Episode 445 Promo - From "Merit" to Eugenics: Elon Musk's Plan for America (w/ Anita Say Chan)
Episode 445 Promo - From "Merit" to Eugenics: Elon Musk's Plan for America (w/ Anita Say Chan)
to instantly and our entire premium episode library: Sometimes there's an interview that brings radical clarity about the current moment. Professor Anita Say Chan's book Predatory Data: Eugenics in Big Tech & Our Fight for an Independent Future ties Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and . She offers two key insights: first, that the focus on "merit" is an effort to convince Americans to give up democracy (in which everyone gets a vote/say/rights on the basis of their humanity) in favor of a system where various characteristics (such as IQ/race) "qualify" one for human rights. Second, she argues that by claiming only they (and their individual genius) can save the world, tech giants are persuading Americans that government should shrink to a "benevolent autocracy" where the rich rule. As Peter Thiel has said, "I no longer believe that freedom and Democracy are compatible." Seen through the lens of the eugenics movement, . Subscribe to for video of this episode. Find Bad Faith on and . Produced by . Theme by Nick Thorburn (@).