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Battered Souls with Dylan Charles

Transformational conversations with people whose darkest times have helped them to escape the matrix and evolve. Hosted by Dylan Charles, editor of Waking Times, perspectives on this show are shamanic, psychedelic, open-minded, and intentionally apolitical.

info_outline Battered Souls #050 - Heal to the Root with Amber Antonelli 03/14/2024
info_outline Battered Souls #049 - Sobriety, Sanity & Shamanic Healing with Jenny Kolb 10/19/2022
info_outline Battered Souls #048 - Shadow Ceremony with Steven Twohig 10/05/2022
info_outline Battered Souls #047 - Psychotherapy & Sacred Medicine with Gerard Artesona 06/23/2022
info_outline Battered Souls #046 - The Truth About Your Soul with guest Moughenda Mikala 05/13/2022
info_outline Battered Souls #045 - Before and After the Fall with guest Jay Campbell 04/29/2022
info_outline Battered Souls #044 - You Don't Have a Mental Illness with guest Ali Zeck 04/05/2022
info_outline Battered Souls #043 - Tales From the Yagé Lodge with Jonathon Miller-Weisberger 03/18/2022
info_outline Battered Souls #042 - Why Do You Do What You Do? with Joe DiBianca 03/13/2022
info_outline Battered Souls #041 - Waking Up in Springfield with Ted Hanik 02/28/2022
info_outline Battered Souls #040 - Awaken the Healer Within with Dr. Roger Jahnke 01/27/2022
info_outline Battered Souls #039 - To the Edge of the Cliff and Back with Meredith Wyness 01/10/2022
info_outline Battered Souls #038 - Healing Trauma at the Root with Dr. Gabe Roberts 12/24/2021
info_outline Battered Souls #037 - The Transformational Power of Good Sex with Kim Anami 11/25/2021
info_outline Battered Souls #036 - Illuminating the Shadow Side of Cannabis with Ryan Sprague 11/16/2021
info_outline Battered Souls #035 - Winning The Spiritual War with Dr. Christopher Macklin 11/08/2021
info_outline Battered Souls #034 - Aligning with Your True Self with Ayelet Baron 10/08/2021
info_outline Battered Souls #33 - Real Heroes Speak Up with Jason Bassler 09/21/2021
info_outline Battered Souls #32 - Spiritual Warriors Rise Up with Julian Rose 09/14/2021
info_outline Battered Souls #31 - Cali the Destroyer with Sol Luckman 08/28/2021
info_outline Battered Souls #30 - Confronting the Mind Virus with Paul Levy 07/23/2021
info_outline Battered Souls #029 - The Power of Social Conditioning with Kingsley Dennis 06/19/2021
info_outline Battered Souls #028 - Iboga & the Search for Healing with Levi Barker 06/08/2021
info_outline Battered Souls #027 – Self-Sabotage & Mind Control with Jason Christoff 05/26/2021
info_outline Battered Souls #026 - Into the PsyOp with Brendan D. Murphy 05/14/2021
info_outline Battered Souls #025 w/ Zahrah Sita - Reclaiming Your Mind and Body 04/15/2021
info_outline Battered Souls #024 w/ Michael Lauria - Leading Men on the Hero's Journey 04/04/2021
info_outline Battered Souls #023 w/ Angelo Sisco - Remaking the Modern Man 03/24/2021
info_outline Battered Souls #022 w/ Andrea Cano - Grandmother Spirit & Plants as Medicine 03/18/2021
info_outline Battered Souls #021 w/ Gary McGee - On Becoming An Enemy Of The State 03/08/2021