2010 MLB Playoffs PreviewWill Leitch joins Drew to preview the MLB playoffs, but really to just talk about random crap./episode/index/show/bigdaddydrew/id/1205284
Audio Funbag With Adam Carolla#1 podcaster in the world Adam Carolla joins Drew to answer all your pressing questions./episode/index/show/bigdaddydrew/id/762248
4/5 - Name of the Year BreakdownDrew and Spencer Hall break down the 2010 Name of the Year bracket. Will there be a Shamiracle ending?/episode/index/show/bigdaddydrew/id/762244
8/27 - NFL Preview with the Mighty MJDDrew and The Mighty MJD make their full predictions for the NFL season./episode/index/show/bigdaddydrew/id/762217
6-18 - Buzz BissingerBuzz Bissinger joins Drew to talk about CostasNOW, Friday Night Lights, Moneyball, and more./episode/index/show/bigdaddydrew/id/762178
6/10 - Dan Le BatardMiami Herald writer and sometime PTI co-host Dan Le Batard joins Drew to talk about Kornheiser's departure from MNF, Ray Lewis, goatees, and more./episode/index/show/bigdaddydrew/id/762173
6/4 - Justine BatemanActress Justine Bateman joins Drew to talk about Caligula, after school specials, and other random crap./episode/index/show/bigdaddydrew/id/762164
6/2 - Joe PosnanskiAward-winning SI writer Joe Posnanski comes on the Deadcast to apologize to the fans of Cleveland for shattering their hopes and dreams./episode/index/show/bigdaddydrew/id/762158
5/27 - Martellus BennettCowboys tight end Martellus Bennett joins Drew to talk about chicken, fat people, black people food, and other pointless subjects./episode/index/show/bigdaddydrew/id/762152
5/20 - Selena RobertsSI Columnist and A-Rod biographer Selena Roberts joins Drew to talk about criticism from Whitlock, Murray Chass, Duke lax supporters, and more./episode/index/show/bigdaddydrew/id/762144