BNI 791: Welcome to the Greatest Growth Season of the Year!We are now officially in the greatest growth season of 2025! We also start Member Extravaganza today! /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/35455795
BNI 790: Weekly Presentation Coaching 125 - Bryan Harrison - Print MarketingIn this week's Weekly Presentation Coaching episode we hear from Bryan Harrison from CA with his second submission! /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/35455785
BNI 789: Special Guest - Dean Stanzel - Power of ThanksIn this episode we welcome a special guest Dean Stanzel from Top of Mind Gifts /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/35429565
BNI 788: Should I Allow Him to Put In TYFCB?We are back answering your submitted questions! This episode we are asked about crossing the line with referrals and TYFCB /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/35382355
BNI 786: Cross Chapter Visitors at Visitor DaysIn this Power of One episode we discuss having cross chapter visitors at your chapter's visitor days. /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/35196705
BNI 782: Business Matters 114 - AI is Here!In this episode of Business Matters we discuss AI and the importance of learning what tools exist and how they can help your business. /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/35027975
BNI 781: One Person per ProfessionIn this week's Power of One episode we discuss why BNI has a one person per profession policy and competing groups. /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/35027950
BNI 780: Business Matters 113 - It Is Conference SeasonIn this week's Business Matters episodes we talk about attending conferences and some do's and don'ts. /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/34880945
BNI 779 - Can BNI Force a Renewal?We are back with your submitted questions. Can BNI force a renewal through in a chapter? /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/34880925
BNI 777: Business Matters 112 - The Importance of TrainingWe are back with our Business Matters episodes! This week we discuss the importance of continuing education in business. /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/34806620
BNI 776: Are All BNIs the Same? Why Don't We Have That?We are back with your submitted questions! This week we discuss why some regions have somethings others don't. /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/34806595
BNI 775: Weekly Presentation Coaching: David Shufelt - Custom ShadesWe are back with our Weekly Presentation Coaching episode! Today we meet David Shufelt from Florida! /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/34806590
BNI 774: Do They Count for CEUs and How Many?We are back in 2025 with your show submissions! This episode is on what counts for CEUs and why. /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/34736870
BNI 773: The End of 2024!In this last podcast of 2024 we discuss the importance of this time of year and what we should reflect on as we enter 2025! /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/34531280
BNI 772: Can You Provide the Structure for a Good Weekly PresentationWe are back with your show submissions! This week we are asked about changing focuses in the chapter and how to develop a good weekly presentation. /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/34366195
BNI 770 - URGENT QUESTION - Can We Hold a Vote of No Confidence?In this Power of One episode we answer an urgent question submitted. Can we, or should we, hold a vote of no confidence with our chapter's President?? /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/34366140
BNI 769: BNI Has Spoiled Me - How Do I Use Other Networking Events?We answer your submitted questions. This episode it about how to be effective outside of BNI when networking. /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/34301535
BNI 767: Should We Be Strict on Engagement?In this episode we answer your submitted topic! Should we be strict on engagement in our online meeting? /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/34301500
BNI 766: OK, Who Gets the TYFCB Now?In this week's Power of One episode we answer the question of how to track TYFCB when it involves multiple BNI members and multiple tiers! /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/34247590
BNI 765: A Time to be ThankfulIn this episode we discuss the importance of being thankful and taking time to reflect. /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/34178780
BNI 764: I Don't Agree With Your Podcast #742In this episode we discuss some "push back" from a previous podcast we did! /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/33878907
BNI 763: Motivating Different "Types" of MembersIn this episode we discuss how to motivate different "types" of members. Some are soloprenuers, some are employees, some own large businesses. How do you motivate them? /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/33878892
BNI 762: Weekly Presentation Coaching 117 - Chris Skeens - Mobile IVIn this Weekly Presentation Coaching episode we meet Chris Skeens who does mobile IVs! /episode/index/show/bnipodcast/id/33878837