Awake Us Now
Awake Us Now is an online ministry sharing the message of God’s love through Jesus Christ, His Son. We have modeled our ministry after the early Acts Church and meet together in home groups. Using live broadcast and on demand video, we worship together each Sunday as one voice of praise and prayer across America. Through pertinent and vibrant teaching, we grow in faith and are encouraged to live each day in the power of the Holy Spirit that comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our ministry has a heart to see revival breakout across America and we look forward to Christ's return.
The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 6
The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 6
We finish Matthew 4 on following Jesus, and begin the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 that opens with the Beatitudes.
The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 5
The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 5
Week 5 of our Matthew study digs into chapter 4 on the Temptation of Jesus, His three temptations and the reality of an unseen spiritual world.
Ten Words - Week 2: God Alone!
Ten Words - Week 2: God Alone!
Scripture: Exodus 20:1-3, Psalm 19:1, Psalm 14:1, Psalm 33:8, Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Matthew 22:36-38, Proverbs 3:5-6. It’s God alone that we are to worship, honor and follow. Exodus 20:3 “You shall have no other gods before me.” The 10 Commandments have shaped so much of Western civilization and culture. Yet these ten words/commandments are often ignored - And what we see as people’s god is the god of chance. Our culture, and much of the time our educational system, teach us that all that exists is the result of a gigantic cosmic accident. That chance is the author of life. This is seen in our media, our movies, and every direction we turn. A view that is accepted even though the science goes against it. In the last 50 years we’ve learned much about the complexity of life and that it points to a Designer - not to a chance explosion. Our culture has not caught up to some of the remarkable discoveries in recent history. In the 1980’s MIT discovered that the likelihood of self replicating DNA is 1 chance in 10 to the 65th power - that’s 10 with 65 zeroes behind it showing us creation didn’t start by “chance,” it started with a Designer, a Creator. Psalm 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” Not only do the heavens declare the glory of God, even at the microscopic and sub-atomic levels the complexity of creation screams that there is a Creator! Psalm 14:1 The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” Not chance, but Creator… and it is because of the profound truth of a Designer, a Creator, that the Ten Commandments need to be re-examined in our day by believers and non-believers. God broke into human history on Mt. Sinai, proclaiming His goodness and power and delivering the Ten Commandments. God also stepped into history through Christ’s resurrection. The Living God took on human flesh and lived among us, lived a servant life, willingly went to the cross, shed His blood for all, and is risen from the grave, ascended to the Father’s right hand and He IS returning! God breaking into history changes how we look at our lives and it changes how we look at the Ten Commandments. How do we see the Ten Commandments? ⁃ As Painful Demands that God says we better do? ⁃ As a Joyful Response to the move of God in history and in our hearts and lives? God has intervened in our history and intervened in our lives and He is good. He is asking us to listen to His voice. He is telling us He is our Designer and he knows what is best for us, to what will bring the greatest blessing in our lives. And that starts with the commandment that says, “You shall have no other God’s before me.” It’s God and God alone! He says YOU - in Greek this is singular - making this command personal. He is speaking individually to each of us. He’s speaking to me. What does it mean for me to have no other gods? ⁃ I am to revere Him alone He is to be the object of reverence in my life and my source of our awe. Psalm 33:8 says, “Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere him.” Fear God - is to be in awe of Him, fear God means I am accountable to Him. ⁃ I am to love Him above all Because He is my Creator, because He is good, because He sent Jesus my response to Him is to love Him. Deuteronomy 6:5 says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” And in Matthew 22:36-38 Jesus is asked, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” And Jesus replies: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.” ⁃ I am to commit my life to Him and to trust Him with all my heart. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight” He will guide and lead me. When I commit to Him I’m desiring to allow His Holy Spirit and His Truth to guide me, and to allow Jesus to reign as Lord in my life. Who is “The Lord?” In Deuteronomy 6:4 we read that He is ONE, “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.“ One God: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. One God but yet three unique persons and He is telling us in the first of His Words from Mt. Sinai to follow, trust, revere, love, worship and honor Him. He offers us Salvation when we admit we need a Savior. “Lord, I need you, I am a sinner, and I desire to receive all that You have for me through my faith in Jesus, my Savior. Thank You.” Now What? Learn about God at EVERYTHING we offer is FREE. Check out the video from our website: Check out the video on Youtube: Watch via our app. Text HELLO to 888-364-4483 to download our app.
The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 4
The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 4
Week 4 of our Matthew study is all about John the Baptist and his message of repentance, a message that can be difficult for the religious to accept.
Two Year Gospel Study Week 54
Two Year Gospel Study Week 54
Scripture - Luke 18:1-8; “The Widow’s Plea” The Parable: “The Widow’s Plea” is an earthly narrative with a heavenly meaning - We should always pray and not give up! This is a story that lets us know that there will be challenges and difficulties that we all will face. But in this parable Jesus is teaching us to endure - to not give up and to do so through prayer - leaning into Him and trusting Him. The parable begins be telling of a judge that didn’t know God and didn’t care at all about people - and there’s a widow that continues to go to the judge for justice against her adversary. Over and over again and again she goes to him and each time he refuses to help her until he gets so tired of her continually pursuing him for justice that he finally gives in so she would leave him alone. Jesus goes on, “and will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones who cry out to Him day and night? Will He keep putting them off?” Many interpret this to mean we need to be relentless in pounding on God’s door for what is just and what is right and what we need. But what Jesus is actually doing is challenging us to compare what we know of the unjust judge to what we know about him, the righteous judge,The Living God, who cares for us all. The unjust judge doesn’t care about this widow, he only care about himself. God is NOT like that! GOD CARES! Jesus is saying that if even an unjust judge responds to pleas, don’t you know God who sees His children as precious will care so much more and will respond to His children. God is good and gracious and nothing like this unjust judge. When things are rough and it seems that God is not listening, that is NOT the case! For our God is a righteous and caring judge! Let’s compare the two: The Judge ⁃ Unjust ⁃ Unloving ⁃ Uncaring ⁃ Merciless ⁃ Evil ⁃ Rude God ⁃ Just ⁃ Loving ⁃ Caring ⁃ Merciful ⁃ Good ⁃ Gracious God wants us to always pray and not give up. The Lord wants us to bring our needs to Him, our concerns and worries to Him, our struggles, our cries and our pleas and to understand how good He is. PRAYER MAKES GOD REAL! When we talk to God and bring to Him the cares and concerns of our lives - His presence becomes real - in that circumstance we are living by faith! We’re not giving up hope - We’re praying by faith to the Living God. Jesus finishes with, “I tell you, He (The Father) will see that they (His children) get justice, and suddenly. However, when the Son of Man (Jesus) comes, will He find faith on earth?” Jesus is saying here for us not to give up hope. Don’t allow the threats of opposition and attacks of the enemy to drive us away from Him, Living God who alone delivers us. Don’t allow the opposition of others to take our eyes off the goodness of God and the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hang on to your faith!!! Hang on to your faith as never before! How? 1. Pray to God - because prayer makes Him real! 2. Listen to and meditate on His Word 3. Be encouraged by fellow believers, those who have faith to live for God. Pastor shares a powerful story of God’s victory in pain from the book “Walk On” by Ben Malcolmson. In Summary, hang onto the Lord!! It’s a battle out there, but our God has won the victory. We will win because Jesus has already won!! Our website – Watch the video from our website! Watch the video from our YouTube Channel!! St. Luke’s Account is part three of our Two Year Study of the Gospels. This book written by Luke, a non-Jew, offers a unique perspective into the story of Jesus’ life. This study is great for large group, small group or home group study.
The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 3
The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 3
In our study of Matthew this week we look at chapters 2 and 3, with an emphasis on deliverance through Jesus the Messiah and the fulfillment of the New Covenant through Him as well.
The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 2
The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 2
This week our study of Matthew takes us into chapter 2 and the story of Jesus’ birth focusing on the Magi, their interaction with Herod, and their interesting gifts to Jesus.
The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 1
The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 1
The Gospel of Matthew emphasizes Jesus as Israel’s long awaited Messiah. Jesus is the fulfillment of the prophetic promises in God’s Word, the Deliverer, Savior and King. Matthew zeroes in on Jesus’ call to discipleship. Will we heed this call today and commit fully to the King of Kings, the promised Savior of the world? Matthew chose to follow Jesus and Jesus changed Matthew’s life. If we choose to follow Jesus, He will change our lives, too. Why is the Gospel of Matthew Pastor Dodge's favorite? Why is this Gospel the first book of the New Testament? Jesus changed Matthew's life when Matthew chose to follow Jesus. Jesus still today is calling us to follow Him. If we choose to follow Jesus, He will change our lives just like He did Matthew's.
Ten Words - And God Spoke
Ten Words - And God Spoke
Scripture: Exodus 20:1-2 What are the Ten Words? We read in Exodus 20:1, “And God spoke all these words.” “Words is referring to the Ten Commandments God spoke on Mount Sinai to Moses. God’s Ten Commandments are found in the rest of Exodus 20 and also in Deuteronomy 5. Because these commandments are unnumbered in the Bible, there have been several ways these 10 Words have been numbered, but it doesn’t matter how you number them - what matters is whether you listen to them or not. Exodus 20:2 God continues, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.” He is saying He’s the Israelite’s Deliverer from bondage in Eqypt. We can also see this truth throughout Scripture as well when God promised to send a Savior and then sent the Messiah, Jesus Christ to Deliver His people from the bondage of sin. Deliverance - God is the One who saves and all commandments flow from this statement of God’s deliverance for His children. It’s not that we are saved by obeying the commands. It is God who saves us. He is the Deliverer but in response to His work we desire to do what His 10 Words teach. We cannot earn His favor, rather it’s God that has shown us His favor by being our Deliverer. Deliverance is at the heart of all 10 Words. Two dangers around the Ten Words: ⁃ Pride. Thinking we have been good, or at least better than others. Or that we can earn God’s favor, but we ALL have sinned which means we all need to be rescued. We need a Savior because we cannot measure up to a holy God. (We are not measured against others, the measure is against a perfect, holy God and we all have failed) Only Jesus has obeyed the Father fully. Only Jesus lived the perfect life we could not. Only Jesus the perfect Lamb could shed His blood for our sin and save us. ⁃ Rebellion. Some of us refuse to believe there is a god. Others do what they think is “good.” Others may even question is there really good and bad and choose to ignore anything or anyone that says differently. The religious also rebel in thinking that “if God loves me and Jesus came to die for me, than I’m saved by His grace through faith so sin is not that big of a thing - I can do what I please, it doesn’t really matter because I’m saved.” But this too is deception and it is rebelling against the plan and purpose of God. What is the purpose of the Ten Commandments for those who know God and trust in Jesus? What about the unbeliever, how do these commandments speak into their lives. God desires to call us ALL to the truth, to deliver us all from bondage to rebellion and foolishness and pride. His desire is to have us come face to face with Him and His love for each one of us. Consider God’s commandments as an Owner’s Manual, like an owner’s manual for your car. The car’s maker tells the best ways to care for the vehicle. The Ten Commandments are God’s Owner’s Manual for His people. This “manual” shows us how to care for what our Maker made, how to live well, how to live as a thank You note to God. Understanding God as our Deliverer, through faith in our Savior, changes how we look at the Commandments. Rather than a list of “dos” and “don’ts” we see them as God’s way of showing us how to have a meaningful life for all and to help us create a meaningful culture for all. Our Maker knows what’s best for us. His words give direction and purpose for our lives. How does God use the Ten Commandments? 1. As a CURB - to keep us on the right path. 2. As a MIRROR - to show us our faults. As a mirror we see how we need a Savior, especially in a culture that is so far off the narrow path. 3. As a GUIDE - for Him to lovingly direct His will over our sinful nature. The Ten Commandments are a response to God’s deliverance and we can look at them as the Owner’s Manual spoken by our Maker. Will we use this Owner’s Manual and will we let it be our curb, mirror and guide that points us back to the truth of our need for a Savior? Check out the video from our website: Check out the video on Youtube: Watch via our app. Text HELLO to 888-364-4483 to download our app.
Two Year Gospel Study Week 53
Two Year Gospel Study Week 53
Luke 17:11-19; “Top 10%” Today’s teaching is a story from the last weeks of Jesus’ life before His arrest, crucifixion, death and resurrection. This story speaks with immediacy, power and direction to us today. Top 10% - what comes to mind is human achievement- we want to be at the top, but God sees things much differently. When God speaks of the top 10% He’s talking about those who walk by faith in Him and who are filled with gratitude and thanksgiving. So let’s explore today’s story in light of how God sees the top 10%. The story is about 10 desperate individuals with a need that was met by Jesus and that will show us the importance of recognizing what God has done and giving Him the glory. As Jesus is traveling towards Jerusalem 10 men with leprosy cry out to Him, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” Jesus! Have mercy on us! And Jesus has mercy - He is merciful and He simply responds in love and mercy to them with, “Go show yourselves to the priests.” (Because according to the Law - If you had leprosy and it went away - you had to go through an 8 day purification ritual in order to be called “clean.”) Jesus’ command to go show the priests was a way of saying - even though you have leprosy - act like you are healed! Before healing began Jesus told them to act healed. Jesus is saying act on what God has declared! And then as they walked to Jerusalem they were healed! The Lord Jesus has delivered us from our sins by His death and resurrection. He provides life forever and He calls us not to simply sit around and wait for God to do stuff in our lives, He calls us to act on what God has declared. We are to learn from these 10 lepers that it is important to respond to what the Lord says! Jesus speaks and He calls us to act! As we read on with the story - 1 of the 10 when he saw he was healed - turned back and went to Jesus praising God in a loud voice and fell in thanks at Jesus’ feet. 10 were healed but only 1 truly understood that healing is more than just healing of the body. Healing is healing of the soul, and the spirit and the mind and that is what Jesus does. He heals the ultimate need of every person - and that is healing of the disease of the soul that destroys us - and only Jesus brings this healing as the the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. This healed leper showed himself to be in the top 10 because he realized what mattered most was giving thanks and praise to God and coming to know Jesus. God calls us to gratitude and thanksgiving. Our attitude affects the way we live. He calls us to be people filled with gratitude because of Jesus Christ and what He’s done for us. Gratitude for the greatest gift of all. Gratitude verses: ⁃ 1 Corinthians 15:57 ⁃ 2 Corinthians 9:15 ⁃ Colossians 3:17 Gratitude changes us! Walk by faith practicing gratitude to God the Father through Jesus Christ. Our website – Watch the video from our website! Watch the video from our YouTube Channel!! St. Luke’s Account is part three of our Two Year Study of the Gospels. This book written by Luke, a non-Jew, offers a unique perspective into the story of Jesus’ life. This study is great for large group, small group or home group study.
The Living One - Week 29: Warning Words
The Living One - Week 29: Warning Words
Today’s message is a continued study of Paul’s farewell words of encouragement and warning to the gathering of church leaders. Paul shares honestly that he understands his time left on earth is short. He states how he has proclaimed the whole will of God. What is the Whole Will / Counsel of God? CREATOR - We and the world are intentionally created by a pure, loving, holy creator who shows us how brilliant a Creator / Designer He is. His design points us right back to Him, our Designer. CONDITION - Our condition is that - All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. None of us is righteous. CHRIST - we all need a Savior and that Savior turns our lives around. Christ is the prophesied Messiah: Deity - God Death - on the cross for us - paid the price of our sin by taking it on Himself that we might be saved. Resurrection - His resurrection ensures our victory over death. We will be raised on the last day when He returns. Returning - He will return and we will have eternal life with Him forever. Paul encourages the leaders to take care of themselves and the flocks God has given them. They are to be shepherds of the church of God. Paul warns them of the spiritual war that is all around and to be cautious not to fall prey to the eternal and internal threats against the truth of God’s word. Paul closes by telling them to be on guard because remaining on guard is a life and death matter. Not just a life and death matter temporally (on this earth). It is a life and death matter eternally! (Our eternal destiny). We must be on guard - in Greek this is one word. That word is AWAKE! We need to wake up to the truth of what God says in the Bible. BE AWAKE - be prepared because Jesus is coming back! He will return, so…. Be awake in prayer Be awake in faithfulness to God Do not be deceived! Check out the video on our website Check out the video on Youtube Watch via our app. Text HELLO to 888-364-4483 to download our app.
Message - The Living One - Week 28: Ephesian Farewell
Message - The Living One - Week 28: Ephesian Farewell
God’s word is compelling and so very practical. It thoroughly equips us and it still speaks to us today. Today’s story takes place in the town of Miletus where Paul is speaking to leaders of the church sharing the difficult challenges and testing he experienced in his three years of mission work in Ephesus. He shares how he humbly did the work God gave him even in the most despairing times he humbly hung on tight to God who brought him through it all. What can we learn from Paul’s speech? 1. Humble Service - we are called to humility before our awesome and mighty God, recognizing all we have and are comes from Him and that we are all in the same condition - sinners. We need a Savior and only God can save us. Humility is needed in understanding this. We are called to serve God in humility and to humbly server others to use our gifts, time, talents, abilities and opportunities that God gives us to serve Him and bless others. Our lives are to be lives of Humble Service. Paul goes on to summarize what he taught while in Ephesus: that all must turn to God in repentance and have faith in Jesus. He taught the full counsel of God, not just the popular things but also the things that weren’t. He did so without camouflaging God’s word or avoiding those things that could be heard as upsetting. He spoke the full truth to all. Repent and believe the good news is the heart of the Gospel message - come back to the living God in the way we live and walk with a change of heart and mind through Christ. 2. Steadfast Truth - Speaking the truth in love - that we need to repent before God. Martin Luther says, “When our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, said repent, He willed that entire life of a believer be one of repentance.” Repentance is a calling - a daily calling to turn back to God, to daily recognize the importance of walking with Jesus. We are not called to simple religion, we are called to a relationship with God through faith in Jesus, God’s Son, who died, rose and is coming again! We are to live in this truth and to share that truth with others As the story continues, Paul shares how he will go where God leads even though he does not know what lies ahead. He shares how the Holy Spirit has warned him that prison and hardships are coming but even in the face of this knowledge, Paul follows willingly where the Holy Spirit compelled him to go, regardless of danger and threats ahead. 3. Spirit Directed - we too have a calling from God - to know Him, to rejoice in Him, to receive hi forgiveness in Christ, to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to allow the Spirit of God to guide and direct our lives. It’s not always easy or comfortable, but it is for our benefit and God’s glory. We are called to listen to the Holy Spirit, walk in the Holy Spirit, to follow the Holy Spirit, to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal and show us God’s goodness. Paul’s story concludes with him stating his life’s aim is to complete the task the Lord Jesus had given him - the task of testifying to the Good News of God’s grace. Pastor shares a personal story regarding this verse, a conversation with a college professor and the place he had this verse inscribed prior to his wedding day. This verse had a profound effect on Pastor life and he shares the impact of visiting the city of Miletus several years ago and being where Paul had spoken these words of Acts 20:24. Without Jesus we are lost - when Jesus breaks into our lives we are changed!! 4. Life’s Commitment - we are to live our lives committed to Jesus. We are to live our lives for Jesus and “finish the race,” the course of our lifetime as planned by God. Our life is a “race.” Towards the end of Paul’s life he writes the following in 2 Timothy 4:7 - “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” That is our calling, too! We are to run the race with endurance, to follow Jesus as our Savior and Guide, to honor, worship and praise our Heavenly Father, to listen to the Holy Spirit as He speaks into our hearts, to follow where God leads NO MATTER THE DIRECTION. NO MATTER THE COST. Scripture: Acts 20:17-24, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Check out the video on our website Check out the video on Youtube Watch via our app. Text HELLO to 888-364-4483 to download our app.
Christmas Story 2
Christmas Story 2
Merry Christmas!
Growing Gracefully: The Great Commission
Growing Gracefully: The Great Commission
In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus states that He has been given "all authority on Heaven and on Earth," and with that authority gives us our marching orders - make disciples of all nations, baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy spirit, and teach them to obey everything He has commanded. But this isn’t just about His command, this is about God’s faithfulness and His desire for us to experience that faithfulness. Let’s begin by contrasting genuine faith with mere religion: ⁃ Relationship vs. Religion ⁃ Knowledge of God/Knowing God vs. Information/Knowing ABOUT God ⁃ Trusting in God vs. Believing only certain things ⁃ Obedience because we trust God vs. Acceptance of only certain things We are to keep on growing in faith - to know and experience Him - to follow and obey Him. In our verses today, His desire is that we not only obey, but that we teach others to obey Him. He gives us the command to “Make disciples,” and to encourage us He gives us the promise of His faithfulness “to the end of the age.” Jesus opens today’s teaching with “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” - Authority of Jesus: Why? because of His death and resurrection, His sacrifice on the cross and His glorious triumph AND His obedience to the Father. Thus we live in His authority, living by faith in the power and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus continues, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations.” ⁃ Priority of Discipleship: Note that He didn’t say make church members. He didn’t say make Christians. He didn’t say make converts. He said make disciples (followers of Jesus) - build up each other in the faith. Jesus goes on with, “baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” ⁃ Unity of God: three, yet One. And then He says, “and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” ⁃ Necessity of obedience: we are not saved by obedience, but when we know Him and are empowered but the Holy Spirit, our desire is to obey Him. Then Jesus closes with, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” ⁃ This is His assurance! His promise! And this gives us strength, hope, power, encouragement and peace, because God is faithful. God is good but above al else He is faithful and God can be trusted no matter what is happening in our lives. Pastor goes on to share a very powerful and very personal story centered on his grandfather. It is an amazing story of God’s faithfulness. (Grab a tissue…) Our good God is calling us to walk with him, to know him more and more, to experience the fullness of His presence, His Holy Spirit and His astonishing love in Jesus ,our risen and returning Savior, the One to whom all authority has been given, the One who tells us, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you..” And we can do this because He ends this Great Commission with this great promise, “ And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Rescued by Truth: Week 52
Rescued by Truth: Week 52
A difficult and challenging message, this week we address the reality of hell. Hell is not a topic of regular conversation, yet the reality of hell is true. Therefore, it is essential we understand the consequences of our beliefs, our actions, and our behaviors, and that we understand what the future holds. The Bible teaches we have only two destinies: With God (heaven) - or - Apart from Him (hell). Which destiny are we living for?
Christmas Story
Christmas Story
Merry Christmas!
Two Year Gospel Study Week 52
Two Year Gospel Study Week 52
Luke 2:22-40; “Simeon and Anna” What is the meaning of the name, Jesus? Do we fully comprehend what this name means? In Hebrew it is Yeshua. It literally means Yehovah, Jehovah, Yahweh saves. “God Saves.” This is the name given to Jesus. A precious name. “God Saves” is a powerful name, a mighty name and a remarkable name, a name that blesses all who call upon Him, a name that declares God is the One who saves us. Every time we speak His name we are reminded of the truth that God has broken into our world and stepped in to save us. We need this divine intervention. It is God who saves us and not we ourselves. In today’s story we see Jesus, Mary and Joseph at the temple and are introduced to Simeon. The Holy Spirit told him he would not die before seeing the Messiah. Simeon was in the temple as Mary, Joseph and Jesus entered and Simeon was prompted by the Holy Spirit to know this baby was the promised Savior. Simeon takes Jesus in his arms and speaks, “Sovereign Lord, now dismiss your servant in peace, for my eyes have seen the salvation which you have prepared in the sight of all nations, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of your people Israel.” Simeon was thrilled to be holding God’s promised Savior in his arms and to know God’s promise was right before his very eyes. Then Simeon blessed them and to Mary he added, “This child is destined to cause the falling and the rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against so that the thoughts of hearts will be revealed.” The good news: God is fulfilling all He promised, but there’s also a warning that the fulfillment of the promise of a Savior comes at a great cost - that many will not receive what God so graciously offers. This is a prophetic word about the later years of Jesus’ ministry. Jesus will grow in favor with God and men, but when He begins His ministry there will be a division that will occur because many will not receive what Jesus has to offer. This is still true today. Many will not admit their need for a Savior. God loves humble people. He opposes the proud and pride will get in the way of many from believing. Simeon also prophecies to Mary, “And a sword will pierce your own soul.” Words that were fulfilled for Mary - a mother that experienced unbelievable sorrow and incredible grief. She would watch her son die on the cross, see Him rejected by many and Simeon gives her a heads up on what’s to come. In verse 36 - We are introduced to Anna. Anna was a prophet who also recognized Jesus as the promised Messiah and comes up to the group. She gives thanks to God and spoke about Jesus to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Israel. What a day of joy this was as the realization of God’s promises are being fulfilled in Jesus. This is also for us today, an indication of what is to come. Just as they yearned for Jesus to come, we too yearn for His return. Through the fulfillment of the promise of a Savior - We too can trust the promised fulfillment of His return. This day IS coming! There will be a day for us like there was for Simeon and Anna when we behold the One whom the Father promised. And like Anna and Simeon we too will rejoice! This story reminds us that God keeps His word! Just as they saw baby Jesus face to face, we too on His return will see Him face to face in His full glory! And there will be endless rejoicing! Our website – Watch the video from our website! Watch the video from our YouTube Channel!! St. Luke’s Account is part three of our Two Year Study of the Gospels. This book written by Luke, a non-Jew, offers a unique perspective into the story of Jesus’ life. This study is great for large group, small group or home group study.
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas!
Christmas Message
Christmas Message
Merry Christmas!
Christmas Eve Message
Christmas Eve Message
Merry Christmas!
The Living One - Week 27: Enemy Territory
The Living One - Week 27: Enemy Territory
Today’s teaching is on enemy territory and the reality of spiritual warfare. In a fallen world the battle is not between people - it is between the Living God and the powers of darkness, It is between the Body of Christ and those under the spell of the devil. Ephesus was the center of worship of Artemis and also a hotbed of the occult, magic, eastern religions, drugs, alcohol and many of the same things we encounter in our world today. Ephesus is where Paul carried out some of his most important mission work and it is where God shows us some important lifetime truths through how He worked in Ephesus nearly 2000 years ago. Where we left off last week was with Paul spending two years teaching daily in the Hall of Tyrannus. Verse 10 of Acts chapter 19 tells us that all Jews and Greeks in the area heard the word of the Lord. Paul and others were training up believers to share their faith and so the Gospel message was shared all over Asia. During Paul’s time in Ephesus he experienced more push back than ever before. God was doing extraordinary miracles through Paul and many were healed physically but Paul was also casting out demons and healing people from spiritual illness. DIVINE POWER We need to be connected to the Living God. Our faith is not to be a little bit of head knowledge, a song and a prayer. Our faith is to be life changing, it is to be the heart of who we are. Because God was doing amazing miracles through Paul, news traveled that Paul was not only healing physically but also doing spiritual battle and that He was healing in the name of Jesus. Ephesus was a town filled with evil but the DIVINE POWER of God was so obviously being displayed in the miraculous healings done in Jesus’ name, that it caused the name of Jesus to be held in high honor and it caused a reaction of believers to openly confess what they had done as part of the evil in Ephesus. TAKE GOD SERIOUSLY A massive move of God caused people to take Him very seriously. Our faith molds and transforms us because we are delivered from bondage to sin and death. God offers deliverance from the power of the demonic and the things that can so easily destroy our lives. CLEANING HOUSE People who had practiced sorcery burned their scrolls publicly and the word of the Lord continued to spread and grow in power. as believers changed and non-believers become believers people grew and matured in their faith and suddenly began to realize they needed to do a house cleaning in their lives. God’s Holy Spirit is gracious and reveals things to us as we grow and mature in faith. We are not fully mature the moment we believe - It is a life-long process. God’s desire is that we clean house in our lives, in our homes, in anything that gets in the way of our love and worship of God, anything that controls us in ways that are dangerous and spiritually defiling. With all the awakening to the reality of the Gospel Power of Jesus and the importance of a God-pleasing life of faith, those who didn’t have that faith were began to try to stop all that was happening in Jesus’ name. WORLD VIEWS COLLIDE A worker who made silver shrines to Artemus was very concerned about his economic future in light of the amazing growth of Christianity. And so he spoke out publicly, drawing a crowd and the two sides began to collide. World views are colliding in our world today. The world view of our culture is: All that matters is me All that matters is what I want All that matters is that you don’t stand in my way and say anything to upset me. The world view of the Bible is: All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God God sent His one and only Son The Living God took on flesh and brought life and forgiveness through His sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection from the grave. In Jesus there is life, forgiveness and power. The power to live a new life. And so their two world views clashed then and they are still clashing today. We are called not to fight with human weapons, but to recognize the reality of spiritual war and to use the weapons of the Holy Spirit: Prayer Trust in God God’s Word The power of our testimonies Today’s scripture reading ends with the whole city in an uproar - both sides shouting and many joining in the near riot. CROWD FOLLOWERS It can be easy to just go along with the crowd Yet God warns us not to follow the crowd. Exodus 23:2 says, “Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong.” Wise words for us today! Scripture: Acts 19:11-41, Ephesians 6:12 and Exodus 23:2 Check out the video on our website Check out the video on Youtube Watch via our app. Text HELLO to 888-364-4483 to download our app.
Christmas Sunday: The Great Good News!
Christmas Sunday: The Great Good News!
Scripture: Luke 2: 1-20 The Christmas Story is familiar to most of us - a story we’ve heard over and over, year after year. When something becomes so familiar we can easily be deceived into treating it too casually without the awe and gratitude this story should cause in our hearts. Familiarity can cause us to forget this is a REAL story, with REAL people and our REAL Savior. So let’s look at this very familiar story in Luke 2:1-20 with new eyes and new ears and new hearts. May we experience and receive THE GREAT GOOD NEWS as the best gift ever given. As Pastor reads the Christmas Story he shares insights about the location of where Jesus was born, and other interesting historical information, even specific insights into the shepherds in the fields and the intended use of their lambs. Mary and Jospeph arrive in Bethlehem for a census, Jesus is born, and then the angels announce the Great Good News to the shepherds. When the angels broke through the skies the shepherds went from experiencing great fear at the appearance of the angels to great joy because of the Great Good News they were told. “You will find the Babe wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” The Shepherds hurried off to find Jesus - an encouragement for us, too! Have you found Him? That is our prayer, that you find and know Jesus for The Great Good News has come, Jesus the Messiah! The host of angels fills the sky above the shepherds singing, “Glory to God in the Highest!” Praising God in this Christmas season is a calling to us as well. Let us hurry to find Him, seek Him and adore Him. The shepherds’ desire to find Jesus is to be our attitude too. Let this familiar story touch your heart in new ways this Christmas. After seeing baby Jesus in the manger the shepherds spread the story about what the angels had told them and about the baby they met. May we also, like them, share the Great Good News of a Savior. The Great Good News is: ⁃ Real - this really happened, this is true. There is overwhelming evidence from both believers and skeptics that the Messiah is real. ⁃ Risen - He is risen and this victory is ours. ⁃ Returning - the reality is that He is returning. He is coming back - we have a forever life ahead of us! ⁃ Response - God loved us so much He was willing to take on human flesh, live the perfect life we could not, willingly give Himself for us on the cross in a most inhumane way as the sacrifice for our sins. Then He rose victorious from the grave….THAT demands a response! One of repentance and belief. A response of receiving the Great Good News by walking with Him, following Him, surrendering to Him and watching what He will do. Receive Him today as your Savior! The Christmas story is not simply a story of our culture - it is the story of God’s love to each one of us. Check out the video on our website Check out the video on Youtube Watch via our app. Text HELLO to 888-364-4483 to download our app.
Rescued by Truth: Week 51
Rescued by Truth: Week 51
Are we recognizing the “signs of the times,” which include things from past, present and future? Pastor Dodge explores three specific and important signs that are apparent, visible and happening today! They remind us that as believers, we need to recognize the “signs of the times” and to be awake (i.e. ready for Christ’s return)!
The Living One - Week 26: Fully Instructed
The Living One - Week 26: Fully Instructed
This week’s teaching shows us the importance of growth in faith. Today’s scripture is on the story of Paul’s mission work in the city of Ephesus. As he begins to meet people he asks several believers if they received the Holy Spirit when they came to faith in Jesus. Their response was no, that they had never heard of the Holy Spirit. Sadly, this is much the condition of the christian church in America today. The Holy Spirit has often been ignored. Paul learns that the Christians there had received John’s baptism. They had heard the teachings of John the Baptist and had been baptized in a baptism of repentance. Paul taught them that the One (Jesus) that John had predicted was coming was here and this was Jesus. John had said that Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Paul fills them in on Jesus, the one John had said was coming. So after hearing this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit came on them and they spoke in tongues. Today speaking in tongues has become very controversial. How do we deal with spiritual gifts? Spiritual Gifts Expired - A view that many have is that these once were, but have now ended with the end of the apostles and the end of the New Testament. But the TRUTH is that there is NO expiration on the gifs of the Spirit. We are to earnestly desire the gift of the Spirit. (1 Corinthian 12 and 14) And Jesus says in Luke 11:13 “…how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” There is nothing in the New Testament to indicate that these gifts have expired. Everyone - People say everyone has to have the same gifts or we all have to have the gift of speaking in tongues and yet the New Testament, in 1 Corinthians 12, Paul says that the Holy Spirit gives different gifts to different believers, that not all have the same gifts. Eliminate - Many desire the gifts of the Spirit be eliminated because they are controversial. This attitude is basically trifling with the gifts of God and in effect encourages the church to remain weak and spiritually deficient. However, Paul says to earnestly desire the gifts and don’t forbid speaking in tongues. We need to take to heart what Paul says. The gifts aren’t badges to impress others with our spirituality, but they are gifts from the Holy Spirit given to build up the body of Christ, encourage believers and to empower us to carry out the work God has given us to do. These opening verses of Chapter 19 of Acts - while controversial - show us that the gifts are still very important and require us to take a look at what the Bible actually says about them. We need to make sure we are allowing the scriptures to guide us rather than our own prejudices, our own practices and our own jealousies. As we continue looking at more of Paul’s work in Ephesus where he spent around 3 years, we discover more that we can learn. In the synagogue, Paul spoke out boldly about the kingdom of God, but after 3 months, individuals refused to believe and began to publicly malign the teachings on Jesus the Messiah. So Pal moves from teaching in the synagogue to teaching daily in the lecture hall of Tyrannus for the next two years so that all the Jews and Gentiles who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the God. Paul was a tireless worker for the Lord, but what was it that he shared with the people of Ephesus? We can discover the answer to this in his epistle/letter to the Ephesians. The Book of Ephesians Messiah - Firstly, Paul concentrated on sharing the Good News of Jesus the Messiah and that through Him we receive every spiritual blessing, we come to know the deep love of Jesus, that we are saved by grace, and to know the fullness of God. Maturity - Paul encourages us to grow in our faith, in our knowledge and love of Jesus our Savior. He shares how to not grieve the Spirit of God through impurity, but instead to grow in fellowship with God and to be filled with the Spirit. Paul also teaches to always give thanks for everything and to put on the full armor of God. In summary of today’s text, Christ is to be in the center of our lives and we are to grow up in our relationship with Him. This is God’s desire for His children. We do not want to hold to a form of religion and deny it real power. We want to hear the Holy Spirit's testimony We want to respond to what the Word of God has to say We want to live in a dynamic relationship with Jesus, that we might not only be blessed by Him but may be used by Him to be a blessing for others The Gospel message of Jesus transforms! It has POWER! We encourage you to read the book of Ephesians. Scripture: Acts 19:1-10 and 2 Peter 3:18 Check out the video on our website Check out the video on Youtube Watch via our app. Text HELLO to 888-364-4483 to download our app.
Two Year Gospel Study Week 51
Two Year Gospel Study Week 51
Luke 1:57-80; “John’s Story” Pastor Dodge explores Luke’s account of John the Baptist in today’s study. It’s a story that starts with the miraculous pregnancy of Elizabeth who was well past her child-bearing years, yet God was faithful to His promise to her husband Zechariah. In today’s text John is born and it is the 8th day after his birth, the day that the baby boy would be circumcised and named. Their family and friends are sure the baby boy will be named a family name after Zechariah. However Elizabeth follows through with what the angel Gabriel had told her husband when the angel had announced they would have a son. And Elizabeth states the child would be named John just as the angel told them to name him. Since the angel’s visit to Zechariah he had become unable to speak because he doubted the word of God through the angel. As family is saying how can you name him John, Zechariah writes on his tablet that the child’s name is John and he is instantly healed and able to speak. He praises the Lord and everyone joins in thanking God for this miraculous healing. The story is a reminder that God has never stopped doing things. He has never stopped acting. He is moving constantly and revealing himself to men, women and children. He is the Living God. He is near and He does these things still today! Zechariah is a priest - with some holy speculation - it is possible he is the one who may have circumcised John that day. We read that Zechariah is filled with the Holy Spirit. From the beginning of the Last Days which began with the coming of Jesus when Mary became pregnant God has been filling people with His Holy Spirit - men, women, young and old. Not just then, 2000 years ago, but still today. Zechariah is filled with the Holy Spirit and then prophecies the coming of the Messiah, the fulfillment of God promises of a Redeemer. Zechariah goes on to prophecy over his son as the one to prepare the way for the coming Messiah. John grew up and became strong in the Spirit. He lived in the wilderness until he began to appear publicly to the people of Israel. We read in all 4 gospels about JOHN’S CHARACTER 1. Prophetic - John was prophetic in his actions and his behavior. Wearing a camel hair garment and a leather belt - an outfit that harkened back to the prophet Elijah - John like Elijah calls people back to God. 2. Courageous - John called all to come back to God. He even told the religious. He told soldiers, prostitutes, tax collectors, even a king. John did not back down from courageously speaking God’s of all needing a Savior. 3. Humble - John knew his life belonged to God. He knew his life was not his own. We too are called to be humble before God because a humble heart is open to receive what God desires to impart. JOHN’S MESSAGE 1. Sin - John taught the unpopular message that God takes sin seriously. Sin is rebellion against God. All have sinned and all of us need a Savior. Sin is treason against God. 2. Repentance - repentance is the proper response to recognizing that “I am a sinner.” Repentance is a 180 degree turn around - it’s an about face in one’s life and it is turning back to God. Repentance is also a change of mind in the way we look at our sinful nature. 3. Salvation - John taught that God keeps His word and redeems us by sending His Son to save us all through faith in Jesus. John points us to Jesus - our Savior who brings us Salvation. In our lives we too are to prepare the way for Jesus’ return, He is coming, and so we prepare by living for Him alone. ⁃ Prepared. ⁃ Changed. ⁃ Renewed. ⁃ Inviting Jesus into our daily living. ⁃ Reflecting on Him. ⁃ Living out of the Good News. He transforms us and on the last day He will raise us! Until then we are to serve, follow and grow in Him who is Lord of our lives. Our website – Watch the video from our website! Watch the video from our YouTube Channel!! St. Luke’s Account is part three of our Two Year Study of the Gospels. This book written by Luke, a non-Jew, offers a unique perspective into the story of Jesus’ life. This study is great for large group, small group or home group study.
The Living One - Week 25: Encouragement
The Living One - Week 25: Encouragement
God’s word teaches endurance: how to face the difficulties and challenges of life. The Bible doesn’t tell us we will get through life without difficult days and trials. God’s Word gives us encouragement because God’s word is true, it is genuine and it speaks directly into our lives. Paul at Corinth is a story that shows us how God gives His children encouragement even in the most difficult of times, difficult of places and the most trying of circumstances. Paul went on missionary journey to Corinth (in Greece) a very corrupt seaport city. They had a temple to Aphrodites and Paul found himself very discouraged at the evil he found there. But God brings encouragement in a way that teaches us to see the ways that God ministers to us in the darkest of days. Observations: Provision: Paul meets Aquila and Priscilla - God provides as he brings people into our lives who will minister and encourage us. Support: Silas and Timothy - God’s support through colleagues that helped Paul be able to devote full time effort into preaching the Gospel. Opportunity: Jews from the synagogue didn’t want Paul teaching any longer in the synagogue, so Paul went to a man’s house next door to the synagogue and there he preached the gospel to the gentiles. Even in the difficulty of being rejected by the Jewish community, God gave Paul an opportunity to teach Gentiles. Assurance: Corinth was a difficult city to share the Gospel, but Jesus speaks by a vision to Paul, saying, “Do not be afraid - Keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you and no one is going to attack or harm you because I have many people in this city.” God says this to you and me as well, “Don’t give up because I am with you!” So Paul stayed in Corinth a year and a half teaching them the Word of God. Protection: There is dissension between the Jews going to synagogue and the Jews and Gentiles that believed in Jesus as the Messiah. Consequently, after teaching for 1 1/2 years, Paul was arrested and charged with the crime of practicing an illegal cult. They wanted him imprisoned or killed. But Gallia - the court judge - says the one bringing Paul to trial needed to figure things out on their own and that he would not rule on the charges, nor would he punish Paul and Gallia dismissed the case. God knows how to deliver His people! He did it for us at the cross! And the final victory is now ours. We win! Surprise!: Surprisingly, following the dismissal of the case against Paul, the Jews from the synagogue attack the synagogue leader and beat him up instead of Paul! God’s additional surprise is that in 1 Corinthians 1:1 we read that this synagogue leader, Sethenese, becomes a believer in Jesus and part of the house church in Corinth. And God has surprises for us in the difficult times, too, because our God is a good and gracious God. He loves His children. He is always with us in difficult times and easy times. He brings joy and hope, endurance and assurance to those who call on Jesus, the Messiah, our Savior! Scripture: Acts 18:1-17, Romans 15:4 Check out the video on our website Check out the video on Youtube Watch via our app. Text HELLO to 888-364-4483 to download our app.
The Living One - Week 24: Unknown Known!
The Living One - Week 24: Unknown Known!
This account takes place on Paul’s second missionary trip, on his trip to the city of Athens, A city that prided itself on knowledge and education, learning, culture and the arts. It was also a city filled with idols. As Paul looked around and saw all the idolatry it just really riled him up and he began passionately sharing the gospel message in the synagogues and even in the market places. He worked to draw people to Jesus and not to idols. His impassioned message caused much interest, but also much controversy. Paul teaches us to not give up - when we are confronted with issues or by people who reject what we believe we don’t give up - we are kind, gracious, we are generous and merciful, but we can be encouraged by Paul’s example. In this story we learn that we do not need to hesitate to say what we believe and why. Paul’s persistence cases those listening to become curious. They ask questions and want to know more and more. While they were curious, they were still not wanting to believe. So Paul says that he noticed how “religious” they are, but what they took as a compliment Paul meant as a warning because what is necessary is a relationship with the Living God and not mere religious behavior. But stating he noticed their “religiosity” was a great starting point for keeping them listening. He tells about all the idols he’s seen and points out an altar they have with the world, “to an Unknown God” on it. He points out to this group of people (who despised ignorance and prided themselves on wisdom) and goes on to say that he will tell them about the Unknown God. Paul will make the Unknowns KNOWN! Today many are influenced by an Unknown God: 1. Never heard of Him 2. Never understood anything about Him 3. Never cared to know about Him 4. Never believe in Him These were the issues Paul was facing - the same issues we face today. Paul goes on to say that the God who made the world is not a statue and is not confined to a building. He’s not served by human hands (like their idols are) and it is God that gives everything life and breath. God, from one man, made all nations, thus showing His concern for all nations and that God has mapped out each nation’s appointed time in history. Nothing that happens on earth happens without God’s foreknowledge and without His plan coming to fruition. Paul’s life had been transformed when he came to know Christ, and it is Paul’s desire that these people experience that same thing. 1. Talks about the natural knowledge of God which all have instinctively - that we innately know there must be a divine being. 2. Talks about the revealed knowledge of God, that He has revealed Himself as Creator of all and loves us and desires we know Him. 3. Tells them that having natural knowledge and revealed knowledge requires a response, that human ignorance is not overlooked by God. God calls us to repentance, making a U-turn in our lives and having a changed mind and attitude - re-directed lives. If God truly is God — He cannot be manipulated through statues. We are called to yield to Him. Paul ends with the story of Jesus Deity, Death, resurrection and Return. Without Jesus and a relationship of faith we are lost. God is God! Many listening to Paul repented and received relationship with the Living God through Jesus Christ - the Savior or ALL nations. The fruit of Paul’s efforts were many becoming believers and followers of Jesus because Paul had the courage to share Jesus with them and confront them with TRUE Wisdom. Scripture for the message: Acts 17:16-34 Check out the video on our website Check out the video on YouTube Watch via our app. Text HELLO to 888-364-4483 to download our app.
The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 39
The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 39
This teaching is from Matthew 26:26-39 and Exodus 6:6-7 Our story continues today with the Lord’s Supper. Jesus is going to make it clear that He is the Passover Lamb who lays down His life for all people of all time. Pastor overviews the Passover meal: why it was done, what the purpose was and shows us how Jesus changed the script that had always been spoken during this meal since the time of Moses. Taking the bread Jesus says, “Take eat; this is My body.” Then after that He took the cup saying, “Drink from it, all of you, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” Pastor shares about the 4 cups of wine during the Passover meal referencing the four verbs in Exodus 6:6-7. Four verbs, four cups of wine: 1. Cup 1 - I will BRING you out 2. Cup 2 - I will FREE you 3. Cup 3 - I will REDEEM you 4. Cup 4 - I will take you as My people According to what is said in the gospels it appears Jesus spoke the words “drink this cup…” with the 3td cup - the Cup of Redemption. Jesus talks about this cup as “my blood of covenant given for you and for many.” This cup not only reminds us of God’s great deliverance of His people from bondage in Egypt, but it is God’s new covenant of deliverance from the bondage of sin for all people. The disciples could see something unique was happening. Clearly Jesus is speaking of Himself as the redemption. In the days to come the disciples would look back on this Supper, Jesus’ Last Supper, and they would see it more clearly. In the next verse, as Jesus finishes this 3rd cup, taking what is written here in Matthew 26:29 and in the other gospels it appears Jesus is saying He will not drink the 4th cup until the day we are all together in His Father’s kingdom (meaning when everything is fulfilled) when he said, “ I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.” Jesus will take this fourth cup, the Cup that will be celebrated at the “Marriage Feast of the Lamb” on His return. “When I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom,” this is the assurance of His return and a celebration that will never end. Then Jesus and His disciples head to the Mount of Olives to the Garden of Gethsemane. He tells them that He is overwhelmed to the point of death. Jesus is truly God in human flesh - a real human being going through agony and sorrow at what He knows is to come. He asks the disciples to stay with him and keep watch or in other words, “Be Awake!” What does it mean to “be awake?” It means to recognize the times, to be ready and prepared, to be one with our Lord Jesus, one with our Heavenly Father and one with the Holy Spirit. Be Awake! Jesus asks that “this cup to be taken from me, yet not as I will but as you will.” Jesus - fully divine but also fully human speaks to His father and says could we go with another plan? But concludes His request with not my will but your will. This is how we too should pray - praying in God’s will. We know things that God desires and we can pray in His will without hesitation: For awakening in our country For people to come back to the Lord For people to know the Lord For those going through difficult days And holding one another up in prayer But there are some times when we don’t know what God desires because His ways are far beyond our ways and even Jesus prayed not my will but your will to the Father. “Thy will be done,” even in the face of overwhelming agony of what was ahead He stilled prayed “Your will, Father” and we are called to pray the same way. Visit our website here Watch the video from our website Watch the video from Youtube Watch via our app. Text HELLO to 888-364-4483 to download our app. We invite you to join us for our Sunday service every Sunday at 9:30am CT (live or on demand) here:
The Living One - Week 23: Grace Alone!
The Living One - Week 23: Grace Alone!
As the church began to grow with believers both Jew and Gentile, a division between the two started, especially as Jews began to be out numbered by gentile believers who brought in their customs. Many gentile believers were God-fearers who believed in the Old Testament but weren’t circumcised and didn’t eat kosher, yet went to the synagogue to worship God. Other Gentiles were proselytes and were circumcised and ate kosher and followed rituals prescribed by the Hebrew Scriptures. As a result of the growing number of God-fearers, a division between Jew and Gentile began to grow. One group of Jews wanted to mandate circumcision and kosher eating so they brought the issue to the elders and apostles. Peter addresses the gathering with the story of how God had given the Holy Spirit to the Gentiles just as He had done for the Jews and that God did not discriminate between Jew and Gentile, because He gave them both faith. Peter then challenged the group to not test God because God had already made it clear that He gave the Holy Spirit and faith to gentiles just as He had for Jews. Peter concludes by saying that it’s no longer Jew and Gentile. It’s that both are now coming to faith in Jesus and are united by God’s grace for both. We are only saved through Grace Alone! Not by how religious we are or because we’ve obeyed the commandments, or been good.... We are saved by grace and grace alone. The Cause of our salvation is that Jesus died for us. The Cause of our salvation is the grace of God in Christ (who reached in when we were God’s enemies). It’s all about grace through faith in Christ. The Result is we change - we grow and mature. Salvation is not earned, it’s something we receive and it has a powerful impact in our lives. Growing and maturing are not the Cause of our salvation, they are the Result of it. When Peter had finished, James, Jesus’ half brother, spoke and he said it was his judgement that they shouldn’t make it difficult for gentiles coming to faith. James ends the gathering with encouragement to both Jew and Gentile to not stand in the way of what God was doing and not to offend each other by how each lived. Through the forthright words of Peter supported by James and through the power of the Holy Spirit, the division dissipated. This story has clear directives for us today with new believers, different cultures and those converted from other faiths. It teaches us that: 1. We are Saved by grace alone, so we will not make requirements of others that Jesus did not make. We are not to judge. 2. We are Saved by grace alone, so we will gladly restrict our freedom for the sake of others, so as not to offend. Grace alone motivates us to receive others the way God does, with His love and mercy because all of us have been saved by the grace of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Jesus is the key to knowing the Father. Many religions acknowledge God the Father but do not acknowledge God the Son and because they don’t know the Son, they truly don’t/can’t know the Father. It is through Jesus that we come into relationship with the Father. Only knowing about the Father is just that, it's knowing ABOUT Him. When we receive Jesus into our hearts and what He did for us (death on the cross, victory over the grave, returning for us) when we receive Jesus, it takes us from knowing about the Father to KNOWING Him. That’s when we finally step into relationship with the Father because it’s then that we understand the Father’s true character - one of grace and mercy and love. We see who the Father truly is when we know Jesus. John 14:7 - Jesus said, “If you really know me, you will know my Father as well.” Scripture for the message: Acts 15:1-21 Check out the video on our website Check out the video on Youtube
The Living One - Week 22: Facing Idols
The Living One - Week 22: Facing Idols
This teaching is on Acts 14:8-22, “Incident in Lystra,” and is an account on idol worshipers. We are living in a time of great idolatry and how do we as followers of Jesus respond, react, and live? In today’s story, Paul is teaching about Jesus in the town square of Lystra and sees a man lame from birth, but Paul also sees the man has great faith and Paul says, “Stand Up and Walk” and the man is healed. While this story is nearly 2,000 years old, God has not changed and God still moves in remarkable ways. So let’s take note of the following OBSERVATIONS FROM THE STORY: 1. The Power of the Messiah - the power of faith in Jesus. We see the testimony that All Authority has been given to Jesus the Messiah and in His name this man was healed and God still heals today. 2. Inherently Religious Nature - human beings are inherently religious, longing for a power higher than themselves, a need. People find something to worship in their lives because we need purpose. We look for meaning for our lives in someone, something or in ourselves - a need to find something for our focus. 3. Created to Worship - We long for things greater than ourselves or things that matter most in our lives. People worship many deities today - we think we’ve outgrown idols, but we worship what those very idols of old represented: power, money, sports, sex, politics, living for things. How does a follower of Jesus respond to these, how do we deal with the pull of idolatry? Do we turn away? Engage? Do we demonstrate by our actions and words the power of God in our lives and do we worship Him alone? 4. Living God is Creator - at this time in history there is more evidence for the existence of our Creator than ever and that evidence points to the existence of God! Do we point people to the Living God, our Creator, and help them see we are created? This is a springboard to sharing the message of Jesus Christ. Without Jesus people are lost forever. 5. Gospel Proclamation - Paul was stoned and left for dead. He left Lystra and headed to Derba. However, he returned to Lystra to share the good news of Jesus because he had a passion to share Jesus and had compassion for the lost to know Jesus as their Savior. 6. Reality of Hardship - Paul and Barnabus knew there would be difficult times, but they held to the truth of God’s assurance that He will take even the difficult times and turn them around for His glory and our good. It can be hard to be a follower of Jesus, but it is worth it. And this Lystra story continues in a later chapter of Acts... In Chapter 16 we meet Timothy - a man Paul meets on his return trip to Lystra. God uses, to His glory, all that Paul suffered in Lystra the first time, as we see Paul become a spiritual father to Timothy. We learn more about Timothy later in Acts. Today, many are blinded by idolatry and have lost sight of the Living God (who delivers us through Jesus His Son) so it’s important for us to practice what we learn from early missionaries as we share Jesus and honor, worship and serve the Living God. Check out the video on our website: Check out the video on Youtube: