Birth In God's Presence
A birth story podcast filled with encouraging birth stories of God’s goodness and faithfulness that will break fear and fill you with excitement for your own beautiful birth with God!
Libby: Beautiful VBAC after Three C-Sections
Libby: Beautiful VBAC after Three C-Sections
Throughout her pregnancy, God helped her overcome her fears and met her each step of the way. He then gave her a surprising and beautiful birth story and VBAC! Though it didn’t go exactly how she had planned it, the Lord had something even better in store for her and touched many lives through their story. As she shares in this episode, “He had every detail worked out even before the foundation of the world.” I pray you are so encouraged by Libby’s fun and beautiful story!
Brittany: Birth in God’s Joy
Brittany: Birth in God’s Joy
“Joy” was the word the Lord gave Brittany as she prayed about her upcoming birth, and He truly delivered on His word. Her labor was filled with His joy, laughter, community, and fun surprises. She truly experienced the gift that God created childbirth to be and I pray that her story gets your heart excited for your own beautiful birth with God! You can connect with Brittany on her blog at or you can email her at [email protected] Here are the resources she talked about: Her blog where you can read about her healing miracle and finding out she was pregnant! Supernatural Childbirth Prayers and Promises for Supernatural Childbirth My Online Kingdom Childbirth Class And here is our new Break Free from Worry Course! Find life-changing freedom from worry, anxiety, and fear so that you can ENJOY this journey of motherhood and the GIFT God created it to be! I pray that these resources and Brittany’s story encourage you deeply today! Much love, Kierra
Amy: A GOOD Hospital Birth!
Amy: A GOOD Hospital Birth!
When Amy prayed about her upcoming birth, she heard the Lord say “It’s going to be a good birth.” She clung to those words even when things didn’t all go as planned or hoped. And His word proved true! It truly was a really good birth! I love how her story encourages us that hospital births can be good births! That long births can be good births! And so much more! You can connect with Amy at – her blog where she writes on motherhood, prayer, and life. Or at or And here are the resources we talked about on the show: Books: Psalm 23 board book Natural Hospital Birth: The Best of Both Worlds A Good Birth Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth The Birth Partner The Best Birth Birthing From Within Great With Child Easing Labor Pain Other resources: Amy's Natural Hospital Birth Plan Template My Top 8 Ways to Prevent Tearing During Childbirth Amy’s Packing List My online Kingdom Childbirth Class Find a Like-Minded Doula or Midwife Methyl Folate & a Prenatal with methylated folate I pray you are so encouraged by Amy’s story and resources! Blessings, Kierra
29| Abby: A Pain-free C-Section!
29| Abby: A Pain-free C-Section!
Abby was believing God for a supernatural, pain-free birth and even though the birth didn’t go as planned, He answered her prayers in a way she never expected – with a pain-free C-section! You can connect with Abby at and here are the resources we talked about on the show: My Online Kingdom Childbirth Class – the class Abby took to prepare for her amazing birth. What is God’s Heart for your Birth? – A video that helped Abby prepare for the birth and hear God’s words for her birth to hold on to. – the music she listened to in the room as they performed the C-section – A book to empower you to let God lead your parenting decisions during the first year and to set you free from anxiety. by Graham Cook – Abby listened to this during the pregnancy as she sought to enter God’s rest and prepare for the birth with Him. Understanding Your Fertility Class: Natural Prevent and Conception – My online class that empowers you to understand your cycle and partner with God’s perfect design to naturally prevent or try for conception. I pray you are so blessed by Abby’s story and all of these resources! Much Love, Kierra
28|Emily: A Beautiful, Peace-filled, Pain-free Homebirth!
28|Emily: A Beautiful, Peace-filled, Pain-free Homebirth!
Throughout her pregnancy, Emily shared with the Lord her desires for her birth, followed His leading, and then went into labor trusting in His goodness and with open hands. He met her in such a beautiful way and she experienced a beautiful, presence-filled, pain-free birth! Your heart and faith will be encouraged and inspired by her beautiful story! You can connect with Emily at or on Facebook or Instagram as Emily Koopman. Here are the resources we talked about on the show: : My online birth class that Emily took to prepare her mind and spirit for a beautiful birth with God! : An audiobook that Emily listened to as she prepared spiritually for her birth. An album full of life-giving Scriptures to peaceful background music that you can soak to with baby during the postpartum time to stay connected to God's heart and truth! I pray this episode and these resources encourage your heart and prepare you for your own beautiful birth with God! Much love, Kierra
27| Kierra: A Supernatural, Easy, Two Hour Labor!
27| Kierra: A Supernatural, Easy, Two Hour Labor!
I’m so excited to share our recent birth story with you! I had asked God for an easy, daytime, two-hour labor filled with laughter, and He answered every one of my prayers! Truly every part of this birth was such a gift from Him and I was in awe afterward of how He showed up. I pray that my story encourages your heart to know that birth doesn’t have to be full of toil and labor, but that with God, it truly can be full of ease, joy, and peace. He is a good, good Father who will meet you in your own unique way during your own birth and give you exactly what you need! Here are the resources I talked about on the show: Hope and God’s Goodness in the Midst of our Miscarriage How to Create a Heavenly Atmosphere for your Birth – In this video, I give you a little tour of our bedroom to show you how I decorated the room to invite the presence and peace of God into our homebirth! – This is the amazing healing instrumental music I used for my labor playlist. I also use their Life, Love, and Lullabies album to help my kids and baby fall asleep at night! by Hillsong – This was my favorite worship song on my labor playlist! – A great album to soak to during the postpartum time to help you stay connected to God’s heart and Word! – A great birth video to watch with your husband to prepare for labor together and give him ideas of how to support you through the labor! My husband and I watched this one a few times leading up to our birth. To your beautiful birth, Kierra
26| LiAnne: God’s Joy and Peace In The Midst of an Unexpected C-Section
26| LiAnne: God’s Joy and Peace In The Midst of an Unexpected C-Section
Even though everything didn’t go as planned in this birth, I love how LiAnne and her husband were able to stay in God’s joy and peace through the whole thing and still love their birth experience. Their joy was a testimony to the hospital staff and Jesus was so glorified in this birth! I pray that her story empowers you to remain in God’s joy and peace throughout your own labor and birth even if certain things don’t go as you planned or prayed for. And that you too will be able to birth your baby in God’s joy and presence no matter what twists and turns come your way! You can connect with LiAnne at or on Facebook and here are the resources she talked about: Nurture in the Womb: Baby Blessings : To your beautiful birth, Kierra
25|Tonia: “Before the pains come upon her, she delivers a son.” – Isaiah 66:7
25|Tonia: “Before the pains come upon her, she delivers a son.” – Isaiah 66:7
As Tonia prepared for a VBAC, she soaked in God’s word and pressed in to understand His heart and promises for childbirth. His promises proved true for her as she experienced a wonderful, quick, VBAC filled with worship and God’s presence. The baby came so easily and quickly at the end that she didn’t even realize she had birthed him yet! May your heart be so encouraged by her testimony and story! You can connect with Tonia on Instagram @toniajody or email us at [email protected] to email her. And here are the resources we talked about: Holy Spirit Labor Relaxation Album – the album that Tonia listened to throughout her pregnancy to get grounded in God’s word for her birth. This album has all the scriptures on it that she mentions on the show that were pivotal for her as she prepared her heart and mind. Kingdom Childbirth Class – the album Tonia listened to is included in this class, as well as so many other resources and teaching videos to fully prepare you to experience the GIFT that God created childbirth to be! Tonia’s Playlist: Holy Spirit You are welcome here -- Cathy Burton Lord I lift Your Name on high (live) -- Donnie McClurkin In Christ Alone -- Keith & Kristyn Getty Mighty to save -- Cathy Burton Here I am to worship --William McDowell Redeemer -- Nicole C. Mullen All about You -- Anita Wilson My God is awesome -- C.T. Townsend & Becky Townsend Blessings, Kierra Blaser Birth Doula Kingdom Childbirth Classes <>
24| Andie: A Supernatural Birth Even in the Midst of Complications!
24| Andie: A Supernatural Birth Even in the Midst of Complications!
After struggling with fertility issues for a year, the Lord healed Andie and gave her an amazing pregnancy! She was asking and believing for a supernatural birth and even though complications came up and things didn’t quite go as she had planned, the Lord absolutely gave her the supernatural birth she had prayed for! I pray your heart is so encouraged by this story and the reminder that God shows up at all types of births, at all locations, even when things don’t go as planned. He will be with you no matter what and you may encounter His goodness and presence in surprising ways! You can connect with Andie at and here are the resources we talked about: - Andie recommended taking a childbirth class to make sure you are prepared to really understand the labor process and how to work with it. If you would like to take a childbirth class that approaches the labor process from God’s perspective and includes Him in the class, you can check out my online to support this podcast! Blessings, Kierra
23|Erica: God's Faithfulness and a Beautiful Birth-Center Birth!
23|Erica: God's Faithfulness and a Beautiful Birth-Center Birth!
As Erica prepared for her first birth, she spent a lot of time releasing fears to God and renewing her mind with His truth. She spent time preparing physically, mentally, and spiritually for the birth. And all her preparation paid off with a beautiful birth center birth filled with God’s presence and faithfulness. I love how God met her in so many personal and beautiful ways throughout the pregnancy, birth, and postpartum time. And I pray her testimonies encourage you as you pray for your own testimonies and desires for your birth journey! You can connect with Erica at and here are the resources we talked about on the show: The class that Erica and her husband took to prepare naturally and spiritually for their birth and to be empowered with tools to help them renew their minds to view birth as God views it. This class comes with the Birth Declarations & Scriptures that Erica used to renew her mind. A whole album filled with birth declarations, Scriptures, exercises, and encounters to help you renew your mind and prepare for a beautiful birth with God. This album is also included in the Kingdom Birth Class. – Erica recommends finding a doula and you can find a list of Kingdom-minded doulas at (And if you know a doula I should add to this list, let me know!) Erica Ziel’s Bless you on your own beautiful birth journey! Kierra :)
22|Whitney: Experiencing God’s Peace Even When Labor Isn’t Going as You Expected
22|Whitney: Experiencing God’s Peace Even When Labor Isn’t Going as You Expected
After a quick first birth, Whitney expected her second birth to be quick as well. But as labor continued much longer than she anticipated, she had a choice to get discouraged or to keep her eyes focused on Jesus and surrender to His plan for this birth. As she chose to stay focused on Him and His promises to her, she experienced such a peaceful, beautiful, redemptive birth with Him in which He restored so much in her life. May Whitney’s story inspire you to stay focused on Jesus no matter what unexpected turns or delays your labor takes! God is faithful and He has a perfect plan for your birth if you will surrender to Him and choose to stay in trust and peace. You can connect with Whitney at And here are the resources we talked about: – I’m teaching this live out of our home on May 19th, 2018! You can support this podcast by purchasing one of our beautiful mugs at To your beautiful birth, Kierra
21| Logan: A Pain-free, Joy-filled Birth!
21| Logan: A Pain-free, Joy-filled Birth!
Logan shares about her Spirit-led, pain-free, joy-filled second birth and the ways she prepared for it that led to her beautiful experience. I pray you are so empowered by the tips she shares and that your heart is so encouraged to believe for your own beautiful birth! Truly, God created childbirth to be a gift for us to enjoy! And Logan got to experience the beauty of that gift! You can connect with Logan at [email protected] and here links to the resources we talked about: - the class that made such a difference in Logan's second birth verses her first. A class that partners the natural with the spiritual to empower you for a beautiful birth with God! - the book that helped her understand where back labor comes from and how to help prevent it for her second birth. The album she used to practice relaxing each muscle of her body with Holy Spirit during pregnancy so that she would know how to fully relax during labor. You can purchase this album here, but it also comes with my Kingdom Childbirth Class when you join the class! - A book that helped her learn how to practice relaxation throughout her pregnancy so that she would know how to fully relax during contractions. - Logan and I highly recommend hiring a doula for your birth. They can make such a HUGE difference in your comfort level, the length of labor, and the outcomes of your birth. You can search for a like-minded doula in your area at this link. Bless you Mama! I pray you are so blessed by Logan's testimony and all of these resources! Love, Kierra *this post contains some affiliate links :)
20|Kierra: A Heavenly Birth
20|Kierra: A Heavenly Birth
May you be so encouraged as my husband and I share our second birth story - our Heavenly Birth! I enjoyed this labor so much that I almost didn't want it to end. I could feel God's sweet presence and love washing over me in wave after wave throughout the entire labor. All I could keep saying was, "Wow, this feels so good! I just love this!" I truly experienced the gift that God created childbirth to be for us! We are not under a curse in childbearing. We are under His blessing and love and covering now! Here is a link to the we talked about. A class that prepares you naturally and spiritually for a beautiful birth with God! And here is a link to To your beautiful birth, Kierra
19| Kayleigh: A Pain-Free, Presence-filled Birth!
19| Kayleigh: A Pain-Free, Presence-filled Birth!
Kayleigh's wonderful homebirth was saturated with the sweet presence of God, His love and goodness. When the contractions started to feel painful part way through the labor, her husband took authority over them, commanding them to come in line with the Word of God and to contract without pain. The pain immediately left and Kayleigh received a beautiful pain-free birth. I pray your heart is so encouraged by her story! You can connect with Kayleigh at [email protected] or And here are some of the resources we talked about: - My blog post that started Kayleigh's conversation with God about having a supernatural, pain-free birth! - A blog post to help you stay connected to God and His joy and peace during this crazy time. Like Kayleigh shares, the postpartum times is often the hardest part of birth. But God wants to carry you through it in His love and goodness! - An album full of the Scriptures and birth declarations that Kayleigh used as she prepared for her birth and renewed her mind to be in line with God's truth. She also put some of these Scriptures and Declarations up in the room she was laboring in. - My birth class that fully prepares you for a beautiful birth with God! I prepare you naturally and spiritually to birth you baby in God's joy and presence. This class also includes the Holy Spirit Labor Relaxation Album listed above. Come join us! To your beautiful birth, Kierra
18| Kierra: God's Goodness in a Birth with Unexpected Turns
18| Kierra: God's Goodness in a Birth with Unexpected Turns
In today's episode, I share MY first birth story with my husband as a special guest on the show! Even though this birth didn't go as planned and I had to be induced at the hospital, it still ended up being one of the BEST experiences of my life! I pray you are encouraged by the ways we experienced God even in the midst of a birth that didn't go as I had hoped. And that our story empowers YOU to experience His goodness and presence no matter what twists and turns your own birth takes. Here are the resources we talked about on the show: My - The class God led me to create after this first birth experience. A class that breaks fear and empowers moms to birth their babies in God's joy and presence! My - An album to prepare you for labor and a beautiful birth with God. It includes scriptures to soak to, relaxation practices with Holy Spirit, birth declarations and much more! to encourage you on this journey! Check out our Team Holy Spirit Mug and our Genesis 1;28 Mug! Each purchase will go to support this podcast so that we can continue to break fear and empower moms around the world for amazing births with God! I pray you are so blessed by our story and these resources! Love, Kierra
17| Natalie: How God Turns a Difficult Labor into a Supernatural Pain-Free Birth!
17| Natalie: How God Turns a Difficult Labor into a Supernatural Pain-Free Birth!
Natalie shares the fun details of her birth like picking up flowers and a plant for their baby on the way to the hospital, but also the hard moments when the pain got to be more than she could bear. And then the glorious moment when God’s peace and presence filled her car on the way to the hospital and how He gave her a pain-free experience for the rest of the birth! Her story will inspire your heart, encourage your faith, and bring joy and laughter to your day. Be blessed! You can connect with Natalie at And here are the resources we talked about on the show: by Jackie Mize My by Paul Thomas The Retreat Center in Whales: I pray you are so blessed by Natalie's story and these resources! Much love,
17| Natalie: How God Turns a Difficult Labor into a Supernatural Pain-Free Birth! 3
17| Natalie: How God Turns a Difficult Labor into a Supernatural Pain-Free Birth! 3
17| Natalie: How God Turns a Difficult Labor into a Supernatural Pain-Free Birth!
17| Natalie: How God Turns a Difficult Labor into a Supernatural Pain-Free Birth!
Natalie shares the fun details of her birth like picking up flowers and plant for their baby on the way to the hospital, but also the hard moments when the pain got to be more than she could bear. And then the glorious moment when God’s peace and presence filled her car on the way to the hospital and how He gave her a pain-free experience for the rest of the birth! Her story will inspire your heart, encourage your faith, and bring joy and laughter to your day. Be blessed!
16| Edwina: A Supernatural Unexpected Birth at 35 Weeks!
16| Edwina: A Supernatural Unexpected Birth at 35 Weeks!
Edwina shares her beautiful journey of surrendering her fears during a long season of trying to conceive, trusting God for a supernatural birth throughout the pregnancy, and then an unexpected birth at 35 weeks! Even though the birth didn’t go as she had planned, she still experienced God’s faithfulness and goodness and the supernatural birth she had prayed for! God is so good! So faithful!
15| Alexis: A Pain-Free Breech Birth
15| Alexis: A Pain-Free Breech Birth
A supernatural pain-free waterbirth! God's goodness and faithfulness surrounded this whole birth story, even as the baby surprised them all at the end by coming out breech!
14| Kaylan: A Heavenly Birth in a Foreign Country
14| Kaylan: A Heavenly Birth in a Foreign Country
God met Kaylan in a profound way during her pregnancy and went before her each step of the way. She was living in a foreign country where she didn't speak the language, and while she debated flying home for the birth, she chose to trust God and stay instead of letting fear lead her decisions. He blessed her with a beautiful, heavenly birth, answering all the prayers and desires of her heart! Her birth was a testimony to the birth workers and doctor there. The midwives commented afterwards that they didn't all need to stay in the room during the birth, but no one wanted to leave because they all wanted to watch this heavenly birth. They weren't used to seeing births like this! They got to witness the goodness of God and what His Kingdom is like through Kaylan's birth. I pray you're so blessed by her story! You can connect with Kaylan at And here is the link to my Online that she took that helped prepare her for her heavenly birth. I'd love to welcome you to the class too! It's a birth class that partners the natural and supernatural to empower you for a beautiful birth with God! To your beautiful birth, Kierra
13| Melissa: A Supernatural Pain-Free Homebirth
13| Melissa: A Supernatural Pain-Free Homebirth
"Surrender" was the theme the Lord kept putting on Melissa's heart as she prepared for the birth of her first son. So throughout the pregnancy, she sought to bring to Him and surrender each situation that arose, all her plans, and the desires of her heart. As she leaned into Him and trusted Him each step of the way, He blessed her with a beautiful pain-free birth that exceeded her dreams. It was such a lavish love gift from Him that she says she's still not over it to this day. I pray you are encouraged and blessed by her story, knowing that God has a beautiful love gift to pour out on you as well during your own birth! You can connect with Melissa at [email protected] and here are the resources she recommended: - My online class that Melissa took that dives into God's heart for birth and how to partner with Him throughout the labor to enjoy the gift that He created birth to be! - A book filled with wonderful birth testimonies that Melissa gleaned a lot from even before getting pregnant. - Another book Melissa read that has lots of great nuts and bolts for labor. - A great documentary on birth in different settings and the pros and cons of each (hospital, homebirth, birth center). It's a must-watch for all expecting mamas! - A sequel to the first documentary with even more great birth info! - Another believing mama who has great birth testimonies and whole site dedicated to helping women have a natural, healthy pregnancy and birth. She's awesome! I pray you are so blessed by Melissa's story and these resources! To your beautiful birth, Kierra
12| Brenda: Two Precious Miracles After Six Miscarriages
12| Brenda: Two Precious Miracles After Six Miscarriages
Brenda shares their journey with God and community through six heartbreaking miscarriages and how they held onto hope through it all. And then the joy of receiving their breakthrough and the two beautiful children she finally got to birth and hold in her arms! I pray that you're so encouraged and inspired by Brenda's story today. God is faithful. He hears our prayers, and they affect Him and all of Heaven! And no situation is hopeless or impossible for Him! She also has some great advice for how we can walk alongside those who are struggling with miscarriages or infertility. Make sure to share this episode with any friends who would be blessed by the hope and encouragement that Brenda's story brings. Also, here is the link to the video I made after our miscarriage in November: More Kingdom encouragement for your precious heart! If you'd like to connect with Brenda, you can reach her at [email protected]. And here are the resources she mentioned on the show: The show that reminded Brenda that every time a sperm and an egg come together, a brand new creation is formed. And so even her baby who never developed a heartbeat was still a brand new creation who she will get to meet in Heaven! (you can also purchase this DVD on Amazon without the subtitles). In this book, Sara Hagerty shares her journey of infertility and coming into the land of milk and honey and learning to taste the goodness of God in all seasons. by David Crowder. A song that ministered to Brenda during her season of waiting and pressing in. It reminds us that what was meant to take us down can be our biggest place of victory! And finally, here is our sponsor for today's episode: ! An awesome all-natural, non-toxic household cleaner that is safe for pregnant mamas and babies, but still kills nasty viruses and bacteria like the flu, salmonella, staph, e-coli, and more. Enter code BABY to receive 10% your purchase! I pray you're so blessed by Brenda's story today! Love, Kierra
11| Megan: A Supernatural Breech Birth
11| Megan: A Supernatural Breech Birth
Megan spent a lot of time during her pregnancy renewing her mind, letting go of fear, and learning to relax in her secret place with Jesus. All of her preparation paid off in her amazing birth as she labored joyfully and peacefully at home and was able to remain in God's peace even as they encountered a surprise at the end - the baby had turned breech! Not only will you love this birth story, but you'll come away with some great tools to help you remain in God's peace during your own birth and journey of motherhood through all the ups and downs that come your way! You can connect with Megan on her blog and website at Here are some of the resources she recommends and that we talked about on the show: - a book filled with testimonies reminding us what is possible during birth with God! - an album full of birth scriptures, prayers, and declarations for a peaceful birth in God's glory. - my birth class that breaks fear, renews your mind, and prepares you naturally and spiritually for a beautiful birth with God! Praying your heart is deeply encouraged today, Kierra p.s. Here is the link to my new online that I mentioned at the beginning of the show!
10| Becky: A Newborn's Supernatural Healing
10| Becky: A Newborn's Supernatural Healing
With her first birth, Becky leaned on more on the doctor's advice than the Holy Spirit. But in her following two births, she learned to rely more and more on Holy Spirit and to birth her children into God's peace and presence. And after her first newborn had a terrible vaccine reaction, Becky shares the beautiful testimony of God’s supernatural healing and faithfulness and the miracle that their little boy’s life is today. God is so mighty, so present with us, such a good Father and so faithful. I know that so many parts of Becky’s story will challenge and inspire your heart and faith. You can connect with Becky at [email protected] and here are some of the resources we talked about in today’s episode: : Becky soaked in the Scriptures in this book during her third pregnancy and they made such an impact in her labor and birth! : A powerful album to soak to as you prepare for your labor and birth. It’s full of Scriptures to renew your mind, birth affirmations, a Holy Spirit relaxation exercise, labor practice for you as a couple, and a powerful Jesus encounter. (This album is also included when you take my ). : And album full of life-giving Scriptures to peaceful background music. Soak to it as you nurse, sleep, and cuddle with your newborn. I know moms who played this album constantly in the room when their baby was sick or had a serious injury and watched their baby be miraculously healed! : A great book to help you make informed decisions vaccinating your children and other newborn procedures the hospital will push on you. It’s extremely thorough and covers the risks and benefits of each vaccine and procedure and which ones he recommends at what age and which ones to avoid completely. A must read for all parents so you can make informed decisions! I pray you are so blessed by todays episode! Thank you Becky for sharing your beautiful heart and testimony with us!!! Much Love, Kierra
09| Alexis: A Supernatural Pain-Free Homebirth!
09| Alexis: A Supernatural Pain-Free Homebirth!
Alexis made most of the decisions for her first birth out of fear. But for her second birth, she determined to trust God through the whole process and to listen to Him instead of fear. She trained her body to abide in His peace and joy throughout the pregnancy and believed Him for a supernatural, wonderful birth in His presence. Enjoy listening to her share about her beautiful, almost completely pain-free homebirth with Him that changed her and her family’s life forever! He is so good and faithful! You can connect with Alexis on Facebook by looking up Alexis Fedor (she lives in Redding). And here are the resources she recommends: – (you get this for free when you take my Kingdom Childbirth Class mentioned below) - An album full of Scriptures to soak to and relaxation exercises with the Holy Spirit to prepare you for a beautiful birth with God. Use it to prepare during pregnancy, and then listen to it during labor as well! – This is my birth class that Alexis took that set her free from fear and transformed her thinking about birth and how to invite God into the whole process. It’s a birth class that empowers you naturally and spiritually to birth your baby in God’s joy and presence! The Bible – So important to get God’s words and truth for your birth into your mind and heart! The Scripture Alexis was standing on is 1 Timothy 2:15 “But women will be saved through childbearing.” The word “saved” here is “sozo” which means: to be kept safe and sound, rescued from injury, peril, and disease, and restored to health and made whole.” So powerful that this is God’s promise to us through childbearing! And that’s exactly what she experienced! For a whole list of Scriptures like this to stand on for your birth, join the or get the I pray you're so blessed by this episode! Much Love, Kierra
08| Jaimie: Trusting God for a VBAC After Three C-Sections
08| Jaimie: Trusting God for a VBAC After Three C-Sections
After three C-sections, Jaimie heard the Lord inviting her to trust Him for a VBAC with her 4th baby. It was a scary and lonely road at times when others didn't support her or understand, but God was so faithful through it all. He led her step by step, helped her break out of fear and worry, and taught her to stand on His word above all else. The journey with God and her beautiful birth story transformed her forever and I pray her story and encouragement transforms you as well! You can connect with Jaimie on Facebook at and here are some other resources she recommends: - Empowering, unbiased facts about VBACs that will build your knowledge and help you make the best decision for you and your family. - This organization gave Jaimie a list of providers in her area that might support her in a VBAC. They also were a great resource to teach her how to speak to providers. Thank you so much Jaimie for sharing your heart and story with us!
07| Camaiya: Leading Worship Through Active Labor
07| Camaiya: Leading Worship Through Active Labor
Throughout her second pregnancy, the Lord led Camaiya through a process of casting out fear, building her faith for the birth, and writing out her specific desires and prayers for the birth. Her preparation with the Lord paid off in the beautiful, empowering birth story that followed. She actually led worship at her church through hard active labor and then after arriving to the hospital, the Lord supernaturally dilated her from 5 cm to 10 cm in a few minutes. Enjoy her encouraging birth story and the lessons she learned afterwards fighting off postpartum depression and taking each thought captive. You can connect with Camaiya on Facebook on her personal page at Camaiya Jackson. And here are the resources she recommends: The book by Jackie Mize. My - the class she took that really helped her prepare physically, mentally, and spiritually for the wonderful birth she had. Praying you're so blessed by all that Camaiya shared in today's episode! To your beautiful birth, Kierra
06| Jessie: Learning to Praise a Baby Into The World
06| Jessie: Learning to Praise a Baby Into The World
05| Jessie: A Birth in God’s Glory
05| Jessie: A Birth in God’s Glory