Cultivating Your Planted Roots to Thrive
Cultivating Your Planted Roots to Thrive
When we were kids, we begin to discover what we like doing. Eventually, it becomes our passion as our parents help us grow through playdates and workshops. Once we get to know what we love doing, we pursue more about it by gaining experiences such as joining competitions and attending classes. These planted roots need to be cultivated as we grow because our environment also changes. Through preparation, self-awareness, failing forward, discipline and motivation, we’ll be able to keep going as we thrive and succeed in our endeavors. This week, Kison interviews Daniela Ruah, an American-Portuguese actress, where they discussed the importance of knowing how to help oneself develop and grow to thrive and reach success. They also touch on the following: Gaining preparation through classes and other’s experiences Being aware of your strengths and things to improve on Using failures as a stepping stone to move forward and step up Knowing how motivation and discipline work together Follow BossMove on all socials: