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brandyoueconomy's podcast

Brand You Economy with Patty E. Entertains, Educates and Empowers YOU to Get Out of the 9 to 5 Corporate Grind and Break Out To Be the Person You Were Always Meant To Be. Get motivated with inspiring stories and actionable advice from Today’s Most Influential and Successful Online Entrepreneurs who learned how to Leverage their Life’s Purpose into creating and building their own businesses in Today’s BRAND YOU ECONOMY.

info_outline The Making of A Super Soul ComeBack 07/05/2016
info_outline The Gift of Closure BYE BYE 2015 12/31/2015
info_outline How "Live Streaming" Is Taking Brands To The New Levels 09/18/2015
info_outline The Story Behind Podcast Movement 07/24/2015
info_outline Create A Kick-Butt Civilian Life with Bill Nowicki 07/17/2015
info_outline BYE024-Happy Independence Day First Birthday Celebration 07/03/2015
info_outline BYE023-Taking The Leap of Faith with Niel Guilarte 06/26/2015
info_outline Why You Should Read To Lead with Jeff Brown 06/19/2015
info_outline Leveraging Credibility with Your Brand with Shannon J. Hernandez 05/29/2015
info_outline How To Take Your Next Step Next 05/22/2015
info_outline BYE 019: Living Happy Inside Out with Maura Sweeney 04/03/2015
info_outline Are You Living Or Existing with Kimanzi Constable 03/27/2015
info_outline BYE 017: The Cosmic Alignment Advantage 03/20/2015
info_outline BEING REAL RISKY & RAW with Nicole Welch 02/27/2015
info_outline BYE 015: Affirmations To Jumpstart Your Heart, Mind and Soul 02/20/2015
info_outline BYE 014 - 5 Actionable Steps To Living A Life w/Intention 02/13/2015
info_outline BYE 013 New Year's Resolutions Are So 2008 12/26/2014
info_outline BYE010ItsAllAboutTheSideHustlewithNickLoper.mp3 09/12/2014
info_outline BYE009OvercomingSelfDoubtwithJaredEasley.mp3 09/05/2014
info_outline BYE008InvestInYourself.mp3 08/15/2014
info_outline BYE007TakingLifeHeadOnwithHalElrod.mp3 08/01/2014
info_outline BYE006QuotesThatMakeYouGoHmm.mp3 07/25/2014
info_outline BYE005FollowTheDreamWithLouMongello.mp3 07/17/2014
info_outline BYE001HelloWorld.mp3 07/03/2014
info_outline BYE004TakingIttotheNextLevelwithCliffRavenscraft.mp3 07/02/2014
info_outline BYE003PreparetoIngitewithJohnLeeDumas.mp3 07/02/2014
info_outline BYE 002- Let Go with Pat Flynn .mp3 07/02/2014