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Beacons Podcast

Beware the writers for they’ll eat all your cake, but they’ll leave you a beautifully written short story as an apology. Kat Ogden and Leah Lopez host this podcast about writing you can have with your morning coffee.

info_outline Nano '22: Stick a fork in it 12/01/2022
info_outline Nano '22: Big push! 11/28/2022
info_outline Nano '22: Deep in the word mines 11/22/2022
info_outline Nano '22: Still Oof 11/14/2022
info_outline Nano '22: On Failure and Regrouping 11/07/2022
info_outline Nano '22: Preparation, Simplicity, and Forgiveness 10/28/2022
info_outline Creating a Writing Life 10/10/2022
info_outline To Trope or not to Trope 10/03/2022
info_outline On Being Consistent 09/03/2022
info_outline Outlining and Why We (Now) Love It 09/01/2022
info_outline 2022 Writing Goals 12/13/2021
info_outline An Interview with Leah Lopez, Space Pirate and All Around Bad Influence 12/06/2021
info_outline An Interview with Kat Ogden, Shimmering Skate Queen and Bookwitch of Lore 11/15/2021
info_outline Why We Write 11/08/2021
info_outline Scaffolding 11/01/2021
info_outline Revision Revisited (Again) 10/25/2021
info_outline Hitting Curve Balls 10/18/2021
info_outline Beacons! Are! Back! 10/11/2021
info_outline NANO '19: A Debrief 12/02/2019
info_outline NANO '19: The Final Push 11/25/2019
info_outline NANO '19: (Just Over) Halfway Done! 11/18/2019
info_outline NANO '19: Breaking Through Blocks 11/11/2019
info_outline NANO '19: Ready! Set! WRITE! 11/04/2019
info_outline NANO '19: Dissecting the Novel Writing Process 10/31/2019
info_outline Character Study 10/28/2019
info_outline Why Reading Matters 10/21/2019
info_outline Letting Go of Expectations 10/14/2019
info_outline Revisiting Side Writing 10/07/2019
info_outline Self-Sabotage 09/30/2019
info_outline A Day in the Life of a Writer 09/23/2019