Learning How to Reconnect with Myself
Learning How to Reconnect with Myself
Happy New Year! What happens to the body when going through something truamatic. Of course the body keeps the score but what about your relationship to your body, what changes? This weeks episode I discuss what has happened over the last 6 months with my life and my body. The journey of what happens to your body, your self esstem, your sense of self when you go through a break up. Weight loss, weight gain, Dr. appt, huge life transitions, concered friends & family, binge eating, not eating, old eating disordered patterns, Thanksgiving Break, a heartbreaking 28th birthday alone, almost passing out on 21st St, eating cupcakes for dinner, Christmas break, healing with loved ones, finding Gods hand in everything, practicing gratitude, temporary homes, a New Year, finding joy in the pain of movement, eating food again, crying again..starting over. This is what it looks like for me and how I'm learning to reconnect with my mind, body, & soul. Email Me: Follow Me: