Bond Hair Babes
Happiness, hair loss, and hairdressing! Hair loss expert, happiness author, and tv and radio personality Emily Wyant hits the jackpot on a weekly basis with her new podcast, Bond Hair Babes! From a hot mess hairdresser to The SF Bay Area hair whisperer, this double agent tells all ...from hair loss solutions to finding your power and happiness in your everyday life. With the red carpet secrets at her fingertips Emily explains how to feel like the celebrity that you are! Emily is no stranger to thinning hair personally and with her clients. Emily is excited to share what she’s learned so you too can hit the jackpot! As the author of "Happy By Design, how to use your five senses to trigger you happy anywhere, anytime," Emily shows her readers how to dust off their sense of freedom and pop the top off of adventure by simply doing what they love to experience happiness everyday. This podcast just might be the little piece of sunshine you’ve been missing!