Bodybuilding Legends Show
This website is devoted to the Legends of Bodybuilding from the 1960’s to the 1990’s. Featuring extensive interviews with the Bodybuilding Stars from the Golden Age of the sport, the Bodybuilding Legends Show reveals the history of the sport of Bodybuilding through the careers of it’s most legendary stars. Learn about the competitions, the emotions and the motivations of the best bodybuilders in the world. Each interview is full of video clips and photographs from the legendary competitions as well as colorful recollections of the Bodybuilding Era during it’s classic years. Enjoy the best years of Bodybuilding on the Bodybuilding Legends Show website!
Kevin Levrone and Shawn Ray review the 1994 Mr. Olympia
Kevin Levrone and Shawn Ray review the 1994 Mr. Olympia
Bodybuilding legends Kevin Levrone and Shawn Ray are the guests on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to review the 1994 Mr. Olympia contest. Shawn was in second place at the Mr. Olympia in 1994 while Kevin took third place that year. Both Kevin and Shawn talk about their condition at the contest, the controversial win by Dorian Yates who was competing with a torn bicep and how the contest was judged in the individual rounds. Kevin and Shawn also talk about the direction the sport of bodybuilding took in the 1990's when size was the major factor in winning the Mr. Olympia. At the end of the interview, host John Hansen reads the article "Shadow of a Doubt" written by Peter McGough for the January, 1995 issue of Flex Magazine. Time Stamps: 2:36 - Preview of the 2025 Arnold Classic 4:30 - Start of interview with Kevin Levrone and Shawn Ray 6:45 - Kevin talks about his Mr. Olympia prep for 1994 8:45 - Shawn talks about his prep for the 1994 Olympia 14:00 - Dorian's torn bicep in 1994 24:40 - "Dorian was the enemy" 27:00 - The Three Rounds of Prejudging 37:15 - How important is the Posing Round? 43:00 - Flex Wheeler's absence at the 1994 Olympia 45:00 - Kevin talks about his pec tear in 1993 50:45 - Was 1994 a pivotal year in Bodybuilding? 1:10:30 - John reads the article "A Shadow of a Doubt" written by Peter McGough for the January, 1995 issue of Flex Magazine. Links:
1994 In Review, Part Two with Jerry Brainum
1994 In Review, Part Two with Jerry Brainum
Jerry Brainum, former writer for Muscle & Fitness, Flex and IronMan Magazine, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to continue the end of the year reviews for the year 1994 in Bodybuilding. In Part Two of their interview, Jerry and host John Hansen talk about the professional bodybuilding contests from 1994 including the Arnold Classic, Night of the Champions, IronMan Pro Invitational, San Jose Pro, Chicago Pro and others. At the end of the interview, John reads two articles from 1994 including "Bodybuilding's Blow Out - 1994 Arnold Classic report" written by Julian Schmidt for the July, 1994 issue of Flex Magazine and "Night of Champions XVI" written by Johnny Fitness for the October, 1994 issue of Muscle Mag International. Time Stamps: 4:34 - Emails to the Podcast 7:30 - Start of interview with Jerry Brainum 7:50 - 1994 Pro IronMan Invitational review 15:40 - 1994 Arnold Classic 37:30 - San Jose Pro Invitational 39:00 - German and French Pro Invitational 47:55 - Niagara Falls Pro 56:30 - Chicago Pro Invitational 1:00:45 - Night of the Champions 1:10:30 - John reads the article "Bodybuilding's Blow Out" written by Julian Schmidt for the July, 1994 issue of Flex Magazine. 1:22:15 - John reads the article "Night of Champions XVI" written by Johnny Fitness for the October, 1994 issue of Muscle Mag International. Links:
1994 In Review, Part One with Jerry Brainum
1994 In Review, Part One with Jerry Brainum
Jerry Brainum, former writer for Muscle & Fitness, Flex and IronMan Magazine, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to continue their end of the year Reviews for the year 1994 in Bodybuilding. In Part One of their interview, Jerry and host John Hansen talk about the top amateur competitions from 1994 including the NPC USA which was won by Dennis Newman, the 1994 North American Championships won by Jeff Poulin and the 1994 NPC Nationals won by Paul DeMayo. At the end of the interview, John reads three articles from 1994 including the NPC USA contest report written by John Little from the December, 1994 issue of Flex Magazine, the 1994 NPC Nationals contest report written by Jason Mathus from the April, 1995 issue of Muscle Mag International magazine and an interview with Dennis Newman written by Don Ross for the March, 1995 issue of Muscular Development magazine. Time Stamps: 3:20 - Upcoming Arnold Classic 4:50 - Mom and Dad's 65th Anniversary 5:50 - Getting in shape for the New Year 7:15 - Start of interview with Jerry Brainum 8:20 - 1994 NPC USA 11:00 - Craig Titus losing it 19:00 - Phil Herndon 20:20 - Dennis Newman getting leukemia 31:15 - Other class winners at the 1994 USA 34:10 - 1994 North American Championships 38:00 - 1994 NPC Nationals 40:05 - Sad ending for Paul DeMayo 43:00 - Top 3 at the NPC Nationals 45:45 - Rory Leidelmeyer bombs at the Nationals 49:35 - Other class winners at the 1994 NPC Nationals 53:13 - John reads the 1994 NPC USA contest report written by John Little for the December, 1994 issue of Flex Magazine. 1:04:27 - John reads the 1994 NPC Nationals contest report written by Jason Mathus for the April, 1995 issue of Muscle Mag International magazine. 1:31:03 - John reads an interview with Dennis Newman written by Don Ross for the March, 1995 issue of Muscular Development magazine. Links:
1984 In Review, Part Three with Jerry Brainum
1984 In Review, Part Three with Jerry Brainum
Jerry Brainum, former writer for Muscle & Fitness and IronMan Magazine, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to continue the Review of the year 1984 in Bodybuilding. In Part Three of his interview, Jerry and host John Hansen talk about the 1984 Mr. Olympia contest in which Lee Haney won his first Mr. Olympia title and Sergio Oliva made a comeback to the IFBB after 12 years. John and Jerry also talk about the 1984 Pro World and the World Grand Prix championships, both won by Albert Beckles. Time Stamps: 5:00 - Pro Physique Transformation Challenge 6:30 - Patreon Members Newsletter 7:50 - Start of interview with Jerry Brainum 8:15 - 1984 Mr. Olympia review 8:45 - The return of Sergio Oliva 20:28 - Old School vs New School 22:05 - Lee Haney, Mr. Olympia 28:50 - Mohamed Makkaway 30:00 - Jusup Wilkosz 32:18 - Albert Beckles 40:00 - Roy Callender 40:55 - Samir Bannout 46:10 - Bob Paris 47:33 - Sergio Oliva 53:33 - Tom Platz 56:15 - Bob Birdsong 58:35 - Chris Dickerson 1:00:30 - Tony Pearson 1:04:12 - Boyer Coe 1:07:00 - No Night of the Champions in 1984 1:07:30 - 1984 Pro World Championships 1:13:10 - 1984 World Grand Prix Links:
1984 In Review, Part Two with Jerry Brainum
1984 In Review, Part Two with Jerry Brainum
Jerry Brainum, former writer for Muscle & Fitness, Flex and IronMan Magazine, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for the annual Year in Review show. On this episode, Jerry and host John Hansen talk about the year 1984 in Bodybuilding. In Part Two of their interview, Jerry and John discuss the 1984 NPC Nationals won by Mike Christian and the 1984 IFBB Mr. Universe which was held in Las Vegas. At the end of the podcast, John reads two articles about Rich Gaspari and Mike Christian, respectively. Time Stamps: 4:15 - Emails to the Podcast 8:40 - Happy Birthday! 11:00 - Start of interview with Jerry Brainum 11:39 - 1984 NPC Nationals Lightweight Class 13:35 - 1984 NPC Nationals Middleweight Class 22:30 - 1984 NPC Nationals Light Heavyweight Class 27:08 - 1984 NPC Nationals Heavyweight Class 37:30 - 1984 IFBB Mr. Universe Lightweight Class 38:22 - 1984 IFBB Mr. Universe Middleweight Class 39:52 - 1984 IFBB Mr. Universe Light Heavyweight Class 41:54 - 1984 IFBB Mr. Universe Heavyweight Class 51:10 - John reads the article "Arms and the Man" written by Bill Reynolds from the April, 1985 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine. 1:01:15 - John reads the article "Mike Christian Going for the Knockout" written by Armand Tanny from the May, 1985 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine. Links:
1984 In Review, Part One with Jerry Brainum
1984 In Review, Part One with Jerry Brainum
Jerry Brainum, former writer for Muscle & Fitness, Flex and IronMan Magazine, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for the annual Year in Review show. On this episode, Jerry and host John Hansen talk about the year 1984 in Bodybuilding. In Part One of their interview, Jerry and John talk about the 1984 AAU Mr. America contest won by Joe Meeko and the 1984 NABBA Mr. Universe contest won by Brian Buchanan. At the end of the podcast, John reads an article about the 1984 AAU Mr. America written by Al Antuck from the March, 1985 issue of IronMan Magazine. Time Stamps: 3:15 - Bodybuilding Seminar in Massachusetts 4:07 - 1980 Mr. Olympia Judges 6:50 - Beginning of interview with Jerry Brainum 9:07 - Shawn Perrine 13:20 - 1984 Mr. America Short Class 25:15 - 1984 Mr. America Medium Class 32:30 - 1984 Mr. America Medium Tall Class 37:05 - 1984 Mr. America Tall Class 42:00 - 1984 NABBA Mr. Universe 42:30 - Tim Belknap 46:36 - Joe Meeko vs. Mike Quinn 48:10 - Brian Buchanan 52:00 - Pro NABBA Mr. Universe 57:20 - John Hansen reads the 1984 Mr. America contest report written by Al Antuck from the March, 1985 issue of IronMan Magazine. Links:
1974 Year In Review, Part Two with Jerry Brainum
1974 Year In Review, Part Two with Jerry Brainum
Jerry Brainum, former writer for Muscle & Fitness and IronMan Magazine, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for the annual Year in Review show. On this episode, Jerry and host John Hansen talk about the year 1974 in Bodybuilding. In Part Two of their interview, Jerry and John discuss the 1974 Mr. Olympia contest in which Arnold Schwarzenegger won his fifth Mr. Olympia title over Lou Ferrigno, Franco Columbu and Frank Zane. They also talk about the 1974 IFBB Mr. America won by Bob Birdsong and the 1974 IFBB Mr. World won by Bill Grant. Finally, Jerry and John talk about the 1974 IFBB Mr. International won by Lou Ferrigno and promoted by Arnold and Franco. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads two articles including the 1974 Mr. International contest report written by George Kaye for the January, 1975 issue of Muscle Builder magazine and the 1974 Mr. Olympia contest report also written by George Kaye for the March, 1975 issue of Muscle Builder magazine. Time Stamps: 2:35 - Seminar with Lee Haney and Lenda Murray this weekend 3:45 - Mike Mentzer book by John Little 6:00 - Emails to the Podcast 12:00 - Part Two of 1974 in Review with Jerry Brainum 13:15 - 1974 IFBB Mr. America 17:30 - 1974 IFBB Mr. World 21:41 - 1974 Mr. Olympia 39:30 - Is Bigger Better? 41:10 - 1974 IFBB Mr. International 58:24 - John reads the 1974 IFBB Mr. International contest report written by George Kaye from the January, 1975 issue of Muscle Builder magazine. 1:14:50 - John reads the 1974 IFBB Mr. Olympia/Mr. World/Mr. America contest report written by George Kaye from the March, 1975 issue of Muscle Builder magazine. Links:
1974 Year In Review, Part One with Jerry Brainum
1974 Year In Review, Part One with Jerry Brainum
Jerry Brainum, former writer for Muscle & Fitness magazine and IronMan Magazine, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Jerry joins host John Hansen to review the Year 1974 in Bodybuilding. In Part One of their discussion, Jerry and John talk about the 1974 AAU Mr. America contest won by Ron Thompson, the 1974 NABBA Mr. Universe contest which was won by Roy Duval (Amateur) and Chris Dickerson (Professional) and the 1974 IFBB Mr. Universe won by Lou Ferrigno for the second consecutive year. At the end of the interview, John Hansen reads the article "The Mr. America Struggle" written by Franklyn Page about 1974 AAU Mr. America winner Ron Thompson for the November, 1974 issue of IronMan Magazine. Time Stamps: 1:10 - Celebrating the Holidays 8:30 - Part One of 1974 Year in Review with Jerry Brainum 9:15 - Jerry's competitive career 11:00 - 1974 AAU Mr. America contest 25:43 - Current generation views of Chris Dickerson and Arnold 34:17 - 1974 NABBA Mr. Universe contest 44:07 - 1974 IFBB Mr. Universe contest 54:10 - John reads the article "The Mr. America Struggle" written by Franklyn Page from the November, 1974 issue of IronMan Magazine. Links:
1964 Year in Review with Jerry Brainum
1964 Year in Review with Jerry Brainum
Jerry Brainum, former writer for Muscle & Fitness magazine, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. On this episode, Jerry and John talk about the year 1964 in Bodybuilding for their annual End of the Year Review. Jerry and John review the major competitons of 1964 including the 1964 AAU Mr. America contest won by Val Vasilieff, the 1964 NABBA Mr Universe won by John Hewlett and Earl Maynard and the 1964 IFBB Mr. America and Mr. Universe won by Harold Poole and Larry Scott, respectively. Time Stamps: 2:24 - John's competition 6:54 - Emails to the Podcast 11:36 - 1964 Year in Review with Jerry Brainum 12:30 - 1964 AAU Mr. America 46:50 - 1964 NABBA Mr. Universe 59:00 - 1964 IFBB Mr. America and Mr. Universe Links:
Bodybuilding Articles - Muscle Training Illustrated
Bodybuilding Articles - Muscle Training Illustrated
On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads a series of articles from Dan Lurie's Muscle Training Illustrated magazine. Included in the articles read is an article about a young Lou Ferrigno, Lance Dreher after he won the 1981 IFBB Mr. Universe, an interview with Rachel McLish after she won her second Ms. Olympia title in 1982, a profile on Phil Williams after his dominating win at the 1985 NPC Nationals and a feature article on Phil Hill after he won his pro card at the 1987 NPC Nationals. Time Stamps: 3:30 - John's contest next week 5:30 - New Mike Mentzer book 7:50 - Emails to the Podcast 10:10 - John reads the article "Who Really Trained Lou Ferrigno or The Truth Hurts" written by Denie from the October, 1974 issue of Muscle Training Illustrated. 22:30 - John reads the article "The Thrill of Victory, the Agony of Defeat" written by Jim Marchand about 1981 Mr. Universe Lance Dreher from the June, 1982 issue of Muscle Training Illustrated. 31:30 - John reads the article "Inside Story: An Interview with Rachel McLish" by Doris Barrilleaux from the May, 1983 issue of Muscle Training Illustrated. 51:40 - John reads the article "Williams Turns Swede" written by Lou Parees from the August, 1986 issue of Muscle Training Illustrated. 1:05:45 - John reads the article "Phil Hill: Bodybuilding's Black Messiah" written by Denie from the May, 1988 issue of Muscle Training Illustrated. Links:
Mike Torchia
Mike Torchia
Mike Torchia, 1976 Teenage Mr. America and 1977 Collegiate Mr. America, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Mike talks about how he started bodybuilding as a teenager and transformed his body from a fat kid to a bodybuilding champion, eventually winning the Teenage Mr. America and the Collegiate Mr. America. Mike also shares his story of traveling to California as a young man to train with Arnold and Franco at Gold's gym, guest posing with Sergio Oliva and working out with Arthur Jones. At the end of the interview, host John Hansen reads the contest report of the 1976 AAU Teenage Mr. America from the MuscleMag Annual 77. Time Stamps: 2:30 - 1974 Mr. Olympia - 50 year anniversary 5:27 - Interview with Mike Torchia 6:05 - How Mike started bodybuilding 9:50 - Mike's first bodybuilding competition 12:30 - Training at Gold's Gym in the '70's 17:00 - Posing lessons from Ed Corney 21:00 - Hanging out with Arnold and Franco 25:44 - Training with Casey Viator and Arthur Jones 30:00 - No cardio with old school training 33:00 - Guest posing with Sergio Oliva 36:15 - Training with Arnold at Gold's Gym 38:35 - Working out with Serge Nubret 40:20 - Winning the 1976 Teenage Mr. America 43:35 - The trend towards size 44:40 - Training Hollywood Stars 52:40 - Mike's Podcast 54:35 - Mike's acting career 59:35 - AI Mike 1:07:30 - Mike Tyson - Jake Paul fight 1:12:10 - John reads the 1976 Teenage Mr. America contest report from MuscleMag Annual 77 Links:
Sean Paul Jenkins - Part Two
Sean Paul Jenkins - Part Two
Sean Paul Jenkins, 1985 NPC USA and IFBB World Games Middleweight winner, is the guest this week on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. In Part Two of his interview, Sean talks about the art of posing, returning to competition in 2010, competing in his first Mr. Olympia, competing in Mixed Pairs competitions and starting a career as a chiropractor. At the end of the Podcast, host John Hansen reads the article "Sean Jenkins: The Wild Child Speaks Out" written by Milika Popovich for the March, 1987 issue of Flex Magazine. Time Stamps - 2:50 - John competing again 3:45 - Chris Bumstead article 5:00 - Emails to the Podcast 9:00 - Sean Paul Jenkins interview, Part Two 9:30 - The Art of Posing 13:45 - Returning to competition in 2010 17:00 - The current gym culture 20:10 - Dealing with injuries 23:12 - Competing in his first Mr. Olympia 26:40 - Problems with peaking 28:00 - Competing in Mixed Pairs competitions 34:00 - IFBB Pro competitions 39:30 - Getting in shape once a year 41:10 - Sean as a Bodybuilding TV commentator 44:00 - Helping out other bodybuilders 48:47 - Becoming a chiropractor 1:01:24 - Host John Hansen reads the article "Sean Jenkins: The Wild Child Speaks Out" written by Milika Popovich for the March, 1987 issue of Flex Magazine. Links:
Sean Paul Jenkins - Part One
Sean Paul Jenkins - Part One
Sean Paul Jenkins, Middleweight Champion of the 1985 NPC USA and IFBB World Games, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. On Part One of his interview, Sean Paul talks about how he started bodybuilding after incurring an injury playing football and his early experiences competing in the sport. Sean also talks about competing in the 1985 NPC USA Championships and then traveling to London to compete and win his class at the 1985 IFBB World Games, earning his pro card. At the end of the interview, host John Hansen reads the article "Sean Paul Jenkins: A Bodybuilding Star is Born" written by Margaret Wallace from the February, 1986 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine. Time Stamps: 2:00 - Chris Bumstead competes in Open Bodybuilding 5:35 - Emails to the Podcast 6:55 - Videos on YouTube 8:50 - Sean Paul Jenkins interview, Part One 9:55 - When Sean started weight training 14:15 - Sean's first bodybuilding competitions 16:22 - Training with J.J. Marsh 19:19 - Great genetics 21:00 - 20 Rep Workout 23:00 - Competing natural 25:30 - Getting ready for the USA 31:30 - Sean's competition diet 35:50 - Sean's workout after retiring 39:00 - Life after competition 48:00 - 1985 NPC USA 49:00 - 1985 IFBB World Games 52:10 - Competing in Pro Mixed Pairs competitions 56:10 - Becoming a good poser 1:02:30 - John reads the article "Sean Paul Jenkins: A Bodybuilding Star is Born" written by Margaret Wallace from the February, 1986 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine. Links:
Bodybuilding Articles - Muscle & Fitness Magazine circa 1987
Bodybuilding Articles - Muscle & Fitness Magazine circa 1987
On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads four articles from Muscle & Fitness magazine circa 1987. Included in the articles read on this episode are "The First Great Strongman" about the life of Eugene Sandow written by David Chapman, "Eyewitness to History" about the 1987 Night of the Champions contest report written by Ben Pesta, "The Psychology of a Competitor" written by Mike Mentzer and "Haney by a Mile" about the 1987 Mr. Olympia contest report written by Jeff Everson. Time Stamps: 4:00 - Emails to the Podcast 9:00 - Happy Birthday Lee Haney 10:30 - John reads the article "The First Great Strongman" written by David Chapman from the September, 1987 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine. 27:20 - John reads the article about the 1987 Night of the Champions contest called "Eyewitness to History" written by Ben Pesta from the October, 1987 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine. 42:40 - John reads the article "The Psychology of a Competitor" written by Mike Mentzer from the November, 1987 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine. 55:20 - John reads the article about the 1987 Mr. Olympia report called "Haney by a Mile" written by Jeff Everson for the February, 1988 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine. Links:
2024 Mr. Olympia Review, Part Two with Jerry Brainum
2024 Mr. Olympia Review, Part Two with Jerry Brainum
On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, former Muscle and Fitness writer Jerry Brainum is the guest to talk about the 2024 Mr. Olympia contest. In Part Two of his interview, Jerry and host John Hansen talk about the top competitors in the contest. They also talk about the Classic Physique Olympia and the retirement of Chris Bumstead. At the end of the interview, John reads the 1985 Mr. Olympia contest report written by Bill Reynolds from the February, 1996 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine. Time Stamps: 2:15 - Chris Bumstead planning to compete in Open Men's Bodybuilding 4:20 - John's current diet to get ripped 10:09 - New videos up on YouTube 11:00 - Start of interview with Jerry Brainum, Part Two 11:05 - Andrew Jacked, 5th Place in the Mr. Olympia 19:45 - Hungry to win 23:42 - 2024 Classic Physique Olympia 27:00 - Chris Bumstead retires 33:30 - The popularity of the Classic Physique division 35:38 - Top competitors in Classic Physique 38:00 - Weight restrictions for Classic Physique 41:00 - Mandatory blood tests for Pro Bodybuilders 47:25 - Symmetry Round 51:00 - New divisions in Bodybuilding 1:02:50 - Prize money in the Mr. Olympia 1:15:42 - John Hansen reads the article "Haney: Two in a Row" written by Bill Reynolds for the February, 1996 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine. Links:
Mr. Olympia Review with Jerry Brainum, Part One
Mr. Olympia Review with Jerry Brainum, Part One
On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, former Muscle and Fitness writer Jerry Brainum, is the guest to talk about the recent 2024 Mr. Olympia contest. In Part One of the interview, Jerry and host John Hansen review the biggest competition of the year. They analyze all the top contestants and talk about their strengths and weaknesses and what they should do to improve for next year. Time Stamps: 1:53 - Chris Bumstead to compete in Open Bodybuilding 4:00 - Today's Pro Bodybuilders Guest Posing 8:50 - Start of Jerry Brainum Interview, Part One 11:00 - Perfect balance in the arms 13:10 - The 2024 Mr. Olympia review 14:30 - Samson Dauda, the new Mr. Olympia 19:00 - Bloated Bellies 21:28 - Older competitors 25:48 - Nick Walker dropping out of the Olympia 35:24 - The sad ending of Shawn Rhoden 40:37 - Hadi Choopan, 2nd Place 47:11 - Derek Lunsford, 3rd Place 52:46 - Improving as a Mr. Olympia winner 1:01:39 - Martin Fitzwater, 4th Place Links:
Victor Terra - Part Two
Victor Terra - Part Two
Victor Terra, 1983 AAU Teenage Mr. America and NPC Teenage USA, NABBA Amateur and Pro Mr. Universe and the Short Class winner of the 1985 AAU Mr. America, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. In Part Two of his interview, Victor talks about competing and winning the 1985 AAU Jr. Mr. America and Mr. America competitions and his experience competing at the NABBA Mr. Universe contest. Victor also discusses the details of his contest prep and what he is doing now after stepping away from the bodybuilding stage. Time Stamps: 2:00 - Mr. Olympia review 17:18 - Start of interview with Victor Terra, Part Two 17:30 - Winning the Teenage Mr. America and Teenage Mr. USA 21:50 - Competing in the AAU or the NPC? 25:30 - Entering the NABBA Mr. Universe 29:45 - 1984 NPC Nationals 32:00 - Competing in the '80's 36:00 - 1985 Jr. Mr. America 37:24 - 1985 AAU Mr. America 41:00 - Guest posing in Europe 48:00 - Competing in the NABBA Mr. Universe 1:00:00 - The difference between the 90's and today 1:06:00 - Keeping the waist small 1:10:00 - Bodybuiders Victor admired Links:
Victor Terra - Part One
Victor Terra - Part One
Victor Terra, 1983 Teenage Mr. America and Teenage Mr. USA, NABBA Mr. Universe and Pro Mr. Universe and Short Class Winner at the 1985 AAU Mr. America, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. In Part One of his interview, Victor explains how he started bodybuilding and meeting his mentor Bob Gruskin. Victor also talks about his succes competing in the Teenage Bodybuilding contests by winning both the AAU Teenage Mr. America and the NPC Teenage Mr. USA in the same year. Time Stamps: 2:46 - Florida Hurricanes 4:04 - Mr. Olympia this weekend 8:50 - Start of interview with Victor Terra 12:23 - Meeting Bob Gruskin 17:00 - Competing in teenage bodybuilding contests 22:00 - Victor's genetic potential 27:35 - 1983 Teenage Mr. America 32:00 - Intense training 35:00 - Victor's future after bodybuilding 39:15 - Victor's training to get bigger 43:40 - Developing weak points 46:30 - Keeping a 28 inch waist 50:30 - Stopping competition 55:10 - Visting Gold's Gym in the 80's Links:
Bob Cicherillo
Bob Cicherillo
Bob Cicherillo, 2000 NPC USA Champion and the "Voice of Bodybuilding", is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about his long career in bodybuilding. Bob began competing at only 13 years old in his hometown of Rochester, New York. He won the 1987 NPC Junior Nationals and battled his way to the top through the competitive ranks of the NPC until he finally got his pro card by winning the 2000 NPC USA Championships. Bob talks about what bodybuilding was like in the 1980's and '90's, the current judging standards of the IFBB and should the posing round be judged on this episode of the podcast. At the end of the interview, host John Hansen reads the article "The Junior Nationals Champ Doesn't Train for Second Place" written by J.M. Manion from the April, 1988 issue of Flex Magazine. (Time Stamps below). Time Stamps: 3:00 - Reading the book Mister America 4:30 - Emails to the Podcast 10:55 - Start of interview with Bob Cicherillo 12:00 - When Bob started bodybuilding 19:30 - Competing against Shawn Ray 21:30 - When the NPC started 29:20 - Bob's first Mr. Olympia show 32:35 - Winning the Jr. Nationals 37:00 - The Incumbancy Factor at the Mr. Olympia 44:07 - Judging all 3 Rounds in Bodybuilding 1:07:30 - Predicting the 2024 Mr. Olympia 1:17:52 - Host John Hansen reads the article "The Junior Nationals Champ Doesn't Train for Second Place" written by J.M. Manion from the April, 1988 issue of Flex Magazine. Links:
Dan Solomon on the 60th Mr. Olympia
Dan Solomon on the 60th Mr. Olympia
Dan Solomon, the President of the Mr. Olympia competition, is the guest on this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Dan talks about the events that will take place for the 60th Mr. Olympia competition which will take place in Las Vegas on October 10-13, 2024. Dan gives the details on the new venue for the Mr. Olympia and what goes into putting on the biggest bodybuilding competition in the world. At the end of the interview, host John Hansen reads three articles from some old bodybuilding magazines including the 1968 Mr. Olympia report from Muscle Builder magazine, the first article written about Arnold Schwarzenegger written by Joe Weider in Muscle Builder magazine and a great article from Rick Wayne about Arnold's only real competition from a 1975 issue of Muscle Mag International. (Time Stamps below) Time Stamps: 3:25 - Emails to the Podcast 8:08 - Interview with Dan Solomon about the 60th Mr. Olympia 10:40 - Remembering Joe Weider 14:08 - Former Mr. Olympia champions onstage this year 17:10 - Bodybuilding is bigger than ever 19:00 - Mr. Olympia back in Vegas 25:40 - Gold Sandow Statue 26:30 - The power of social media 28:50 - No one person is bigger than the sport 31:18 - Current Olympia Champions 33:00 - Future goals for the Mr. Olympia 39:58 - Mr. Olympia Watch Party 43:55 - John Hansen reads the article "The Frosting on the Cake" written by Dick Tyler about the 1968 Mr. Olympia contest from the January, 1969 issue of Muscle Builder magazine. 50:40 - John reads the article "Arnold Schwarzenegger" written by Joe Weider for the May, 1969 issue of Muscle Builder magazine. 1:12:42 - John reads the article "Don't Kid the Kid" written by Rick Wayne for the Summer, 1975 issue of Muscle Mag International magazine. Links:
Nicolas Chemla, author of Mister America, Part Two
Nicolas Chemla, author of Mister America, Part Two
Nicolas Chemla, author of the new book Mister America, is the guest on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast for Part Two of his interview. Mister America is a novel about the life of bodybuilder Mike Mentzer. Originally published in France in 2019, Mister America has now been translated to English and is available in the United States. In Part Two of his interview, Nicolas talks about Mike's trip to see the first Mr. Olympia contest in 1965, Mike's friendship with Dave Mastorakis, meeting Arthur Jones and Casey Viator in 1971, Mike's relationship with Joe Weider and the eventual decline of his life. At the end of the interview, host John Hansen reads the article "Mike Mentzer - A Future Superstar" written by Armand Tanny for the January, 1976 issue of Muscle Builder magazine and then John reads an excerpt from the book Mister America when a young Mike Mentzer goes to see the first Mr. Olympia contest in New York in 1965. Time Stamps: 3:05 - Upcoming Mr. Olympia 4:00 - Emails to the Podcast 7:07 - Start of interview with Nicolas Chemla, Part Two 7:41 - Meeting Larry Scott and Dave Draper 10:30 - Joe Weider vs. Bob Hoffman 13:45 - John Ziegler and Mike Mentzer 24:30 - Rolling Stones concert 33:00 - Meeting Arthur Jones and Casey Viator 41:20 - Mike's relationship with Joe Weider 50:20 - Mike's magazine Workout 55:40 - The decline of Mike's life 59:30 - John reads the article "Mike Mentzer - A Future Superstar" by Armand Tanny from the January, 1976 issue of Muscle Builder magazine. 1:09:10 - John reads an excerpt from the book Mister America. Links:
Nicolas Chemla, author of Mister America, Part One
Nicolas Chemla, author of Mister America, Part One
Nicolas Chemla, author of the book Mister America, is the guest of this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Mister America is a novel about the life of bodybuilder Mike Mentzer. Originally published in France in 2019, Mister America is now available in the United States and translated to English. In Part One of his interview, Nicolas talks about why he decided to write the book about Mike Mentzer and the people he interviewed for the book. At the end of the episode, host John Hansen reads the first article written about Mike Mentzer from the April, 1976 issue of Muscle Builder magazine. Time Stamps: 4:40 - Emails to the Podcast 6:30 - Start of interview with Nicolas Chemla, author of the book Mister America 1:02:12 - Host John Hansen reads the first article written about Mike Mentzer from the April, 1976 issue of Muscle Builder magazine. Links:
Old School Bodybuilding Articles
Old School Bodybuilding Articles
On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads four selected articles from the bodybuilding magazines during the 1970's-1980's era. These articles include a report of the 1977 NABBA Mr. Universe, Lee Haney's article after winning his first Mr. Olympia title, Frank Zane's thoughts about retiring from bodybuilding competition and an interview with Rick Wayne from 1987. Time Stamps: 2:20 - New book about Mike Mentzer 5:00 - New Videos on YouTube 6:16 - John's Physique Transformation 7:45 - Emails to the Podcast 9:07 - John reads the 1977 NABBA Mr. Universe report written by Robert Kennedy for Muscle Mag Annual 3. 20:35 - John reads the article "How I Won the Big O(ne)" written by Lee Haney from the April, 1985 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine. 27:00 - John reads the article "Frank Zane is Letting Go" written by Jeff Everson for the August, 1986 issue of Flex Magazine. 39:20 - John reads the article "Is It Live or Is it...?" written by Mashay Bernstein for the March, 1987 issue of Flex Magazine. Links:
Mr. Olympia History, Part Three with Jerry Brainum
Mr. Olympia History, Part Three with Jerry Brainum
On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, guest Jerry Brainum joins John Hansen for Part Three of their interview about the history of the Mr. Olympia contest. On this episode, Jerry and John talk about the Lee Haney Era (1984-1991) in which Lee Haney set the record for most Mr. Olympia wins. They also discuss the Mass Monster Era which started when Dorian Yates was winning the Mr. Olympia contest from 1992-1997. Dorian was followed by Ronnie Coleman who tied Lee Haney's record of 8 consecutive wins. At the end of the podcast, John Hansen reads the article "Once Upon a Time in Australia" about the controversial 1980 Mr. Olympia contest. Time Stamps: 4:55 - Emails to the Podcast 15:08 - Start of interview with Jerry Brainum 15:10 - The Lee Haney Era (1984-1991) 19:10 - The Incumbency Factor 21:47 - The Mass Monster Era 30:50 - Ronnie Coleman Era (1998 - 2005) 32:40 - The Winning Look for the Modern Bodybuilder 35:30 - The Jay Cutler Era 37:04 - Phil "The Gift" Heath 41:45 - When did the bloated abs look start? 46:00 - Overall thoughts on the Mr. Olympia History 48:09 - Favorite Era of the Mr. Olympia 58:50 - "Once Upon a Time in Australia" Links:
Mr. Olympia History, Part Two with Jerry Brainum
Mr. Olympia History, Part Two with Jerry Brainum
On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, guest Jerry Brainum joins John Hansen for Part Two of his discussion about the History of the Mr. Olympia contest. On this episode, Jerry and John talk about the Columbus Years (1976-1979) when Arnold and Jim Lorimer promoted the Mr. Olympia in Columbus, Ohio. They also discuss the Controversial Years (1980-1981), the two most controversial Mr. Olympia's in the history of the event when both Arnold and Franco came back after a five year layoff to again win the title. Finally, Jerry and John talk about the In-Between Years when Chris Dickerson (1982) and Samir Bannout (1983) both won the title for the first time. At the end of the interview, John reads three articles about these years in bodybuilding. These articles include an opinion piece about Frank Zane winning the 1979 Mr. Olympia and also two articles about Arnold and Franco's comeback. Time Stamps: 2:40 - Andrew Jacked 6:50 - Emails 11:00 - Interview with Jerry begins 11:10 - The Columbus Years (1975-1979) 19:05 - Arnold promoting bodybuilding 25:00 - The Controversial Years (1980-1981) 40:15 - The In-Between Years (1982-1983) 48:40 - John reads the article "In Defense of Zane" by Garry Bartlett for the May, 1980 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine. 55:00 - John reads the article "How I Saw the Mr. Olympia" by Steven Robinson for the March, 1982 issue of IronMan Magazine. 1:01:04 - John reads the article "Olympia Report" by Jack Neary for the February, 1981 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine. Links:
Mr. Olympia History, Part One with Jerry Brainum
Mr. Olympia History, Part One with Jerry Brainum
On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, guest Jerry Brainum joins John Hansen for a discussion about the History of the Mr. Olympia contest. This year will mark the 60th Mr. Olympia so Jerry and John go all the way back to the first Mr. Olympia contest and talk about the different eras of the biggest bodybuilding contest in the world. In Part One of their discussion, Jerry and John talk about the Bud Parker Era (1965-1969) when the Mr. Olympia was held at the Brooklyn Academy of Music for the first five years. They also discuss the Arnold Era which lasted from 1970-1975 when Arnold Schwarzenegger was the King of Bodybuilding. Time Stamps: 2:50 - The Podcast is back! 5:25 - The Tampa Pro 6:05 - Emails to the show 11:00 - Start of interview with Jerry Brainum 17:11 - The Bud Parker Era (1965-1969) 18:10 - The 1966 Mr. Olympia 34:36 - Sergio's Mr. Olympia wins 43:32 - The Arnold Era (1970-1975) 44:00 - 1970 Mr. Olympia 46:09 - 1971 Mr. Olympia 49:55 - Arnold vs. Sergio in 1972 56:56 - 1973 Mr. Olympia 59:10 - Arnold's calf implant rumors 1:07:05 - 1974 Mr. Olympia 1:10:16 - 1975 Mr. Olympia in Pretoria, South Africa Links:
1984 NPC Nationals contest report
1984 NPC Nationals contest report
On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads three contest reports about the 1984 NPC Nationals. This great competition was won by Mike Christian in the heavyweight class and overall with Rich Gaspari taking first place in the light heavyweight class. John reads the contest reports from Flex Magazine, Muscle & Fitness and IronMan Magazine. Also included in this episode is the contest report from the 1984 IFBB Mr. Universe written by Robert Kennedy for MuscleMag International magazine. Time Stamps: 2:46 - John Bubb RIP 4:15 - Email to the show 4:50 - John reads the article "In Search of the Golden Fleece" written by Jeff Everson from the March, 1985 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine. 22:04 - John reads the article "Christian Wins Nationals" written by Dave Sauer for the March, 1985 issue of IronMan Magazine. 27:25 - John reads the article "Whistlin' Dixie" written by Denie for the March, 1985 issue of Flex Magazine. 41:05 - John reads the article "Christian Crowned at the Palace" written by Robert Kennedy for the March, 1985 issue of MuscleMag International magazine. Links:
1984 Mr. Olympia contest report
1984 Mr. Olympia contest report
The 1984 Mr. Olympia contest was one of the best Olympia's in the 60 year history of that competition. Featuring 20 of the best bodybuilders of that time, the 1984 Mr. Olympia featured bodybuilders from the 1970's (Chris Dickerson, Boyer Coe, Robby Robinson, Albert Beckles, Roy Callender, Bob Birdsong) matching up with the current group of bodybuilding champs (Lee Haney, Mohamed Makkawy, Samir Bannout, Jusup Wilcosz, Bob Paris). The most exciting aspect of this contest, however, was the return of Sergio Oliva to the Mr. Olympia stage. After a 12 year absence from the Mr. Olympia contest, Sergio decided to come back to New York and make a bid for the title. Lee Haney won his first of eight Mr. Olympia titles at this contest and he showed the dominance that would make him the best bodybuilder of the 1980's and one of the greatest of all time. On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads all the contest reports of the 1984 Mr. Olympia from the major bodybuilding magazines (Muscle & Fitness, Flex, Muscle Mag International and IronMan). Written by Jeff Everson, Rick Wayne, Greg Zulak and Garry Bartlett, these contest reports of the 1984 Mr. Olympia will reveal all the drama, excitement, anticipation and emotion of one of the best Mr. Olympia competitions in history. Time Stamps: 4:45 - Lee Haney interview on YouTube 6:12 - Emails to the Podcast 8:55 - John reads the 1984 Mr. Olympia report written by Greg Zulak from the March, 1985 issue of Muscle Mag International. 45:20 - John reads the article "Hands Down, It's Haney!" written by Jeff Everson from the February, 1985 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine. 1:04:40 - John reads the article "Mr. Olympia" written by Garry Bartlett from the March, 1985 issue of IronMan Magazine. 1:22:10 - John reads the article "It's Haney Bug Squasher Extraordinaire!" written by Rick Wayne from the March, 1985 issue of Flex Magazine. Links:
Muscle Mag International Articles with Chris Lund
Muscle Mag International Articles with Chris Lund
Famous photographer Chris Lund took some of the best photos in Bodybuilding during his time working for the magazines. But Chris also wrote some articles for MuscleMag International during his time working for the magazine in the 1980's. On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen reads four articles written by Chris Lund from 1981-1982 for MuscleMag International. The bodybuilders covered in these articles include Bertil Fox, Sergio Oliva, Serge Nubret and Albert Beckles. Time Stamps: 5:00 - Happy Birthday Ronnie Coleman 5:55 - Guest Posing in Pittsburgh 8:10 - New Videos on YouTube 9:00 - John reads an article about Bertil Fox written by Chris Lund for the November, 1981 issue of MuscleMag International magazine. 25:40 - John reads the article "A Day with Sergio" written by Chris Lund for the January, 1982 issue of MuscleMag International magazine. 41:37 - John reads the article "Watching Serge Nubret Train" written by Chris Lund for the September, 1982 issue of MuscleMag International magazine. 51:20 - John reads the article "Albert Beckles Has Come Into His Own" written by Chris Lund for the November, 1982 issue of MuscleMag International magazine. Links:
1974 Mr. Olympia and Serge Nubret
1974 Mr. Olympia and Serge Nubret
On this episode of the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast, host John Hansen celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the 1974 Mr. Olympia contest by reading two articles from Sports Illustrated Magazine about bodybuilding and the Mr. Olympia contest that year. John reads the article "The Men and the Myth" by Richard W. Johnston from the October 14, 1974 issue of Sports Illustrated and then he reads the follow-up article "Trying to Muscle In" written by Barry McDermott which was reprinted in the March, 1975 issue of Muscle Builder/Power magazine. John also reads two articles on the legendary Serge Nubret from the Muscle Mag Annual issues. The first article is "An M.M.I. interview with....Serge Nubret" written by Bill Reynolds and Denie from Muscle Mag Annual 77 and the second article is "In the Gym with Serge Nubret" written by Robert Kennedy for the Muscle Mag Annual 79/80. Time Stamps: 3:54 - "The Guru" documentary 5:41 - Albert Beckles alive or dead? 7:00 - Emails 8:37 - John reads the article "The Men and the Myth" from the October 14, 1974 issue of Sports Illustrated. 47:40 - John reads the article "Trying to Muscle In" from Sports Illustrated magazine. 54:22 - John reads the article "An M.M.I. interview with...Serge Nubret" written by Bill Reynolds and Denie from Muscle Mag Annual 77. 1:08:10 - John reads the article "In the Gym with Serge Nubret" written by Robert Kennedy from Muscle Mag Annual 79/80. Links: