PODCAST: World Cup 2020
PODCAST: World Cup 2020
In this episode, Capt. Darrin Isaacs talks to Capt. Marty Bates about his recent victory in the 2020 World Cup. The World Cup is a worldwide, winner-take-all shootout held annually on July 4th. Co-founded, back in the day, by Dallas Cowboys GM (1959 - 1989) Tex Schramm and Norman Wood, a Key West businessman. Teams fish their own time zone with lines in at 8:30am , lines out at 4:30pm. This is a a blue marlin tournament. Fish must be over 500lbs to qualify. Common areas that produce winning fish are Kona, Hawaii; Maderia; Bermuda; Gulf of Mexico and Cape Verde. Capt. Marty Bates won the 2020 on the “La Onda Mila” fishing in the Cape Verde Islands.