Defeating deep state crime lies with state laws
Defeating deep state crime lies with state laws
The federal government, back in campaign season, put out word that violent crime in America was down -- and not just by a little, but by quite a bit. The government put out this word because that's what the FBI said to be true. So Kamala Harris and Joe Biden and all the Democrats and the leftist boot-lickers in the media went on a concerted journey to tell how Donald Trump was lying when he said crime in America was up, up, up, and also how lucky Americans were to have a president like Biden who actually lowered crime around the nation. Then the FBI's revised statistics came out and voila, suddenly it was seen: Trump was right. Crime was up, up, up. Violent crime had risen under Biden. And all the deep staters went, whoops! Democrats and deep state players will always pretend like crime falls under their watch, even when it's oh-so-untrue. But states don't have to rely on the feds to provide border security and crime-fighting tools to ensure their communities are safe from criminals. As Christopher Holton, a senior analyst with Center for Security Policy says, states can do a lot right now to make sure criminals aren't committing crimes in their local communities. Tune in for the recommendations.