BRAVE with Pastor Jeff Schwarzentraub
BRAVE with Jeff Schwarzentraub is a daily and weekend 25-minute radio program, a ministry of BRAVE Church in Denver, Colorado. Pastor Jeff is steadfast in his conviction that God loves building His church and is saving, maturing and multiplying BRAVE disciples of Jesus Christ. Each and every day, Pastor Jeff invites listeners to become BRAVE disciples. He describes BRAVE like this ... “First, we’re bold in our faith. Next we’re resolute in our identity as followers of Christ. Third, we’re authentic in our relationships. Fourth, virtuous in personal character. And finally, we’re engaged in the mission God has assigned to us. That’s BRAVE!” Jeff is the founder and lead pastor of BRAVE Church, which began with a handful of people in 2010 and now welcomes 1,800 people to its two Denver-area campuses in Englewood and Broomfield. Jeff is also the founder and president of BRAVE Global, which houses a premier year-long internship for young men, an accredited seminary, and a four-month church-planting residency for lead pastors. The goal of BRAVE Global is to train and send men around the world to plant churches and make disciples for the glory of God.