7: The Owl Convention is in Town
7: The Owl Convention is in Town
New, edited episode Thursday, April 12. We finally reach Hogwarts in the seventh episode of Books & Cleverness, although we're not through the doors quite yet. First, however, we have two stories for Potterwatch. First, we discuss what the casting of Callum Turner as Theseus Scamander means for the Fantastic Beasts movies, and whether he's a good match. We also talk about Pottermore's Book Club announcement. We have two questions for In the Common Room. First we talk about what pets we would have brought to Hogwarts (Archer isn't allowed to bring all of hers). Then we talk about whether we'd still go to Hogwarts if our owls arrived today (and under what circumstances we wouldn't go). In Chapter 6, "The Journey to Platform 9 and 3/4," we follow Harry as he returns to the Dursleys and finds his way to King's Cross. He meets some interesting and important people who help him onto the platform and form the basis for his support for the rest of the books. He also buys entirely too much candy. Hagrid escorts the first years across the lake, and we're left on the doorstep yet again. Finally, our first recurring Recurring Segment! In Ugh, Pottermore, we talk about two entries on Pottermore, the first about the Hogwarts Express and its origins, and the second about the platform. Does Archer hate this entry as much as the rest we've talked about? You'll have to listen to find out. Join us next week to finally, finally reach Hogwarts and see where Harry gets Sorted. You can find us at: Jackie: Archer: Brigid: Music: Moonlight Hall Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License