Brains Matter is Back From Hiatus
Brains Matter is Back From Hiatus
Hi listeners! As you would have noticed, the Brains Matter podcast has been on a bit of a hiatus over the past year and you haven’t heard much from the show. If you’ve wondered why, well there’s been a combination of factors, from technical issues to funding issues, and in amongst this all was a dispute with a Chinese company who tried to hijack my domain name and a few other wrangles. The Ordinary Guy in February But perhaps the main factor has been several health related events – I’ve had to rush (or be rushed myself) to the Emergency Department four times in the past year for family members and as you can all appreciate, these things have taken precedence. Hopefully I haven’t lost too many listeners, but I do plan on getting back to my regular output soon. I look forward to hearing from you all and thank you for your support. OG