Fatherhood Friday Interview w/ Geoff Smith - Being Present, Embracing Your Village, and Handling Snack Time
Fatherhood Friday Interview w/ Geoff Smith - Being Present, Embracing Your Village, and Handling Snack Time
Fatherhood Friday looks at parenthood through the lens of leadership. Being a Dad has many challenges and many victories, which is parallel to all aspects of life. The Dads that I interview haven't written a book on fatherhood and don't have a phD in child development. They are every day Dads from all walks of life and many different family makeups. For this Fatherhood Friday we are joined by Geoff Smith, father of a 5 year old daughter. Geoff wasn't sure how his "fly by the seat of his pants" lifestyle would work being a new Dad. Before fatherhood, I ran into Geoff one day and I asked him what he was up to..."Oh, flying to Argentina tomorrow, rented an apartment for 3 months and hired a Spanish teacher". This was a common occurrence with Geoff, always doing something out of the ordinary at a moments notice. This is why I wanted the first Fatherhood Friday interview to be with Geoff - how was this guy going to adapt to being a father? Well, he is a kick ass Dad and we are lucky for him to share his experiences with us. A couple of nuggets the Geoff shared with us... - A new self awareness - The importance of your village helping to raise your child - Put down your phone and be present - How he now sees his parents Enjoy!