Adventures Gone Mad: Against The Giants
Adventures Gone Mad: Against The Giants
Join Kyle A and Kyle W as they are forced (by threat of execution) into determining why giants are suddenly raiding the lands of men! Against the Giants includes G1: Steading of the Hill Giant Chief, G2: The Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl and G3 Hall of the Frost Giant King. In our journey through 1981's Against the Giants, we will discover: Spoilers: the Drow are actually responsible! Gary Gygax had a rich vocabulary. Pre-generated characters with really weird names (shoutouts to our good friend Faffle Dwe'o-mercraeft!) Rooms with giants in them and almost too much treasure to count. Make sure to join us again next session where we review Pharoah by Tracy and Laura Hickman. Podcast art by Dana Miller. Layout by Dicky K.