Boardroom&Beyond Podcast
Boardroom&Beyond podcast is a learning and dialogue platform for international business leaders to share different culture, corporate governance, corporate law and business practice around the world.
How does ESG integration impact business Branding strategy?
How does ESG integration impact business Branding strategy?
In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Rosa Zeegers, Partner of Newport LLC, a Marketing & Branding Strategist and Transformational Global Business Executive. Rosa had successfully led global Fortune 500 brands and businesses in various industries, ranging from Consumer Goods (Unilever), to Airlines (KLM Royal Dutch Airlines), Toys & Entertainment (Mattel), Retail (Justice) and Publishing, Events & Entertainment (National Geographic), to new growth levels. Their conversation of this episode is about Branding Strategy and how some world-class companies transform ESG integration into business branding opportunities… Conversation Topics with timestamps: Consumer / Create needs for consumer / making money out of it Rosa’s experiences - “Must-Listen” companies’ marketing & branding stories (2:00) (Unilever, Barbie, National Geographic ……) Transaction ready consulting roles with family business focus (12:00) Corporate Branding vs. Consumer Branding (15:00) Rosa’s 4-step Branding strategy Recipe (20:00) Is ESG integration a motivation for companies to modify their Branding strategy? How? (26:00) Are companies make ESG integration for reputation risk mitigation? Or new business opportunities? (31:00) How will the young generations influence business Branding strategy? (35:00) How do companies translate ESG implementation to a successful Branding strategy? (40:00)
How do digital technologies empower corporate boards and board directors?
How do digital technologies empower corporate boards and board directors?
In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Dr. Fabio Oliveira. Dr. Oliveira has more than 14 years as an academic. He teaches management, digital technologies, marketing, digital transformation, and business strategy for MBA and Master students in Business School Sao Paulo, Fundacao Armando Alvares Penteado, University of Hertfordshire, University of Ulster, London Metropolitan University, University of Solent and Henley Business School. Dr. Oliveira is a certified instructor of Artificial Intelligence of the Huawei ICT Academy at Henley Business School. He is the author of academic papers and a contributor to book chapters. Their conversation of this episode is about Dr. Oliveira’s opinions on the impact of digital transformation to boardroom and board members, based on his research findings. Conversation Topics with timestamps: Fabio’s experience teaching at Huawei ICT Academy at Reading University (6:00) The most notable changes in the boardroom (corporate governance mechanism) due to digital technology transformation accelerated by the pandemic? (9:00) The top opportunities digital technology brought to corporate board and the board directors? How board directors can embrace these opportunities? (18:00) The top challenges for board directors to make the digital transformation? Any good roadmap, or good practice from Fabio’s research interview? (24:00) The evolving of board stewardship and management roles in the future – how to draw the line between board and management? (30:00) With the influence in boardroom from younger generation investors and board directors who are tech savvy, what kind of further impact from digital technology to board governance? (36:00)
The Newly Launched Corporate Governance Code in Lesotho
The Newly Launched Corporate Governance Code in Lesotho
In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Advocate (Adv.) Selebalo Ntepe, the Deputy Chairman of the Institute of Directors Lesotho. Advocate (Adv.) Selebalo Ntepe was part of a team of Corporate Governance practitioners which developed Lesotho’s first governance code, the Mohlomi Corporate Governance Code. He was entrusted to present the highlights of code during its international launch in August 2021. Their conversation of this episode covers topics regarding Lesotho’s economy, culture, corporate governance landscape, the role of Lesotho’s culture in its first set of corporate governance code, and how the corporate governance code will impact different stakeholders, and the tops places to go in Lesotho…… Conversation Highlights Brief overview about Lesotho’s economy (5:40) Lesotho’s main business relationships with multinational companies from the west and from China (9:00) Top governance challenges in local government organizations, which might be overcome with the guidance from the newly launched Corporate Governance Code? (12:40) What is the role of Lesotho’s culture in the development of Lesotho corporate governance code with the corporate governance challenges of multinational companies and local SOEs (17:40) How does the board of director of the biggest milling company looks like? Board committees, board functions, board members, professionalism, etc.? What are the strength and weakness of this company’s board? (23:00) The trend of corporate governance practice development for business in Lesotho in the next 5-10 years, which the new CG code (29:00) Advices for Chinese multinational companies’ African operation to improve their corporate governance and business practice (37:00) Guest Contact Info.: Selebalo Ntepe: Email: Linkedin:
How Can Individuals’ Risk Personalities Affect Global Risk Management and ESG Adoption? | Michele Wucker’s New Book: YOU ARE WHAT YOU RISK
How Can Individuals’ Risk Personalities Affect Global Risk Management and ESG Adoption? | Michele Wucker’s New Book: YOU ARE WHAT YOU RISK
In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Michele Wucker, famous author and policy analyst. Michele’s newly published book, You Are What You Risk: The New Art and Science of Navigating an Uncertain World is a must-read book to understand the connections between individuals’ risk profile and global risk management. Introduction and Overview • Focuses on risk (3:09) • Brings many facets together so non-specialists can access information and knowledge (3:45) Inspiration and Motivation for New Book • How the feedback of The Gray Rhino book tour inspired the idea of this new book (5:59) • How can the new book help readers understand their risk personalities (8:44) Risk Fingerprint Concept and its Application to Individuals and Organizations • How do various factors affect the company’s risk profiles (11:37) • How do leaders’ personal risk fingerprint affect companies’ risks profile (12:47) • How countries’ risk cultures influence risk management decisions (14:07) Risk Appetite and Risk Attitude • Chinese characters of Crisis - “Wei” “Ji” (18:40) • How someone perceives the risk influences risk tolerance and risk appetite (20:25) • How training and education can change risk appetite and risk attitude (23:10) Global Risk Management and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Movement • Challenges for global ESG movement (28:37) • How Olympic style competition could propel ESG movement (29:29) Is the New Generation Really “Risk Averse”? • Why “Risk Averse” is not the proper description for new generations (33:30) Takeaway Points of New Book (37:51) Advice to Business Book Authors (41:20)
Chinese Multinationals’ Roles in the Worldwide ESG Revolution | A Conversation with Professor Lourdes Casanova
Chinese Multinationals’ Roles in the Worldwide ESG Revolution | A Conversation with Professor Lourdes Casanova
In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Professor Lourdes Casanova, the senior lecturer of management and director of Emerging Markets Institute at Cornell University. She has been devoting her research in emerging markets multinational companies for many years with numerous publications and books regarding multinational companies. Introduction and Overview - Lourdes focuses her research on emerging multinationals (2:10) Emerging Multinationals vs Multinational Companies from Advanced Countries - Emerging Multinationals • Younger companies (5:16) • Companies born in an unstable and volatile environment (5:28) • Go global to avoid intrinsic risk of home environment (5:54) - Chinese Multinationals (6:11) • More stable environment (6:17) • Support of the government (6:24) • Large internal market to build support for company (6:31) Role of Government in Chinese State-Owned Enterprises (SOE’s) (7:45) - Importance of innovation (8:36) - Benefit from: • Growth of their own economy (11:18) • Size of their domestic economy (12:02) • Support of the government (12:06) • Early adopters of technology (12:23) - Covid-19 crisis vs. 2008 financial crisis impacts to Chinese Companie (13:47) • Overseas mergers and acquisitions • Growth in other emerging markets (16:05) • Growth in technology and learning (16:44) Regional Trade Agreements and Initiatives - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) (17:40) - Belt and Road Initiative (19:27) - Other China and emerging market collaborations (20:17) Future of Belt and Road Initiative (22:13) Role of Chinese Companies in the Worldwide ESG Revolution - More countries and citizens are asking companies to be part of the solution - Corporate social credit ratings (26:29) - Increased transparency and higher standards (27:21) Governance Models and ESG standards for Emerging Markets Countries (28:19) Guest Contact Information Professor Lourdes Casanova Email: Twitter: LinkedIn: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube:
Governance’s 21-Years Journey | A Conversation with Lesley Stephenson
Governance’s 21-Years Journey | A Conversation with Lesley Stephenson
In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Lesley Stephenson, Publisher and Owner of Governance Magazine. They discuss the 21 year journey of this global publication. Introduction and Overview: - Worked on publishing the first corporate governance code – Cadbury Report on the Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance (2:15) - Published Greenbury Report on director remuneration and the Hampel Report which reviewed the original Cadbury Code (2:31) - Publisher of Financial Times Board Director Programme – provides training, development and networking for board directors in their role as director (3:22) Governance Magazine: - Governance magazine has actually been going since November 1997 – 23 years (4:32) - Covers any issue of relevance to boards and investors (5:04) - Occasionally looks at important developments outside the corporate sector but mainly corporate (5:42) - Readership (6:24) • Chairs/CEOs/CO Secs in large listed companies worldwide• Institutional investors• Advisors• Business schools• Governance professionals - Main readership is in the UK (50%) and the USA (10%). The audience is truly global, with subscribers in 40 different countries (6:38) Corporate Governance Over 20 Years Ago: - Generally boards more resistant, not so well accepted (8:04) - Heavy emphasis on running companies for benefit of shareholders – this has broadened out to include all stakeholders (9:26) - No concept of Board Diversity at all (10:13) Top Moment: - Publishing an article by Alexei Navalny (11:21) Top Challenges: - Time management between the Financial Times Board Director Programme and Governance Magazine (11:49) - Small team working behind the scenes on Governance Magazine (12:04) - Good content has not been a challenge (12:30) Top Changes in Past 21 Years: - General acceptance of Governance and business as a force for good (13:41) - Increase in investor stewardship (14:31) - Board diversity and inclusion (14:53) - Drivers of change: (16:43) • Scandals• Losing money• Internet• Social media Trend of Corporate Governance Development in the Next 5 to 10 Years: - ESG is here to stay. Climate change needs to be dealt with (19:05) - Extension of a wider sense of stakeholder engagement (19:22) - Culture comes from the top (19:43) - Changes to digital technology, AI and the way we do things (20:02) - Boards and directors need to be adaptable and open to change (20:28) Importance of Ongoing Corporate Governance Training: - Individual directors have the responsibility to make sure they are up to date and that their skills are appropriate (21:31) - Other professions expect specific training and CPD (Continuing Professional Development) (23:10) - Governance Magazine helps board directors by keeping them up to date across a range of topics (23:39)
《巨浪 – 中国公司治理和ESG改革》新书推荐 |Lyndsey Zhang 向您推荐她的新书《巨浪》和《公司治理那些事儿》专题讨论平台
《巨浪 – 中国公司治理和ESG改革》新书推荐 |Lyndsey Zhang 向您推荐她的新书《巨浪》和《公司治理那些事儿》专题讨论平台
#19 《巨浪 – 中国公司治理和ESG改革》新书推荐 |Lyndsey Zhang 向您推荐她的新书《巨浪》和《公司治理那些事儿》专题讨论平台 从5月3日起,电子版《巨浪》享受新书购买40% 优惠!点击购买《巨浪》: •《公司治理那些事儿》专题平台讨论介绍(0:36) • 两个专题节目:(1)全球公司治理专题探讨; (2)ESG改革进行中 • 平台创办的原因 • 平台创建以来的成果 •《巨浪》书名的由来(5:00) • 我相信中国的持续增长是一个不可阻挡的巨浪 • 中国模式持续向世界推进是一个不可阻挡的巨浪 • 中国对全球经济影响力的增长是不可阻挡的巨浪 •《巨浪》封面设计的含义(9:21) • 为什么选择龙?大家都知道封面上的龙是代表中国,但更重要的是,龙在中国文化中代表着权利。 • 为什么选择竹林?绿色是环境保护的最好象征,而竹子在我们中国文化里,代表势不可挡的向上的生长能力,竹林在这里暗喻了中国经济今天发展的势头。 • 墨绿色朦胧的背景的含义:中国经济的快速发展,在很多西方国家看来是神秘的,不可捉摸的,看不透的。 • 为什么需要向西方国家推广中国的公司治理模式?(12:45) • 来自先进市场国家和新兴市场国家的中国公司与组织之间的合作不断发展 • 中国公司的崛起,成为全球行业领袖 • 中国公司治理的创新和挑战 • 西方国家如何看待中国公司治理的创新和风险 • 西方国家投资者对中国公司治理 • 《巨浪》如何帮助我们了解中国的公司治理?(18:00) • Lyndsey 在中美生活经历和中美跨国公司工作背景 • 中国的经济改革战略 “摸着石头过河”对西方投资者和高管学习中国公司治理的挑战 • 案列分析法讲解中国经济改革,中国文化对公司治理的影响 • 中国国有企业改革和股份改革的过程 • 接下来会怎样(24:00) • ESG改革对中国的影响 • 读者可以从《巨浪》学到什么 •《巨浪》可以帮中国公司做什么? 从5月3日起,电子版《巨浪》享受新书购买40% 优惠!点击购买《巨浪》:
The Surge by Lyndsey Zhang | An Overview of China's Rapidly Evolving Corporate Governance and Coming ESG Revolution - English Version
The Surge by Lyndsey Zhang | An Overview of China's Rapidly Evolving Corporate Governance and Coming ESG Revolution - English Version
In this episode, Lyndsey Zhang, shares with us her newly released book, The Surge – An Overview of China’s Rapidly Evolving Corporate Governance and Coming ESG Revolution! Starting May 3rd, 2021, you can receive a 40% discount on the purchase of the Kindle version of the book on Amazon for a limited time. Episode Highlights (with timestamps) • Inspiration behind the writing of “The Surge” (2:14) - Education background and experience working in both US and Chinese companies •Titling the book "The Surge" (5:10) •Who will be interested in this book (9:25) - Global investors who are investing in China companies and interested in learning how to evaluate China companies’ CG risks (11:07) - Corporate chairpersons, board directors and executives from multinational companies with connections in China (11:30) - CG, ESG, law, mergers & acquisitions (M&A), management & strategy experts from international consulting firms (12:13) - Business school professors and Master-level students in business, law, accounting, auditing, corporate secretary or similar programs (12:48) - And anyone who’s interested in understanding Chinese companies CG models and China’s rapidly evolving ESG movement (13:23) • Importance of understanding China’s corporate governance (14:00) - Rapid evolution of Chinese companies - Industry leaders (15:26) - Regulation system (17:12) - Investing (19:13) • How “The Surge” helps us understand China’s corporate governance (20:20) - Unique approach of China’s economic reform - Using case studies to understand the history and development of China’s corporate governance (22:27) - Covid-19 crisis’ effect and new ways of thinking (23:06) • ESG evolution in China (23:59) - Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) - Corporate Social Credit System (CSCS) (25:42) • China’s corporate governance development and ESG next steps (27:48) Order your copy of “The Surge” here:
What Could Make Impact Investment More Effective? | A Conversation with Dr. Kwan Kew Lai from Harvard Medical School
What Could Make Impact Investment More Effective? | A Conversation with Dr. Kwan Kew Lai from Harvard Medical School
In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Dr. Kwan Kew Lai, a Harvard Medical faculty physician, with a specialty in infectious diseases. She is a disaster relief medical volunteer who has volunteered her medical services all over the world. The conversation of this episode focuses on the insights Dr. Lai will give us detailing the impact investment projects in Africa from a doctor’s experience. Introduction and Overview: - Dr. Lai’s “why” behind the volunteer work she does and why she chose Africa to concentrate her volunteer efforts (6:12) - What Dr. Lai first thoughts were when she first visited Africa and saw first hand the hardships that her patients were facing (11:52) - What encouraged Dr. Lai to risk her own safety to help others (15:39) - What are the top challenges for volunteer doctors working in these countries: (20:31) - Infrastructure (20:48) - Lack of healthcare personnel (21:39) Malawi: - Dr. Lai’s mission in Malawi. Her experience with being selected for the program (23:09) - Obstacles for her Malawi mission: - Infrastructure concerns (27:25) - Privacy concerns (30:13) - Involvement of NGO’s and the local government (31:46) - How the turnover of medical staff affects the program (33:07) - Measurements involved in the Malawi program (35:00) Future: - Future of the Malawi region healthcare system (41:19) - Lack of commitment by the government to support the program (41:37) - What incentives could be offered to reduce the turnover of medical staff (43:59) - Challenges to overcome to make future programs successful (44:45) - Reducing turnover of staff and retaining new talent (44:45) - How changes in the year end evaluation could improve the program (45:31) Guest Contact Information: Dr. Kwan Kew Lai New book: "Into Africa Out of Academia: A Doctor's Memoir" Book debut: "Lest We Forget: A Doctor's Experience with Life and Death During the Ebola Outbreak" [email protected]
Board Leadership - The Emerging Challenges for Corporate Boards and Board Chairs | A conversation with Professor Andrew Kakabadse
Board Leadership - The Emerging Challenges for Corporate Boards and Board Chairs | A conversation with Professor Andrew Kakabadse
In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Professor Andrew Kakabadse, Professor of Governance and Strategic Leadership at Henley Business School in the UK, Emeritus Professor of International Management Development at Cranfield University’s School of Management. Their conversation of this episode covers various hot topics regarding the Emerging Challenges for Corporate Boards and Board Chairs. Conversation Highlights (with timestamps) Different interest groups represented by board members o Board is not a team, and should not work like a team (5:40) o Definition of Independence (6:00) o Various combination of interests in boardroom and the demand of un-comfortable decision-making capability of boards (7:10) o Why really matters? (8:40) Mis-alignments in boardroom o We need to respect mis-alignments. (9:20) o Top mis-alignments Competitive advantage and differentiation (10:10) The sense of sensitive issues and speaking up (12:20) o Board Chair’s role in facilitate board culture (14:00) How does the Chairman facilitate in the boardroom? o Lack of knowledge vs. lack of culture (15:30) o What is governance? (16:00) o The balance of Compliance vs. Stewardship (16:40) o Time to rethink the function of board (18:30) Line between board stewardship and management o Sharp lines between Board Chair and CEO (21:00) o Case study – best practice of collaboration between Board Chair and CEO (22:30) o There’s never a clean line – it’s the collaboration between Chair and CEO (24:00) How to recognize early risk sign identification? o Good board can sense uncomfortable situation 65 months ahead of time (26:00) o History of the origin of Board and Chair (28:00) o 30-year performance related Hero CEO period (30:00) o Back to the original role of board chair (31:00) New challenges for board Chair in the post COVID-19 Era o Technology and efficiency challenges (32:30) o Culture urgency accelerated by COVID-19 (34:30) o Remuneration and nomination issues in Corporate board (36:20) o Board chair can facilitate to address corporate culture and motivation to increase organization efficiency (38:00) What characteristics made good Board Chair? o How Chair and CEO develop themselves? (39:30) o One item missing on the risk register (40:30) o Core skills for Board Chair - Forensic capacity of scrutiny (41:08) Andrew’s most recent book: Leadership Intelligence: 5Qs For Thriving as A Leader o 5Qs For Thriving as A Leader (42:00) o The most important Q our of 5Qs - IQ in Action (43:10) o Important of RQ (Resilience Intelligence) (44:00) o Disappointment from the research is MQ (Moral Intelligence) (45:30) o IQ, PQ, RQ emerged (46:10) Closing remark – The ability to self-assessment of leadership value contribution: o Re-evaluation value contribution periodically (48:00) o The same value assessment applies to the entire board and management team (48:40) o The demand to address value contributions questions due to demand from shareholders and community (50:00) Guest Contact Information Professor Andrew Kakabadse [email protected] Website : Publications :
New Governance Model of Family-Owned Business in Netherland | A Conversation with Fedor Heijl
New Governance Model of Family-Owned Business in Netherland | A Conversation with Fedor Heijl
In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Fedor Heijl, Chair of Vistage in Netherland. Board Chair of TechnoParts B.V.. and a family business trusted advisor. This is the second part of Lyndsey and Fedor’s conversation. Topics of this episode are focused on the new governance model of family-owned business. Conversation with Fedor Heijl Highlights Vistage and Fedor’s role as Vistage Chairo Passion of coaching and mentoring next generation (2:00) o Value creation environment (6:00) How does the Vistage advisory group operate and help members?o Diversity of the advisory group (7:00) o Case study (7:40) Fedor’s passion of helping others?o Passion of helping others (9:00) Vistage Netherlando Netherland culture plays in business (10:00) o Stakeholder consideration in Netherland companies (11:00) o Think global, act local! (18:00) Family business mindset (12:30) Three takeaway advice for family Business mindset (13:30) Guest Contact Information Contact info: Fedor Heijl MSc. [email protected] +31 6 55 13 80 79 Websites:
Company Culture Drives Success of Family-Owned Business in Netherland | A Conversation with Fedor Heijl
Company Culture Drives Success of Family-Owned Business in Netherland | A Conversation with Fedor Heijl
In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Fedor Heijl, Chair of Vistage in Netherland. Board Chair of TechnoParts B.V.. and a family business trusted advisor. Their conversation of this episode is regarding the company culture of family-owned business. Conversation with Fedor Heijl Highlights The beauty of Netherland and Netherland cultureo Netherland with diverse culture (4:00) o World-class R&D center (5:30) Key reasons of Netherland family-owned company’s successo Family controlled public listed companies (7:30) o Small family-owned business focus on long-term value (8:00) o Simply organization structure make decision making process efficient (8:40) Fedor’s family-owned business structure?o Brief intro (10:00) o Governing and managing structure (11:00) o Treat employees as partners (12:30) Top challenges growing family businesso Long-term growth with employees and customers in mind (13:15) o Biggest challenge is the lifecycle of the business (14:30) o Opportunity for the business (15:00) o Pros and Cons for next steps of the business (16:00) o Think global, act local! (18:00) Guest Contact Information Contact info: Fedor Heijl MSc. [email protected] +31 6 55 13 80 79 Websites:
ESG Reporting and Compliance Overview | A Conversation with Marie-Josée (MJ) Privyk
ESG Reporting and Compliance Overview | A Conversation with Marie-Josée (MJ) Privyk
In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Marie-Josée Privyk, Head of ESG Innovation and Customer Success at Novisto Inc.. Marie-Josee is an extensive ESG Advisor to companies and investors with nearly 30 years of experience in capital markets. Their conversation of this episode focuses on various topics on today’s ESG reporting and compliance standards, challenges for companies, and directions for future regulatory development and ESG reporting trends. Conversation Highlights Overall landscape of sustainable reporting today Fast growing and increasingly changing ESG reporting and compliance (6:00) Difference between Sustainable Reporting and ESG Reporting (9:40) The top challenges for corporates for sustainability reporting Challenges on “What” (11:20) Challenges on “How” (13:20) Challenges on “Improvement” (14:20) Reporting Frameworks and Standards Two Main Standards (GRI and SASB) and their different focus (15:15) Frameworks - TCFD, a high level framework could apply to any sustainability (17:10) Frameworks - Integrated reporting framework – requires integrated thinking (18:00) ESG reporting standards for corporate and for investors Parallel reporting standard but related (19:30) PRI Signatories for investors – more pressure on investor increase pressure to companies (20:20) Why should companies improve ESG performance and reporting? Operating, risk mitigation, Lower cost of capital, enterprise value creation (23:00) ESG reporting pressure to private-owned or family-owned companies (25:00) Pressure from other stakeholders for companies’ ESG performance (26:20) The direction of companies’ sustainable (ESG) reporting journey Fast-pace evolving, increasing clarity, increasing regulation (29:20) Company’s understanding about “Why” helps adopting the process (30:30) Requirement of collective efforts (31:30) Regulatory development trend for different stage of companies Regulation difference is not necessary (33:00) Industry differentiation has two sides thoughts at the moment – a hybrid model might work better (34:30) Best approach to build sustainable strategy Board and C-Suite role to understand ESG and its relationship to the company (36:30) Max ESG rating vs. underlying research information (38:30) Doing it for real! Future forward looking – Digital revolution efficient ESG data collection and analysis (40:30) Guest Contact Information Marie-Josée Privyk
Stewardship and ESG Reporting Development in Major Asian Financial Hubs | A Conversation with Agnes K Y Tai
Stewardship and ESG Reporting Development in Major Asian Financial Hubs | A Conversation with Agnes K Y Tai
In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Agnes Tai, Senior Partner of Yaozhi Asset Management International and an ESG thought leader. And Agnes has been a sustainable investor for many years. The conversation of this episode focuses on stewardship and ESG reporting challenges and development in major Asian finance hubs. Conversation Highlights Stewardship in Asia Actively Proxy voting is just started in Asian companies, especially for E and S factors (4:00) Stewardship in Asia is just become active and rewarding (5:40) ESG reporting challenges for Asian companies Corporate progress on sustainable reporting (7:20) Three Challenges in ESG reporting – lack of standard, confusing of various international standard, standard for data comparation, green washing, PR exercise, etc. (9:40) ESG Service providers in Hong Kong are not standardized (12:30) What activities can be most supportive for ESG reporting improvement in Asian market Various reporting standard on market today (14:40) TCFD reporting is the focus of Asia market at the moment leading by Japan (JPIF) (15:20) ESG education and incentives programs in Hong Kong (17:40) What are the biggest differences in HKEX 2020 new regime vs. previous ESG guidance Climate-related disclosure only (19:00) Transition risks, regulation risk and consumer behavior changes affect long-term reliability of business (22:30) New IPO are required to have “ESG ready” (23:00) Guest Contact Information Agnes K Y Tai
Driving ESG Movements in Major Asian Financial Hubs | A Conversation with Agnes K Y Tai
Driving ESG Movements in Major Asian Financial Hubs | A Conversation with Agnes K Y Tai
In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Agnes Tai, Senior Partner of Yaozhi Asset Management International and an ESG thought leader. And Agnes has been a sustainable investor for many years. Conversation of this episode is focusing on how government, local organizations and investors drive ESG movement in major Asian finance hubs. Conversation Highlights How Agnes started Sustainable Investment and latest career with Yaozhi Asset Management (1:30) Different terms – responsible investing, sustainable investing, impact investing, ESG (3:30) PRI signatories rapid increasing in Asian countries Growing Number of PRI signatories in different Asian countries (3:30) Sustainable investing growing trend (9:45) How Asian countries governments drive ESG PRI signatories? Major Asian countries’ ESG engagement status (12:10) Transparency and disclosure are the key for effective ESG enforcement (14:20) Asian countries are racing for leading roles in ESG and sustainable reporting (16:00) How Asian asset management firms influence ESG performance? (17:35) Long-term value creating for portfolio companies (18:10) Japan Case study (JPIF) started sustainable pension fund in 2016 How Asian investors weight financial return vs. ESG performance? (25:30) MSCI China ESG Index show good ESG performance leads to high financial return (26:10) HK Fund manager code of conduct regulation in the next 12 months (28:00) MSCI new reports focus on E and S factors (29:00) Guest Contact Information Agnes K Y Tai
Does Impact Investment Work?
Does Impact Investment Work?
In this episode, Lyndsey moderates a debate between Patrick Dunne and Clint Bartlett. Patrick and Clint share their opinions regarding the effectiveness of Impact Investment in Africa and other related topics from their different roles in the impact investment ecosystem. Conversation Highlights (with timestamps) What is impact investment? (2:10) What kind of structure is most effective for impact investing? (10:00) Challenges finding good impact investing project in Africa (22:20) When an impact project (education) does not work, where does the education project go, how to be sustainable? (31:00) Top reasons for impact investment failure? (38:00) How to bridge social impact and commercial impact (50:00) Bad experience shared by Patrick (61:00) Will recently issued UK stewardship code and stewardship code in South Africa help making impact investing more efficient? (65:00) Guest Contact Information Patrick Dunne Linkedin: Twitter: Email: Websites: (Leap) (Warwick in Africa) Clint Bartlett Email: Linkedin: Publication:
Material Engagement – The Missing Link | A conversation with Nawar Alsaadi
Material Engagement – The Missing Link | A conversation with Nawar Alsaadi
In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Nawar Alsaadi, Acting-Chief Strategy & ESG Officer at Mark Labs. Nawar is a sustainable investment professional and experienced activist investor.
What is institutional investor’s view about Ant Group IPO incident and China regulation reform?
What is institutional investor’s view about Ant Group IPO incident and China regulation reform?
In this episode, Lyndsey and Vivian Lin continue the conversation by Vivian sharing her commendation regarding China investment opportunities by industry sectors and geographic location.
What is institutional investor’s view about China Corporate Governance risks and State-Owned Entities (SOEs)?
What is institutional investor’s view about China Corporate Governance risks and State-Owned Entities (SOEs)?
In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Vivian Lin, partner and portfolio manager for William Blair’s China A- Shares Growth strategy and a global research analyst covering Chinese equities.
What investors need to know about stewardship in South Africa?
What investors need to know about stewardship in South Africa?
In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Clint Bartlett, professional impact investment consultant and strategy advisor from South Africa. Clint has worked across Sub-Saharan Africa, the US, the UK and Europe on projects related to impact strategy and sustainable finance.
What we can learn about economic equality from South Africa?
What we can learn about economic equality from South Africa?
In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Clint Bartlett, professional impact investment consultant and strategy advisor from South Africa. Clint has worked across Sub-Saharan Africa, the US, the UK and Europe on projects related to impact strategy and sustainable finance.
What international skills make future business leaders at board level?
What international skills make future business leaders at board level?
In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Christine Raynaud, a board member of the European Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong. She is passionate about transforming people's lives with better jobs, training and education, and has been mentoring and advising various HRTech and Education ventures in Asia.
New World, New Board
New World, New Board
In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Diana Wu David, the author of Future Proof: Reinventing Work in the Age of Acceleration and is an adjunct professor of leadership at Columbia Business School's EMBA Global Asia.
Indian Corporate Governance Development and The Impact from Local Tax Regulation Reform
Indian Corporate Governance Development and The Impact from Local Tax Regulation Reform
In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Mr. Mukesh Butani and Ms. Madhura Bhat from in India. BMR Legal is a leading boutique/attorney firm specializing in corporate international tax and transfer pricing and also advising on Indian Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) policies. Mr. Butani is the Founder and Managing Director of BMR Legal with significant experience in advising Fortune 500 multinationals and large Indian business houses on a wide range of matters relating to FDI policy, business re-organizations, corporate international taxation, cross-border tax structuring, tax controversy and regulatory policy across a range of sectors. Mukesh has several authorships to his credit, including works published by Lexis Nexis Butterworths and a treatise on Transfer Pricing Dispute Resolution for the Cambridge University Press; and has co-authored for the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD). Ms. Bhat is a Senior Associate at the firm. She has a strong background in corporate, commercial and insolvency law practice. Mukesh and Madhura practice law before the Indian Supreme Court, High Courts and Tribunals. The conversation starts with India’s significant improvement on World Banks’ “ease of doing business” list position from 2014 to 2019. Mukesh explains that Indian corporate governance framework is defined by its regulation system, and the two most important regulation reform in recent years: Companies Act 2013 and Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) new regulations. Mr. Butani reviews recent years Indian corporate governance (CG) development focus on roles of auditors, accounting and audit standards, independence of board director, function of audit committee and other committees, related party transaction, management outlook of disclosure, and the newly established National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA). Mr. Butani and Ms. Bhat navigate Indian culture influence to corporate governance social responsibility and gender diversity, and the contribution of traditional Indian family value to business success. Mr. Butani points out that India is the first country in the world requires companies to set-aside certain percentage of net profit for social responsibility purpose. Mr. Butani explains Companies Act 2013’s emphasis on related party transaction, arms’ length standard, transfer pricing policy and Whistleblowing policy, and different levels of supervision mechanism on these issues. Mr. Butani and Ms. Bhat emphasize Indian legal enforcement mechanism, NFRA and SEBI’s roles on regulation enforcement, management and board roles on regulation implement regulations, and Indian authorities’ emphasis on responsibilities of board, management, audit committee, and Indian authorities’ intension to establish an transparent investment environment for foreign investors, using a brief case study of how Indian authority handles two large non-banking entities’ collapse in 2018. Together, they review 2017 goods and service tax (GST) reform, one of the biggest indirect taxation reform in modern Indian history, the journey of the reform, the dispute mechanism. Mr. Butani shares his opinion regarding the achievement and challenges of GST reform, and his prospects of the reform in next 3-4 years. At the end, Mr. Butani advices on business opportunities in Indian market: purchasing power potentials with youth population (65% of population under age of 30), under-developed physical and social infrastructure sectors, and technology advancement in the past two and half decades. Conversation Highlights (with timestamps) - Overview of recent years Indian regulation reforms and corporate governance development focus (4:06) - Indian culture influence to corporate governance social responsibility and diversity (14:15) - Companies Act 2013 reform focus on related party transaction and audit independence (13:40) - Whistleblowing policy and how it helps on related party transaction policy enforcement (18:20) - Indian legal enforcement mechanism enhancement for related party transactions (21:56) - SEBI’s mandated requirements regarding related party transaction information disclosure (25:08) - Two non-banking entity fraud cases and how Indian government handled the case (26:16) - 2017 goods and service tax (GST) reform and how the reform can simplify and unify tax system (30:58) - Two important upcoming changes and challenges to overcome for an integrated India GST system (38:00) - Potentials and opportunities in Indian market (41:57) Guest Contact Information Mukesh Butani Email: Direct Tel: +91 11 66783011 Linkedin: Madhura Bhat Email: Direct Tel: +91 11 66783015 Linkedin: Websites:
Evolution of Governance In The UK Public, Private Equity and Startup Markets with Patrick Dunne
Evolution of Governance In The UK Public, Private Equity and Startup Markets with Patrick Dunne
In this episode, Lyndsey discusses with experienced Chair Patrick Dunne. Patrick is the Chair of Ernest Young EY Foundation, Chair of ESSA (Education Sub Saharan Africa), Chair of Boardelta, author of award winning “Boards” book.
Welcome to “Corporate Governance Around The World” podcast!
Welcome to “Corporate Governance Around The World” podcast!
This is the introductory episode of “Corporate Governance Around The World”, Boardroom&Beyond’s first series.