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AUPN's Leading Edge

A podcast brought to you by the Association of University Professors of Neurology (AUPN). The AUPN serves as a forum for the Chairs of Departments or Divisions of Neurology in accredited medical schools in the United States and Canada to discuss academic interests and challenges. The AUPN supports department chairs through its educational offerings that are geared toward the leaders in Neurology Departments including program directors and clerkship directors.

info_outline Neuroscience Service Lines: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly 02/12/2025
info_outline AHA Efforts to Fund Brain Health Research 11/20/2024
info_outline Academic Medical Centers and the Future of Healthcare: Insights from a Leading Hospital CEO 08/21/2024
info_outline Integrating Remote work in Clinical Neurology 05/16/2024
info_outline Minding the Gap: Gender Disparities in Pay and Promotion 02/15/2024
info_outline NeuroBrew: A Chat with Neurology Colleagues on Engaging Medical Students 11/16/2023
info_outline Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride 08/16/2023
info_outline Transitioning from Academia to Industry 05/18/2023
info_outline Neurology Chair, Academy President & Beyond 02/16/2023
info_outline How Much is a Neurologist Worth: Factoring the Downstream 10/13/2022
info_outline What Your CEO Wants From You 01/13/2022
info_outline So, you want to be a dean… Pros, cons, joys, and tribulations 09/10/2020
info_outline AUPN's Leading Edge - teaser 08/07/2020