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Blog & Mablog

The point of this podcast is pretty broad — “All of Christ for all of life.” In order to make that happen, we need “theology that bites back.” I want to advance what you might call a Chestertonian Calvinism, and to bring that attitude to bear on education, sex and culture, theology, politics, book reviews, postmodernism, expository studies, along with other random tidbits that come into my head. My perspective is usually not hard to discern. In theology I am an evangelical, postmill, Calvinist, Reformed, and Presbyterian, pretty much in that order. In politics, I am slightly to the right of Jeb Stuart. In my cultural sympathies, if we were comparing the blight of postmodernism to a vast but shallow goo pond, I would observe that I have spent many years on these stilts and have barely gotten any of it on me.

info_outline Lack of Communication is Key 02/02/2022
info_outline The Authority of True Revival 01/31/2022
info_outline Responsibility, Guilt, and the Ground of True Authority 01/27/2022
info_outline The Natural Use of the Woman 01/25/2022
info_outline Aaron Renn and the Negative World 01/20/2022
info_outline Bad Ideas and Balrogs 01/18/2022
info_outline A Matter of Rank 01/13/2022
info_outline Rotify & Your Kid’s Immortal Soul 01/10/2022
info_outline Nice Guys and Jerks 01/05/2022
info_outline An Election With More Rigging Than a Five-Masted Clipper Ship 01/05/2022
info_outline The Sides of the North Are Slippery 12/22/2021
info_outline Not the Same Thing at All 12/20/2021
info_outline Does Grove City Have Worrisome Dark Spots on Her Lymph Nodes? 12/18/2021
info_outline The Hard Bigotry of Low Expectations 12/13/2021
info_outline Evolution and Sexual Selfishness 12/08/2021
info_outline The Mandatorians 12/06/2021
info_outline Sincerely Yours, November 12/01/2021
info_outline On Wuh-Supremacy 11/29/2021
info_outline Making America an Ingrate Again 11/24/2021
info_outline This Carnival of Duncical Folly 11/22/2021
info_outline Atheism and Meaningless Black Lives 11/17/2021
info_outline Escaping the Cult of Nice 11/15/2021
info_outline Obey Your Husband and Other Transgressive Ideas 11/10/2021
info_outline (L)et’s (G)o (B)randon—(t)o (Q)Anon + 11/09/2021
info_outline The Great Justice Juke 11/03/2021
info_outline On Aspen the Lost Dog and Other Imponderables 11/01/2021
info_outline 7 Reasons Mike Stone Ought Not Sue Russell Moore 10/25/2021
info_outline The Incoherence of Our Antichrists 10/20/2021
info_outline Public Health and the Libertarian Lure 10/19/2021
info_outline Theology Among the Deplorables 10/13/2021