Bois & Bar Talk
Rob & Kev having a new drink every week. Pretty much talking about anything we can think of in a half hour. Plenty of laughs and rants included.
Trial By Wombat
Trial By Wombat
On the 15th episode of the Bois & Bar Talk podcast, the Drink of the Week is Trial by Wombat. This is a hazy/New England IPA that comes in a four pack with 16 oz cans. T is brewed by Thin Man Brewing. They are located in Buffalo, New York and it's something we haven't heard of before. Brewed with copious amounts of Australian galaxy hops and flaked oats, this 7% AVB beer isn't bad! It also has a prominent peach and pineapple flavor with hints of orange or maybe even grapefruit. You definitely get some fire can art with this one. Trial by Wombat has a close-up picture of a wombat showing those wacky teeth! How We Rated Trial By Wombat Rob’s Rating: 5.9/10 Kev’s Rating: 6.4/10 We kick off the show reminding everyone to check out the to find out all of our episode posts. We do show notes and ratings for every beer and every episode.Here’s how the episode goes down with Trial by Wombat. Show Notes Halloween!: We have our costumes on in this one. Rob is Joe "The Tiger King" Exotic and Kev is a family member of The Soprano Family. Origin of Halloween: Why are pumpkins the symbol of Halloween? We figure it out live on air. Checking Candy: What kind of sick people out there have harmful intentions with handing out candy to children? Growing Up and Scoring Candy: How did we trick or treat as kids? Biggest pillow case as possible, finding out where the best neighborhoods, etc. Conspiracy: Is Halloween made just to let dentists profit more? Would You Rather: Would you rather be 500 years into the future or in the past? Looking for More Beer? If you would like to support the show, take a look at our Also, with Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Cheers!
Mr. Waterbury
Mr. Waterbury
On the 14th episode of the Bois & Bar Talk podcast, the Drink of the Week is Mr. Waterbury. We have an American IPA today, a common theme on the 4th season here. Mr. Waterbury is made by Big Tree Brewing Company out of Waterbury, VT. We chose this drink because of the name of the beer alone. The Waterbury reference hits close to home, literally. We live in the Waterbury, CT area but we didn't know that there was also a Waterbury in Vermont. Apparently Big Tree Brewing is a side project made by Mark Frier. He's a popular guy in the Waterbury, Vermont area who is known for restaurants. However, he makes beer too, by doing local partnerships. You can read more about him and the partnership . Mr. Waterbury is a hazy citra hop IPA. It has a pale, goldish color with a white foam head. It has a strong aroma of tangerine and grapefruit. This beer has an ABV of 6% and it's fairly easy to drink. It also had a fair amount of bitterness along with the strong fruity flavors. We felt like it was hard to give this drink an identity. Overall, not bad but it's hard to see this one standing out compared to other IPA's on the show this season. How We Rated Mr. Waterbury Rob’s Rating: 5.4/10 Kev’s Rating: 6.2/10 We kick off the show reminding everyone to check out the to find out all of our episode posts. We do show notes and ratings for every beer and every episode.Here’s how the episode goes down with Mr. Waterbury. Show Notes Wedding season: Rob just went to his sister Laina's wedding and we talked about the greatest moments from a wedding celebration. Kev makes it a point to hit the dance floor literally the entire time. Pesky things that bother you: We about how minuscule things could really ruin your whole mood! Whether it's a popcorn kernel stuck in your mouth, a loose collar hitting your neck, or a piece of rubber dragging on the bottom of your shoe. Dave Chappelle: He recently had his own comedy special drop on Netflix. Netflix is taking lots of heat for backing him up with his controversial content. Looking for More Beer? If you would like to support the show, take a look at our Also, with Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Cheers!
Flexural Strength
Flexural Strength
On the 13th episode of the Bois & Bar Talk podcast, the Drink of the Week is Flexural Strength. We have a Scotch Ale/Wee Heavy drink on our hands, not something that we've ever heard of. Flexural Strength is made by Reverie Brewing Company out of Newtown, CT. Flexural Strength is a slightly hoppy ale, medium in color, and has an ABV of 7.7%. We found this beer tucked way in the back of our beer stash. While we never heard of this brewery before and any beers that they have, this was surprised us. It's complemented by peanut butter with a malty taste to it. Overall, we embraced this delightful surprise with a positive review because it's repeatably drinkable. Well done! How We Rated Flexural Strength Rob’s Rating: 7.7/10 Kev’s Rating: 8.7/10 We kick off the show reminding everyone to check out the website to check out all of our episode posts. We do show notes and ratings for every beer and every episode. Here’s how the episode goes down with Flexural Strength. Rating People We're baffled how humans rate each other whether it's based on looks or personality. We score humans on a scale of 1 through 10. Your whole existence! Rated with this bare bones scale. Would you want to know what other people are rating you if you could? Throwback Segment! We went back to old-school "Would You Rather?" questions. It's been a while since we did this. Would you rather not eat fruit again? Or would you rather not eat meat ever again? Would you rather give up Chinese food? Or would you rather give up Mexican food? Movie Plot Idea As the Flexural Strength was flowing through us, we got even more creative. How about this for a movie plot? The main character could manipulate the dreams of others. Similar to Freddy in a way. But it's much more subtle for a super power. You can influence the decisions of others and control their dreams! This spun off into thinking about the subconscious and how you can condition it. Looking for More Beer? If you would like to support the show, take a look at our Also, with Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Cheers!
Karate in the Water
Karate in the Water
On the 12th episode of the Bois & Bar Talk podcast in Season 4, our Drink of the Week is Karate in the Water by . It's a New England style IPA meant to be smooth like Karate in the Water with Australian Enigma hops. Each sip is like a burst of fruit (maybe pineapple?) and it has a 6.1% ABV. It's an orange shaded beer and pours with a bright white head. The can says it's brewed with flaked oats and flaked wheat. We both had a pretty similar tasting experience with this one. So much that we actually came up with identical scores. We agreed that the initial sip is definitely good. However, the mouthfeel and what comes afterwards kind of turns into more bitterness than we would like. Beer'd could be hit or miss on drinks. Although it is a pretty cool place to be out of Stonington, CT. This limited release was nice to try, but probably could pass if we saw it again compared to the competition of NEIPA's out there. Pretty cool can and beer title though for sure. How We Rated Karate in the Water Rob’s Rating: 5.8/10 Kev’s Rating: 5.8/10 We kick off the show reminding everyone to check out the website to check out all of our episode posts. We do show notes and ratings for every beer and every episode. Here’s how the episode goes down with Karate in the Water. Halloween or Thanksgiving Some holiday talk as we kick off October. Which of the two holidays do you like better? Is Halloween more exciting than ever now that we are adults with costume events? Mop Slander There's a bit in this episode honestly just blasting mops. Why are they still a thing? There are Swiffers out there that actually clean the floor. Mops just take in dirt and redistribute the dirty water on to the floor. The Dating Game We talked about greeting somebody on a first date. Right from the first glance. Do you play it safe with a hug? Or even pope-level conservative with a handshake? There's also the kiss on the cheek if you're feeling bold. A good portion of this episode is about dating experiences and how it's about having fun and reading signals from the other person. Looking for more ? If you would like to support the show, take a look at our Also, with Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Cheers!
Double Hop Hop
Double Hop Hop
On the 11th episode of the Bois & Bar Talk podcast in Season 4, our Drink of the Week is Double Hop Hop by . If you couldn't guess from the title, this beer is a double IPA with an ABV of 8.4%. Double Hop Hop features hazy citrus and mosaic hops out of Somerville, MA. It's also described as having flavors of cold-extracted hops steeped in Aeronaut's whirlpool following vigorous fermentation. Double Hop Hop is a wonderfully balanced beer with tropical flavor. As expected with any double IPA, we tasted to see just how well the high ABV is masked behind the fruitiness. This is our first go with Aeronaut Brewing, and it certainly did not disappoint. Definitely an addicting taste to it that we both agreed that we can stock up on. An absolute killer beer to have! Here's how we rated it. How We Rated Double Hop Hop Rob’s Rating: 8.8/10 Kev’s Rating: 8.6/10 We kick off the show reminding everyone to check out the website to check out all of our episode posts. We do show notes and ratings for every beer and every episode. Here’s how the episode goes down with Double Hop Hop. What to Expect This Fall How could we describe what the first week of Fall means? Seeing people jog while you drive on a crisp morning. Seeing mist or even frost on your car with the heat on. Followed by putting the AC on by the middle of the day. Layering up your wardrobe, yet layering down as the day goes on. We both enjoy the amount of ways you can dress in Fall weather. Fairs, ciders, pumpkin stuff, and all the goods! Oh, back to the people jogging on the side of the road part. How can you not just silently root for those people hustling out there while you drive! Adjusting your Routine Mainly on Kev's side as he lands a new career. How do you set your routine throughout the day? When you have a career, how do you keep that work-life balance? Especially when it comes to staying active exercising and keeping up with your passions and hobbies (aka podcasting!). Solo Dates Have you ever tried a solo date before? Whether it would be taking yourself out to eat or a shopping trip. It could be anything, but it's a fun way just to unwind for a bit. It's also a bit of a challenge if you haven't done it before. One thing about solo dates though, is that you might be more observant of what's going on around you. Looking for more ? If you would like to support the show, take a look at our Also, with Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Cheers!
Baby Kittens
Baby Kittens
On the 10th episode of the Bois & Bar Talk podcast in Season 4, the Drink of the Week is by Fat Orange Cats Brew Co. It's a regular IPA with a pale yellow color. It has a tiny amount of bitterness at the first sip followed by hints of passionfruit and citrus. Baby Kittens is a really solid IPA with a mild undertone of spicy hops. This IPA also sports a lime green can loaded with drawings of kittens of all different shades of orange. It's a for an IPA that deserves at least an 8 out of 10. We pointed out that in Connecticut, you have lots of great IPAs that fall into this range. It's more on the simple side, but at the same time it's a pleasant beer to have. We would definitely buy it again. How We Rated Baby Kittens Rob’s Rating: 8.2/10 Kev’s Rating: 8.0/10 We kick off the show reminding everyone to check out the website to check out all of our episode posts. We do show notes and ratings for every beer and every episode. Here’s how the episode goes down with Baby Kittens. American Culture Destinations You'll always hear us talk about what it means to live in Connecticut. A main advantage that we have is having the opportunity to travel to New York which is famous worldwide. We talked about what Miami is like (especially for breweries). The breweries down in Miami infuse Latino culture within their beer and events which is something uncommon for Connecticut. We also mentioned going down South because you get elements of culture that you can't get up here. In particular, BBQ food down in Texas or the famous partying in New Orleans. Think about how we know what staples of culture are in the U.S. without even visiting there. Wisconsin is known for cheese but we don't know anything else about it. Squirrels Just a quick thought, did you ever notice how squirrels freeze and observe at times? Squirrels actually communicate and sense danger with their tails. They also wag their tail to alert other squirrels of any danger nearby. What Had the Bigger Fall Off? Milk or Blockbuster Video? How did we get to this question? We don't know either. We talked about milk in households over time. Milk was in food pyramids for kids and recommended in regular diets. Now milk has taken a downturn because of HGH and overall just not being good for you. Blockbuster on the other hand, also got crushed by Netflix back in the day. Blockbuster was in nearly every town! People rented movies and games in-store and that's how it was. Netflix started with their mail in service complimented with a digital streaming service. On a side note, Netflix also made cable TV take a hit. A big problem with cable is obviously the price. But also we don't need hundreds of channels with random shows playing for us. Not to mention, cable shows us irrelevant ads that don't keep our attention. Looking for more? If you would like to support the show, take a look at our Also, with Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Cheers!
On episode 8 of the podcast, we are drinking Warheads by Artisanal Brew Works. This special variety pack is based off the popular sour candy with four flavors. The 4-pack features Black cherry, Watermelon, Sour Apple, and Blue Raspberry. Artisanal Brew Works is an artisanal style beer microbrewery out of Saratoga Springs, New York. On their , Artisanal says that they, "make world-class beer in upstate New York with local ingredients". How We Rated Warheads It was definitely one of the most entertaining things we've done on the show for this episode. You know the usual drill. We usually each take a can and rate the beer. But we felt like we had to try all four flavors in the variety pack. So that's what we did and we rated each flavor. Overall you get a perfectly replicated Warhead smell to each beer. The flavor was very different representing each flavor. We both averaged around a 6 out of 10 for the variety pack, except for Sour Apple. That's where things got interesting. Kev immediately started gagging while Rob enjoyed it. Rob gave this one a 6.2 while Kev gave it a 0! That's right, the first 0 out of 10 ever given on the show! Show Notes This is more like a quick summary of what to expect. Complete chaos. We wanted to try live streaming the episode on Instagram (@boisandbartalk). We found a tripod for the phone and tried to go back in forth between interacting with the live stream and recording an official episode. Not to mention, we have an absolute scorcher of a day which meant sweat. Add a fast moving centipede, our headphones not working, and trying to squeeze four beers into a 30 minute episode. Looking for more? If you would like to support the show, take a look at our Also, with Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Cheers!
Sizzling Hippie
Sizzling Hippie
On the 7th episode of Season 4 on Bois & Bar Talk, we are drinking . Our Drink of the Week comes from Thomas Hooker Brewing Co. out of Bloomfield, CT. Thomas Hooker is a favorite of ours and they deliver lots of consistent beers. Sizzling Hippie doesn’t disappoint either. Sizzling Hippie is a Nelson Citra IPA with an ABV of 6.4%. The psychedelic can art caught our attention when we were shopping for new beers. It’s available year-round and has white grape and citrus flavors. The color resembles a passion fruit! Overall it’s a juicy delight that comes in a four-pack. How We Rated Sizzling Hippie Rob’s Rating: 7.8/10 Kev’s Rating: 7.6/10 We kick off the show reminding everyone to check out the website to check out all of our episode posts. We do show notes and ratings for every beer and every episode. Here’s how the episode goes down with Sizzling Hippie. The Ending of Summer We broke down our pros and cons of the summer vs the fall. Kev enjoys the fall while Rob would rather just live in the summer all the time. Rob argues that daylight cuts down, the sight of dead trees, too many hoody days are dreadful. Kev mentions fall festivities, mixing and matching outfits, and crisp air make for a good fall season. Age Perspective Talking about our age (27) was a huge talking point on this episode. It was more introspective and we looked deeper into what’s going on in our lives. In the mid-late twenties, people you know are all over the place. Some people move, have families, go back to school, or maybe they are still finding themselves. With an exposure on social media, we don’t even need a high school reunion to get a glimpse of what everybody else is doing. While it’s a good thing, we discussed the flip side. It’s constant pressure comparing yourself to other people even though we all live our own lives. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k This is a popular book that Rob mentioned that he is reading. While you could easily go on for a whole episode about the book, we covered a page or two. (the author) talks about overthinking simple questions that we ask ourselves. It could be as simple as “How do I apply for this job”? While we know how to apply to a job, it’s the thought of overthinking it to death! A question like “How do I ask this person out?” might make you freeze on the spot. It’s a simple action, yet the process of thinking about it too hard makes us doubt the whole thing in the first place. Looking for more? If you would like to support the show, take a look at our Also, with Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Cheers!
Golden Messenger
Golden Messenger
Today, on the sixth episode of Bois & Bar Talk Season 4, we are drinking Golden Messenger by out of Hartford, CT. It's the first time that we tried Hog River out as we don't know much about the brewery. Golden Messenger is a -style ale. We've been on a kick with German beers this season. It has a 4.8% ABV and has a lighter style. This beer has German-style hops, malt, and has a balanced taste. This one had mixed ratings between the two of us. Kev wasn't much of a fan and would rather have a Bud Light if he was going for a light beer. Rob enjoyed the citrus/pineapple hints of flavor and like how it tasted for such a light drink. You can also find Golden Messenger for pretty cheap. The four-pack costed around $9. How We Rated Golden Messenger Rob’s Rating: 7.4/10 Kev’s Rating: 5.8/10 We kick off the show reminding everyone to check out the website to check out all of our episode posts. We do show notes and ratings for every beer and every episode. Show Notes Beach We discussed our only beach day of the summer so far. During the trip we brought a sophisticated, giant cooler. This thing could do it all. It even had a hot dog making feature and has a built-in radio signal that scares away seagulls. Why do some beaches always have to have strict rules? What would aliens think if the first place they visited on Earth was a crowded beach? Cotton Candy We stopped for 2 minutes during the episode for a cotton candy break. Thrilling Activities We discussed parasailing and roller coasters. It's weird how kids aren't nearly as scared as adults when it comes to taking risks. Church Kev went to church but couldn't stand it. Literally, he doesn't like to stand and kneel constantly! Looking for more? If you would like to support the show, take a look at our Also, with Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Cheers!
Golden Messenger
Golden Messenger
Today, on the sixth episode of Bois & Bar Talk Season 4, we are drinking Golden Messenger by Hog River Brewing out of Hartford, CT. It's the first time that we tried Hog River out as we don't know much about the brewery.
Today, on the fifth episode of Bois & Bar Talk Season 4, we are drinking Workhorse by Counterweight Brewing Company. We continued our journey to find different style beers, and this one was pretty unique.
I Love Lamp
I Love Lamp
Today, on the fourth episode of Bois & Bar Talk Season 4, we are drinking I Love Lamp by Evil Genius Brewing Company out of Philadelphia, PA. We continued our journey to find different style beers, and this one was pretty unique.
Czech Mix
Czech Mix
Today, on the third episode of Bois & Bar Talk Season 4, we are drinking Czech Mix by Back East Brewing Company. We’ve been trying to get a mixture of new beers rather than our heavy doses of IPA’s. is a pilsner with an ABV of 4.9%. With typical pilsner fashion, it pours with a golden, yellowish body and a bright white head. Czech Mix has some subtle hops to it with a crispy flavor. It has a solid amount of carbonation, but it’s a light-bodied beer with a European twist. Overall, it’s a reasonably priced beer, you can usually get a six-pack for around $10. Great starter beer if you’re at the bar and want something on tap. Would we drink it again? Maybe, there’s so many options out there that it’s hard to choose this one over the rest. There was nothing wrong with Czech Mix, but it’s not exactly outstanding. Back East Brewing Co. on the other hand, is a wonderful brewery with a great selection of drinks. Not a bad choice and a clever play on Chex Mix. How We Rated Czech Mix Rob’s Rating: 6.4/10 Kev’s Rating: 6.7/10
Today, on the second episode of Bois & Bar Talk Season 4, we are drinking Lunch by Maine Beer Company. We’re getting the ball rolling now and you better know we’ve been stacking up beer choices for this season! is an IPA that you could drink at any time of the year. It’s a popular one out there, and we found out what the name “Lunch” actually means. It’s a special whale that was spotted off the Maine coast in 1982. The whale looks like it carries a bite mark on the fin. Overall, Kev really wanted to try this one on the podcast. We bought a few 16 oz bottles and poured them in a glass. Lunch has a 7% ABV with tropical flavors such as orange, grapefruit, and has a malt sweetness to it. There is definitely some intense hops going on, but the finishing taste isn’t very bitter at all. On , Lunch has a score of 97/100. We both agreed that the beer was excellent and had no complaints other than availability. It’s a hard beer to find for us, and when we do, it’s going to be on the expensive side. How We Rated Lunch Rob’s Rating: 8.5/10 Kev’s Rating: 8.3/10 We kick off the show reminding everyone to check out the website to check out all of our episode posts. We do show notes and ratings for every beer and every episode. During Lunch, we kicked off the episode with a first sip and review of the beer. One of the first topics we got into was customer service (a popular rant). We talked about the standard 20% average tip and if it’s enough. Kev’s been in the restaurant business for most of his adult life, so he’s used to it. Rob on the other hand, can’t stand job with customer service. Have you ever thought about what a world with no money would feel like? We touched on transitioning to a life of digital currency. Why do we feel more emotion when money leaves us when it’s cash? For example, Rob said if he’s down in the stock market it won’t really bother him. But if a gust of wind happened to blow a few hundred dollars away, he'd be tight about it. We transitioned into talking about bedbugs and how you can spot them. Commonly bedbugs are associated with a sleazy hotel. If you ever sleep in the bed of a hotel be sure not to lay down on the bed cover. They never wash that! Looking for more? If you would like to support the show, take a look at our Also, with Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Cheers!
Imperial Sunshine (Season 4 Premiere)
Imperial Sunshine (Season 4 Premiere)
Today, on the brand new first episode of Bois & Bar Talk Season 4, we are drinking Imperial Sunshine by Blue Point Brewing Co. It feels absolutely fantastic getting back to podcasting right in the beginning of summer. is a blonde ale brewed with orange and natural flavors out of Patchogue, NY. It pours a light amber color with a slight haze to it. The aroma is similar to an orange peel, and it’s going to have a strong scent! Overall, we chose Imperial Sunshine because we wanted a summer-style beer. It has a 9.6% ABV which seems kind of high for a blonde ale. Although we can’t believe how the high alcohol content is masked so well. You could easily slug a few of these down on a hot summer down and it could sneak up on you fast! Not to mention, you could most likely find this beer for a bargain - we bought it for $8.99 on sale. How We Rated Imperial Sunshine Rob’s Rating: 7.5/10 Kev’s Rating: 7.4/10 We kick off the show reminding everyone to check out the website to check out all of our episode posts. We do show notes and ratings for every beer and every episode. During Imperial Sunshine, we kicked off the episode doing our typical rating and review of this blonde ale. We followed by doing a quick recap of the last six weeks we took off during the off-season. Imperial Sunshine mentions that it resembles an orange tic tac. Rob thinks of orange tic tacs as a candy while Kev thought he was kinda crazy. If you got tic tacs as a candy for Halloween as a kid how would it make you feel? Afterwards, Kev talked about his superior swimming ability while Rob admitted to not being buoyant at all. Lastly, Kev ran through the entire Harry Potter series for the first time during the off season. He gave his reaction and we talked about real-life spells that would be cool to have. Yeah, one of the spells was the ability to crack every egg in the world at once. What would that do to the economy? Looking for more? If you would like to support the show, take a look at our Also, with Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Welcome back and looking forward to a new season of Bois & Bar Talk! Cheers!
Dr. Strangehaze
Dr. Strangehaze
Show notes on
Ice Cream Man II
Ice Cream Man II
Today, on the 19th episode of Bois & Bar Talk we are drinking Ice Cream Man by Backeast Brewing Company. We’ll call this part 2 since we originally had this drink during season 1 (for all you long-time listeners out there).
Today, on the 18th episode of Bois & Bar Talk we are drinking Guinness for the sake of St. Patricks day! and is a staple of the world of stouts. There was really no other choice but to drink the Irish Guinness on this episode to be honest. Rob hasn't had Guinness in a long time, while Kev never had one before. It's labeled as a "Draught Stout" and pours very dark What's interesting is that Guinness has one of the smoothest sips out of any beer. The foam provides a creamy taste from the first sip. How we Rated Guinness Rob’s Rating: 6/10 Kev’s Rating: 5.5/10 Guinness Notes We kick off the show reminding everyone to check out the website to check out all of our episode posts. We do show notes and ratings for every beer and every episode. Starting off this episode, we revealed a surprise Jameson drink guest appearance to compliment our Guinness beer. In addition to St. Patrick's day, we discussed how stimulus checks are being distributed to bank accounts across America. We mentioned how many people benefit from stimulus checks, but how many people are buying luxuries like MacBooks and PS5's? The richest companies in the world get richer when you think about it! We dove into a conversion about all kinds of smart products. Can you imagine if your car came to pick you up at the touch of a button on your smart phone? What if your refrigerator was designed for smart capabilities. Every time you take something from your fridge, it automatically places an order to restock for delivery. We also covered smart trampolines and how we think what kind of futuristic features they would have. Furthermore, we talked about Youtube loops that we all got stuck in. Kev recently got into alien conspiracies while Rob watches old school concerts. Either way, we both complain about how Youtube videos have way too many ads which is intrusive to your Youtube experience. Looking for more? If you like this episode, you can check out . If you would like to support the show, take a look at our Also, with Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Cheers!
Today, on the 17th episode of Bois & Bar Talk we are drinking Rise by Whalers Brewing Company. is an APA that packs its own unique flavor from Rhode Island. It pours in a white 12 oz can, featuring the signature whale on the front. The aroma is glassy and you can taste the sweet hops behind this APA. Rise also has a pale yellow color with a foamy white head. Overall, Rise has this certain freshness to it. It has some hops, while providing hints of citrus, pine, and spice. It has a good amount of carbonation making this a very balanced beer to have. How we rated Rise Rob’s Rating: 7/10 Kev’s Rating: 8.2/10 Rise Show Notes We kick off the show reminding everyone to check out the website to check out all of our episode posts. We do show notes and ratings for every beer and every episode. Starting off this episode, we covered what we call “the outrage era” that we are currently living in. Everybody from music artists to historical figures are being cancelled over condoning toxic culture. We broke down each generation including Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. Each generation is classified by age group and we compared the tendencies of them. Shortly after, we dug into the TikTok trend where people eat wings together and cover themselves in wing sauce. They dap each other up which makes viewers (including ourselves) unforgettable to look at. Somehow this transitioned us into talking about egging cars. Everybody thinks about how bad egging cars are, but what if somebody cracked eggs inside your gas tank? It would be super undermining. Somehow, we spend the last five minutes of the episode trying to answer the question, are there birds that are also mammals? Tune in to find out! Looking for more? If you like this episode, you can check out . If you would like to support the show, take a look at our Also, with Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Cheers!
Today on the 16th episode of Bois & Bar Talk we are drinking Julius (Our 4th Treehouse beer this season). The first thing we discussed was the comparison to King Julius which we did earlier in the season and what was the actual difference between the two. A source on made it pretty simple by just explaining that King Julius was just a double IPA version of Julius. King Julius is 8.2% while Julius is only 6.4%. describes Julius as an IPA "bursting with fresh hand selected American hops. Julius is a bright, juicy beer filled with flavors and aromas of mango, peach, passionfruit, and a melange of citrus juice. A soft, pillowy mouthfeel and rounded bitterness ensure it will never tire the palate. Loaded with immense flavors as a result of years of focused brewing application and judicious use of the freshest hand selected hops, Julius is a delicious Tree House IPA that is a true joy to drink time and time again". The Bois couldn't get enough of it... How we rated Julius Rob’s Rating: 9.6/10 Kev’s Rating: 9.7/10 Julius Show Notes We kick off the show reminding everyone to check out the website to check out all of our episode posts. We do show notes and ratings for every beer and every episode. Following that we get into Minimum Wage and whether it should be raised or not, but also we try to keep an open mind to other solutions and not getting tunnel vision on just one. Then we go into the "College Experience". Is the experience of college worth more than the education itself? Somehow we circled into roundabouts (no pun intended) and driving in general. Shoutout to all the safe drivers that are annoyed with the ignorant ones! Finally the episode ends with Kev talking about the Saw movie series. He explains the worst test he has seen while rewatching all seven movies. So, you're welcome for all the nightmares! Looking for more? If you like this episode, you can check out . If you would like to support the show, take a look at our Also, with Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Cheers!
Very Hazy
Very Hazy
Drink Of The Week Today on the 15th episode of season 3 we are drinking Very Hazy from the infamous Treehouse Brewing Co. out of Charlton, Mass. Very Hazy, on , is described as: "Very Hazy is a Double IPA designed to push the flavor profile of Haze to the limit of hop saturation and intensity while never becoming abrasive or burdensome to the palate. In spite of an enormous hop dose in both the kettle and dry hop, Very Hazy morphs into a beer that is somehow softer and more well rounded than its double IPA counterpart. We taste and smell peach rings, orange juice, and tropical fruit bubblegum yeast esters enveloped by a velvety, smooth body. This is a double IPA we find pleasurable to drink by the glass - it improves and evolves as it is allow to warm and aerate in your tulip." How We Rated Very Hazy Rob’s Rating: 8.4/10 Kev’s Rating: 7.9/10 Very Hazy Show Notes The Bois skipped right over discussing Very Hazy and got right into it this episode! After a two week hiatus Rob & Kev explain the reason(s) for the gap in episodes. Rob kicks off the episode with a gripe with Mcdonalds. When did they change the price of a Mcdouble to $3! Why are people mad at Brady for getting drunk because he won his seventh Super Bowl? Get a life and let the man live. Following that, we talk about actually documenting our life progress with the podcast and what will we say about our hangovers at 35. Do you think the mob has taken precautions to protect "the boss" from Covid-19? I could see Pauly not allowing anyone to come close to tony without a mask. You have to protect the head of the family! Finally, they finish off the episode talking about online dating and being completely unfocused and lazy about it. Kev one time asked a girl to go out with him and after she agreed, he decided to bail because she lived too far away. Looking for more? If you like this episode, you can check out . If you would like to support the show, take a look at our Also, with Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Cheers!
Second Hand
Second Hand
Drink Of The Week Today on the 14th episode of season 3 we are drinking Second Hand brewed by out of Thomaston, CT. Second Hand is described on Clocktown's website as a straw-colored, hazy NEIPA with the juicy aromas and notes of citrus and tropical fruit. Bitterness is soft and plays in the background. How We Rated Very Green Rob’s Rating: 7.8/10 Kev’s Rating: 7.0/10 Second Hand Show Notes After The Bois discussed Second Hand, Rob decided to pull up an article on The 50 States and what they're known for. Arkansas is literally known for Bill Clinton and Bill Clinton only, they got nothing going on.... Rob compares California to pinching off a poop, and Connecticut is pot hole central. Do the great people of Idaho ever get tired of being known for potatoes? How good is "Deep Dish" pizza really? Iowa is mostly known for its cornfields, 2.5 Billion bushels of corn a year. How much is a bushel? What state do you think is most known for Nascar? Do people really refer to the "Ass" as a "Buttox"? We finalize the episode with a speed round as we ran out of time per usual. Ending on the smelly state New Jersey. Of course we had to talk about the famous New Jersey sports teams and how much they all suck! Rob even mentions the Nets who are actually good now, probably due to the fact they are no longer in New Jersey. Looking for more? If you like this episode, you can check out . If you would like to support the show, take a look at our Also, with Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Cheers!
Very Green
Very Green
Drink Of The Week Today on the 13th episode of season 3 we are drinking Very Green by the notorious brewery TreeHouse Brewing Co. out of Charlton MA. Very Green is described on as a Double IPA that is created with a massive kettle charge of Australian and American hops. It opens in the glass with huge notes of ripe pineapple, pithy citrus, and dank saturated hops. As it warms it shows its depth and complexity. . . Sweet hints of malt intermingle with straight Tropicana. It has a soft but pointed bitterness and a rich, velvety mouth feel. How We Rated Very Green Rob’s Rating: 9.4/10 Kev’s Rating: 9.1/10 Very Green Show Notes The Bois start off the show discussing getting drunk and blacking out.... terrible time 0/10 recommend. We segue to going to the casino and gambling. Rob shares a story about his recent experience at the casino this past month (he fell asleep in a closet). Then we move on to the most coveted job in America, the "Bathroom Attendant". Mostly seen in upscale clubs and fancy restaurants the bathroom attendant is the most respected person in the venue. Following that, we go into guys tanning and whether or not we should be tanning our entire bodies head to toe....Somehow we take a leap and get into Saints Row and the benefits of insurance fraud as a homeless person. Finally we finish up the episode actually discussing podcasts and whether or not we actually listen to them ourselves. Looking for more? If you like this episode, you can check out . If you would like to support the show, take a look at our Also, with Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Cheers!
King Julius
King Julius
Drink Of The Week Today on the 12th episode of Season 3 on the Bois & Bar Talk podcast, the Drink Of The Week is King Julius By Treehouse Brewing Co. out of Charlton, MA. King Julius is described on the can as an exceptionally flavorful juicy and hop saturated beer without rough edges or abrasiveness. In our opinion, it is exactly that. Currently our highest rated beer on the show King Julius is everything it is hyped up to be. At 8.2% ABV you cannot find another beer that tastes as juicy as King Julius. How We Rated King Julius Rob’s Rating: 9.7/10 Kev’s Rating: 9.2/10 King Julius Show Notes We start off the episode of course, by completely dissecting King Julius. Following that we somehow got into talking about personal hygiene such as how many times we brush our teeth per day, flossing, and ya know the obvious, missing the toilet bowl when peeing at the bar. Rob talks about his first experience with an electric toothbrush. Are they more effective than a regular old toothbrush? Meanwhile, Kev stated that he never received a single cavity in his life. We then ask the question, have you ever sat when you peed? ( Dont lie, you have...) The Bois aren't known for having much facial hair, so we also raised the question of beard hygiene. How often does food get stuck in beards? Is it worth looking like a manly man if your beard is nasty? We finish off the episode talking about good ole football and fantasy. Rob came in 3rd this year in our league while Kev went all the way to the finals just to finish in 2nd! With the Eagles out of the playoff picture, the Football Team now has a shot at the playoffs! Looking for more? If you like this episode, you can check out . If you would like to support the show, take a look at our Also, with Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Cheers!
Ho Ho Hope For The Kids
Ho Ho Hope For The Kids
Drink Of The Week Today on the eleventh episode of Season 3 on the Bois & Bar Talk podcast, the Drink Of The Week is Ho Ho Hope For The Kids by CTs own Counterweight Brewing Co. out of Hamden, CT. describes this beer as a holiday spin on No Hope for the Kids. The biggest difference is a portion of the can sales will be donated to a different youth charity in New Haven each year! Dry hopped with a blend of Columbus, Mosaic, and Simcoe, this version lends bright grapefruit aromas with distinct stone fruit and pine flavors. How We Rated Ho Ho Hope For The Kids Rob’s Rating: 8.4/10 Kev’s Rating: 7.6/10 HH Hope For The Kids Show Notes The Bois kick off the episode by discussing our favorite holidays. Rob with a solid pick of The 4th of July, while Kev went with the cliche Christmas. Following, we go in to the pressure of the holiday season all the way up until Valentines Day! Next we go into our favorite Christmas memory as a child. It has to be about a gift right? Also has anyone ever mentioned the in between period being a young adult where nobody wants any gifts from you?" A very confusing time... The Bois wrap up the episode by discussing our favorite Christmas movies of all time. PS. Any Charlie Brown holiday movie should be aired on TV every year for the rest of eternity. It should not be able to be monopolized to one streaming service its an absolute ABOMINATION! Looking for more? If you like this episode, you can check out . If you would like to support the show, take a look at our Also, with Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Cheers!
Chocolate Truffle Stout
Chocolate Truffle Stout
Drink Of The Week Today on the tenth episode of Season 3 on the Bois & Bar Talk podcast, the Drink Of The Week is Chocolate Truffle Stout by Hamden, CTs own Thomas Hooker Brewing Co. Beer Advocate describes this beer as a "sweet stout that is made in collaboration with Connecticut's favorite chocolatier, Munson's Chocolate(Avon, CT). Copious amounts of oat malt produce a silky, full bodied beer laced with hints of roast and chocolate derived from dark malts. Each sip ends with a mild chocolate bitterness from Munson's proprietary cocoa powder, added generously to the brew. To round out this beer, we add several pounds of cocoa nibs at the end of fermentation to provide a fresh chocolate aroma. How We Rated Chocolate Truffle Stout Rob’s Rating: 6.9/10 Kev’s Rating: 6.9/10 Chocolate Truffle Stout Show Notes On the 10th episode of Season 3 we celebrated our 50th total episode two years into the process. We get into the holiday spirit while drinking a Chocolate Truffle Stout thinking it was a festive choice. We touched on some of the best and worst Christmas presents we would receive during our childhood while also referencing reddit for some other experiences. It wouldn't be right if we didn't get side tracked and take a X rated turn during this special holiday edition episode touching on subjects not meant for adolescent ears! We go into adult gifts exchanged during our recent Secret Santa. Then we go into the value of socks as a present on Christmas. Looking for more? If you like this episode, you can check out . If you would like to support the show, take a look at our With Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Cheers!
Drink Of The Week Today on the ninth episode of Season 3 on the Bois & Bar Talk podcast, the Drink Of The Week is Choconaut Imperial Porter by Firefly Hollow Brewing out of Bristol, CT. describes Choconaut as a dark, full bodied, and seductive, Imperial Porter. Which is brewed with loads of chocolate malt, roasted barley, black, and crystal malts. It has flavors of creamy chocolate, coffee, and dark caramel blended together with a subtle nuttiness of the Ecuadorian Cacao nibs. How We Rated Choconaut Rob’s Rating: 8.4/10 Kev’s Rating: 7.6/10 Choconaut Show Notes On this episode of Bois & Bar Talk we started off by talking about TGE/Thanksgiving and our usual festivities (getting drunk) and what has changed because of the Covid-19 pandemic. We discuss cutting lines for the big TGE events with overwhelming confidence. Then we spoke about our favorite Thanksgiving foods and which ones we actually hate. Somehow we segued to life goals, and setting up charities/non-profits once a person becomes wealthy enough. Of course we had to bring up the classic Marshawn Lynch video talking to Richard Sherman about giving back to their own communities. We wrap up the show by discussing how, as a successful/wealthy adult, can ride the line of giving to your future children but also not spoiling them rotten. How would you? Looking for more? If you like this episode, you can check out . If you would like to support the show, take a look at our With Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Cheers!
Candles Out
Candles Out
Drink Of The Week Today on the eighth episode of Season 3 on the Bois & Bar Talk podcast, the Drink of the week is Candles Out brewed by Charter Oak Brewery located in Danbury, CT. On Charter Oaks website they describe Candles Out as "medium bodied that has a citrus aroma and flavor". It’s a big NEIPA and is a hazy and hop monster, yet easy drink’r and actually very well balanced". Although Charter Oak described it this way, we didn't really agree and felt that it wasn't really a true New England IPA compared to others we've tasted. It lacked a certain "juicy" flavor that normally comes with the name NEIPA. While it was described as a limited release with strong citrus, we agreed it tasted more like the peel of an orange rather than the juice. Not any disrespect towards Charter Oak, but it was nice trying it. However, we would skip past it next time at the store. How We Rated Candles Out Rob’s Rating: 5.7/10 Kev’s Rating: 6.0/10 Candles Out Show Notes On this episode of Bois & Bar Talk the Bois decided to pull up a tier list and rank different types of cereals. Usually we don't disagree on much but this tier list got the argument juices flowing. Rob and Kev go back and forth about the ranking positions of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Captain Crunch, Trix and others. For some reason, many tier lists have S being the best grade over A. We like using this method as well. Also whats the best way to eat cereal? Dry, Soggy, or a mixture of both? After being side tracked by that argument we had to go into a speed round in the last few minutes of the podcast and we even ran out of time! It was a passionate discussion. Looking for more? If you like this episode, you can check out . If you would like to support the show, take a look at our With Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks! Cheers!
Drink Of The Week Today on the seventh episode of Season 3 on the Bois & Bar Talk podcast, the Drink of the week is B-Side crafted by New Britain's own Alvarium Brewery. According to , B-Side utilizes Idaho 7, Azacca, and Simcoe hops for a delicate and multilayered drinking experience. Soft tropical fruit, mango, citrus and pine flavors combined, give B-Side a delightful taste, clocking in at a 4.9% ABV. It’s a sweet blonde ale that we had no problem drinking in the middle of November. Rob’s Rating: 7.8/10 Kev’s Rating: 8.4/10 How We Rated B-Side After The Bois rated B-Side, we got into a conversation about bugs and the fear of certain species such as spiders. Arachnophobia is common among people, while some have it worse than others. But what is it that makes spiders so terrifying? We started playing a free game on Game Pass, Grounded on the Xbox One. Grounded is a survival game which is still testing in beta where you play as kids who shrunk themselves (sort of like Honey I Shrunk The Kids). The objective is to survive in the garden, fighting against nature including “giant” ladybugs, ants, and dreaded spiders. We raised the question: What ever happened to those tiny electrical zaps on the tips of our fingers? In theory, it has to stem from the fact that carpets were left behind in most houses. As kids we used to charge up the shock by rubbing our feet on the carpet and poke somebody else. It's been completely forgotten about over time. B-Side Show Notes If you like this episode, you can check out . And if you would like to support the show, take a look at our With Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks. Cheers!