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Boys In The Cave

Reviving Islamic Discourse. A Muslim Podcast Facilitating Intellectual Discourse & Dialogue with Academics, Activists, Shaykhs & Influencers from all around the world.

info_outline Episode 121 - Hikmah Medicine, Trauma Therapy & Holistic Spiritual Healing | Dr. Mazen Atassi 09/07/2024
info_outline Episode 120 - New Age Spirituality, Masculinity & Religious Obsessive Compulsive Disorder | Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra 08/17/2024
info_outline Episode 119 - Mohammed Hijab, Andrew Tate, Dawah Bro Simps, Racism, Far-Right & UK Riots | Kaleem Bullivant 08/12/2024
info_outline Episode 118 - Language of Resistance, Communal Islam & The Nation of Islam | Brother Ali 08/01/2024
info_outline Episode 117 - Comprehensive Analysis of the Bangladesh Student Quota Protests 07/29/2024
info_outline Episode 116 - Escaping Capitalist Mysticism & The Pitfalls of Western Psychology | Seyed Jamaluddin Miri 07/12/2024
info_outline Episode 115 - Spirituality, Artistry & Islamic Calligraphy | Ustadh Rizwan Ahmed Khan 06/29/2024
info_outline Episode 114 - Sufis & Politics of the Mughal Empire | Professor Richard M. Eaton 06/03/2024
info_outline Episode 113 - Metaphysical Reality & Quranic Truths | Mohammed Isaaq 12/30/2023
info_outline Episode 112 - Palestine, Narratives & Alliances | Dr. Uthman Badar 11/16/2023
info_outline Episode 111 - Palestine, Oppression & Navigating Political Discourse | Dr. Yassir Morsi 11/08/2023
info_outline Episode 110 - Salvation, Martin Luther & Christian Theology | Abdullah Kunde 02/22/2023
info_outline Episode 109 - Path of Empathy, Anger & Unconscious Behaviours | Tanzim 10/29/2022
info_outline Episode 108 - Political Figures of Hindustan, Decolonising the Mind & Reflections | Tanzim, Josh & Rafael 07/31/2022
info_outline Episode 107 - Is Decolonisation Possible Without Love? Healing In A Secular World | Mohamad Tabbaa 06/13/2022
info_outline Episode 106 - Jihad, Caravan Raids & The Jews of Medina | Professor Joel Hayward 05/31/2022
info_outline Episode 105 - The Legacy of The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ | Shaykh Mohammad Elshinawy 05/25/2022
info_outline Episode 104 - Is Islam Political & Spiritual? | Tanzim & Rafael 04/19/2022
info_outline Episode 103 - Why Do Good People Go To Hell? | Tanzim & Rafael 03/17/2022
info_outline Episode 102 - China, Authoritarianism & The Uyghurs | Arslan Hidayat 02/19/2022
info_outline Episode 101 - The Cultural Imperative of Islam, The Metaphysical Dimension & The Trad Bros | Roundtable 01/29/2022
info_outline Episode 100 - Issues with Mohammed Hijab - Jordan Peterson Podcast & Khabibian Dawah | Roundtable 12/18/2021
info_outline Episode 99 - Impacts of Activism, Representation in Media & Politics of Sport | Ryma Tchier 12/13/2021
info_outline Episode 98 - Ibn Hazm, The Unconscious Mind & Love | Rafael & Tanzim 11/28/2021
info_outline Episode 97 - Islamic Bioethics, Gene Editing & Linguistics | Heraa Hashmi 11/13/2021
info_outline Episode 96 - Post-9/11 World, War on Terror & Travelling Home | Dr. Yassir Morsi 09/12/2021
info_outline Episode 95 - Narcissism, Healing & Red Flags | Naureen Ahmed 08/30/2021
info_outline Episode 94 - Political Future for Islam, Biblical Scriptures, William Lane Craig & The Mujassima | Abdullah Kunde 08/15/2021
info_outline Episode 93 - The Akh-Right, LGBTQ & Liberalism | Asadullah Ali 08/01/2021
info_outline Episode 92 - Capitalism, Structural Racism & Political Reading of The Seerah | Tanzim & Josh 07/18/2021