Episode 34: Button-Busting-Shy
Episode 34: Button-Busting-Shy
Alexa: Hi, I am Alexa and I'm the only person doing the description today. :=( We will be talking about our 1,000,000 (??) ButtonShy games. How many do we have? Let's find out! And... hopefully find all of them. Willie: Excuse you, there are 31+ games in my ButtonShy collection, thank you very much, along with some interesting stories here and there. It's fitting, then, that this MASSIVE episode is almost an HOUR of edited audio that we should've split into two, but we didn' please enjoy! It also comes with a sudden end thanks to Lenny walking all over my keyboard. Alexa: Good work, Lenny! Hey, wasn't I supposed to be the only one typing this? ButtonShy Games: