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Brief Insights

Brief Insights is a podcast about the lives of ordinary people. Civilisation is more divided than ever. Through brief audio snippets, or "insights", we hope to help people understand the daily joys, tragedies, and banalities of their fellow citizens, in order to bring society closer together. Please listen, enjoy, and learn.

info_outline Episode 25: President Porcelain & The Patron Princess Of P45s 06/23/2021
info_outline Episode 24: Pandora's Toolbox 10/07/2020
info_outline Special: Isolation Madness (We Shouldn't(?)) 06/27/2020
info_outline Episode 23: The Shepherd & The Cottager 05/31/2020
info_outline Episode 22: The P.V.A.P.C. vs The F.P.A.A.P.C. 04/06/2020
info_outline Episode 21: Bring Your Child to Work Day 02/27/2020
info_outline Xmas 2019: To Jesus, Happy Birthday! Love Seb x 12/20/2019
info_outline Episode 20: Liberty X Shall Rise Again 12/13/2019
info_outline Episode 19: A Swift Punch to the Coccyx 11/18/2019
info_outline Episode 18: Postcards from Stevenage 11/03/2019
info_outline Episode 17: Three Cheese Sauce 10/06/2019
info_outline Episode 16: A Loose Handful of Raisins 06/14/2019
info_outline Episode 15: A Particularly Large Speed Bump 06/01/2019
info_outline Episode 14: Out of the Stationary Cupboard & Into the Fire 05/24/2019
info_outline Episode 13: Tray Table Powwow 05/17/2019
info_outline Episode 12: Bumhole Treason 04/19/2019
info_outline Episode 11: Tight Men & Asynchronous Harmonics 04/12/2019
info_outline Episode 10: The Butcher of Beccles 04/06/2019
info_outline Episode 9: Little Tommy Tattle & The Guardians of Time 03/30/2019
info_outline Episode 8: Showbiz War 03/23/2019
info_outline Episode 7: Bin Day 03/16/2019
info_outline Episode 6: The Pied Piper of Guilty Town 03/09/2019
info_outline Episode 5: My Heart it Calls to You 03/02/2019
info_outline Episode 4: Prusk's Rule of Seven 02/22/2019
info_outline Episode 3: Lies, Scandals, and Baked Beans 02/15/2019
info_outline Episode 2: Urban Chess 02/09/2019
info_outline Episode 1: Wigwam Pass 02/02/2019