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Brain Engager's Podcast

Many of us can get past the trauma we have experienced, a few of us are held back by it as well. I am not some saint who will save you. I am someone who wants to hear you. Why? We truly understand, we are like you. My brain injury impacted me in many ways, bad and not so bad. It has left me with Aphasia. It interferes with my ability to clearly communicate thoughts, express them and receive them. However I am so much more than a brain injury survivor. That is not all of who I am and I will not allow myself to be limited to such a tiny moment of life. I have had so many more impactful moments before, AND after, my injury that I will not go gently into that good night. So I'm asking you to join me in raging against the dying of our inner light. Let us all raise our voices to sing about who we now are regardless of who we used to be.

info_outline Episode Four: A Brutally Honest Confession - Aimless and Lost 01/12/2022
info_outline Episode Three: Some Philosophical Reflection of a Survivor 12/27/2021
info_outline Episode Two: You Climbed That Mountain 12/23/2021
info_outline Episode One - Let our journey begin 12/20/2021