymptomatic, rest can be intermittent claudication, rest pain, or tissue loss claudication=pain or discomfort felt in the legs due to a lack of blood flow, especially during physical activity. CLTI=chronic limb threatening ischemia: rest pain lasting greater than 2 weeks or nonhealing ulcers and gangrene Physical exam: decreased skin temperature, less hair on the legs, brittle nails, atrophied muscles, shiny skin, livedo reticularis. Absent or diminished pulses Buerger sign Diagnosis Ankle brachial index: <0.9=PAD. <0.4=multilevel disease associated with tissue loss. >1.3 can mean vessel calcification Toe pressures, toe brachial indexes, and transcutaneous oxygen measurement (TcPO2) if vessels calcified Duplex ultrasound: affordable and effective, can assess both anatomy and blood flow Can also assess degree of stenosis based on ratios of systolic and diastolic velocity Angiography: gold standard. Invasive and risks of infection, hematoma, pseudoaneurysms, and contrast nephropathy. Staging: WIFI - Wound, Ischemia, and Foot Infection (see additional resources) GLASS: Global Limb Anatomy Staging System (see additional resources) Treatment (Medical/Surgical) Lifestyle modification, smoking cessation, high-intensity statins, antiplatelet therapy, and management of other medial comorbidities like HTN and DM. Structured exercise program: 3 times weekly for 12 weeks Cilostazol: phosphodiesterase III inhibitor Endovascular and surgical revascularization Endovascular offer superior perioperative outcomes but lacks durability Surgical revascularization offer durability and less reinterventions, but more invasive Indications for surgery: CLTI and lifestyle limiting claudication Relevant anatomy: Femoral triangle inguinal ligament superior, the medial border of the sartorius muscle laterally, and the medial border of the adductor longus on the medially Contains neurovascular bundle (NAVEL) Adductor canal: bordered anteriorly by the sartorius, posteriorly by the adductor magnus and longus, and to the lateral side by the vastus medialis common femoral artery bifurcates into the profunda and the superficial femoral artery (SFA). SFA courses through adductor canal and turns into popliteal artery in the popliteal fossa GSV: originates at the ankle, tracts anterior to medial malleolus and then ascending the medial side of lower leg. Upon reaching the knee, it curves behind the medial condyles of the femur and tibia, continuing alongside the medial aspect of the thigh. Its journey culminates at the saphenofemoral junction Preoperative preparation: Identifying inflow and outflow vessels, both should be free of significant disease preop CTA or angiogram Picking a conduit Best patency=autogenous: reversed GSV most common, others are small saphenous vein, cephalic vein, etc Prosthetic: polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Cryopreserved vein Surgical steps: Harvesting GSV (if GSV adequate as conduit) Dissected along its length, branches ligated, removed and reversed Can also be left insitu, so only proximal and distal aspects are mobilized, and valves are removed using valvulotome Should be at least 3mm in diameter and no significant disease (scarring, thickening) Arterial exposure Common femoral artery: lies in the medial third segment between the ASIS and the pubic symphysis. Longitudinal or oblique incision directly over the femoral artery pulse if present. ligate venous and lymphatic tributaries in the soft tissue. Open fascia along the medial margin of the sartorius muscle, retracting the sartorius muscle laterally exposes the underlying femoral sheath. CFA is located within the femoral sheath. Profunda and superficial femoral artery: trace the anterior surface of the CFA to where it bifurcates. The origin of the profunda is typically lateral Popliteal artery: medial longitudinal incision 1 to 2 cm behind the tibia's posterior border. Carefully to avoid GSV, dissect down to fascia to enter the popliteal fossa. The medial head of the gastrocnemius is retracted posteriorly, giving us a clear view of the popliteal fossa. popliteal artery is surrounded by paired popliteal veins with smaller bridging veins Tunneling and anastomosis Can be done anatomically or subcutaneously Must be careful not to twist the conduit Can do proximal anastomosis to pressurize vein prior to tunneling to minimize chance of twisting Clamp the vessels and heparinize Arteriotomy on femoral artery and anastomosis, same with popliteal artery distally Closure and ensure patency Optional completion angiogram Postoperative care: Anticoagulation and/or antiplatelet therapy Monitor graft patency once discharged with duplex/ABI Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our .
JVS CIT Editorials and Abstracts - June 2024
JVS CIT Editorials and Abstracts - June 2024
In this episode, we spotlight editorials and abstracts from the ). Editorials and Abstracts are read by members of our and authors. Readers: Shourya Verma (@shourya__verma) Nabeeha Khan (@Nabeeha_Khan_) Miguel Fernandez (@MGfernandez21) Amit Chaudhary (@VascularKGMU) Dr. Jayer Chung (@Jayer_Chung) Hosts: Nishi Vootukuru (@Nishi_Vootukuru) John Culhane (@Johnculhanemd) Editorials (E) and Abstracts (A): E- A- A- E- A- A- A- A- E- Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our .
Meet the SVS Vice President Candidates
Meet the SVS Vice President Candidates
In this episode, Sasank Kalipatnapu (), John Culhane and Leana Dogbe () sit down along with Dr. Dalman () as chair of the SVS Nominating Committee for this year, along with the two vice presidential candidates Dr. Harris and Dr Shaw to learn more about them as part of the ongoing election process. Show links: —Home Page—provides a comprehensive overview of all the candidates. Their professional biographies and answers to questions about their plans for the future are available in both text and video formats. Show Guests: Dr. Linda Harris, Professor of Surgery at Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Buffalo, NY Dr. Palma Shaw, Professor of Surgery at State University of New York, Syracuse, NY Dr. Ronald L. Dalman, Elsa R. and Walter C. Chidester Professor and Division Chief Emeritus of Vascular Surgery at Stanford University, CA, Associate Dean for Market Development and Outreach for Stanford Medicine and Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs in the Department of Surgery Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our .
JVS Author Spotlight - O'Donnell and Timaran
JVS Author Spotlight - O'Donnell and Timaran
Audible Bleeding contributor and 5th year general surgery resident Richa Kalsi () is joined by first-year vascular surgery fellow Zach Mattay ), fifth-year general surgery resident Naveed Rahman (), JVS editor Dr. Thomas Forbes ), and JVS-CIT editor Dr. Matthew Smeds () to discuss two great articles in the JVS family of journals. The first article discusses national trends in surgeon-modified graft utilization for complex and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms. The second article discusses a novel technique, transcatheter electrosurgical aortic septotomy, to treat chronic dissecting aortoiliac aneurysms. This episode hosts Dr. Thomas O’Donnell () and Dr. Carlos Timaran (), the authors of these two papers. Articles: Part 1: by Dr. O’Donnell and colleagues. Mentioned during the discussion: by Abel and Farb. Part 2: by Dr. Timaran and colleagues. Mentioned during discussion: by Khan and colleagues. by Dr. Kabbani and colleagues. Show Guests Dr. Thomas O’Donnell: Assistant professor of surgery in the aortic center at New York Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center. Dr. Carlos Timaran: Professor and Chief of Endovascular Surgery at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center’s Department of Surgery. Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our .
ChatGPT/LLM in Vascular Surgery
ChatGPT/LLM in Vascular Surgery
This episode of Audible Bleeding features Drs. Adam Johnson and Jeniann Yi, members of the Society for Vascular Surgery Health Information Technology Committee, to discuss the application of large language models in vascular surgery with two experts in the field, Dr. Andrew Gonzalez and one of his collaborators, Shantanu Dev. The episode promises a conversation exploring machine learning and large language models with insights from the guests' diverse expertise in vascular surgery, health informatics, and artificial intelligence. Dr. Andrew Gonzalez, an assistant professor in vascular surgery at Indiana University School of Medicine and also an SVS HITC committee member, has clinical and research interests in peripheral arterial disease and artificial intelligence applications for amputation prevention. Shantanu Dev, a computer science PhD student at Ohio State, focusing on multimodal modeling for clinical applications in AI. Shantanu worked at PWC for eight years in their AI R&D division and co-owns () Digital Health, an AI company addressing healthcare inequities and quality of care. Relevant links: by Peter Lee by Dan Hashimoto by Eric Topel Co-Hosts: Dr. Jennian Yi is an Assistant Professor of Surgery at the University of Colorado. Dr. Adam Johnson is an Assistant Professor of Surgery at Duke University, and editor at Audible Bleeding. Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our .
JVS Author Spotlight - Pillado, Coleman, and Lal
JVS Author Spotlight - Pillado, Coleman, and Lal
Audible Bleeding editor Wen () is joined by 5th year general surgery resident Richa Kalsi () from University of Maryland Medical Center, 4th year general surgery resident Nitin Jethmalani from New York Presbyterian Hospital-Weill Cornell, JVS () editor Dr. Forbes ) and JVS-VL () editor Dr. Bush () to discuss two great articles in the JVS family of journals regarding chronic pain and resident burnout and SFJ reflux and its implication in C2 and C3 chronic venous insufficiency. This episode hosts Dr. Pillado (), Dr. Coleman () and Dr. Lal. Articles: by Dr. Pillado and colleagues. by Dr. Lal and colleagues. Show Guests: Dr. Coleman: Professor of Surgery at Duke University and Division Chief of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at Duke University Medical Center. Dr. Pillado: vascular surgery resident at Northwestern Hospital in Chicago, IL Dr. Lal: Professor of Surgery at the University of Maryland, Professor of neurology at Mayo clinic, and professor of biomedical engineering at George Mason University. and Director of Center for Vascular Research at University of Maryland Medical Center Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our .
JVS CIT Editorials and Abstracts - April 2024
JVS CIT Editorials and Abstracts - April 2024
In this episode, we spotlight editorials and abstracts from the ). Editorials and Abstracts are read by members of our and Editor in Chief of JVS CIT, Dr. Matthew Smeds. Readers: Matthew Smeds () Christopher DeHaven () Ethan Vieira Litton Whittaker Nicholas Schaper Nishi Vootukuru ) Editorials: . . Abstracts: . . . . . . . . Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our .
Social Deprivation in Vascular Surgery
Social Deprivation in Vascular Surgery
In this episode Abena Appah-Sampong () and Leana Dogbe () partner with Vaiva Dabravolskaite () from ESVS to host an episode discussing social deprivation in vascular surgery. Dr. Tara Mastracci and Dr. Olamide Alabi join us to offer insights into how social deprivation drives disparities in outcomes and steps to how we can shift practice paradigms to better address our patient needs. Dr. () is a vascular surgeon with over 15 years of experience treating and managing complex aortic pathologies. She is currently working at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in London, UK, on the Cardiothoracic Team doing complex aortic surgery. On top of her clinical duties, Dr. Mastracci is dedicated to studying the social and non-clinical factors influencing vascular outcomes. Dr. Olamide Alabi () is an Associate Professor of Surgery in the Department of Surgery at Emory University School of Medicine. Her clinical effort focuses on the full scope of vascular disease for patients at Emory University Hospital and the Atlanta VA HealthCare System, however, her academic portfolio and funded research is focused primarily on the intersection of peripheral artery disease, quality, and health equity. References: Social Deprivation and the Association With Survival Following Fenestrated Endovascular Aneurysm Repair/2021 Is social deprivation an independent predictor of outcomes following cardiac surgery? An analysis of 240,221 patients from a national registry. BMJ/2015 Survival Disparity Following Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair Highlights Inequality in Ethnic and Socio-economic Status/ Nash, D., McClure, G., Mastracci, T. M., & Anand, S. S. (2022). Social deprivation and peripheral artery disease. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 38(5), 612-622. Vart, P., Coresh, J., Kwak, L., Ballew, S. H., Heiss, G., & Matsushita, K. (2017). Socioeconomic status and incidence of hospitalization with lower‐extremity peripheral artery disease: atherosclerosis risk in communities study. Journal of the American Heart Association, 6(8), e004995. Henry, A. J., Hevelone, N. D., Belkin, M., & Nguyen, L. L. (2011). Socioeconomic and hospital-related predictors of amputation for critical limb ischemia. Journal of vascular surgery, 53(2), 330-339. Demsas, F., Joiner, M. M., Telma, K., Flores, A. M., Teklu, S., & Ross, E. G. (2022, June). Disparities in peripheral artery disease care: A review and call for action. In Seminars in vascular surgery (Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 141-154). WB Saunders. Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our .
JVS Author Spotlight - McDermott and Chan
JVS Author Spotlight - McDermott and Chan
Join Audible Bleeding team Matthew Chia, Nitin Jethmalani, and Leana Dogbe and editors from the JVS family of publications Thomas Forbes and Gale Tang as we discuss two of the latest highlights in vascular research. First, we welcome Mary McDermott, MD to discuss the discordance between patient-reported outcomes and objective PAD measures in the latest episode of the JVS. The episode finishes with a stimulating discussion with Alex Chan, PhD to discuss the effect of nicotine on angiogenesis in a murine model of PAD. Articles: Discordance of patient-reported outcome measures with objectively assessed walking decline in peripheral artery disease by McDermott et al. Chronic nicotine impairs the angiogenic capacity of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cells in a murine model of peripheral arterial disease by Chan et al. Related Articles: Clinical characteristics and response to supervised exercise therapy of people with lower extremity peripheral artery disease by Patel et al. Effects of supervised exercise therapy on blood pressure and heart rate during exercise, and associations with improved walking performance in peripheral artery disease: Results of a randomized clinical trial by Slysz et al. Show Guests: Mary McDermott, MD is the Jeremiah Stamler Professor of Medicine and Preventive Medicine at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern Medicine. Among her many accolades and titles, she serves as deputy editor of the Journal of the American Medical Society, and has an extensive career focused on improving our understanding of peripheral arterial disease. Alex Chan, PhD is a researcher who studied regenerative medicine and cell therapeutics as a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Dr. Ngan Huang, PhD at the Stanford Cardiovascular Institute.
How to Heal a Heel: Lessons From the Malvern Diabetic Foot Conference
How to Heal a Heel: Lessons From the Malvern Diabetic Foot Conference
In today’s episode, (@ROForsythe), consultant vascular surgeon at NHS Lothian, leads a fictional case-based discussion with leaders in managing diabetic foot ulcers. Joining the conversation are Professor Andrew Boulton, Mr. Patrick Coughlin, Dr. David Armstrong, Dr. Dane Wukich, and Dr. Edgar Peters. is a professor of medicine at Manchester University in England and is co-chair of the Malvern Diabetic Foot Conference meeting. He served as president of numerous distinguished societies, including the International Diabetes Federation. (@Coughlin_pa) is a consultant vascular surgeon in Leeds, England. He is a very active member of the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland Council and has a special academic and clinical interest in peripheral artery disease. (@DGArmstrong) is a podiatric surgeon and professor of surgery at Keck School of Medicine of the University of California and director of the Southwestern Academic Limb Salvage Alliance. Dr. Armstrong is very well known for his work on amputation prevention, the diabetic foot and wound healing. (@DaneWukich) is a professor and chair of the Department of Orthopedics at the University of Texas, Southwestern and Medical Director of Orthopedic Surgery at UT Southwestern University Hospitals. Dr. Wich has an interest in foot and ankle surgery, including the management of diabetes-related complications. is an associate professor of internal medicine, infectious diseases, and acute medicine at Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Dr. Peter's main interest is infection of the musculoskeletal system, particularly in patients with diabetes and is the Scientific Secretary of the International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot. Malvern Diabetic Foot Conference info: If this episode was of interest to you, please take a listen to this where we speak with the authors of the SVS, ESVS, and IWGDFU joint guidelines on the management of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in patients with diabetes. Articles, resources, and societies referenced in the episode: DF Blog. “Oral Is the New IV. Challenging Decades of Blood and Bone Infection Dogma: A Systematic Review @bradspellberg @lacuscmedcenter @usc,” January 1, 2022. . Gariani, Karim, Truong-Thanh Pham, Benjamin Kressmann, François R Jornayvaz, Giacomo Gastaldi, Dimitrios Stafylakis, Jacques Philippe, Benjamin A Lipsky, and Lker Uçkay. “Three Weeks Versus Six Weeks of Antibiotic Therapy for Diabetic Foot Osteomyelitis: A Prospective, Randomized, Noninferiority Pilot Trial.” Clinical Infectious Diseases 73, no. 7 (October 5, 2021): e1539–45. . Li, Ho-Kwong, Ines Rombach, Rhea Zambellas, A. Sarah Walker, Martin A. McNally, Bridget L. Atkins, Benjamin A. Lipsky, et al. “Oral versus Intravenous Antibiotics for Bone and Joint Infection.” New England Journal of Medicine 380, no. 5 (January 31, 2019): 425–36. . Magliano, Dianna, and Edward J. Boyko. IDF Diabetes Atlas. 10th edition. Brussels: International Diabetes Federation, 2021. Østergaard, Lauge, Mia Marie Pries-Heje, Rasmus Bo Hasselbalch, Magnus Rasmussen, Per Åkesson, Robert Horvath, Jonas Povlsen, et al. “Accelerated Treatment of Endocarditis—The POET II Trial: Ration ale and Design of a Randomized Controlled Trial.” American Heart Journal 227 (September 2020): 40–46. . Price, Patricia. “The Diabetic Foot: Quality of Life.” Clinical Infectious Diseases 39 (2004): S129–31. Sharma, S., C. Kerry, H. Atkins, and G. Rayman. “The Ipswich Touch Test: A Simple and Novel Method to Screen Patients with Diabetes at Home for Increased Risk of Foot Ulceration.” Diabetic Medicine: A Journal of the British Diabetic Association 31, no. 9 (September 2014): 1100–1103. . Shin, Laura, Frank L. Bowling, David G. Armstrong, and Andrew J.M. Boulton. “Saving the Diabetic Foot During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Tale of Two Cities.” Diabetes Care 43, no. 8 (August 1, 2020): 1704–9. . Tone, Alina, Sophie Nguyen, Fabrice Devemy, Hélène Topolinski, Michel Valette, Marie Cazaubiel, Armelle Fayard, Éric Beltrand, Christine Lemaire, and Éric Senneville. “Six-Week Versus Twelve-Week Antibiotic Therapy for Nonsurgically Treated Diabetic Foot Osteomyelitis: A Multicenter Open-Label Controlled Randomized Study.” Diabetes Care 38, no. 2 (February 1, 2015): 302–7. . Wukich, Dane K., Katherine M. Raspovic, and Natalie C. Suder. “Patients With Diabetic Foot Disease Fear Major Lower-Extremity Amputation More Than Death.” Foot & Ankle Specialist 11, no. 1 (February 2018): 17–21. .
International Society for Women Vascular Surgeons
International Society for Women Vascular Surgeons
Audible Bleeding editor Wen () is joined by 5th integrated vascular resident Yang () and Moira 3rd year medical student discussing the International Society for Women Vascular Surgeons and Women’s Vascular Summit with Dr. Linda Harris. Show Guests: Dr. Linda Harris: Dr. Harris joined University of Buffalo in 1995 and currently sits as Professor of Surgery with tenure in the Department of Surgery. She is also the Program Director for the Vascular Fellowship and Vascular Residency Programs. She is the president of the . SVS Women's section episodes Follow us Learn more about us at and provide us with your feedback with our .
SVS Outpatient Vascular Verification Program
SVS Outpatient Vascular Verification Program
In this episode of Audible Bleeding, editor Dr. Adam Johnson is joined by General Surgery PGY-3 Sasank Kalipatnapu, MS2 Nishi Vootukuru, along with Dr. Anton Sidawy, MD, and Dr. William Schutze to discuss the nuances of the recently launched Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) Outpatient Verification Program, in collaboration with the American College of Surgeons. This episode brings out a conversation exploring the history behind the development of the program, the current state of the program, and the overwhelming importance of the program in the current day. The episode will also cover the broad steps that need to be taken by a facility looking to become verified and will also show the value added by being verified by this joint ACS/SVS Vascular Verification program. Dr. Anton Sidawy, MD, MPH, FACS is the Lewis B. Saltz Chair and Professor of Surgery at George Washington School of Medicine, Washington DC. He is the chair of the Vascular Verification Program steering committee and oversees the development and implementation of inpatient and outpatient vascular verification programs. Dr. William Patrick Shutze is a Vascular Surgeon from Texas Vascular Associates in Plano, TX, and Chair of the Outpatient Committee. He is also the secretary for the Society for Vascular Surgery and is also the chair of the Communications Committee. He has led the efforts with the implementation of the recently launched Outpatient Verification Program. Relevant links: Co-Hosts: Dr. Adam Johnson is an Assistant Professor of Surgery at Duke University and editor at Audible Bleeding. Dr. Sasank Kalipatnapu is a PGY-3 General Surgery resident at UMass Chan Medical School, Worcester, MA. Nishi Vootukuru is a 2nd-year medical student at Rutgers NJMS University, Newark, NJ.