Jesus, The Sustainer | Paul Laso | John 6:22–34
Jesus, The Sustainer | Paul Laso | John 6:22–34
Summary “From the beginning of the Gospel, Jesus has been intimately connected to God (cf. 1:1), and the previous pericope gave a vivid demonstration of the unity of God and Jesus, the “I am” in the burning bush and on the sea. As much as this pericope completes the larger picture of chapter 6, it also propels the Gospel’s narrative forward, forcing us to confront the person of Jesus as the fullness of God. Jesus has confessed dramatically His true identity; He will now challenge his interested followers to see if they are willing to accept him as he truly is.” - Edward Klink Key Takeaways Main Idea: Jesus, as the true bread of life, calls us to believe and pursue Him. (1) Jesus is who we pursue and believe (15, 26–29) We set aside our agenda and pursue Him We set aside temporary satisfaction for Him We set aside our misguided pursuits and believe in Him (2) Jesus demonstrates that He is the greater bread (30–33) God is the giver of true bread God provided Jesus to give eternal life