BreakForthJourneys's podcast
Break Forth Journeys brings you on a free Christian tour to the Lands of the Bible. Each episode brings you right to the places where prophets, priests, kings, apostles and of course, our Messiah, Jesus walked. As the message unfolds you hear the living sounds of the very environment around our speaker and you’ll be transported to the very place and time. These messages have been recorded right on site during our trips to the lands of the Bible. We bring you messages right from Israel, Jordan, Turkey, Greece and beyond. Between our main speaker, Rev Hans Weichbrodt and your hosts, Arlen & Elsa Salte, they have brought thousands to the Lands of the Bible. Grow in your faith and love for the scriptures as thousands have with us before. We also share a Holy Land Travel tip each episode so if you’re planning to take a tour to the Lands of The Bible, you’ll be better prepared. We want to bring you along on a spiritual journey of a lifetime from the comfort of your own home, your car or wherever else in the world you may be. We truly want to be a blessing to you. And in turn, we pray that you’ll go out and be a blessing to others. For more information and a free Pilgrim book, visit