Brand On Fire Podcast
I’m your host, Jessica Krewson, and each week I’ll be answering all of your burning questions on building your personal brand, getting visible, and showing up as the authentic, powerful YOU... in business and in life! You can also look forward to candid conversations with incredibly knowledgeable, inspiring, and influential women who have created powerful personal brands and have expertise in topics you MUST know to build YOUR powerful empire. I am excited for you to show up, get visible and be the real you so that your audience can't wait to be in your stratosphere. Gone is the era of working hard and being a taskmaster. Having an authentic brand is the way to building an influential vortex so your audience becomes obsessed with what you're up to. AND it gets to be fun, simple, and maybe even a little alchemical! Let's get this party started! (Description by Jessica Krewson)