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Beating a Dead Horse

A weekly podcast analyzing and over-analyzing movies, tv shows, anime. and more.

info_outline The Finale - Birdemic, Troll 2, and The Room 10/28/2021
info_outline Mystery Train - It's Interesting, The Train. 10/21/2021
info_outline The Exorcist - Cult Catholic Creeps 10/14/2021
info_outline Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith - Brain RotS 10/06/2021
info_outline The Book of Henry - It's Really That Bad 09/29/2021
info_outline Jurassic World: forjdken Kingdom - Once More Unto The Breach 09/16/2021
info_outline The Dark Knight Rises - Is Nolan Bad Or Is It Just The Dark Knight Rises 09/02/2021
info_outline Star Wars Episode 2: What if we Defended Attack of the Clones 08/26/2021
info_outline Hellraiser 8: Hellworld - The Agony and the Ecstasy 08/19/2021
info_outline Jaws 4: The Revenge - Surprises Galore 08/12/2021
info_outline Jurassic Park and Jurassic World - Yin and Yang 08/05/2021
info_outline Shrek 2 - Remember? 07/29/2021
info_outline Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace - A Luke(get it?)Warm Defense 07/22/2021
info_outline E.T. The Extraterrestrial - The Cultural Touchstone You Don't Need to Watch 07/15/2021
info_outline Jaws - The Language of Blockbusters 07/08/2021
info_outline Independence Day: Resurgence - oh god 07/01/2021
info_outline Minding the Gap - Skateboarding and Trauma 06/24/2021
info_outline The Social Network - An Ill Portend 06/17/2021
info_outline The Road - We Read a Book? 06/10/2021
info_outline What Remains of Edith Finch - The Emotional Walking Simulator 06/03/2021
info_outline Your Name - Body Swapping Brouhaha 05/27/2021
info_outline Kelly is Unbreakable - Interview with the Author! 05/25/2021
info_outline Twilight - No Cold Takes 05/20/2021
info_outline Saw - Veni, Vidi, Vici 05/13/2021
info_outline Insidious - Babies First (Good) Horror Movie 05/06/2021
info_outline A Nightmare on Elm Street - Looney Tunes Horror 04/29/2021
info_outline Hellbound: Hellraiser 2 - I Am In [Podcast], Please Help Me 04/22/2021
info_outline Hellraiser - Romance, Body Horror, and Spongebob 04/15/2021
info_outline Godzilla VS Kong (2021): Godzilla (2014) VS King Kong (2005) 04/08/2021
info_outline King Kong VS Godzilla (1962) - We've been trapped in this hell for months 04/01/2021