Crossfit Mudtown: Jacki Rodgers
Crossfit Mudtown: Jacki Rodgers
Today we’re taking a more nuanced approach and we’re going to hear some thoughts specifically on the subject of fitness. The longer I live the more I am convinced that fitness has the ability to change so much more than just our physical bodies. It affects our minds, our relationships, our confidence, our sleep, our grit, our energy levels, our focus. There aren’t a whole lot of areas in our lives that aren’t touched by how we take care of our physical bodies. To help me talk through this subject I have recruited my dear friend and coach, Jacki Rodgers. Jacki is a co-owner at Crossfit Mudtown in Birmingham, Alabama and she is a force to be reckoned with. She’s loud, insanely energetic and has a huge personality. As a coach she’ll kick your butt when you need it and if you work out with her, she’ll kick your butt there, as well. She’s also incredibly compassionate and cares deeply about each and every person that steps foot into her gym. How do you know if this episode is for you? We discussed: The truth about our why we limit ourselves and what to do about it The power of fitness to transform our lives Why mindset is so important and how to train it for maximum effectiveness The humble necessity of caring for others and allowing others to care for us